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Laboratory Apparatus

Our offered Product range includes Fire Retardant Test Apparatus, Fire Survival Test Apparatus as Per BS, Fire Survival Test Apparatus, Hot Set Test Apparatus and Hot Set Test Apparatus (SS Scale Model).

Fire Retardant Test Apparatus

  • Grade ASTM D 2863
  • Brand Name SSI
  • Lead Time 4-6 weeks
  • Oxygen Readout Digital 0 to 100%, LC 0.1%
  • Port New Delhi
  • Usage Testing
  • Oxygen Analyzer Paramagnatic Dumb Bell Cell
  • Packaging Details Will be packed in two wooden Boxes.
  • Place of Origin Delhi, India
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Fire Survival Test Apparatus As Per BS

  • Suitable For : Protocol C , W and Z as per BS 6387:2013
  •   : Categories F2 / F30 / F60 and F120 as per BS 7846:2009
  • Test Chamber : Single walled chamber 3m x 3m x 3m (Optional)
  • Burner (For Protocol C) : 610 mm Long Tube Type Burner
  • Burner (For Protocol W and Z) : 500 mm Long Ribbon Type Burner
  • Burner Control : Using Flow Meter and Pressure Regulator for Air and Gas
  • Sample Stand : Made of SS with 5 rings to support the sample during the test.
  • Burner Stand : 200 mm above the test bench
  • Flame Temperature : Monitored using tow K type thermocouple
  • Transformer : 3 Phase variable power supply of 1KV capacity
  • Fuse Box : 2 Amps Fuse box for 3 Phases and Neutral
  • Tripping System : Individual Tripping System for 3 Phases, Neutral and Earth
  • Load Bank : To Indicate continuity of 3 phases, Neutral and Earth

Model Number: SSI 512 FSBS

Standard Number: BS 6387 : 2013 , BS 7846 : 2009 , BS 8491 : 2008

This instrument is designed to testing cables required to maintain circuit integrity when subject to fire alone where the test conditions is based upon a flame with a controlled heat output corresponding to a temperature of up to 950oC.

Instrument Principle

This instrument is designed to testing cables for resistance to fire of cable required to maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions. The instrument is applicable to cables of rated voltage not exceeding 600/1000 V and of overall diameter less than or equal to 20mm (as perBS 6387) and diameter exceeding 20mm (as per BS 7846).

The instrument is designed

Test cables under three protocols as per BS 6387:2013, BS 7846:2009 and BS 8491:2008for

Protocol C: subject the cable under test to a flame via direct impingement corresponding to a temperature attach of 950oC

Protocol W: subject the cable under test to a flame via direct impingement corresponding to a temperature attach of 650oC with direct application of water simulating a sprinkler system.

Protocol Z: subject the cable under test to a flame via direct impingement corresponding to a temperature attach of 950oC with indirect application of mechanicalshock.

Category F2: Resistance to Fire, Resistance to fire with water, resistance to Fire with Mechanical Shock assessed separately as per BS 6387

Category F30: Resistance to Fire with direct mechanical impact and water assessed in combination when tested as per BS 8491:2008 for 30 min

Category F60: Resistance to Fire with direct mechanical impact and water assessed in combination when tested as per BS 8491:2008 for 60 min.

Category F120: Resistance to Fire with direct mechanical impact and water assessed in combination when tested as per BS 8491:2008 for120 min.

The instrument can be bought as complete unit or can be bought as piece meal as per customer requirement.


The Instrument Consist of

Burner (for Protocol C) : TubeType LPG / propane gas burner. Overall length of the nozzle is 610mm.
Burner (for Protocol W and Z) :Ribbon Type LPG / propane gas burner. Overall length of the nozzle is500mm.
Burner Control: With double variable flow meters (Rotometer).Rotometers range is : 95+/- 5 LPM, gas flow range is : 10 +/- 0.5 LPM. Two Pressure Gauges of 0-60psi will be provided to control the input pressure for Air and Gas.
Flame Temperature: Adjustable up to 950+/- 50oC using the flow control.
Temperature Calibration :Two MI thermocouples will be provided to calibrate the flame temperature (can be fitted in each jig)
Three Phase Transformer (up to 1 KV) with individual tripping system for all the three phases, Neutral and Earth.
Test Jigs for Test with Fire only : Sample stand complete with SS rings and sample holder for Test with Fire only as per BS 6387:2013
Test Jigs for Test with Fire with Mechincal Shock : Sample stand complete hammer to produce mechanical shock during test for Test with Fire with mechanical shock as per BS 6387:2013
Test Jigs for Test with Fire with water sprinkler : Sample stand complete water sprinkler to sprinkle water on the samle during fire test as per BS 6387:2013
Test Jig for Test with Direct Machanical Shock in combination of water jet as per BS 8491:2008
Load bank to indicate the line continuity for three phases, Neutral and Earth
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Fire Survival Test Apparatus

  • Suitable For Protocol C , W and Z as per BS 6387
  • Test Chamber Single walled chamber 3m x 3m x 3m (Optional)
  • Burner (For Protocol C) 610 mm Long Tube Type Burner
  • Burner (For Protocol W and Z) 500 mm Long Ribbon Type Burner
  • Burner Control Using Flow Meter and Pressure Regulator for Air and Gas
  • Sample Stand Made of SS with 5 rings to support the sample during the test.
  • Burner Stand 200 mm above the test bench
  • Flame Temperature Monitored using tow K type thermocouple
  • Transformer 3 Phase variable power supply of 1KV capacity
  • Fuse Box 2 Amps Fuse box for 3 Phases and Neutral
  • Tripping System Individual Tripping System for 3 Phases, Neutral and Earth
  • Load Bank To Indicate continuity of 3 phases, Neutral and Earth

This instrument is designed to testing cables required to maintain circuit integrity when subject to fire alone where the test conditions is based upon a flame with a controlled heat output corresponding to a temperature of up to 950oC.

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Hot Set Test Apparatus

  • Model SSI 521 HSSS (Hot Set Test Apparatus with Stainless Steel Scales)
  • Chamber 300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer Chamber MS / GI
  • Temperature Range Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Temperature Control Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatus is designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow.

Model :SSI 521 HSSS (Hot Set Test Apparatus with Stainless Steel Scales)
Chamber : 300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
Chamber Construction : Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer Chamber MS / GI
Temperature Range : Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
Temperature Control :Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2
Samples : 2 Samples can be tested at one time
Weight : 2 Sets of Hanger and Weights are provided
Elongation Measurement : 2 Dial Gauges are provided to measure the sample Elongation
Delivery :3 to 4 weeks
Packing :One Wooden Box
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Hot Set Test Apparatus (SS Scale Model)

  • Model : SSI 521 HSSS (Hot Set Test Apparatus with Stainless Steel Scales)
  • Chamber :  300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction :  Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer Chamber MS / GI
  • Temperature Range :  Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Temperature Control : Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2
  • Samples :  2 Samples can be tested at one time
  • Weight :  2 Sets of Hanger and Weights are provided
  • Elongation Measurement :  2 Dial Gauges are provided to measure the sample Elongation
  • Delivery  : 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 521 HSSS

Standard Number: IS; 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3)IS: 10810 (Pt. 30)

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatus is designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow.

Instrument Principle

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatusis designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow, as specified in IS: 7098.


The instrument conformsIS 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3), IS: 10810 (Pt.30)


A double walled cabinet with inside chamber of stainless steel

Inner dimensions of the chamber are 30 cm x 50 cm 20cm (W x H x D).

Full view glass Door to observe the specimen under test.

Temp. Range 250 2oC. at sensor point.

Theoven is designed to give 8 to 20 air changes per hour.

An air flow meter (Rota meter) is fitted to control and monitor the airflow rate.Range 0- 10 LPM, LC-0.5 LPM

Grips are provided at the top of the oven to hang specimen/s.

Suitable weights up to 1 kg are provided with provision to attach theweights to one end of the test pieces.

Two Stainless Steel Scales are provided for elongation measurement

A blade is provided in the oven to cut the sample to remove the tensile force without opening the door.

The sample is hanged using the grips inside the Hot Set Oven along with the weights for 15 mins. The sample starts to elongate due to heat. The elongation of the sample is measured using Dial Gauges. The sample is then cut to evaluate the permanent set.

Difference between Hot Air Oven and Hot Set Oven

The test requirement is 8 to 20 air changes per hour, measured on a Flow Meter. According to IS standard, if the Oven does not have a regulated air supply, the oven is then termed as a Hot Air Oven and not a Hot Air Oven (as offered by some manufactures) and cannot be used for this kind of test

Also if normal oven is used for the test, the operator will have to open the front door to hang the samples, resulting in loss of temperature. As the test is only 15 mins, it will not be possible to regain the temperature. In our Hot Set oven, we use an especially designed Top Hanger which can be hanged from the top of the Hot Set Oven, without opening the front door. To achieve minimum loss of temperature, we provide two hanger assemblies. One is used as dummy that is used for achieving the desired temperature. In the meanwhile operator can assemble the sample, weights etc on the other hanger, which can be then put in the oven, just be replacing the dummy into the oven. This way the loss in temperature is not more than few degrees.

