Welcome to Source Corp India
About us :-\\r\\nSource Corp India ,Is a sourcing company which sources the Product / material for there clients globally meaning if you require any product / material from a country to be shipped and supplied to another company we do the market research of that product for you find out the options of the similar products manufactured by multipal factories / producers , share the sample and data with the buyer ensures the quality and timely supply of the product ensures the payments and does all the paper work for the buyer and seller both makes sure the smooth supply , payment and logistics transition between both the companies , and serves the needs of both the parties with over coming the social , economical and communication barriers .We become one point in contact for the buyer and seller both and provide hem prompt and world class services It is where most of the world class furniture and interior manufacturing companies are located .We export products directly sourced from the factories , with high quality manufacturing and latest design . Our constant interaction with many such companies gives us first hand information about the new products and development done by the factories for better quality products .In particular we fully provide the following steps for the buyer:- Clients project layout check and analysis- Design and items selection and suggestion- Price negotiation , confirmation- Shipping ,duty and customs aspects , goods delivery.We custom design the inspection process as per your requirements. The various stages of inspection are as below:• FACTORY ASSESSMENT\\r\\n• PRE-PRODUCTION INSPECTION (PPI)\\r\\n• INITIAL-PRODUCTION INSPECTION (IPI)\\r\\n• MID-PRODUCTION INSPECTION (MPI)\\r\\n• PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION (PSI)\\r\\n• FULL SHIPMENT INSPECTION (FSI)\\r\\n• CONTAINER LOADING INSPECTION (CLI)\\r\\n\\r\\nProject Management:\\r\\nWe undertake complex projects and simplify them with our global sourcing network which we have build across the globe . we give all the solutions under one roof for our clients \\r\\n.\\r\\nFor the projects we source products across the wide range which is not limited to only a\\r\\ncertain category.
Primary Business