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Medicines Tonics And Drugs


Turent Cough Syrup

No more disturbance at your work out of cough, using turent cough syrup.
Change of weather is the main cause for the cough and cold. Now a day’s most of the people prefer use of ayurvedic cough syrups because it is safe with no side effects also it increases immunity of a person. Turent cough syrup is one of such ayurvedic cough syrup, which has no alcoholic effrcts. Use of turent cough syrup does not give drowsiness in the person.

Main ingredients : Mulathi, Vasaka, Hanspadi, Kasni, Bahera, Sunthi, Tulshi, Banaksha, Sat pipramint, Sat ajwain, Nilgiri oil.

Benefits :

  • Turent cough syrup is prepared by using different herbs which has their own benefits on body.It helps in improving immunity of the body.
  • We have used mulathi and bahera in Turent Cough Syrup. Thus this cough syrup acts as a fighter agents the virus and protect our body from agents of virus, bacteria. Also helps in improving and building immunity.
  • We are not using sugar to give sweet flavour to this cough syrup. Else we are using herbs to give natural sweet flavour. Thus TURENT COUGH SYRUP can be easily used by any diabetic patient.
  • Turent cough syrup has tulshi in it. Thus Turent Cough Syrup is very efficient in throat infection during cough.

Doses :

  • Adult 1-2 teaspoonful 3 times a day
  • Children ½-1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price : Rs. 65

Main Ingredients

Sr. No



Effects on the organs and tissues

Special action

Uses and Indications




Throat & Lungs

• Anti-microbial activity
• Anti-inflammatory activity
• Improves immunity

• Anti-ulcer activity
• Liver protection
• Used for coughs, sore throat, stomach complaints


Vasaka & Hanspadi


Throat & Lungs

• Mild Anti–Inflammatory action
• Anti-Microbial Activity
• Skin protective action.

• Whistling sound while breathing
• Controlling Vomiting action
• Cough
• Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Tuberculosis
• Fever due to cough/phlegm




Throat & Lungs

• Helps in relieving pain
• Results in lowering down the burning sensations.
• Anti inflammatory agent

• Maintains the normal blood pressure & helps in all kinds of fever.




Throat & Lungs

• Used in case of excessive thirst and vomiting
• Cures breathing problems
• Cures Wounds

• Cures breathing problems
• Cures Wounds
• Cough, Asthma & Indigestion
• Sore Throat




Throat & Lungs

• Fever
• Flatulence
• Hypercholesterolemia
• Nausea

• Chest Congestion
• Chronic Bronchitis
• Common Cold
• Cough




Throat, Lungs & Blood

• Useful in diabetes, high blood pressure

• Acts as an antibacterial element and facilitates recovery from fever
• Helps treat the symptoms of common cold
• Helps in fighting allergies & infections
• Useful in building immunity




Throat & Lungs

Antiseptic Herb
Contains Vitamin C

Used for treatment whooping cough
Used for treating mouth and throat infections




Throat & Lungs

Antimicrobial properties
Clears respiratory tract
Boosts energy
Releases tight muscles

Used to thin or loosen chest congestion
Break up a cough with phlegm




Throat & Lungs

Germicide & Antiseptic Properties

Gives relief from cough
Gives relief from cold and chest congestion


Neelgiri Oil


Throat & Lungs

Antiviral agent


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Nuliv DS Syrup

Nuliv DS is a liver tonic which helps in improving liver function. All of us know that liver is the most important organ of our body. Thus it needs to function properly. Nuliv DS is natural remedy for liver to function properly. Nuliv DS has different herbs which regulates body functioning. We dont even know that our liver performs more than 500 different functions daily. But unfortunately, todays fast lifestyle include high stress levels, increased junk food consumption, heavy drinking, incessant smoking and self-medication damages liver in the long run. Thus regular use of Nuliv DS is the easiest way to protect our liver. Our team has done lots of efforts to maintain the product quality from manufacturer to customer. Keeping that in mind we have use the best bottles, packaging materials etc so that it may not damage the product in any means. Cost is also one of the important factors that affect the product sell. We have tried our best to keep our product economical so that it can be used by lot of people.

