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EI’s Digital TDS Meters are reliable and accurate test instruments for measurement of ContuctivityTDSSalinity of aqueous solutions. They measure Conductivity and TDS in five ranges. The Resolution is 0.1 ?Scm and o.1 ppm respectively, in the lowest range. The cell constant is flashed on a digital display & more...
At Labdoid International, we are offering digital laboratory Ph meters of premium quality. We are a Solan-based digital laboratory Ph meter manufacturer and you can use our meter for the measurement of liquid’s alkalinity. Just by connecting the digital lab’s Ph meter with the electronic meter, you can ha more...
The DIGITAL SOAP BUBBLRFLOW METER is based on the classical method viz. Soap film method. The instrument is automated by using Microcontroller which provides highly accurate measurement and direct digital read out of gas flow rate. The time required for the soap film to pass through a fixed known volume is me more...
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PDS Make Electromagnetic Flow Meter are intended for measuring flow of electrically conductive liquids in closed pipe lines where the magnetic flux more...
Digital TDS Meter is reliable and accurate instrument for measurement of TDS of aqueous solutions. Features : Highly Stable and Accurate 3½ Digit Seven Segment LED Display Available in Laboratory & Field Models more...
Conductivity meters are important tools in the field of chemistry and are used to measure the electrical conductivity of solutions. In India, several manufacturers specialize in producing high-quality digital conductivity meters for use in a wide range of applications. A digital conductivity meter manufacture more...
Digital Automatic heamoglobin meter is designed for quick and accurate detection of Blood Hb. Note :- We have different Diameters / Capacity as well in the product more...
Accu pH - 3 is a micro-controller based bench top pH meter for measurement of pH, mV and temp. with graphic LCD display, easy to use operation , making error free precision readings. It is advanced 5 Point pH calibration meter with auto buffer recognization & automatic temperature compensation. This is hi more...