  • Air source to provide 8-20 air changes per hour, a compressor compressed air line of 4 to 10 liters min. is required. If this facility is not already available, a suitable air compressor may be purchased from us.
  • Sample Conditioning: The test specimens are required to be kept at a temperature of 27 2 deg C for a period of 16 hours, immediately before the test. If the conditioning chamber is not available with you, the same can be purchased from us.
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Limiting Oxygen Index (Digital Flow)

  • Voltage : Single Phase 220 V AC, 50 Hz (110 V, 60 Hz model is also available on request) 
  • Oxygen Analyzer : Paramagnetic Dumb Bell Cell
  • Oxygen Readout : Digital, 0 to 100% , LC 0.1%
  • Temperature : Ambient to 400oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Total Gas Flow Indicator : Digital, 0-20 LPM, LC 0.1  LPM
  • Temperature Control : PID Controller, +/- 1oC
  • Gas Flow Control : Imported Needle Valves 
  • Power Requirement : 1.5 KW (with heaters)
  • Delivery : 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing : Two Wooden Boxes (one for instrument and second for Glass Chimney) 

Model Number: SSI 515 LOIPMD

Standard Number: ASTM D 2863, IS 13501, BS 2782 Pt 141, ISO: 4589-2, ISO: 4589-3, NES 714, NES 715

Critical limiting Oxygen Indexapparatus is used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperature (up to 400oC) in HFTA mode

Instrument Principle

Critical limiting Oxygen Index apparatusis used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperature (up to 400oC) in HFTA mode.

In the limiting Oxygen Index Test Apparatus the sample is burned in the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, and the percentage of oxygen required just to support the flaming combustion is recorded through an imported Oxygen Analyzer, which gives direct oxygen readings.

The Limiting Oxygen Index Test apparatus also has a double walled test column of flame resistance glass of 75 mm dia. suitable for testing different size of samples in FTA or HFTA mode.

A digital temperature-indicating controller provided with the instrument controls the temperature for HFTA mode. The instrument is manufactured as per the ASTM specification and also conforms to various other international standards.


The instrument conforms to ASTM D- 2863, BS 2782 Pt 141, IS 13501, ISO 4589-2, ISO 4589-3, NES 714 and NES 715.

(Please note that the instruments conforms to these standards on broad terms. Please check all the specifications of the instrument against the required standard for further conformation)



The Critical Limiting Oxygen Index Test instrument comprises of

Paramagnetic DumbBell Oxygen Analyzer. (Permanent Sensor)

Double walled glass test column with two heaters, for sample heating and gas heating

Digital Temperature indicating controller.

Flow meters and valves

Readout for Oxygen: 0 to 100% Oxygen, LC: 0.1%

Readout for Temperature up to 400oC , LC : 0.1oC

Digital Total Gas Flow Indicator : 0 to 20 LPM, LC: 0.1 LPM

L Shaped LPG Burner to ignite the sample

Sample Holder and hanger

U shaped RTD PT 100 Temperature Sensor

The sample is ignited using the L shaped burner and oxygen % is adjusted till the sample starts to burn like a candle i.e. sustained burning without extinguishing or rapidly spreading the flame. The Sample should burn in this condition for at least 3 mins.

At higher temperature the requirement of Oxygen for combustion reduces. The environment around the sample is heated using double walled chimney with heaters for HFTA test. The procedure to determine the LOI remains the same as for ambient temperature. Reading are obtained for various temperatures and Oxygen % vs temperature graph is plotted.

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Thermal Stability Test

  • Temperature Ambient to 225oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Heating Dry Heating Using Electrical Heaters
  • Heating Medium Aluminum Block
  • Temperature Control PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 0.5oC
  • Display Using Touch screen HMI
  • Timer Inbuilt in HMI
  • Test Monitor Each Sample can be monitored in separate screen
  • Result The Thermal Stability Time can be stored along with Sample reference on Pen Drive.
  • Delivery 3 to 4 Weeks
  • Packing One Wooden Box

Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature.

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Cold Bend Test Apparatus

  • Model SSI 506 CBIS (Cold Bend Test apparatus as per IS)
  • Stand Construction Made of MS, hard chromed / Painted
  • Mandrels 4 Mandrels of 5, 10, 20, 30 mm Dia
  • Sample Rotation Manual
  • Delivery Packing

Cracks and deformation occur when the material is bend or wound under cold conditions. The apparatus is deigned to wound the cable samples on standardized mandrels under cold conditions.

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Thermal Stability Test Apparatus For PVC

  • Temperature : Ambient to 225oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Heating : Dry Heating Using Electrical Heaters
  • Heating Medium : Aluminum Block
  • Temperature Control : PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 0.5oC
  • Delivery : 3 to 4 Weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 501 TS

Standard Number: IS: 5831, IS: 10810 (Pt.60), IEC:540

Thermoplastics and PVC (Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature.

Instrument Principle

Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature. The basic principal is that the pH paper changes its color when it comes in contact with halogen gases, released by PVC and its compounds on heating at higher temperatures.


The Instrument is especially designed to suit the requirement ofIS: 5831, IS10810 (Pt 60), IEC 540


The instrument consists of

One solid Aluminum block used as the heating medium.
15 holes are drilled in the aluminum block for keeping the sample.
Specially designed embedded / Jacket heaters in the thermal block.
Digital Temperature Indicating Controller for precise setting & control of temperature.

Consumables like ph paper & test tubes are not part of the standard equipment and are available at extra cost. A stop watch has to be provided by the user.

The sample is put inside a glass test tube and the test tube is dipped into the per heated Thermal Block. A small piece of ph paper is attached to the test tube. The time of insertion of tube is noted down. As the PVC disintegrates, it release acidic fumes which changes the color of ph paper. The time of change of color is again noted down. Using these times, the thermal stability time is determined for the PVC sample

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Hot Set Test Apparatus (HMI Display)

  • Chamber :  300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction :  Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of SS, Outer Chamber MS / GI
  • Temperature Range :  Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Temperature Control :  Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2
  • Samples :  2 Samples can be tested at one time
  • Weight :  2 Sets of Hanger and Weights are provided
  • Elongation Measurement :  Ultrasonic / Laser pointers to Calculate the elongation
  • Delivery  : 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 521 HSH

Standard Number: IS 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3), IS: 10810 (Pt. 30)

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatusis designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armoured and unarmoured single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow.

Instrument Principle

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatusis designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow, as specified in IS: 7098.


The instrument conformsIS 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3), IS: 10810 (Pt.30)


A double walled cabinet with inside chamber of stainless steel

Inner dimensions of the chamber are 30 cm x 50 cm 20cm (W x H x D).

Full view glass Door to observe the specimen under test.

Temp. Range 250 2oC. at sensor point.

Theoven is designed to give 8 to 20 air changes per hour.

An Digital air flow meter is fitted to monitor the airflow rate. Range 0- 10 LPM, LC-0.1 LPM

Grips are provided at the top of the oven to hang specimen/s.

Suitable weights up to 1 kg are provided with provision to attach theweights to one end of the test pieces.

Two ultra sonic sensors combined with laser pointers are given on the front door.

Laser pointers are attached to facilitate the operator to take exact reading of the sample elongation.

A blade is provided in the oven to cut the sample to remove the tensile force without opening the door.

The sample is hanged using the grips inside the Hot Set Oven along with the weights for 15 mins. The sample starts to elongate due to heat. The elongation of the sample is measured using vernier calipers. The sample is then cut to evaluate the permanent set.

The temperature and timer are controlled by a PLC. After the time period is over, the HMI prompts the operator for elongation measurement.The operator points at the upper and lower marks placed on the sample, and the ultrasonic sensors will calculate the distance traveled and pass the information to the PLC. The PLC deduct the original length of the sample to calculate the final elongation. To cut the sample, the operator can press the button on the HMI to operate the blade to remove the tensile force without opening the door.

Difference between Hot Air Oven and Hot Set Oven :

The test requirement is 8 to 20 air changes per hour, measured on a Flow Meter.According to IS standard, if theOven does not have a regulated air supply, the oven is then termed as a Hot Air Oven and not a Hot Air Oven(as offered by some manufactures) and cannot be used for this kind of test.

Also if normal oven is used for the test, the operator will have to open the front door to hang the samples, resulting in loss of temperature. As the test is only 15 mins, it will not be possible to regain the temperature. In our Hot Set oven, we use anespecially designed Top Hangerwhich can be hanged from the top of the Hot Set Oven, without opening the front door. To achieve minimum loss of temperature, we provide two hanger assemblies. One is used as dummy that is used for achieving the desired temperature. In the meanwhile operator can assemble the sample, weights etc on the other hanger, which can be then put in the oven, just be replacing the dummy into the oven. This way the loss in temperature is not more than few degrees.

  • Air source to provide 8-20 air changes per hour, a compressor compressed air line of 4 to 10 liters min. is required. If this facility is not already available, a suitable air compressor may be purchased from us.
  • Sample Conditioning: The test specimens are required to be kept at a temperature of 27 2 deg C for a period of 16 hours, immediately before the test. If the conditioning chamber is not available with you, the same can be purchased from us.

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Halogen Acid Gas Emission Test Apparatus ( HMI Model)

  • Temperature Range :  Ambient to 1000oC, LC 1oC
  • Model : SSI 518 HAGH (Halogen Acid Gas Emission Tester HMI Model)
  • Furance :  Tubular Furnace 50 mm Dia
  • Temperature Control :  Using PID Digital Temperature Controller with RAMP facility
  • Combustion Tube / Boat :  Made of Quartz, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1200oC
  • Air Flow :  Controlled Air Flow using needle valve
  • Air Flow indicator :  Digital using air flow sensor, LC 0.01 LPM
  • Glass Ware :  Air Drying Bottles, Air Collection Bottles with bottle stand and magnetic Stirrer
  • Display : 7″ Touch Screen HMI (Omron) for display of all the test parameters
  • Control : All the parameters of the instrument are controlled using Rockwell PLC
  • Data logging : HMI records are temperature and Air flow and the data is presented in Table and Graph form. 
  • Delivery : 4 to 6 weeks from Order
  • Packing : In three wooden boxes

Model Number: SSI 518 HAGH

Standard Number: IEC: 60754 Pt 1 & 2, IS: 10810 Pt 59

Compounds based on halogenated polymers and compounds containing halogenated additives emits harmful Halogen Acid Gas while burning. These gases are corrosive and can prove harmful to property and humans in case of fire.

