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1 Products availableCorrosion And Rust Control Products
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Water Reducing & Rapid Hardening Admixture, Highly Efficient Rapid Hardening Admixture, Air Entraining Admixture, Hardening Accelerator Admixture and High Range Supper Plasticising Admixture.
Ultracrete STP-526 is a superior quality Rapid Hardening Admixture are an important component of concrete, This Environmental Product Declaration covers hardening admixture for normal concrete. STP-526 specially developed for Low Temperature concrete, concrete block and mortar precast and reinforced concrete concrete pipes, electric pol etc.
Direction for use
Other admixtures are available.
Ultracrete EPT-031 is a superior quality Rapid Hardening Admixture. Ultracrete EPT-031 are an improtant component of concrete together with the cement, water, aggregates EPT-031 are used to increase the intial rate and speed of the chemical reaction beteen cement and the mixing water. This results in a faster stiffening of the concrete (Water Reducing & Rapid Hardening Admixture) or faster hardening and strength development (hardeing admixture) or both. This Environmental Product Declaration covers hardening admixture for normal concrete. Ultracrete EPT-031 specially developed for application in pre-cast concrete, high performance concrete and for manufacturing of cement tilles, paver blocks etc.
The Maion Function of Ultracrete EPT-031 are as under :
Direction for useUltracrete EPT-031 should be added to concrete/mortar during the mixing cycle at the same time as water is added. Avoid adding to dry cement.
DosageField trials should be conducted to determine th exact dosage however a dosage range varying between 150 ml to 400 ml per 50 kg bag of cement can be recommended.
PackingUltracrete EPT-031 is available in 220 Kg packs.
Quality AssuranceUltracrete EPT-031 products are manufactured under strict quality control supervision as per exact manufacturing specifications. Should you find the behaviour of the product varying from the claims in the data sheet please stop the use of the product and contact the nearest staff or distributor.
Other admixtures are avilable.
AEA-401 it is a high performance, chloride-free water reducing cum air entraining agent for mortars, concrete and lightweight aggregate mixes. The introduction of AEA-401 brings entrainment of innumerable microscopic air bubbles of suitable size and spacing evently distributed throughout the matrix.
Uses :AEA-401 is designed for use in exterior concrete such as highway pavinb, curb and gutters, sidewalks, driveways, slabs, walls, or other areas needing protection from freeze/thaw damage or the harmful effect of de-icing salts. AEA-401 is effective in increasing the workability of the concrete, especially in lean or harsh mixes.
Appearance : Lightbrown liquid
Chemical Base : Sulphonate
Relative Density : 1.14 Kg
Packaging : Available in 230 kg Non Returnable Drums.
Storage & Shelf Life12 months from data of production if stored properly in undamaged unopende, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5oC and +25oC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
DosageThe recommended dosage range of AEA-401 is 400mL/100 kg of cementituious material.
Important NotesFor information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
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HA2-356 increases the early strength of concrete and mortar without affecting the initial workability and final strength.
Uses :
Especially suitable for any application where fast early strength development plays a major role, or is of crucial importance within 6 to 24 hours. HA2-356 can be used for the following applications :
Provides the following advantages through accelerated hardening of the concrete :
Appearance : Pale yellow to Reddish colour
Chemical Base : Aqueous solution of inorganic salts
Relative Density : 1.17 at 25oC
Packaging : HA2-356 is Available in 230 kg Non Returnable Drums.
Storage & Shelt Life12 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged unopened, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5oC and +25oC. Protect direct sunlight and frost.
Dosage050-2.0% by weight of cement/ Higher dosage may be used. Exact dosage rates are however dependant on the type of effect sought, quality of cement and aggregates, water/cement ratio and ambient temperature. Actual dosage to be finalised on the basis of site trials.
Application Conditions Instructions for UseHA2-356 should be added separately to the freshly mixed concrete. After addition, further mixing of at-least 1 minute should take place per cubic metre of concrete.
Important NotesFor information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
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PLSTO-S441 is based on hyper plasticising sulphonated syntheitc polymers.
Uses :
Appearance : Straw coloured liqued
Chemical Base : sulphonated synthetic polymers
packaging : PLSTO-S441 is available in 230 kg Non Returnable drums.