Main ingredients : Kalmegh, Bhringraj, Kutki, Punarnava, Makoy, Harar, Beahda, Amla, Daruhaldi, Dugdhfani, Aloe Vera, Apamarg, Sonth, Geloy, Manjishta, Kashni, Nagarmotha, Anantmool, Gokshru, Sugar

Benefits : Its a liver tonic helps in smooth functioning of liver Its an anti-oxidant help in maintaining body temperature. It has Amla which is good source of vitamin c helps to protect body from anti bacterial viral. Also Amla helps in liver-protection. Helps in building the immunity of the body. Nuliv DS syrup also has Aloe Vera which helps in proper functioning of liver to digest food. Nuliv DS is combination of more than 20 herbs which helps in removing body disorder and boost for proper functioning of body.

Dosage : Adult - 10-20ml 2-3 times a day.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price : Rs. 120
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Amrit Rasayan Syrup

Energy Booster
Unhealthy food, untimely eating habits and impure foodstuffs (foods articles and vegetables) makes human being week from within. Peoples are suffering from lack of energy and becoming unhealthy, they are losing their immunity power of fighting with different diseases. Thus they requires extra source of energy which make them fit and health.
Amrit Rasayan is a product which provides that extra source of energy to human being (children, men & women). Thinking on its property and uses of so many herbs our team has tried their best to keep this product economical.

Main Ingredients : Draksha, Shatavar, Jyotish Mati, Aswagandha, Giloy, Harad, Bahera, Amla, Bala, Jata Mansi, Sonth, Kali Mirch, Pipal, Shankhpuspi, Brahmi, Vach, Bhringraj, Viavidang, Shilajeet, Mulahthi, Louhbhasam, Vidarikhand, Sugar.

Benefits :

  • Natural processed herbal syrup provides iron, vitamins and minerals to our body.
  • It contains herbs like Amla, Giloy, and Harad which provides anti-oxidants to our body and helps in increasing immunity system of our body.
  • Amla is known to balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas - vata, kapha, pitta. Thus amrit rasayan helps in balancing all process of our body.
  • Amrit rasayan contain piple which helps in digestion process. It is a good source which moisturises the respiratory tracs and helps in normal breathing process.
  • It has herbs which increases body blood level to keep body health and energetic.

Dosage : 5 to 10ml twice daily after meal Or as per instruction of physician.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price : Rs. 150

Main Ingredients

Sr. No



Effects on the organs and tissues

Special action

Other Actions

Uses and Indications




Blood Cells & Stomach

Check cough, thirst, asthma, hoarseness, fatigue, yakshama (tuberculosis) and injury at chest region.

  • Useful in purification for pitta and is included in the group of drugs pacifying fatigue, fever and cough. Act as mild laxative
  • Useful in improving digestion
  • Useful in curing fever or jaundice.
  • Useful in  drowsiness, burning sensation and hangover




Lung & Stomach

Female Reproductive, Respiratory

  • Digestive
  •  Rejuvenates body, Strengthens and Nourishes the tissues.
  • Used to soothe and nurture inflamed membranes of lung, stomach, kidney and reproductive organs


Jyotish Mati



Appetizer & posseses hot property, Stimulates Digestive and Nervous system

  • Improves memory power and concentration.
  • Improves grasping power and concentration of brain
  • Strengthens the person to endure the stress
  • Used in loss of appetite, fever and rheumatism




Blood Cells

Potential healer for nervous Degenerative Diseases

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  •  Antioxidants
  • Helps regulate the blood sugar levels
  • Useful to burn fat and treat obesity


Giloy Extract


Blood Cells & Lungs

Improves Vision
Giloy contains anti-aging properties that help reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles

  • Antioxidants
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  • Fights Respiratory Problems
  • Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity
  • Treats Chronic Fever
  • Improves Digestion
  • Giloy juice helps reduce high levels of blood sugar and works wonders




Stomach & Blood Cells

Helpful cure in Headache
Treats Migraine pain

  • Improves Immunity
  • Used in Jaundice
  • Enhance Digestive power
  • Treats Bleeding Piles
  • Cleanses the body
  • Removes Constipation


Bahera & Shankhpuspi


Lungs & Brain

Rejuvenative and laxative.
Beneficial for hair, throat and eyes. Helps in loss of appetite, flatulence, thirst, piles and worms.

