We offer premium quality Numex & PIC Brand Batch Coders that are available for various surfaces and different shapes and sizes to meet different demands of our huge clientele, widely used for stamping permanent prints. The Batch Coders offered by us fulfills your requirements in normal as well as nylo dot matrix fonts for printing Batch No., Pkd., Exp., M.R.P, Net wt., Qty., Size etc. These Batch coder can print on any surface like flat, round, curved, bottom etc., can print on any product like bottles & jars, pouches, labels, laminated cartons, tins etc., can print on porous & non porous surfaces. These are available in Metal, Pastable Nylon & Grooved Hard rubber Fonts. Variants Manual Batch Coder Flatex Curvex Cupex Bottlex Outer Pack Markers Online Conveyor Intermittent Coder Handy Marker for printing on laminated cartons, poly sacs, metal plates etc, font size 8, 10, 12, 14, & 25mm