Storage & Shelt Life12 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged unopened, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5oC and +25oC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
Dosage0.2 to 0.4% by weight of cement. For more demanding situations use 0.5% PLSTO-S441 is compatible with all type of portland cement including Sulphate Resistant Cement (SRC). Actual dosage to be finalised on the basis of site trials.
Application conditions instructions for use PLSTO-S441 should be added to the mix along with water. Addition of plasticizers to the dry mix or dry cement should be avoided. During long transits of concrete fifty percent of the recommended dosage of PLSTO-S441 can be added at the batching plant and the remaining fifty percent at just before pouring.
Improtant NotesWhen accidental overdosing of normal setting PLSTO-S441 occure the setting time will be retarded. During this period the concrete must be kept moist to prevent premature drying out.
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SWRR -381 is a highly efficient set retarding concrete admixture. SWRR -381 is used as retarding admixture in concrete where a controlled extention of setting time is required.
SWRR -381 provides the followings beneficial properties :
Appearance : Yellowish liquid
Chemical Base : Poly hydroxyl Compound
Packaging : SWRR-381 is available in 230 kg Non Returnable Drums.
Storage & Shelf Life12 months from date of production if stored property in undamaged unopened, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +10oC and +40oC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
DosageSWRR-381 0.20-0.6% by weight of cement. The retardation rate achieved is directly dependent on the dosage rate which in turn is nfluenced by quality of cement and aggregates, w/c ratio and temperatures. It is trials should be carried out to determine optimum dosage rate.
Applications conditions Instructions for useBy use SWRR-381 concrete of highest quality can be produced. The standard rules of good concreting practice, concerning production, placing and testing are to be followed. Fresh concrete must be cured as per the relevant standard.
Important NotesWhen accidental overdosing of normal setting SWRR-381 occure the setting time will be retarded.During this period the concrete must be kept moist to prevent premature drying out.
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S2-305 is made under the management of competent experts by consuming the finest grade component according to the market norms. S2-305 is plasticising accelerator for cement concrete and mortars.
Uses :
S2-305 is an accelerator suitable for dry as well as wet spray applications. It is used for the following main applications :
Following arguments specially distinguish S2-305 as catalyser of spraying concrete :
Appearance : white coloured suspension type liquid
Chemical Base : Mineral based
Relative Density : 1.46 Kg
PH : 2.5
Packaging : Available in 230 kg Non Returnable Drums.
Storage & Shelf Life12 months from date of production if stores properly in undamaged unopened, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5oC and +25oC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
DosageRequired dosage of S2-305 has to be arrived at site by practical trials. The dosage is dependent on temperature conditions, type of cement, type of acceleration required. We however recommend dosages of 1 fo 10% by weight of cement Lower dosages are however used in pre-cast elements and higher dosages are used in shot-creting.
Applicatio Conditions Instructions for useOver dosages of S2-305 results in flash setting of concrete or mortars. Do not use frozen aggregates in concreting in low temperature areas. For best results keep gauging water to a minimum areas to be concreted or shot-creted should be free from ice Fresh concrete should be so sheltered as to ensure the preservation of heat of hydration evolved.
Important NotesFor information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users.
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PLASTO-N341 is used wherever high quality structural concrete is required. Its plasticising effect is particularly useful where :
PLASTO-N341 provides the following beneficial properties :
Appearance : Dark brown liquid
Chemical Base : Sulphonate
Packaging : PLASTO-N341 is available in 230kg Non Returnable Drums.
Storage & Shelf Life12 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged unopened, original sealed packaging, in day conditions at temperatures between +5oC and +25oC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
Dosage0.2 to 0.8% by weight of cement. For more demanding situations use 0.5%. PLASTO-N341 is compatible with all types of portland cement including Sulphate Resistant Cement (SRC). Actual dosage to be finalised on the basis of site trials.
Application Conditions Instructions for usePLASTO-N341 should be dispensed directly into the mixing water prior to its addition to the wet concrete. When accidental overdosing occurs, PLASTO-N341 does not entrain excessive amount of air and does not effect the ultimate strength, only the setting time is extended.
Important NotesWhen accidental overdosing of normal setting SWRR -381 occure the setting time will be retarded. During this period the concrete must be kept moist to prevent premature drying out.
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