  • Acts as an astringent and anti-diarrheal. Boosts immunity, Improves mental faculties and enhances the body resistance against diseases.
  • It helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Used as Brain Tonic
  • Relief in cough, cold, hoarseness of voice and asthma.
  • Used to alleviate pain and burning sensation,
  • Used in case of excessive thirst and vomiting.




Blood Cells & Stomach

Boosts Immunity,  Prevents Formation Of  Stones

  • Brightens Skin, Reduces Pigmentation
  • High In Digestive Fiber, Reduces Blood Sugar, Is Anti-Inflammatory, Purifies Blood, Prevents Constipation, Protects Your Liver





Provides strength to those have muscular dystrophy and muscle weakness
It reduces pain and stimulates formation of healthy new tissue

  • Weight Loss
  • Provides strength due to general weakness or diabetes or other reasons
  • Stamina building
  • Asthma and Allergies


Jata Mansi


Brain & Liver

Stress buster
Liver problems

  • Antidepressant
  • Antifungual
  • Used to treat intestinal worms
  • Cardiac health
  • Memory and learning
  • Strengthens the nervous system




Stomach-Intestine & Tissues

Treats the symptoms of common cold

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Useful to burn fat and treat obesity
  • Useful in relieving constipation, stomach ache as well as indigestion.
  • Useful in abdominal pain and gas.


Kali Mirch, Viavidang & Pipal


All Tissues

Clears up a stuffy nose and relieves cough                           Is a natural anti-depressant

  • Helps you lose weight        Helps In Treating Fever, Cold, Jaundice
  • Helps In Treating Asthma
  • Helps in digestion
  • Relieves gas
  • Helps the body use nutrients more efficiently




Blood Cells & Brain

Controls Blood pressure
Treatment for Jaundice
Treats Burning sensation
Treats Ulcer
Treats Body ache

  • Antimicrobial & Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-stress,Antipruritics, Anodyne(action appear in headache),  Improves eye sight
  • Gives Relief From Headaches and Migraine
  •  Helps In Improving Blood Circulation


Shilajeet & Vach


Brain & Liver

Sharp intelligence
Balanced blood sugar
Efficient detoxification

  • Enhanced potency and effectiveness of other nutrients
  • Provides Energy
  • Improves Memory
  • Absorption of vital nutrients
  • Optimal oxygenation and the body’s natural antioxidant response


Mulahthi & Brahmi


All Tissues

Hormonal regulation
Heart healthy effects

  • Anti-microbial activity
  • Anti-inflammatory activity     Anti-ulcer activity
  • Improves immunity
  • Memory improvement
  • Liver protection
  • Digestive aid




Brain & Liver

Useful in cardiovascular diseases                                  Improves strength, immunity, skin texture,complexion, memory, intelligence, digestive power and acts as natural aphrodisiac.

  • Abdominal colic, Chronic Respiratory Disorders, Liver Disorders, Piles, Fistula, Chronic Diseases, Emaciation, Muscle Wasting, Dizziness, Delusion.
  • Nourishes
  • Useful in gastric complaints, Skin diseases, Eye disorders, Bloating, Obesity, Diabetes, Vomiting, Asthma, Bronchitis, 




Fatty Liver

Uterus tonic

  • Abortifacient.
  • Antiemetic
  • Antiandrogen
  • Antitumor
  • Anti-implantation
  • Choleretic
  • Contraceptive
  • Cardio–tonic
  • Diuretic
  • Estrogen or oestrogen like effect.