Instrument Principle

Compounds based on halogenated polymers and compounds containing halogenated additives emits harmful Halogen Acid Gas while burning. These gases are corrosive and can prove harmful to property and humans in case of fire.IS 18010 (Pt. 59) & IEC 754-1-94 testdetermine the amount of Halogen gas other than hydrofluoric acid evolved during the combustion of cables and other similar compounds.


The instrument is manufactured as per the IEC 60754 2 fig 4 or IS 10810 Pt 59.


The instrument comprising of

Tubular Furnace for temp.up to1000oC +- 10oC.
PID Digital Temp. Indicating Controller.
Digital Flow Indicator to monitor Air Flow. The flow can be regulated using with needle valve.
Quartz tube and Quartz boat for keeping samples one each.
Gas Washing Bottles 2nos.
Magnetic stirrer.
7 Touch Screen HMI (Omron) for Test Parameter Display

Rockwell PLC to control various parameters of the test.
Ph Indicator ( for zero Halogen) (optional)
Conductivity Indicator (for zero Halogen) (optional)
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Flammability Test As Per UL 94 (With HMI)

  • Test Appalicable : UL (HB/V0, V1, V2/5VA, 5VB)
  • Chamber Size : 1 m x 1m x 1m (LBH)
  • Chamber Construction : Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer MS / GI
  • Burner : Bunsen Burner, with adjustable flame length
  • Burner Position : Adjustable form 0 to 90 deg (useful for  both Vertical and Horizontal Burning)
  • Burner Movement : Automated using PLC logic
  • Sample Holder : Provided for both Vertical and Horizontal Test
  • Control : All Funtions including Burner Movement, timers etc are controlled by PLC
  • Results : PLC accumulate all the results and give the compliance of the sample 
  • Display : Using a touch screen HMI
  • Delivery : 6 to 8 Weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 549 ULMH

Standard Number: UL 94, ASTM D 635, ASTM D 408, ASTM D 3801, ASTM D 5048, IEC 60707, IEC 60695-11-10, ISO 1210, ISO 10351

The UL test serves as a preliminary indicationfor Plasticscomponents acceptability for use as part of a device or appliance with respect to its flammability.The instrument is designed for both Vertical and Horizontal burning.

Instrument Principle

UL 94: Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances

This test uses specimen which is held at one end in thevertical or Horizontalposition.A burner flame is applied to the free end of the specimen for two intervals separated by the time it takes for flaming combustion to cease after the first application. Two sets of 5 specimens are tested. The following are recorded for each specimen:

  • Duration of flaming combustion after the first burner flame application.
  • Duration of flaming combustion after second burner flame application.
  • Duration of glowing combustion after second burner flame application.
  • Whether or not flaming drips ignite cotton placed below specimen.
  • Whether or not specimen burns up to holding clamp.

The instrument is designed to conforms to various international standards

Horizontal Burning Test : HB (ASTM D 635, D 4804, IEC 707, or ISO 1210)

20mm Vertical Burning Test: V-0, V-1, or V-2 (ASTM D 3801, IEC 707, or ISo 1210)

500w (125mm) Vertical Burning: 5VA or 5VB (ASTM D 5048 or ISO 10351)


The Instrument consist of the following:


A Double Walled Chamber for sample burning with front glass door
A Burner as per UL specifications
Burner Rotation, the angle of the burner are preset in the PLC
Gas control system including gas regulator
AutomatedBurner Movementsystem
Sample Holding System (adjustable both vertically and horizontally)
Digital Timer for flame application (can be preset for 1 to 99 sec)
Digital timer for flame observation after flame is removed.
Digit timer for Glow observation after the flame is extinguished
Exhaust Fan / Light in the chamber

Basic Design:


As per UL 94
Inner Chamber Stainless Steel 1m x 1m x 1m (LBH), Volume 1 m3
Burner 100 mm length 9.5 mm ID
Burner Movement through a motor driven worm
Manual Movement to adjust the burner position with respect to sample

PLC Control:


Flame Application Time : Pre settable from 1 to 99 Seconds
Flame Away time : Pre Settable from form 1 to 99 Seconds
Cycles : Pres Settable from 1 to 9
Provision to check up to 5samples for VA / VB test)



Select the test to be preformed on the sample
Input the flame and flame away time (as per standard)
The PLC automatically set the burner angle as per the test requirement.
Adjust the sample as per burner position taking in account the position given in the standard.
Start the test.
If more than one sample needs to be tested, the HMI prompts the user to put second sample.
After required no of cycles, the burner is automatically shut off with a beep
The Timer for After Flame is switched On automatically.
After user Hold this timer, Glow timer is switched On.
Based on the timers and operator inputs, the HMI displays the results as per UL requirement.


Results displayed after considering all the parameters as per UL standard
In 5A & 5 B, the results are summarized and shown after considering all the five samples.
Result page directly gives the sample classification as per UL standard
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Thermal Stability Instrument

  • Temperature : Ambient to 225oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Heating : Wet Heating Using Oil
  • Heating Medium : Oil Bath
  • Temperature Control : PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2oC
  • Delivery : 3 to 4 Weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI TSOB

Standard Number: IS: 4669

Thermoplastics and PVC (Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature.


Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature. The basic principal is that the Congo Red paper changes its color when it comes in contact with halogen gases, released by PVC and its compounds on heating at higher temperatures.


The Instrument is especially designed to suit the requirement ofIS: 4669


The instrument consists of

One oil bath to heat the oil for wet heating.

10 Glass Test Tubes (16 mm dia).

10 Glass test tubes (2 mm dia).

Digital Temperature Indicating Controller for precise setting & control of temperature.

Stirrer for uniform Temperature throughout the oil bath

Consumables like Congo Red paper & test tubes are not part of the standard equipment and are available at extra cost.

The sample is put inside a glass test tube and the test tube is dipped into the per heated oil bath. A small piece of ph paper is attached to a smaller test tube. The time of insertion of tube is noted down. As the PVC disintegrates, it release acidic fumes which changes the color of congo red paper. The time of change of color is again noted down. Using these times, the thermal stability time is determined for the PVC sample

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Carbon Content Test Apparatus

  • Model :  SSI 528 CCBS (Carbon Content Test Apparatus as per BS Standard)
  • Furnace Temperature :  600oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Temperature Control :  Digital PID Temperature Controller. +/- 5oC
  • Combustion Tube : Quartz Tube along with Quartz Boat for sample Burning.
  • Glass Ware :  2 Nos. Cold Traps
  • Nitrogen Flow :  Flow Meter (for N2 flow of 1.7 LPM) is Provided. 
  • Muffle Furnace :  4 x 4 x 9 (LHD in Inches) for Temperature upto 900oC.
  • Delivery : 4 to 6 weeks Packing : 3 wooden Boxes

Model Number: SSI 528 CCBS

Standard Number: BS:2782 Pt.4 Method 452B 1978.IS: 10810 (Pt.32).

The test determines the content of Carbon Black in Polysthylene Insulation or sheath of electrical cables.

Instrument Principle

Carbon Black is normally used to enhance the weather resistance properties of polyethylene compound. This test is to determine the quantity of carbon black in the compound. The material is burned under controlled condition of temperature and Nitrogen Flow and is weighed to the nearest 0.0001gms.


The instrument is manufactured as per thespecification and confirm to test app., method BS 2782 Pt 4


The instrument comprising of

Tubular Furnace for temp.upto600oC.

Digital PID Temperature Indicating Controller, LC : 0.1oC
Quartz tube and Quartz boat for keeping samples one each Roto meterfor nitrogen Flow
Cold Traps 2nos,

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Fire Survival Test Apparatus As Per IEC

  • Salient Features  
  • Burner :  500 mm Long Ribbon Type Burner with 3 Rows of staggered Holes
  • Burner Control :  Using Flow Meter and Pressure Regulator for Air and Gas
  • Sample Stand :  Made of SS with 5 rings to support the sample during the test.
  • Burner Stand :  200mm above the test bench
  • Flame Tempertuare :  Monitored using two K type thermocouple
  • Transformer :  3 Phase variable power supply of 1KV capacity
  • Fuse Box :  2 Amps Fuse box for 3 Phases and Neutral
  • Tripping System :  Individual Tripping System for 3 Phases, Neutral and Earth
  • Load Bank :  To Indicate continituy of 3 phases, Neutral and Earth
  • Delivery : 5 to 7 Weeks Packing: In 3 wooden Boxes

Model Number: SSI 512 I

Standard Number: IEC 60331 Pt 11 and Part 21

This instrument is designed to testing cables required to maintain circuit integrity when subject to fire alone where the test conditions is based upon a flame with a controlled heat output corresponding to a temperature of at least 750oC

This instrument is designed to testing cables required to maintain circuit integrity when subject to fire alone where the test conditions is based upon a flame with a controlled heat output corresponding to a temperature of at least 750oC.

