Welcome to Sulsoft
Erp solution for factory operations we undertake development of desktop applications and web-based applications for techno-commercial activities in industries. we have considered following general areas, however any other area can be easily added as required by the client. Also customization of the application will be done as per client’s individual needs. desk-top applications are made using micro soft access for front end and back end both. Web-based applications are made using php-mysql and java script platform. areas of application:- this application will cover activities in following departments 1. Stores 2. Materials 3. Production 4. Quality assurance 5. Invoicing 6. Processing 7. Stock statements 8. Salary and wages 9. Purchase bill booking and passing 10.accounts and hr
Arun Sule
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Service Provider
Annual Turnover
Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.