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Virofol Syrup

Virofol is made for viral diseases. Due to negligence of eating habits in any of seasons often suffer from cough and cold. Pollution and lack of hygiene increases the seasonal effect of viral fever which comes in many forms. This disease mostly affects children, resulting in the decline of immunity in the body.
Space organics has tried its best to manufacture an ayurvedic medicine which helps to build immunity and fight with viral fever. This product is very effective and economical to use for.  

Main ingredients : Bhumi amla, Eranda, Giloy, Papaya.

Benefits :

  • Virofol has amla which has ability to fight with cold and cough. It has antioxidants and vitamins which improves body’s disease fighting ability.
  • Giloy in it acts as an excellent blood purifier, anti-inflammatory helps in reducing body temperature. Also helps in building immunity of the body.
  • Papaya is used in Virofol. Immune  system acts as a shield against various infections that can make us really sick.  Papaya  fulfil our daily requirement of Vitamin C, and hence it is a  great source of building a strong immune system.

Doses : As advised by physicion.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price : Rs. 125

Main Ingredients

Sr. No


Virya (Energy)

Effects on the organs and tissues

Special action

Uses and Indications


Bhumi Amla


Lung & Blood Cells

• Supports liver function and flushes out toxins from the body
• It relieves pain
• It improves eyesight
• It beautifies hair
• It improves the digestive system

• Helps fight the common cold
• Builds immunity
• Improves skin
• Helps manage chronic conditions




Lung & Blood Cells

• Used for treatment of Swelling, Fever, Abdominal diseases, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Pain in lumbar region etc.
• Useful in painful urination, lump, diseases due to vitiation of vata/wind and colic pain in the bladder (Vasti-Shula).

• Used for  treatment of Jaundice and liver related problems
• Antioxidant effects


Giloy Extract


Lung & Blood Cells

• Improves Vision
• Giloy contains anti-aging properties that help reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles
• Reduces Stress and Anxiety
• Fights Respiratory Problems

• Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity
• Treats Chronic Fever
• Improves Digestion
• Giloy juice helps reduce high levels of blood sugar and works wonders
• Antioxidants




 Blood Cells

Fulfills 200% of daily requirement of    Vitamin C.
Helps to improves immunity system .

Used for curing dengue fever
Enzymes that boost platelets

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Happy Zyme Syrup

Happy Zyme Syrup In this fast moving culture every third person is suffering from Indigestion, which is the root cause of all disease. Indigestion or Upset Stomach is a condition which describes abdominal discomfort.


It is not a disease but a group of symptoms that includes : Lack of Appetite, Abdominal Gas, Constipation, Heart Burn etc Happy Zyme Syrup makes happy stomach. It’s a combination of 19 different herbs. These herbs are combined in an adequate quantity.


Happy Zyme can be regularly used :

  • By old age people because with the age, secretion of enzymes to digest food reduces.
  • By foodies. As we know our younger generations eats so many unhealthy food which in result harms their stomach badly. Regular use of HAPPY ZYME creates a protection layer and helps them in proper digestion.
  • By Person wants to reduce their weight and look smart.


Main Ingredients : Chitrak, Pipalamool, Viavidang, Dhaniya, Ajwain, Tejpatra, Sonth, KaliMirch, Peepal, Haritaki, Amla, Jeera, Lavang, Kala Namak, Nagarmotha, Ghrit Kumari, Nisoth, Pudina, Sugar.


Benefits of Happy Zyme :

  • Happy Zyme Support proper functioning of liver and helps in healthy digestion of fat and sugars.
  • Happy Zyme is very effective in relieving stomach pain.
  • It enhances the “fire” in the body, which is responsible for proper digestion, body heat, visual perception, hunger, thirst, and lustre of the skin.
  •  Regular intake of happy Zyme results in making a stronger, healthier digestive system.

Dosage :

  • 3 times a day after meals
  • As per direction of physicion.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price :
    • 100ml - 55
    • 200ml - 85
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Gynofer Syrup

Gynofer is a natural Ayurvedic tonic which is scientifically been formulated for female to prevent and cure from number of  ailments of  female body especially the reproductive heaths. Thus Gynofer Offers A Multi – dimentional Features Just To Restore The Energy Of Youth And Renew The Femanin Nature.