The Instrument Consist of

Burner : Ribbon Type LPG / propane gas burner. Overall length of the nozzle is 500mm, with width of 15mm. Three rows of stagger holes are drilled on thenozzle. each hole has a diameter of 1.32 mm, and the distance between the hole is 3.2 mm
Burner Control: With double variable flow meters (Rotometer).Rotometers range is : 80+/- 5 LPM, gas flow range is : 5+/- 0.25 LPM. Two Pressure Gauges of 0-60psi will be provided to control the input pressure for Air and Gas.
Flame Temperature: Adjustable to 750+/- 50oC using the flow control.
Temperature Calibration : Two MI thermocouples will be provided to calibrate the flame temperature
Three Phase Transformer (up to 1 KV) with individual tripping system for all the three phases, Neutral and Earth.
Load bank to indicate the line continuity for three phases, Neutral and Earth

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Copper Purity Test Apparatus

  • Model : SSI 564 CP (Copper Purity)
  • Test Chamber :  The Test is conducted in a Glass Beaker enclosed in an acrylic enclosure.
  • Electrodes :  Anode and Cathode made of Platinum, Iridium blend
  • Current :  Highly stabilized power supply
  • Amps Meter :  Digital Amper Meter
  • Temperature :  Magnetic Heating plate with PID Controller
  • Timer :  Programmable Timer to switch off the instrument after the desired time is over
  • Delivery  : 4 to 5 Weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 564 CP

Standard Number: IS: 440, IS: 4667-4

Copper Purity Apparatus is designed to determine the purity of copper by electrolysismethod. The sample containing copper is dissolve insulfuric-& nitric acid mixture and a regulated current is passed through the solution. Thecopper is deposit on Cathodewhich is weighed to determine the amount of copper in the sample.

Instrument Principle

Copper Purity Apparatus is designed to determine the purity of copper by electrolysismethod. The sample with Copper is dissolve insulfuric acid and nitric acid mixture. After the metal is dissolved, A current is passed into the solution using anode and cathode. Due to the passage of current, the copper is electrically charged and get deposited on the cathode.

The electrodes are weigh before and after the test to determine the amount of copper deposited on the electrodes.



The Instrument is designed to conform to IS: 440 and IS 4667-4



The instrument consists of


Anode / Cathode made of Platinum, iridium blend

PID Controlledcontrolled heating plate

DigitalAmpere Meter

Stabilized current source

Magnetic Heating Plate

Digital PID Temperature Controller


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Carbon Black Content Determination Test Apparatus

  • Power Thermal
  • Usage Plastic Testing Machine
  • Brand Name SSI
  • Place of Origin Delhi, India

Halogen Acid Gas Emission Test Apparatus ( Digital Flow Meter)

  • Model : SSI 518 HAGD (Halogen Acid Gas Emission Tester with Digital Flow Indicator)
  • Furance :  Tubular Furnace 50 mm Dia
  • Temperature Range :  Ambient to 1000oC, LC 1oC
  • Temperature Control :  Using PID Digital Temperature Controller with RAMP facility
  • Combustion Tube / Boat :  Made of Quartz, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1200oC
  • Air Flow :  Controlled Air Flow using needle valve
  • Air Flow indicator :  Digital using air flow sensor, LC 0.01 LPM
  • Glass Ware :  Air Drying Bottles, Air Collection Bottles with bottle stand and magnetic Stirrer
  • Delivery : 4 to 6 weeks from Order
  • Packing : In three wooden boxes

Model Number: SSI 518 HAGD

Standard Number: IEC: 60754 Pt 1 & 2, IS: 10810 Pt 59

Compounds based on halogenated polymers and compounds containing halogenated additives emits harmful Halogen Acid Gas while burning. These gases are corrosive and can prove harmful to property and humans in case of fire.

Instrument Principle

Compounds based on halogenated polymers and compounds containing halogenated additives emits harmful Halogen Acid Gas while burning. These gases are corrosive and can prove harmful to property and humans in case of fire.IS 18010 (Pt. 59) & IEC 754-1-94 testdetermine the amount of Halogen gas other than hydrofluoric acid evolved during the combustion of cables and other similar compounds.


The instrument is manufactured as per the IEC 60754 2 fig 4 or IS 10810 Pt 59.


The instrument comprising of

Tubular Furnace for temp.up to1000oC +- 10oC.
PID Digital Temp. Indicating Controller.
Digital Flow Indicator to monitor Air Flow. The flow can be regulated using with needle valve.
Quartz tube and Quartz boat for keeping samples one each.
Gas Washing Bottles 2nos.
Magnetic stirrer.
Ph Indicator ( for zero Halogen) (optional)
Conductivity Indicator (for zero Halogen) (optional)

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Smoke Density Test Apparatus

  • Chamber Size 300 mm x 300 mm x 790 mm
Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Cold Bend

  • Model SSI 506 CBIE (Cold Bend Test Apparatus as per IEC Standard.
  • Stand Construction Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Mandrels 4 Mandrels of 5, 10, 20, 30 mm Dia.
  • Sample Rotation Using geared pulley to wound sample around the mandrel

Cracks and deformation occur when the material is bend or wound under cold conditions. The apparatus is deigned to wound the cable samples on standardized mandrels under cold conditions.

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Cold Bend As Per IEC

  • Model : SSI 506 CBIE (Cold Bend Test Apparatus as per IEC Standard.
  • Stand Construction :  Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Mandrels :  4 Mandrels of 5, 10, 20, 30 mm Dia.
  • Sample Rotation :  Using geared pulley to wound sample around the mandrel

Model Number: SSI 506 CBIE

Standard Number: IEC 60811-1-4

Cracks and deformation occur when the material is bend or wound under cold conditions. The apparatus is deigned to wound the cable samples on standardized mandrels under cold conditions.

Instrument Principle

The Cable is wound on the mandrel and frozen over a pre-determined time. The sample is then taken out and checked for visible cracks, discoloration or any other deformity due to cold temperature. The test is applicable for specimen of diameter up to and including 12.5 mm, above which the test is considered impracticable.


The Instruments conisit of

Metal Mandrel.

Metal Frame for mandrel attachment

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Cold Bend Test Apparatus (As Per IS)

  • Model : SSI 506 CBIS (Cold Bend Test apparatus as per IS)
  • Stand Construction :  Made of MS, hard chromed / Painted
  • Mandrels :  4 Mandrels of 5, 10, 20, 30 mm Dia
  • Sample Rotation :  Manual
  • Delivery : 2 to 3 weeks Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 506 CBIS

Standard Number: IS :10810 Pt 20

Cracks and deformation occur when the material is bend or wound under cold conditions. The apparatus is deigned to wound the cable samples on standardized mandrels under cold conditions.

Instrument Principle

The instrument is designed to test the flexibility or bending quality of cable under low temperatures. The cable is wrapped on the mandrel and is subjected to very low temperatures. The cable should not develop cracks or cuts after the cable is unwrapped form the mandrel.

The test is applicable for specimen of diameter up to and including 12.5 mm, above which the test is considered impracticable.


The instrument conforms to IS 10810 Pt 21


The Instruments consist of

Metal Mandrel.

Metal Frame for mandrel attachment

The sample is cooled in the cold chamber for specified time and then wound on the mandrel. The sample is then checked for any cracks or scales visible to the unaided eye.

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Thermal Stability Test (HMI Model)

  • Temperature : Ambient to 225oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Heating : Dry Heating Using Electrical Heaters
  • Heating Medium : Aluminum Block
  • Temperature Control : PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 0.5oC
  • Display : Using Touch screen HMI
  • Timer : Inbuilt in HMI
  • Test Monitor : Each Sample can be monitored in separate screen
  • Result : The Thermal Stability Time can be stored along with Sample reference on Pen Drive.
  • Delivery : 3 to 4 Weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 501 TSH

Standard Number: IS: 5831, IS:10810 Pt 60, IEC: 540

Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature.


Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature. The basic principal is that the pH paper changes its color when it comes in contact with halogen gases, released by PVC and its compounds on heating at higher temperatures.


The Instrument is especially designed to suit the requirement ofIS: 5831, IS10810 (Pt 60), IEC 540


The instrument consists of

One solid Aluminum block used as the heating medium.

16 holes are drilled in the aluminum block for keeping the sample.

Specially designed embedded / Jacket heaters in the thermal block.

Digital Temperature Indicating Controller for precise setting & control of temperature.

Touch Screen HMI to control and Display the parameters of the Test

Consumables like ph paper & test tubes are not part of the standard equipment and are available at extra cost.

The sample is put inside a glass test tube and the test tube is dipped into the per heated Thermal Block. A small piece of ph paper is attached to the test tube. The time of insertion of tube is noted down. As the PVC disintegrates, it release acidic fumes which changes the color of ph paper. The time of change of color is again noted down. Using these times, the thermal stability time is determined for the PVC sample.

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Hot Set Apparatus

  • Weight 2 Sets of Hanger and Weights are provided
  • Model SSI 521 HSDG (Hot Set Test Apparatus with Dial Gauges)
  • Chamber 300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer Chamber MS / GI
  • Temperature Range Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Temperature Control Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2
  • Samples 2 Samples can be tested at one time
  • Elongation Measurement 2 Dial Gauges are provided to measure the sample Elongation
  • Delivery 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing One Wooden Box

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatus is designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow.

