Welcome to Sks Agribio
SKS agribio is the leading supplier of several seaweed products from the brand MAHATHI and its widely used as 100% natural Organic Bio fertilizer enriching the soil nutrients, as animal feed supplement constantly increasing the weight of the livestock, and in nutraceutical sectors. Our Seaweed fertilizer extracts are purely organic, high effect, natural, which are suitable to all varieties of crops, vegetables, flowers and fruits. The seaweed extract promotes plant’s quality, increase the yield for 30-40%, meliorate and protect the environment by providing major food source for soil microbial population thus keeping the soil alive. There is an increasing demand at National and international markets for the seaweed products. The company provides the best quality range of raw seaweeds, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum and its products, Seaweed Liquid Fertilizers and live stock feed to our clients. The company is solely engaged in cultivation and manufacture of seaweed and seaweed products, which are made using the best quality seaweeds. SKS agribio also provides solutions to set up a home terrace garden Our vision is to create a food chain that is self produced and free from harmful chemicals, preservatives and pesticides. We help people to harvest organic vegetables with out harmful chemicals, preservatives and pesticides. By providing all the information, support and solution to grow vegetables, flowers and plants. With the right amount of time and minimum investment it can be Eco-friendly and healthy. We provide end to end solution to terrace garden for your daily needs with Grow-bags, Pots, Seeds, Manure, tools and etc. also contact our creative team who will design lawn and other garden materials.
Year of Establishment
Primary Business