Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Spherometer, Flowmeter, Balance Hydrostatic, Gyroscope and U-tube Manometer.
With brass dial head 40 mm dia, divided in 100 Div. resting vertical scale 10-0-10mm. Frame with three accurately positioned steel legs. Separation approx. 40 mm
For demonstration of pressure gradient along a uniform bore ? tube. Tapered glass vessel with spherical glass float and right angled inlet and outlet, complete with pressure gradient tube 65 cm long, 8 mm O.D. with four 65 mm long side tubes for connection to 250 mm long manometer tubes. Complete with rubber tubing for connecting manometer tubes.
This is a basic general purpose balance for students, the hangers have double hooks for specific gravity experiments, and the pans are detachable. Finished in durable black enamel with chrome plated fitting and mounted on nicely polished heavy wooden base provided with leveling screws.
To demonstrate precession of a spinning body. The Gyroscope unit contains one rotating thick metallic wheel having diameter 55mm with in a ring and this ring having diameter 65mm, and both are mounted on semicircle ring having diameter 90mm. The semicircle ring is clamped on a steel rod with round base having diameter 110mm.
Made of 8 mm dia glass U-tube mounted on a stand. Scale calibrated from 250-0-250 mm in 1mm div.
a. U Tube without stop cockb. U Tube with stop cock.
Made of a copper vessel with an internal perforated porous shelf. Porous pot 150x50mrn and a zinc rod 150xl2mm dia. Each of zinc rod and copper vessel is provided with terminals Daniel Cell Spares:
Porous Pot 150 x 50mm EE - 556/1Zinc Rod EE - 556/2
This instrument is designed to make an elementary study or optically active substances. The polarimeter consists of two polaroids (polariser and analyser), a nessler's cylinder as a solution tube, a (12V, 21Watt) lamp, a rotatable mirror (to use external light source) and a circular scale (graduated in degrees) at the top to make the measurements.