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Hot Set Apparatus (Dial Gauge Model)

  • Temperature Range :  Ambient to 250oC. Test Temperature 200oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Weight :  2 Sets of Hanger and Weights are provided
  • Model : SSI 521 HSDG (Hot Set Test Apparatus with Dial Gauges)
  • Chamber :  300 x 200 x 500 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction :  Double Walled, Inner Chamber made of Stainless Steel, Outer Chamber MS / GI
  • Temperature Control : Using PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 2
  • Samples :  2 Samples can be tested at one time
  • Elongation Measurement :  2 Dial Gauges are provided to measure the sample Elongation
  • Delivery  : 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 521 HSDG

Standard Number: IS; 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3)IS: 10810 (Pt. 30)

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatus is designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow.

Instrument Principle

Laboratory Hot Set Test Apparatusis designed to determine the elongation & permanent set of insulation of armored and unarmored single, twin, three , four and multi-core cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated & PVC sheathed cables for electric supply and control purposes under specified conditions of load temperature and air flow, as specified in IS: 7098.


The instrument conformsIS 7098 (Pt.1, 2 & 3), IS: 10810 (Pt.30)


A double walled cabinet with inside chamber of stainless steel

Inner dimensions of the chamber are 30 cm x 50 cm 20cm (W x H x D).

Full view glass Door to observe the specimen under test.

Temp. Range 250 2oC. at sensor point.

Theoven is designed to give 8 to 20 air changes per hour.

An air flow meter (Rota meter) is fitted to control and monitor the airflow rate.Range 0- 10 LPM, LC-0.5 LPM

Grips are provided at the top of the oven to hang specimen/s.

Suitable weights up to 1 kg are provided with provision to attach theweights to one end of the test pieces.

Two Dial Gauges with 50mm travel are provided for elongation measurement

Metallic arrows are attached to facilitate the operator to take exact reading of the sample elongation.

A blade is provided in the oven to cut the sample to remove the tensile force without opening the door.

The sample is hanged using the grips inside the Hot Set Oven along with the weights for 15 mins. The sample starts to elongate due to heat. The elongation of the sample is measured using Dial Gauges. The sample is then cut to evaluate the permanent set.

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Smoke Density (As Per ASTM)

  • Voltage : Single Phase , 220V AC, 50 Hz (Model with 110 V, 60 Hz also available on request)
  • Chamber Size :  300 mm x 300 mm x 790 mm
  • Chamber Construction :  Single Walled made of 14 gauge Aluminum Sheet, powder coated on both sides
  • Burner :  Specially Designed capable to work on 40 psi gas pressure
  • Sample Stand :  Designed to hold 25 x 25 x 4 mm Sample securely throughout the test
  • Light Source :  6 V DC Bulb
  • Power Source :  Stabilized DC power source to produce 5-7 V DC, adjustable
  • Photo Receptor :  Highly Sensitive Photo metric Cell to determine even small change in light intensity
  • Power Requirement  : Less than 1 KW
  • Delivery  : 4 to 6 Weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 516 SDAS

Standard Number: ASTM 2843, IS 13660 (Part 6/Sec9)

Smoke Density Apparatusis used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Test Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

In Smoke Density Test Apparatus, the sample is burned under controlled pressure of LPG, through a specified burner as per the standard. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance scale. The Smoke Density Test apparatus comes complete with timer with 1.5-second pulse at every 15 sec, with hold facility, gas pressure gauge, damper and exhaust fan for removing smoke from the chamber.


The instrument is manufactured as per the ASTM D 2843, IS 13360 (Part 6/ Sec 9) etc.


The Smoke Density Test Apparatus instrument comprises of

Single Walled glass door chamber made of 14 gauge Aluminum
Burner, gas regular
Electronic Photometric System
Specimen Holder
Exhaust fan

The Sample is burned using ASTM specified burner under control conditions. A Light source (6 V DC Bulb) emits light which is captured by Photocell which converts the light into Voltage. The intensity of light is proportional to the voltage produced. This voltage is picked up by sophisticated electronic detector, which display the same as % Absorption. As the smoke fills the chamber, the light intensity is reduced, reducing the voltage and the % absorption increase.

The operator records the absorption reading every 15 Sec in a 4 min test, and evaluates the sample on the criteria given in the standard.

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Smoke Density ( As Per IEC) ( HMI Control)

  • Model : SSI 517 SDIE HMI (Smoke Density Test Apparatus as per IEC with PLC/HMI control)
  • Chamber Size : 3 m (3000 mm) length x 3 m (3000 mm) Width x 3 m (3000 mm) Height
  • Controls : PLC Based controls for Light source, DC Voltage, Fan etc
  • Dispaly : Touch Screen HMI with Data, Graph and Result Screens. 
  • Chamber Properties : Single Walled (Option for double wall available) 
  • Inner Chamber : Made of 2mm thick GI Sheets, Powder Coated on both sides
  • Outer Chamber : Made of Aluminum Composite Sheet (Optional)
  • Sample Stand : As per standard to hold Cables Pieces
  • Fuel : Pure Alcohol
  • Light Source : 12 V Bulb
  • Power Supply : Stabilized Power Supply for 12V DC
  • Photo Receptor : Highly Sensitive Photo metric Cell to determine small changes in light intensity
  • Delivery  : 6 to 8 weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box, Approx 12 x 5 x 4 (LBH in feet), weight 2000 kg

Model Number: SSI 517 SDIE HMI

Standard Number: IS: 10810 (Pt.63)IEC: 61034 - 1

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

The sample is burned under controlled conditions by alcohol fire. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance scale.

As the smoke builds up in the chamber, the light is obstructed, and the absorption of light increases. The photocell detects this change in light intensity and converts the light into electrical signal. The voltage form the photocell is captured by the PLC and converted into absorption value.

The instrument is manufactured as per the IEC 61034 and IS: 10810 (Pt.63)specification.
A 2 mm thick walled 3 m x 3 m 3 m Chamber (powder Coated for long life).(Outer wall optional)
PLC Based control System for DC Voltage, Light Source, Photo Receptor, Mixing Fan, Exhaust Fan
Touch Screen HMI for Controls and Display
Display of Test Progress on Data / Graphical Screen
Display of Results with all parameters and final Standard / measured absorption.

The Chamber is constructed onAluminum Columns and 2 mm thick GI Sheets.
Door to access the chamber from inside with glass window
Alcohol Tray as per specifications
Sample Stand
Mixing fan inside the chamber along with Sheet shielding as per specifications
Constant DC power supply to produce 12 V DC for the light source
Light source 12 V DC to form light spot of 1.5 mdiameteron the photo-metric system wall.
Electronic Photo-metric System to capture and display the % Absorption of light.
Consist of Photo Cell andReceptor
Specially developed Software to capture % Absorption from the photo-metric system.
After the test the resultscan be displayed in tabular / graph form
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Limiting Oxygen Index (HMI Model)

  • Voltage : Single Phase 220 V AC, 50 Hz (110 V, 60 Hz model is also available on request) 
  • Oxygen Analyzer : Paramagnetic Dumb Bell Cell
  • Oxygen Readout : Digital, 0 to 100% , LC 0.1%
  • Temperature : Ambient to 400oC, LC 0.1oC
  • Total Gas Flow Indicator : Digital, 0-20 LPM, LC 0.1  LPM (Omron Flow indicator)
  • Temperature Control : PID Controller, +/- 1oC
  • Gas Flow Control : Swagelok Needle Valves 
  • Power Requirement : 1.5 KW (with heaters)
  • Display : 7″ Touch Screen (Omron)
  • Control : Allen Bradely PLC
  • Delivery : 3 to 4 weeks
  • Packing : Two Wooden Boxes (one for instrument and second for Glass Chimney) 

Model Number: SSI 515 LOIPMH

Standard Number: ASTM D 2863, IS 13501, BS 2782 Pt 141, ISO: 4589-2, ISO: 4589-3, NES 714, NES 715

Critical limiting Oxygen Indexapparatus is used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperature (up to 400oC) in HFTA mode.

Instrument Principle

Critical limiting Oxygen Index apparatusis used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperature (up to 400oC) in HFTA mode.

In the limiting Oxygen Index Test Apparatus the sample is burned in the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, and the percentage of oxygen required just to support the flaming combustion is recorded through an imported Oxygen Analyzer, which gives direct oxygen readings.

The Limiting Oxygen Index Test apparatus also has a double walled test column of flame resistance glass of 75 mm dia. suitable for testing different size of samples in FTA or HFTA mode.

A digital temperature-indicating controller provided with the instrument controls the temperature for HFTA mode. The instrument is manufactured as per the ASTM specification and also conforms to various other international standards.


The instrument conforms to ASTM D- 2863, BS 2782 Pt 141, IS 13501, ISO 4589-2, ISO 4589-3, NES 714 and NES 715.

(Please note that the instruments conforms to these standards on broad terms. Please check all the specifications of the instrument against the required standard for further conformation)



The Critical Limiting Oxygen Index Test instrument comprises of

Paramagnetic DumbBell Oxygen Analyzer. (Permanent Sensor)

Double walled glass test column with two heaters, for sample heating and gas heating

Digital Temperature indicating controller.

Flow meters and valves

Readout for Oxygen: 0 to 100% Oxygen, LC: 0.1%

Readout for Temperature up to 400oC , LC : 0.1oC

Digital Total Gas Flow Indicator : 0 to 20 LPM, LC: 0.1 LPM

L Shaped LPG Burner to ignite the sample

Sample Holder and hanger

U shaped RTD PT 100 Temperature Sensor

Control by PLC

Display on touch screen HMI

The sample is ignited using the L shaped burner and oxygen % is adjusted till the sample starts to burn like a candle i.e. sustained burning without extinguishing or rapidly spreading the flame. The Sample should burn in this condition for at least 3 mins.