Benefits :

  • Herbs in Gynofer rejuvenates and renew the body system.
  • Gynofer is specially designed and formulated in such a way that the herbs provide both direct and indirect action on uterus and female reproductive organ and gives relief in
  • Irregular menstrual Periods :  Irregular periods, pain during periods, too much bleeding during periods happens to suffer by lot of womens and all of these issues are put together as menstrual disorders. Gynofer works efficiently on them by restoring cyclic disorders from menarch to menopause.
  • Menopausal syndrome -   Menopause is defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period and marks the end of menstrual cycles. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s.
  • Menopause is a natural biological process, this is something a women can never run away from. Although it also ends fertility, you can stay healthy, vital and sexual. Some women feel relieved because they no longer need to worry about pregnancy.
  • Even so, the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or — for some women — trigger anxiety or feelings of sadness and loss.


Gynofer Tonic Works Just Fine On Them By Exerting :

  • Anti-inflamatory Action
  • Sedative Action
  • Tranqulizing Action
  • Anti-spasmodic Action
  • Immunomodulatory Action Amd
  • Many More Actions
  • Hormonal imbalance - Every women at certain time in their lives faces this disorder of hormonal imbalance that gives them acne, stress, unwanted hair growth, persistent weight gain, low libido, insomnia, digestion problems etc. Gynofer works as a great remedy for hormonal imbalance and eradicates all these disorders.
  • Urinary problems - Issues like frequent urination, burning sensation during urination or dark colored urine can be healed so easily using Gynofer. Also, it betters your kidney function which normalizes your urine routine.
  • Healthy weight gain - Those women who are underweight, looks skinny and are unable to gain weight using many ways, then this syrup could be a life changer for them. Frequent use of the syrup can provide them a healthy weight according to their heights. It provides all the required nutrition from diuretic properties of various plant extracts.
  • Gynofer normalise Vaginal pH and helps in controlling colonization of bacteria , protozoa and fungal.

Main Ingredients : Lodhra, Ashok chaal, Guduchi, Kakmachi, Punarnava, Shatvari, Kumara, Babool, Musta, Anantmool, Amla, Harda, Beahera, Manjishta, Trikatu, Shalmali, Ashwagandha, Sugar

Dosage : 10 to 15 ml two or three times daily after meals or as directed by physicians.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price :
    • 200ml + 20 cap - Rs. 120
    • 450ml  - Rs. 155
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Spacid Syrup

Anti-Acidic Syrup For a person, to live a healthy life it’s very important that they have a very healthy stomach. We eat lots of unhealthy food untimely. This effects our stomach badly. We generally suffer from acidity and indigestion. Spacid helps in acidity.

Main Ingredients : Yashtimadhu, Amlaki, Giloy, Dhaniyaka, Bhirngraj, Satawar, Neem, Nisoth, Gauzban, Sugar.

Benefits :

  • Its a good appetizer. Helps in better digestion and reduces formulation of acid in the stomach.
  • Different herbs are used to make body fit and strong. Also helps in better digestion of food.
  • SPACID helps in curing intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diabetes, gum disease and liver problems.   
  • SPACID digest food and also helps in reducing extra secretion of acids.

Dosage : 5to 10ml twice daily after meals or as per direction of physician.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price :
    • 100ml - 75
    • 200ml - 125
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Painvin Ointment

Obtaining our superior grade product range is easy as we are based in Sonipat(India), which is well connected by air, road and rail. To ensure the finest quality, our team makes every endeavor to present a qualitative and certified array of products.


