Welcome to Sri Rajeev Capital Co.
Manufacturer / Exporter / Service Provider / Supplier / Retailer Of Crude Oil, Iron Ore, Printed Packaging Box, Stainless Steel Scrubber, Logistic Import Export Services, Home Architect Service
Welcome to Sri Rajeev Capital Co.
Manufacturer / Exporter / Service Provider / Supplier / Retailer Of Crude Oil, Iron Ore, Printed Packaging Box, Stainless Steel Scrubber, Logistic Import Export Services, Home Architect Service
kitchen king steel scrubber, machharhatta, patna city price list feb 2021. scrubber 8/10/12 gram@ 41/46/51 gi china scrubber in net bag 60dz x 5 @ 36 sheet 296 gsm laminated. 5000 @ 5.8 2500 @ 6 below 2500 @ 6.2 order 5184 sheets for your brand name in 4 days. chemical rs 240/lt. ss 100kg @ 210 below 100kg @ 220 blister katora 50kg @ 190 below 50kg @ 195
Our new invention is advanced digital gun and AK-47 rifle for patent application. Theory of smart rifle AK 47 is:- Modify current rifle by fixing a camera lense at the rear view of nozzle of rifle positioning in a line of target and front view. Just like the position of eye of shooter. And fix a rotating monitor LCD screen behind that camera. It is now ready with advantage of: 1- an untrained shooter can also shoot the target with hundred percent accuracy without any failure. 2- military during encountering the militants and hijackers operation hidden behind walls; can shoot the target before expectation of militants, aiming them in monitor screen from his current position without coming in line of target. Level two gun- Advanced version of this gun will give effect of smart gun. That will useful at military operation and encounters with hijackers hidden in hotels or aircraft's. We have not yet applied it for patent. I am not technical professional. It's just my brain child. And I have simple white page script of it. Which is non technical. If you understand my concept and its future benefits for your business growth. And you wish to get this product manufactured by experts at your R&D team. Kindly let me know your further query on the same. Please feel free to contact me over phone. Level one gun can be developed by minor guidance to your expert and it can be made successfully within same day without extra skill. Level two smart gun require combined support of your skilled technical professional to follow my instruction. Market size of level one product is big. Each rifle requires this fitment to avoid training to military and users.
We are selling address (including public website universal source to prove the address and authenticity of addressey most of them are listed in forbes magazine and fortune 500 top world company listing to prove the universal identity of authentic capacity, annual refining volume of refinery to prove the refinery strength and short company profile only. What else you search from a data provider at our service charge. We are just providing data against charges. We are not related to the company in data. Therefore, we may not help you or recomend you near these companies for your business persuance. It will your individual business effort to utilize the information at your personal expertise. We are not concern with the result of your business. If you need the available address as a data information in your business need. You may select the product and pay for that. We wish you all the best.) :- (1) we have recently a company, they are among top trade company of crude oil, universally known, listed in fortune 500 and forbes magazine and own 48% position in a russian famous refinery. They are stock exchange listed and amount top 25 company of the world with assets above $20 billion. We may give you the corporate address and official website that include adequate information of company. You need to pay $1000 only. (1b) we have one more trading company of crude oil listed in forbs magazine with asset above $2 billion. We may give you the corporate address and official website that include adequate information of company. You need to pay $1000 only. (1) list of all refineries in world at $1, 000 only. (2) crude oil end buyer refinery from the country of choice at $200 each address. (3) crude oil end seller refinery from the country of choice at $200 each address. (4) kit of one seller mandate, one buyer mandate and list of country wise refineries in world at $20, 000 only.
Our manuscript of an Exercise book for the students doing management study. It is practice book for students doing course of entrepreneurship. It will obviously become prime choice of each management students and will become help book for faculty of marketing and strategy management. It will also become a guide book for each business professional as well as strugglers to understand key of success in simple words with data, facts, figures, circumstances etc of current real market business practices. It has approx two dozen chapters. Each one for a saperate line of business. Chapters has excercise to practice assignments with example of multiple hot business of society; by filling up blank boxes, chart sheets, graphs, tables with consern parameters of their business. Balance and calculate its profitability rate in different assumed data, situation and examples. Balancing factors during effective change in figure by volatile market facts. Parameters has column of investment, time, skill, demand, supply, quality, volume, venue, brand value, delivery, profit rate, chain multiplication, positioning, advertising, cost cutting etc. Chapters are for establishing domestic and multinational business of e-commerce, retail chain, transport, branding, packing, trading, marketing, horticulture, production, hospitability services, food, beverages, restaurants, mall's, furniture, clothing, bpo, projects, computer repair Shop chain, jewellers shop chain, antique business selection, stock market fixing, appsoftware securitization channel. Hope you should like the topic and its commercial value post publication.
हम क्या हैं: फर्श, दीवारों, छतों, गुंबदों, खिड़कियों, रेलिंग, झरोखों, मुख्य दरवाजों, बगीचों आदि पर मार्बल्स की फिनिशिंग और फिटिंग ठेकेदार। , पॉलिश संगमरमर ग्रिल नेट (जालि), संगमरमर झरोखा, संगमरमर के खंभे। कौन से काम करते हैं: फाइव स्टार होटल, ड्रीम होम, हेरिटेज होम, ऐतिहासिक स्मारक, स्मारक टॉवर, मंदिर, फार्म हाउस, चूड़ी, प्रमुख निर्माण आदि। हम क्या करते हैं: नव निर्माण का अलंकरण करें। और पुराने निर्माण के फर्श, दीवारों, छतों आदि का भी नवीनीकरण करें। आपको क्या मिलता है: एक विशेष प्रतिष्ठित निर्माण के स्वामित्व के लिए सामाजिक मूल्य, शाही घर में सुंदर जीवन जीने के लिए खुशी जो ऐतिहासिक प्राचीन स्मारकों की तरह दिखती है। हम आपके सपनों के घर को सजाने के लिए उन्हें खासियत दे रहे हैं और उन्हें अपने संगमरमर की दीवारों, फर्श और छतों पर हाथ से बने बहु-रंग के पत्थर के फूलों की सजावट की सूची दें। हम आपके नए घर, होटल, फार्म हाउस और स्मारकों को सजाने के लिए उन्हें शहर, देश और इतिहास के बीच विशेष रूप से सजाने की कोशिश करेंगे। हम ताजमहल की श्रेणी में मार्बल इनले, मार्बल ग्रिल नेट जैली और झरोखा आदि को फिट करके विशेष यादगार लुक के साथ अपने यादगार विरासत घर को पुनर्निर्मित और सजाने का प्रयास करेंगे। मेरे पास अब भारत और विदेश में अनुभवी संगमरमर और पत्थर की नक्काशी वाले हैंडक्राफ्ट कारखानों के जोड़े के साथ पहुंच और गठबंधन है, जिसमें मूल ताज महल के निर्माता के वंशज भी शामिल हैं। यह एक पांच सितारा होटल, घर, मंदिर, स्मारक टॉवर, बहुत विशेष अरबपति के लिए उपहार हो सकता है। फाइव स्टार होटल में ठहरना पसंद है।
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