At higher temperature the requirement of Oxygen for combustion reduces. The environment around the sample is heated using double walled chimney with heaters for HFTA test. The procedure to determine the LOI remains the same as for ambient temperature.

The PLC plots the graph using various test points determined during the sample test. The PLC then extraplot the graph and determine the following results

a) LOI at ambient temperature

b) LOI at 400oC

c) Temperature if the LOI would be 20.9% oxygen.

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Smoke Density (As Per IEC 61034)

  • Model : SSI 517 SDIE (Smoke Density Test Apparatus as per IEC 61034)
  • Chamber Size : 3m (3000mm) lenght x 3m (3000mm) Width x 3m (3000mm) Height
  • Chamber Properties : Single Walled, Made of 2mm thick GI Sheets, Powder Coated on both sides
  • Sample Stand : As per standard to hold Cables Pieces
  • Fuel : Pure Alcohol
  • Light Source : 12 V Bulb
  • Power Supply : Stabilized Power Supply for 12V DC
  • Photo Recepetor : Highly Sensitive Photo metric Cell to determine even small changes in light intensity
  • Delivery  : 6 to 8 weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box, Approx 12 x 5 x 4 (LBH in feet), weight 2000 kg

Model Number: SSI 517 SDIE

Standard Number: IS: 10810 (Pt.63), IEC: 61034 - 1

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

The sample is burned under controlled conditions by alcohol fire. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance scale.


The instrument is manufactured as per the IEC 61034 and IS: 10810 (Pt.63)specification.


The instrument is manufactured as per the IECspecification and also confirms various other international standards. The instrument comprising of

A Single walled 3m x 3m 3 m Chamber (powder Coated for long life).
The Chamber is constructed onAluminum Columns and 2mm thick GI Sheets. This ensure no rust formation on the chamber
Door to access the chamber from inside with glass window
Alcohol Tray as per specifications
Sample Stand
Mixing fan inside the chamber along with Sheet shielding as per specifications
Constant DC power supply to produce 12 V DC for the light source
Light source 12 V DC to form light spot of 1.5m dia on the photometric system wall.
Electronic Photometric System to capture and display the % Transmission of light.
Consist of Photo Cell andReceptor
A to D Card andinterface for the computer
New laptop with Original windows Software and one inkjet printer.
Specially developed Software to capture % transmission from the photometric system.
After the test the resultscan be displayed in tabular / graph form
Double walled Chamber for strength (optional)
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Flammability Test For Upholstery

  • Model : SSI 566 FTFF (Flammability Tester for Fabric and Faom
  • Construction : Double Walled Chamber, Inner SS, Outer GI powder Coated
  • Sample Holder : Made of SS to simulate Chain with back at right angle
  • Burner : A low flame burner  with 35 mm flame height

Model Number: SSI 566 FTFF

Standard Number: EN 1021 Pt 1EN 1021 Pt 1

A standard test rig is constructed from fabric and foam to form a simulated chair with the back at a right angle to the base. This enables the ignition source to be kept in permanent contact with both back and seat throughout the test. Water soak prior to testing is compulsory.

Instrument Principle

A standard test rig is constructed from fabric and foam to form a simulated chair with the back at a right angle to the base. This enables the ignition source to be kept in permanent contact with both back and seat throughout the test. Water soak prior to testing is compulsory.


EN 1021 : Part 1
In Part 1 of the test a lighted cigarette is placed in the angle of the test rig and left to smolder along its entire length. After 60 minutes no smoldering or flaming of the fabric should be observed.

EN 1021 : Part 2
Here a butane flame 35 mm in height is used to represent a burning match and is applied for 15 seconds, again in the angle between the test rig base and back. After the flame is removed, no burning of the fabric should occur after 2 minutes have elapsed.

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Smoke Density Apparatus

  • Model : SSI 517 SDIE SCD (Smoke Density Test Apparatus as per IEC with Scada Software)
  • Chamber Size : 3 m (3000 mm) length x 3 m (3000 mm) Width x 3 m (3000 mm) Height
  • Controls : PLC Based controls for Light source, DC Voltage, Fan etc
  • Dispaly : 20″ All in one PC. 
  • Chamber Properties : Single Walled (Option for double wall available) 
  • Inner Chamber : Made of 2mm thick GI Sheets, Powder Coated on both sides
  • Outer Chamber : Made of Aluminum Composite Sheet (Optional)
  • Sample Stand : As per standard to hold Cables Pieces
  • Fuel : Pure Alcohol
  • Light Source : 12 V Bulb
  • Power Supply : Stabilized Power Supply for 12V DC
  • Photo Receptor : Highly Sensitive Photo metric Cell to determine even small changes in light intensity
  • Delivery  : 6 to 8 weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box, Approx 12 x 5 x 4 (LBH in feet), weight 2000 kg

Model Number: SSI 517 SDIE SCD

Standard Number: IS: 10810 (Pt.63), IEC: 61034 - 1

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

The sample is burned under controlled conditions by alcohol fire. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance scale.

As the smoke builds up in the chamber, the light is obstructed, and the absorption of light increases. The photocell detects this change in light intensity and converts the light into electrical signal. The voltage form the photocell is captured by the PLC and converted into absorption value.

The instrument is manufactured as per the IEC 61034 and IS: 10810 (Pt.63)specification.
A 2 mm thick walled 3 m x 3 m 3 m Chamber (powder Coated for long life).(Outer wall optional)
PLC Based control System for DC Voltage, Light Source, Photo Receptor, Mixing Fan, Exhaust Fan
20 All in One PC for Controls and Display
Display of Test Progress on Data / Graphical Screen
Display of Results with all parameters and final Standard / measured absorption.

The Chamber is constructed onAluminum Columns and 2 mm thick GI Sheets.
Door to access the chamber from inside with glass window
Alcohol Tray as per specifications
Sample Stand
Mixing fan inside the chamber along with Sheet shielding as per specifications
Constant DC power supply to produce 12 V DC for the light source
Light source 12 V DC to form light spot of 1.5 mdiameteron the photo-metric system wall.
Electronic Photo-metric System to capture and display the % Absorption of light.
Consist of Photo Cell andReceptor
Specially developed Software to capture % Absorption from the photo-metric system.
After the test the resultscan be displayed in tabular / graph form.
The results can be saved in PDF format and stored in Computer
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Flammability Test For Bunch Cables

  • Model SSI 513 FTBC (Flammability Test Apparatus for Bunch Cables)
  • Chamber Size 4 m (4000 mm) x 2 m (2000 mm) x 1 m (1000 mm) (H B L)
  • Chamber Construction Double Walled, Made of 1.6 mm GI sheets, powder coated
  • Insulation 65 mm thick Glass wool between the walls
  • Burner Ribbon Type Burners , 300 mm length as per specs
  • Burner Control Control Panel with Roto Meter and Pressure Gauges for Fuel and Air
  • Burner Use One Burner or both burner can be used as per requirement.
  • Air Inlet Through a regulated air blower from the bottom of the chamber.
  • Ladders Two, 800 mm and 500 mm as per specifications
  • Environmental Parameters Separate panel with Anemometer and temperature Indicator.
  • Timer To shut off the burner after test time is over.
  • Sent as Plug and Play unit.
  • Installation Can be done by customer, minimum installation required.
  • Delivery 4 to 6 weeks
  • Packing Packed in 3 wooden Boxes, Almost FCL (20 feet container)

model number: ssi 513 ftbc

standard number: iec 60332 pt 3, is 10810 pt 62, bs en 60332-3-10

this test instrument is designed to covers a laboratory procedure for testing of bunch cables mounted vertically to determine their relative ability to resist flame prorogation. The objective of the fire test is be to approximately simulate the installation condition and provide consistent results.

instrument principle

the propagation of flame along a bunch of cables depends on a number of feature, such as:

  • the volume of non-metallic material exposed to the fire and to any flame which may beproduced by the combustion of the cables;
  • the geometrical configuration of the cables and their relationship to any enclosure;
  • the temperature at which it is possible to ignite gases emitted from the cables;
  • the quality of combustible gas released from the cables for a given temperature rise;
  • the volume of air passing through the cable installation and
  • the construction of the cable, for example armored or unarmored.

all of the foregoing assume that the cables are able to be ignited when involved in an external fire.

the fire test should demonstrate that the bunched cables do not propagate fire even if its outer covering and insulation have been destroyed in the area of flame impingement.

this test instrument is designed to covers a laboratory procedure for testing of bunch cables mounted vertically to determine their relative ability to resist flame prorogation. The objective of the fire test is be to approximately simulate the installation condition and provide consistent results.


the instrument conforms to iec 332 pt 3 , bs eb 60332-3-10 and is 10810 pt 62.


the instrument consists of

a test chamber of inside dimensions width 1000 mm, depth of 2000 mm and height of 4000 mm.

the test chamber is made of 1.6 mm thick gi sheet (no rust).

an aperture of 800 x 400 mm situated 150 mm from the front wall of the test chamber.

an outlet of 300 x 1000 mm at the rear edge of the top of the chamber

ladder for fixing sample during the test (800 mm wide and 500 mm wide)

two ribbon type burner as per specifications. (optionalone burner model is also available)

control panels for controlling the lpg / air flow and pressure to the burners.

both burners can be controlled independently.

air control system (air blower)& air velocity measurement by digital anemometer.

environmental panel to monitor surrounding air velocity and chamber temperature.

