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Analyzers And Analytical Instruments
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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Lighting Unit, Plant Phenotyping System Model Plant Eye, Programmable LED Experimentation System, Solar Radiation and Spectroradiometers.
the new mini-pam-ii fluorometer combines the merits of its predecessor mini-pam with most modern led and computer technology., sensitivity, small dimensions, reliability under rugged conditions, and simple execution of fluorescence analysis makes the mini-pam-ii the new standard for pam fluorometry in field research., well-tested fiberoptics with 5.5 mm or 2 mm active diameter reaches even hidden samples., measurements under field conditions are easily controlled and monitored by a transflective touchscreen., energy-efficient led sources, storage capacity of 27, 000 data sets, and easy replaceable off-the-shelf batteries permit long term research campaigns at remote places., a new fully digital leaf clip combines fluorescence analysis with measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (par), leaf temperature and relative humidity., expandable through accessories such as external multicolor lamp, optical oxygen sensor and barcode scanner.
.The WINTERSTEIGER classic plot combine meets all requirements for a quick, clean harvest, from F3 generation ranges to experimental plots. Thanks to its modular system, the combine is suitable for all harvesting conditions and customer requirements. Its dimensions and low weight make the machine easy to transport.
The Plotseed TC was designed as a compact self propelled machine for precise seeding of plots. The modular design along with a variety of seed distribution systems and options allow to customize the machine for many applications
the 2 megapixel ipm scope cam2 allows you to capture high resolution pictures and videos in the field. View pictures instantly on the built-in lcd display and then transfer them via usb cable to a pc. The led lighted unit features 10x and 40x optical zoom and up to 200x digital zoom. The scope has a battery life of up to 5 hours and includes an adjustable-height stand.
The CSF 6 filtration unit carries out the final filtration and washing phase foreseen by the enzymatic method for dietary fiber determination. The CSF 6 used in combination with the GDE is suitable for the determination of total dietary fiber and reduces the time required compared to manual procedures considerably.
The Z951 NDVI-Pen is a hand-held battery-powered PlantPen that helps to characterize plants by means of reflectance. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an important indicator of chlorophyll content in plants, is calculated from measurements of reflected light at two distinct wavelengths, Red (635nm) and NIR (760 nm). the Z951 NDVI-Pen is rugged and compact . It can be used in the field, in the plant biology lab or in teaching plant biology . A handy leaf clip, simple two-button operation, and a bright display make this PlantPen an easy-to-use instrument that does not disturb investigated plants (no leaf tearing or damaging). It takes four AAA alkaline batteries and is supplied in a robust case. The memory of NDVI-Pen has a capacity of 4 MB (up to 100, 000 data points). Measured data are numbered and may be recalled in sequence for later transcription to a computer. More sophisticated models incorporate Bluetooth technology, USB dongle or a Serial Port for data transfer to a PDA or PC. In addition to NDVI-Pen we also offer the Z950 PRI-Pen, which measures the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). We also offer non-standard PlantPens that can measure other structural or chlorophyll indices. The customer can choose, for instance, from the Greenness Index, Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index, Triangular Vegetation Index, Simple Ratio Index, Optimized Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index, and many others. For more information and custom pricing contact Qubit Systems at Contact Qubit.
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the s157 co2 analyzer is a single channel non-dispersive infrared co2 analyzer that measures co2 in 0 to 2000 ppm range with 1 ppm resolution. This co2 analyzer is ideal for co2 exchange measurements with leaves, insects, small animals or organisms with a low metabolic rate. It is also excellent for measuring soil respiratory activity in the lab and field. The analyzer may be used in a flow-through gas exchange configuration for instantaneous and continuous measurements of co2 exchange. It can also be used in stop flow or closed system modes for measurements at extremely low activity levels. The s157 co2 analyzer shares the same infrared technology and modular design as the s158 co2 analyzer. The s157 co2 analyzer may also be used as part of qubit systems carbon dioxide control system for regulating pco2 in growth cabinet. We recommend using s157 with our c950 gas exchange software or other data acquisitions software.
