Welcome to Sophia Online College
Sophia Online Degree College, Bangalore was established in the year 2022 at Bangalore to provide online education. In India, where people and their favorite College are separated by great distances, often obstructing the mainstream type of Study, the online education mode will prove to be useful in many situations. The tremendous change at which science and technology is progressing makes it essential for people to develop their knowledge and expertise in order to keep streamlined in their fields of work. The significance of distance education is a source of openings for people who aspire to learn further but don’t have the convenience for it. In distance literacy or distance education, the instructor and learner are separated geographically and by time. System of correspondence program has developed into distance education, with the accession of fresh features. On the other hand, open literacy refers to an arrangement in which learners borrow the style of tone- instruction, completing programs structured around especially set literacy accoutrements , supported by contact classes and examinations. Open learning implies a gospel of open entry and access to learning openings but it doesn’t inescapably incorporate technological advances. Distance literacy makes use of new technological devices. There may be slightly varying views on these delineations. Open universities have made remarkable progress in recent times thanks to the great demand for installations different from those offered by conventional institutions. We offer correspondence programs like Correspondence BA, CorrespondenceB.com, Correspondence M.A, CorrespondenceM.com, Correspondence MBA, Correspondence BBA, Correspondence BSc, Correspondence MSc, Distance BCA, Online MCA, Correspondence B.Ed., Correspondence D.Ed., and Distance Diploma.
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Service Provider
Annual Turnover
Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.