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Flammability Vertical Burning Apparatus

  • Salient Features  
  • Model SSI 568 FTAST (Flammability Tester as per ASTM standard)
  • Chamber :  13.75 x 24 x 31 (LBH in Inches)
  • Chamber Construction :   Single Walled made of 16 gauge Stainless Steel, with Clear Glass window Door
  • Burner :  Specially Designed Burner to produce 38 mm vertical flame (Adjustable)
  • Burner Control :  Through Gas Flow and pressure regulator and Flame Regualtor.
  • Timers :  Three, for Flame Burning, Unaided Burning, Glow Time
  • Delivery : 4 to 6 Weeks Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 568 FTAST

Standard Number: ASTM 6413, IS : 11871

The ASTM test serves as a preliminary indication of Textile /plastics material acceptability for use as part of a device or appliance with respect to its flammability.The material is kept vertical to the flame for the test.

Instrument Principle

The ASTM test serves as a preliminary indication of Textile /plastics material acceptability for use as part of a device or appliance with respect to its flammability.

This test uses specimen which is held at one end in the vertical position (in a U shaped sample holder ) . A burner flame is applied to the free end of the specimen for specific time.

The Following Parameters are observed

  • Duration of flaming combustion after the burner flame application.
  • Duration of after burner flame burning
  • Duration of glowing combustion after burner flame application.

The Instrument conforms to ASTM 6413 and IS 11871


The Instrument consist of the following

A Single Walled Chamber for sample burning with front glass door

A Vertical Burner with precise gas control system including gas regulator

Burner Moving system to adjust the burner position

Sample Holding System

Digital Timer for flame application with burner exhaust at the end of desired time

Digital timer for flame observation after flame is removed (Unaided Burning).

Digital timer for Glow observation.

Exhaust Fan (Optional)

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Toxicity Test Apparatus

  • Chamber Sizes :  1000 x 1000 x 1000 (LBH in mm), Volume 1 m3
  • Chamber Construction :  Inner Chamber of 8 mm thick Polypropylene Polymer, Outer MS / GI duly painted
  • Burner  :  Capable of producing a flame of 1200oC
  • Gas Detection :  Using Gas Detection Tubes
  • Delivery  : 6 to 8 weeks
  • Packing  : One wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 558

Standard Number: NCD 1409

Any compound when burned emits a cocktail of gases, which are harmful to humans. The significant of these gases is increased if the area under fire is compact and can have serious effects on humans and other material present in the room.

Any compound when burned emits a cocktail of gases, which are harmful to humans. The significant of these gases is increased if the area under fire is compact.

This test determines the amount of various toxic gases emitted during the burning of various material .

The Sample is burned under test conditions by open flame of 1200oC temperature. All the gases thus emitted are collected and analyzed for their composition and concentrations using Gas detection tube.

The instrument Consist of

Double Walled Chamber

Inner Chamber of Polypropylene Polymer sheet of 8mm thickness, outer of MS powder coated.

Burner capable of producing 1200 deg C flame

Timers of Flame application (with buzzer), Mixing Fan, Exhaust fan

Temperature Indicator for Flame , Chamber

Safety measures for Flame outage / excess pressure in chamber

SS sample stand with titanium alloy mesh

Toughed glass window

Single port for insertion of Gas detection tube. (Tube / pump does not form the part of this instrument)

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Environmental Stress Cracking Test (ESCR)

  • Water Bath : Double Walled water bath : 15 x 15 x 18 (LBH in Inches)
  • Temperature Control              . : Digital PID Controller for the water bath
  • Die : Specimen Cutting Die
  • Nicking Tool : Nicking tool to make clean nick in the sample
  • Holder : Specimen Holder for 5 samples
  • Test Tubes : 5 Test tubes with test tube holder

Model Number: SSI 529

Standard Number: IS : 10810 Pt (Pt 29)

The procedure of test for cracking due to environmental stresses on electric polyethylene insulation or sheath of cables

The procedure of test for cracking due to environmental stresses on electric polyethylene insulation or sheath of cables.

Certain polar liquids, such as greases and lubricants, when come in contact with either polyethylene sheath or insulation cause cracks, This phenomenon is termed as environmental stress cracking and the degree of cracking is dependent on melt flow index of the polyethylene compound used. This test indicates whether correct grade of polyethylene compound has been used or not.

The Instrument Consist of the following

Water Bath fitted with digital temperatureindicating controller.

Specimen Cutting Die for ESCR Test.

Nicking Jig for making controlled imperfection in specimen.

Specimen Holder 5 nos.

Test tube Rack

Test tubes 5 nos

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Smoke Density (As Per UIC)

  • Chamber :  750 x 750 x 1000 (LBH in mm)
  • Chamber Construction :  Double walled, Inner Chamber Stainless Steel, Outer MS / GI
  • Burner :  Fitted at a 45o angle to the Horizontal Plan
  • Burner Control :  Control given for Air and Gas to set the flame
  • Photo-metric System :  To determine the Lux reading during the test period.
  • Power requirement  : 0.5 KW
  • Voltage  : 220 V 50 Hz
  • Delivery  : 5 to 6 weeks
  • Packing  : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SS 516 U

Standard Number: UIC 564

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

The sample is burned under controlled pressure of LPG, through a specified burner as per the standard. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance / Transmission / lux scale. The apparatus comes complete with timer , gas pressure gauge, damper and exhaust fan for removing smoke from the chamber.


The instrument conforms to UIC 564specification and also confirms various other international standards.


The instrument comprising of

A glass door chamber (internal size 750 x 750 x 1000 mm)

Burner, gas regular

Electronic Photometric System


Specimen Holder


Exhaust fan

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Hot Deformation Test Apparatus

  • Blade :  Made of 0.7 mm Steel Sheet
  • Stand :  Made of MS duly painted, Sample stand made of MS , hard Chormed
  • Weights :  Precise weights with slits
  • Hanger :  To Hang the weights such that the complete force is exerted on the sample
  • Delivery: 2 to 3 weeks Packing: One Wooden Box, Weights are packed separtly in a Plastic Box.

model number: ssi 503

standard number: is 10810 pt 15

thermoplastics and pvc materials when exposed to continuous heat tend to soften. In this condition when they are subjected to mechanical pressure, they have a tendency to deform at the location of pressure resulting in reduction in thickness.

thermoplastics and pvc materials when exposed to continuous heat tend to soften. In this condition when they are subjected to mechanical pressure, they have a tendency to deform at the location of pressure resulting in reduction in thickness. The instrument is manufactured for testing the deformation of insulation and sheath of electric cable under pressure and temperature.

the instrument is especially designed to suit the requirement ofis 10810 (pt 15).

the instrument consists of

a rectangular blade with an edge 0.70 +/- 0.01mm wide.

smooth metal pin (mandrel) for hanging weights.

weights 1008, 501, 251, 201, 101, 51 (all weights ingms)

frame for hanging the blade assembly.
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Flammability Apparatus

  • Model SSI 504 FTIE3321C (Flammability Test as per IEC 60332 Pt 1 & 2, with Burner Control)
  • Inner Chamber 300 x 450 x 1200 (L B H in mm) made of Stainless Steel
  • Outer Chamber GI / MS Sheet, Powder Coated
  • Sample Hanging Clamps provided to hold the Cable Samples
  • Fuel Pressure Fuel Pressure to the burner can be controlled and mointored
  • Timer Digital Timer to set test time and shut off burners after the test time is over.
  • Fuel Supply The Fuel is supplied through a Fire resistant Solenoid valve
  • Burner Bunsen Burner, Adjusted to 45 deg angle
  • Measurement Manual using Stainless Steel provided in the chamber
  • Delivery 2 to 3 weeks
  • Packing Wooden Box, Approx 50 x 60 x 135 (L B H in cm), Weight 50 kg

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

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Smoke Density (ASTM) With HMI

  • Chamber Size : 300 mm x 300 mm x 790 mm
  • Chamber Construction : Single Walled made of 14 gauge Aluminum Sheet, powder coated on both sides
  • Burner : Specially Designed capable to work on 40 psi gas pressure
  • Sample Stand : Designed to hold 25 x 25 x 4 mm Sample securely throughout the test
  • Light Source : 6 V DC Bulb
  • Power Source : Stabilized DC power source to produce 5-7 V DC, adjustable
  • Photo Receptor : Highly Sensitive Photo metric Cell to determine even small change in light intensity
  •  Display : Using 7″ HMI to display various parameters of the instrument.
  • Control : PLC control the various parameters of the instrument
  • Software : Specially designed software to control, monitor and display the test parameters.
  • Power Requirement : Single Phase, 220 V AC, 50 Hz, 0.5 KW (available in 110 V, 60 Hz also)
  • Delivery : 4 to 6 weeks
  • Packing : One Wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 516 SDASH

Standard Number: ASTM 2843, IS 13660 (Part 6/Sec9)

Smoke Density Apparatusis used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

Instrument Principle

Smoke Density Test Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the burning (combustion) or decomposition of Plastic, Cables etc. under controlled conditions.

In Smoke Density Test Apparatus, the sample is burned under controlled pressure of LPG, through a specified burner as per the standard. A light source and a photo receptor is placed on either side of the chamber, and the percentage of light absorbed is displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0 to 100% absorbance scale. The Smoke Density Test apparatus comes complete with timer with 1.5-second pulse at every 15 sec, with hold facility, gas pressure gauge, damper and exhaust fan for removing smoke from the chamber.


The instrument is manufactured as per the ASTM D 2843, IS 13360 (Part 6/ Sec 9) etc.


