Compact Modular Rectifier Bridges and Fast Recovery Rectifier Diodes were exported to many countries from 1979 on words. SSE make Standard and Fast Recovery Rectifiers & Bridges are the main stay of the heavy industry in India. Schottky Rectifiers, Fast Recovery, Ultra Fast Recovery and Super Fast Epitaxial Power Rectifiers in DO-4 (DO-203AA), DO-5 (DO-203AB), DO-8, DO-9 and Press Paks were introduced as early as in 1982. In 1988, SSE introduced a whole new line of low, and medium power Rectifier Bridges, Axial Diodes, Axial Schottky Rectifiers, Axial Fast Recovery Rectifiers and Bridges in P6, P3 (DO-203AA) KBPC and Metal Case Packages.