Introductry Price/ Billing Price

  • MRP Price : Rs. 70


Compositions Virya (Energy) Effects on the organs and tissues Special action Other Actions Uses and Indications
Gandhpura Oil Extract Hot Joints & Muscles
  • Oil is valuable for local inflammatory swellings, neuralgic pain, pleurodynia, myalgia, itching, and swelling and stiffness of the joints.
  • Aromatic, Anti Rheumatic, Anti Inflammatory, Stimulator, Repellents, Pain reliever, Antibacterial, Antiseptic etc.
  • Used in aches and pains.
  • Good pain relieving application for acute articular and chronic rheumatism and in gonorrheal arthritis.
Nilgiri Oil Hot Joints & Muscles
  • Helpful to people experiencing back pain or those recovering from a joint or muscle injury.
  • Analgesic, Antibacterial, Anticatarrhal, Anti-Infectious
  • Anti-Inflammatory, Antiviral agent, Antispasmodic
  • Insecticidal, Expectorant


  • Warm topical application to soothe sore joints and muscles
  • Reduce pain and inflammation associated with many conditions.
Pudina Phool Oil Cooling Joints & Muscles -
  • Cool muscles like an ice bath, but help you to stay warm and dry & relive pain.
  • Very effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant.
  • Helpful in soothing an aching back, sore muscles, and melting away a tension headache
  • Helps to stay warm and dry.


Kapura Cooling Skin
  • Relax the body and mind
  • Relief in stiff and painful joints
  • Used in many skin ointments that are used to treat a whole range of fungal and bacterial infections
  • Pain relief, especially for back pain.
  • The oil also eases muscle tension because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Ajowan Oil Hot Joints & Muscles
  • Has concentrated amount of Thymol which reduces swelling and stiffness in the joints
  • Antiseptic, Germicidal, Fungicidal and Antispasmodic properties helps in curing nausea, cholera, vomiting, colic pain, diarrhea, flatulence, dyspepsia, indigestion, arthritic pain and etc.
  • Presence of anti-inflammatory compounds acts an excellent natural aid to get rid of pain due to arthritis.
  • Contains Anaesthetic properties which give relief in pain and swelling
  • Antibiotic Compounds helps in combating inflammation & other associated symptoms, such as redness.
Dalchini Oil Hot Joints & Muscles
  • Antidepressant
  • Galactagogue Immunostimulant
  • Detoxifying Agent
  • Carminative
  • Antibacterial, Astringent, Antiseptic, Analgesic, Antifungal
  • Helps reduce the stiffness of muscles and joints.
  • Helps in alleviating pains including muscle pulls, aches or even stiffness of the joints

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Mega-BM Syrup

In general machine does not work properly if it is not being used. Similarly brain also does not work if we do not utilize our brain. Human being use only 10%, a very small portion of their brain to do their work. So we should always keep our brain active. Today life style needs a fast and sharp brain to sustain. Mega BM is a tonic which helps in regulates brain power. Make brain stronger, healthier and sharper.
We know everyone today is living a very stressful life with lots of work pressure. They do not take proper rest. Body and brain do get proper rest which results in mental and psychological problem. Mega BM is a syrup which helps in relaxing ones brain.

Main Ingredient : Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Aswagandha, Shatvari, Amla, Harda, Beahda, Arjun Chall, Kraunch Beej, Safed Musli, Guduchi, Daruhaldi, Bhringraj, Musta, Kasamarda, Sugar.

Benefits :

  • MEGA BM syrup is a combination of more than 16 herbs and has ability to increase memory.
  • MEGA BM is very helpful for the peasant suffering from mental stress.
  • MEGA BM is a brain and mental tonic to treat Alzheimer disease, memory loss, insanity, insomnia and other mental illness.
  • Shankhapushpi is one of the ingredient used in Mega BM. Use of this herbs with all other herbs in MEGA BM helped this syrup results in improving memory.
  • Its consumption also prevents memory loss. MEGA BM is also used as one important medicine for the treatment of disorders/syndromes, such as hypertension, hypotension, anxiety neurosis, stresses etc.
  • This syrup also beneficial in rejuvenation therapy and works as psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer.

Does : 5 to 10 ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physicians.


Introductry Price @ 25% discount

  • MRP Price : Rs. 130
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