The Smoke Density Test Apparatus instrument comprises of

Single Walled glass door chamber made of 14 gauge Aluminum
Burner, gas regular
Electronic Photo-metric System
Specimen Holder
Exhaust fan

The Sample is burned using ASTM specified burner under control conditions. A Light source (6 V DC Bulb) emits light which is captured by Photocell which converts the light into Voltage. The intensity of light is proportional to the voltage produced. This voltage is picked up by sophisticated electronic detector, which display the same as % Absorption. As the smoke fills the chamber, the light intensity is reduced, reducing the voltage and the % absorption increase.

The instrument is controlled using a PLC. All the parameters including burner movement, timer, recording of absorption % etc are controlled using the PLC. The parameters are displayed on a 7 touch screen HMI. The user can interacts with the instrument using this HMI.Operator and test parameters are feed in the PLC using the HMI only. The results are displayed on the HMI screen. The screen shots can be stored on the pen drive for future references.

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Flammability Apparatus With Burner Control

  • Model : SSI 504 FTIE3321C (Flammability Test as per IEC 60332 Pt 1 & 2, with Burner Control)
  • Inner Chamber  : 300 x 450 x 1200 (L B H in mm) made of Stainless Steel
  • Outer Chamber : GI / MS Sheet, Powder Coated 
  • Sample Hanging : Clamps provided to hold the Cable Samples
  • Fuel Pressure : Fuel Pressure to the burner can be controlled and mointored 
  • Timer : Digital Timer to set test time and shut off burners after the test time is over.
  • Fuel Supply : The Fuel is supplied through a Fire resistant Solenoid valve 
  • Burner : Bunsen Burner, Adjusted to 45 deg angle
  • Measurement : Manual using Stainless Steel provided in the chamber
  • Delivery : 2 to 3 weeks
  • Packing : Wooden Box, Approx 50 x 60 x 135 (L B H in cm), Weight 50 kg

Model Number: SSI 504 FTIE3321C

Standard Number: IEC 60332 Pt 1 & 2, IS 10810 Pt 53

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

Instrument Principle

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property. The sample cable is hanged in the chamber and is burned through the burner provided in the instrument for the prescribed time. After the flame is removed, the period of burning of cable is noted by a stop watch. After the cable ceases to burn, the effected area is measured through the scales provided in the chamber.


The instrument conforms to IEC: 60332 Pt 1 & 2 and IS: 10810 Pt 53


The instrument consists of


Inner chamber of 1200 x 300 x 450 mm made of Stainless Steel

The Chamber is constructed form GI/MS Sheet powder coated

45 Degburners ( 2 Nos, as perspecification)

Industrial gas regulator (For India Only)

Stainless Steel Scale for burn length measurement. (Stop watchto be arranged by the customer)

Door with toughed glass with gaps on top and bottom for air flow.

Fuel Pressure monitor and control

Timer to set the test time and shut of burner after test time is over.

Fire resistant Solenoid Valve to cut of fuel supply yo burner.

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Thermal Stability Test Apparatus

  • Temperature Control PID Digital Temperature Controller, +/- 0.5oC
Thermoplastics and PVC (Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature.Thermoplastics and PVC materials when exposed to continuous heat, degenerates and emit harmful acidic gases. The instrument is manufactured for testing PVC materials against their thermal stability at higher temperature. The basic principal is that the pH paper changes its color when it comes in contact with halogen gases, released by PVC and its compounds on heating at higher temperatures.

Cold Impact Test Apparatus

  • Weight One Cylindrical Weight of 200 gms
  • Model SSI 506 CIIS (Cold Impact Test Apparatus as per IS)
  • Test Assembly Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Hammer Lock Adjustable height lock to release the hammer
  • Delivery Packing One wooden Box

Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. This test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.

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Cold Impact Test Apparatus (As Per IS)

  • Weight :  One Cylindrical Weight of 200 gms
  • Model : SSI 506 CIIS (Cold Impact Test Apparatus as per IS)
  • Test Assembly :  Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Hammer Lock :  Adjustable height lock to release the hammer 
  • Delivery: 1 to 2 weeks Packing : One wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 506 CIIS

Standard Number: IS 10810 Pt 21

Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. This test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.

Instrument Principle

The test is an alternative to cold bend test.Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. This test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.


The instrument conform to IS: 10810 Pt 21.



The instrument consists of the following

Testing Anvil

Cylindrical falling hammer.

Weights as perIS specs

The sample is cooled in the cold chamber for specified time and whilst still in refrigerator, at the same temperature, struck with the hammer dropped from a height. The sample is then checked for any cracks or scales visible to the unaided eye

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Cold Impact Test

  • Model SSI 506 CIIE (Cold Impact Test apparatus as per IEC)
  • Test Assembly Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Weights 10 different weights from 100 gm to 1500 gm
  • Central Rod Triangular Rod
  • Hammer Lock Adjustable height lock to release the hammer
  • Delivery Packing

Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. Cold Impact test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.

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Cold Impact Test As Per IEC

  • Model : SSI 506 CIIE (Cold Impact Test apparatus as per IEC)
  • Test Assembly : Made of MS, hard chromed
  • Weights : 10 different weights from 100 gm to 1500 gm
  • Central Rod :  Triangular Rod
  • Hammer Lock :  Adjustable height lock to release the hammer 
  • Delivery: 3 to 4 weeks Packing : One wooden Box

Model Number: SSI 506 CIIE

Standard Number: IEC 60811-1-4

Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. Cold Impact test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.

Instrument Principle

The test is an alternative to cold bend test.Most materials when exposed to extreme cold over a period of time become hard and brittle. This test is designed to study the effect of cold temperatures on material under mechanical shock.


The instrument consists of the following

Testing Anvil

Cylindrical falling hammer.

10 weights as perIEC specs

The sample is cooled in the cold chamber for specified time and whilst still in refrigerator, at the same temperature, struck with the hammer dropped from a height. The sample is then checked for any cracks or scales visible to the unaided eye

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Flammability Apparatus (Double Walled)

  • Model : SSI 504FTIE3321D (Flammability Test Apparatus as per IEC 60332 Pt 1 & 2)
  • Chamber Size : 300 x 450 x 1200 (L B H in mm)
  • Chamber : Single Walled,  GI / MS Sheet, Powder Coated on both Sides
  • Sample Hanging : Clamps provided to hold the Cable Samples
  • Burner : Bunsen Burner, Adjusted to 45 deg angle
  • Measurement : Manual using Stainless Steel provided in the chamber
  • Delivery : 2 to 3 weeks
  • Packing : Wooden Box, Approx 50 x 60 x 135 (L B H in cm), Weight 50 kg

Model Number: SSI 504 FTIE3321D

Standard Number: IEC: 60332 Pt 1 & 2, IS: 10810 Pt 53

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

Instrument Principle

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property. The sample cable is hanged in the chamber and is burned through the burner provided in the instrument for the prescribed time. After the flame is removed, the period of burning of cable is noted by a stop watch. After the cable ceases to burn, the effected area is measured through the scales provided in the chamber.


The instrument conforms to IEC: 60332 Pt 1 & 2 and IS: 10810 Pt 53


The instrument consists of


Inner chamber of 1200 x 300 x 450 mm made of Stainless Steel

The Chamber is constructed form GI/MS Sheet powder coated

45 Degburners ( 2 Nos, as perspecification)

Industrial gas regulator (For India Only)

Stainless Steel Scale for burn length measurement. (Stop watchto be arranged by the customer)

Door with toughed glass with gaps on top and bottom for air flow.

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Flammability (Swedish Chimney)

  • Model SSI 505 SCMS (Swedish Chimney with MS Tube – chrome plated)
  • Test Chamber Mild Steel (Hard Chromed)
  • Fuel Pure Alcohol
  • Fuel Bowl Made of Mild Steel (Seamless deisgn)
  • Temperature Calibration By Adjusting the distance between chamber and lid
  • Temperature Measurment Using Digital Temperature Indicator (Hand Held)
  • Delivery 2 to 3 Weeks
  • Packing Single Wooden Box
  • Alternate Model SSI 505 SCSS (Swedish Chimney with SS Tube)

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

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Flammability Test (Swedish Chimney)

  • Model : SSI 505 SCMS (Swedish Chimney with MS Tube – chrome plated)
  • Test Chamber :  Mild Steel (Hard Chromed)
  • Fuel :  Pure Alcohol
  • Fuel Bowl :  Made of Mild Steel (Seamless deisgn)
  • Temperature Calibration :  By Adjusting the distance between chamber and lid
  • Temperature Measurment :  Using Digital Temperature Indicator (Hand Held)
  • Delivery :  2 to 3 Weeks
  • Packing :  Single Wooden Box
  • Alternate Model : SSI 505 SCSS (Swedish Chimney with SS Tube)

Standard Number: IS: 10810 (Pt.61), SS: 424-14-75, for F-3 Cables

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

Instrument Principle

For certain locations it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of fire and is self extinguishing when the source of fire is removed. This test is carried out on finished cables to verify this property.

The sample cable is hanged in the chamber and is burned through the pre-determined amount of alcohol. The quantity of alcohol and time of burning is determined using standard formula depending on the diameter of the test specimen.


The instrument conforms to SS: 424-14-75 for F-3 Cables and IS: 10810 (Pt 61)


The instrument consists of:

SS / MS (hard chromed) tube of specified design.

MS bowl (seamless)

Dial gauge for adjusting the distance between the lid and the burning tube

Hand held temperature indicator (for calibrating the instrument)

After the fire extinguish, the cable is inspected for length and intensity of burn.

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