Our Products
Storage Tanks
1 Products availableCommercial Vehicle
1 Products availableCooling Tower
1 Products availableControl Panels
1 Products availableCrusher, Shredder & Presses
1 Products availablePiston And Crankshaft Assemblies
1 Products availableFumigation Machine
1 Products availableGas Cylinder Accessories
1 Products available
>>about us:
almost a century ago from rawalpindi in 1923, we started with making co2 gas used to prepare aerated water for english army along the journey of almost a whole century we have graduated from making co2 to designing industrial gas systems and perfected the art.
The company is now engaged in design and manufacture of carbon dioxide systems, nitrous oxide systems, biogas upgradation systems, co2 storage tanks, transportation tankers and dry ice systems. The company, since its inception has mode great strides and has won plaudits for its quality products.
Passion for innovative solutions and the relentless pursuit of excellence are the founding pillars of ss gas lab asia. These virtues of our organization have enabled us to carve a path of sustainable growth and achievements. Today we are looking at the down of a new era of business transformation to exceed expectations and deliver greater value.
>>what we offer:
*carbon dioxide generation systems for beverage and water desalination industry.
*carbon dioxide recovery from flues gases, chemical reactions and geothermal sources.
*biogas generation and enrichment units, complete with high grade carbon dioxide recovery
*high purity nitrous- oxide systems for semiconductor , medical and food industry.
*complete solution for storage and transportation of carbon dioxide
*standalone carbon dioxide accessories, equipment and testing appartatus
*complete fabrication capacity for pressure vessels to asme,dn,ped and is standards
*carbon dioxide fumigation solution
*carbon dioxide solutions for green houses.
*dry ice production systems.
>>manufacturing capabilities :
our manufacturing facility has been approved by the chief controller of explosives, petroleum and explosives safety organization, nagpur(india) for the manufacture of unfired pressure vessels.
workshop has the capability to fabricate pressure vessels, heat exchangers, columns and speciality equipment in accordance with customer specification to international codes and standards. Materials of construction may include carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steels,
ssgla facility is equipped to manufacture vessels weighing upto 150 tons.
The most modern technology for cutting and welding is incorporated. The facility is fully equipped with saw, smaw, mig , welding, argon welding machines, plasma cutting machines , and tool room machines like lathes, radial drilling machines , surface grinder etc.
Certified by Bureau Veritas : Certified by Bureau Veritas
ISO 9001:2008 Certified : Certified ISO 9001:2008 Development Procurement of Components and Assembling Plants for Production of CO2 & N2O for Industrial and Food Grade Applications Including Storage Systems , Tankers and Dry Ice Equipment .
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