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Herbal Products

We offer the best product range of Moringa Oleifera Powder, Garcinia Cambogia Extract, TERMINALIA ARJUNA EXTRACT and Alfalfa Powder.

Moringa Oleifera Powder

We are engaged in providing Moringa Oleifera Powder to our customers. This powder is obtained from moringa tree and it is processed and packed in a hygienic manner. The powder supplied by us is 100% natural and contains no additives. It has many health benefits and is also used in treating many diseases and disorders. This powder can be availed from us at minimal price. The orders are delivered at your address within a given time limit.


Details :

  • Moringa Oleifera Herbal Infusion : is Rich with Diverse Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids. Best of All, These Nutrients are Readily Available for Your Body to Use.
  • the Great Majority of Multivitamins Available in the Supermarket Today are Created in Laboratories, Where Ingredients are Synthesized and Packed Into a Small Pill. Unfortunately, Most of These Ingredients are Not Easily Absorbed By the Body Because They are Not Sourced from Whole Foods.
  • Moringa is a Natural, Whole-food Source for Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Antioxidants, and other Important Compounds that Your Body Relies On to Stay Healthy.

Benefits : Are Derived from the Plants High Concentration of Bio-available Nutrients. Moringa Contains High Levels of Vitamin a (beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin C (ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (tocopherol) and Vitamin K.

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Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambogia Extract also known as Malabar tamarind is a popular weight loss supplement. It also reduces high blood sugar and high cholesterol. It blocks the fat from being produced in the body and reduces appetite. It raises HDL level known as good cholesterol. We are a known name in this domain and we are involved in supplying premium quality products to our respected clients.



  • Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia, Clusiaceae) is a plant native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia.
  • The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300.

Constituents and Active Compounds :

  • Fruit rind of Garciniacambogia contains: (-) hydroxy citric acid, (-) hydroxy citric acid lactone-20-30%, garcinol, isogarcinol, cyanidin 3 sambubioside, pectins , sugars.
  • The latex and plant contain camboginol and cambogin. Root contains cambogin. Seeds contain oil or edible fat (23-26%), approx. 44% on the weight of kernels which is viscous and is sold as kokam oil.
  • Kokam butter is rich in combined stearic (45.7%) and oleic acids. It contains about 75% of mono-oleodisaturated glycerides and posses a fairly low melting pont.

Uses :

  • Oil has demulcent and emollient properties. Oil is used for healing ulcers especially in cracked soles, fissures of lips, hands, chapped skin and skin diseases. It is very good appetizer, cholagogue and improves peristalsis.
  • Syrup of fruits is used for stimulating digestive power, and for diseases of the mouth. Leaves and seeds are emetic, purgative and hydrogogue.
  • Latex or resin is purgative. It is also used in chronic catarrh, cough, asthmatic affections, and bronchitis.


Botanical Name Garcinia cambogia
Common Name Malabar Tamarind, kokum butter
Parts used Fruits and seed oil
Principal Constituents Hydroxy citric acid, Cambogin.
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Terminalia Arjuna Extract

In Ayurveda, Terminalia Arjuna Extract is used to treat cardiovascular ailments. It is also applied topically as a powder on ulcers and wounds. It is also used to treat asthma, scorpion sting and bile duct ailments. It reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol and helps keeping them in control. We are one of the major manufacturers and suppliers engaged in offering Terminalia Arjuna extract at affordable rate.


Description :

  • Originated from India, Arjuna is a large, evergreen tree. Apart from a wide range of medicinal uses, it is also planted for shade and ornamental purposes. The bark is commonly used for medicine because it is astringent, sweet, acrid, , urinary astringent, expectorant, alexiteric and is useful in fractures, ulcers, cirrhosis of the lever, and hypertension. Our products with (soft ext ratio 5:01) are qualitative.
  • Our range of this products is known as withania somnifera, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry or winter cherry, which belongs to Solanaceae or nightshade family.

Features :

  • Medicinal properties
  • Effective usage
  • Enhanced shelf life
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Alfalfa Powder

Alfalfa seeds, powder of seeds, grass powder are available for bulk supply. We are cultivating and processing. Private labeling including regulatory clearance is also possible. Contact us for your requirements.
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