The Brown Eggs, supplied by us, are very nutritious and are recommended for a healthy balanced diet. These brown eggs are available in safe & secure packaging and they are fresh as well.more...
We take exceptional care in offering the White Egg in hygienic packing that assists to preserve their freshness and nutritional content for a long time.more...
With the aid of our sophisticated packaging system, our skilled personnel are able to meet the standard as well as customized packaging requirements of the clients. Moreover, we check the entire lot before dispatch. We are acknowledged for providing safe transaction modes for themore...
The White and Brown Shell Eggs offered by us possess a thick albumin with a dark yellow color yolk. Besides, the White Shell Eggs and Brown Shell Eggs, we also provide Pork, Chilli Powder, Turmeric and Onion to the clients residing in different parts of the world. more...
The White Chicken Eggs, provided by us, have high nutritional content. Purchasers can rely on us to make on time distribution of orders, as we have cooperated with established transportation facility providers. After the goods are sternly examined by the experts, the pickingmore...