What is Misarticulation Therapy & How does it Work?Articulation refers to any speech disorder which can be defined by distortion, substitution, omission, or any addition of phonemes. Sometimes children find it difficult to utter certain sounds. He or she may alter certain sounds due to the course of their speech. In most of the cases, the children outgrow these issues with the advancement of time. But, if it persists for a longer time, then it can be an articulation problem. There are many reasons working behind articulation problem in children such as weak muscles, less control over the tongue, problems in respiratory system or any kind of speech immaturity. Sometimes adults also suffer from articulation due to hearing loss, brain injury, dyslexia, intellectual disability etc. Articulation disorder involves some major issues that can lead to some phonemes, known as misarticulation. The most common misarticulations (related to sound) include additions, omissions, distortions, and substitutions etc. Misarticulation therapy has been designed to make coordination between articulators like lips, cheeks, jaw, palate, and tongue.