Phelios is a 38496 microplate luminometer with a multi-color filter system, which enables multi-reporter gene assay using different colors luminescence generating luciferases. Phelios also would offer a wide range of application including ATP assay, ELISA, superoxide detection, and estimation of anti-oxidative activity, etc. in cell biology, physiology, microbiology, food sanitation, environmental assessment, etc.
Gel Documentation consists of CCD camera, UV transilluminator, and 10.4 touch screen computer. The system is fully customizable, with selectable 1.4 or 2.0 megapixels, high sensitivity CCD camera, and a combination of 254, 312, and 365 nm UV transilluminator wavelengths. The user is able to operate the system using a simple touch screen interface. The system is capable of handling a wide range of applications, including fluorescence, colorimetric and gel sample image capture. The two side door design also provides for convenient gel cutting.
winscanopy can be used in the laboratory, at remote locations on portable computers or in the field on ultra-portable computers which have a windows operating system. Winscanopy comes with color illustrated manuals and a fast and competent technical support. Its list of features makes it an excellent choice for the novice or the expert whether you are interested in canopy structure or radiation analysis. You can find in one single software program features that were found in different programs before. A winscanopy turn-key system is made of: 1-) image acquisition hardware which consists of a camera with calibrated fisheye lens and optional accessories (self-leveling mount, north direction indicator (northfinder) and remote controller). 2-) computer software programs which consist of winscanopy (basic, reg & pro dslr) for hemispherical and cover image analysis and xlscanopy for data visualization.
The Q-Box AQUA Aquatic Respirometry Package measures oxygen production, or consumption in aquatic plants and animals. The package is a single channel, open flow, intermittent respirometry system capable of measuring metabolic O2 exchange in small fish, invertebrates and even plants and algae! The Aquatic Respirometry Package comes complete with quality sensors as well as PC software and USB instrument for data acquisition and pump control. The software provides real-time graphs and logs calibrated data into Excel files. The Q-Box AQUA Aquatic Respirometry Package measures oxygen production, or consumption in aquatic plants and animals. The package is a single channel, open flow, intermittent respirometry system capable of measuring metabolic O2 exchange in small fish, invertebrates and even plants and algae! The Aquatic Respirometry Package comes complete with quality sensors as well as PC software and USB instrument for data acquisition and pump control. The software provides real-time graphs and logs calibrated data into Excel files.
Fermograph II monitors volume of gas produced by yeast leaven-ing during bread making process. It can also be used to monitor fer-mentation process of alcoholic beverage like Japanese Sake, or bio-ethanol. Gas production is related to the fermentation kinetics of the yeast strain, provides some information on characteristics as bread dough quality, freeze-thaw stability, alcohol productivity, etc. of the strain. Fermograph II quantifies the gas volume as total (accumulated) and production rate at a user-set interval, stores the data, and export CSV data for spreadsheet calculation.
A luminescence monitoring tool to observe gene expressions with bioluminescent markers underlong-term culture. Can be used in studies of internal biological clock, circadian rhythms inorganisms, gene silencing, drug stimulation, etc. Kronos Dio is equiped with cell culture system within its housing to provide real-time periodicalluminescence measurement with multi-color luciferase assay, enabling users to analysethe effects of complex factors influencing gene expression in the cell or the tissue. Internaltemperature control (range: 20 to 45 C) and carbon dioxide circulation allows for convenientcell culture over a long period of time.
A single-tube type personal luminometer equipped with a multicolor detection system. A compact body houses a printer and an injection pump. Easy to operate and applicable to various types of analysis such as ATP assay, measure-ment of superoxide, antioxidative activity, chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay, luciferase assay including multi-reporter gene assay using multiple-color luminescence reagents, etc.