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Certification Services

Our Complete range of products are ISO 22000 Certification, ISO 27001 Certification, Kosher Certification, Iso 50001 Certification and ISO 21001 Certification.

ISO 22000 Certification

The ISO 22000 Certification alludes to a universal food safety standard created by the International Organization for Standardization. It is considered as the structure for a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) consolidating Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) standards and ISO 9001:2000 components. The general food safety necessities are set by the ISO 22000 that is currently applied all around by every one of the associations from farm to fork. Who needs ISO 22000 Certification? The ISO 22000 can be applied to any organization in the nourishment related organizations like from field to store including producers, transporters, packagers, processors, retailers, bottlers and eateries.
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ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001:2013 is the worldwide standard that gives a structure to Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) to give proceeded with privacy, uprightness and accessibility of data just as legitimate consistence. ISO 27001 Certification is basic for ensuring your most essential resources like representative and customer data, brand picture and other private data. The ISO standard incorporates a procedure based way to deal with starting, actualizing, working and keeping up your ISMS. ISO 27001 implementation is a perfect reaction to client and legitimate necessities, for example, the GDPR and potential security dangers.
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Kosher Certification

Kosher Certification originates in the Hebrew word Kasher or Kosher which means pure and suitable for human consumption. Kosher foods must comply with kashrut rules as laid down in the Torah. KOSHER foods fall into various categories such as par-eve, dairy and animal products. Only meat that is derived from animals that have split hooves and chew cud is permissible under KOSHER and this includes cows, sheep and goats. Birds may be consumed but only chicken, ducks, geese and turkey. All such animals must be slaughtered in the prescribed way under the supervision of a Schochet who is trained in KOSHER rituals. Thereafter the veins and blood must be removed by soaking in water and rubbing with salt only after which it is declared fit for consumption. Even utensils that are used in slaughter, cleaning and preparation must be KOSHER Certification and specifically designated for the purpose. Kosher does not permit the mixing of animal and dairy products and utensils for both must be kept separate.
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ISO 50001 Certification

ISO 50001 Certification Energy Management system specifies the requirements for establishing & maintaining the EMS whose objective is to enable any Business to follow an organized process in achieving the continual improvement in the energy performance of its organization.ISO 50001 EnMS ISO 50001 Certification specifies all the requirements applicable to energy use and consumption, including the design, reporting and procurement for equipment. ISO 50001 applies to all the variables involved in the affecting the performance of the energy that can be monitored and influenced by the organization. ISO 50001 does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to the energy. ISO 50001 has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with various other international management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and ISO 45001.
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ISO 21001 Certification

ISO 21001 Certification, Educational Organization Management Systems, is distributed universal standard by the International Organization for Standardization and discharged in mid 2018. It is planned give a typical administration apparatus to organizations giving Educational items and administrations fit for gathering learner and other client prerequisites and requirements. It is an independent administration system standard, in view of ISO 9001 (without being an area application), and lined up with other ISO the board framework guidelines through the utilization of the High Level Structure.
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BRC Certification

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is an exchange relationship for the UK food retail industry made in 1992. The BRC has distributed guidelines for best practices for the food and assembling ventures for two decades, and furthermore distributes the On-Pack reusing measures for the UK. BRC Certification is a globally perceived characteristic of food safety and quality. Its accomplished by embraced an outsider review against Standard prerequisites by a licensed Certification body (CB). BRC rates CBs on their specialized presentation and productivity in client administration.
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SEDEX Certification

SEDEX, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a not-revenue driven association situated in London, UK, open for participation to any organization anyplace on the planet. SEDEX is a participation association for organizations focused on persistent improvement of the moral execution of their supply chains. Organizations join SEDEX so as to utilize the SEDEX electronic framework, take an interest in SEDEX Certification administration , take an interest in working gatherings , arrange and draw in with other SEDEX individuals , use SEDEX esteem included administrations. SEDEX empowers part organizations to productively deal with the moral and mindful practices of their worldwide supply chains, creating straightforwardness through the arrangement of an information trade.
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CE Marking

CE Marking is a Certification mark that shows similarity with well being, security, and natural confirmation guidelines for things sold inside the European Economic Area. The CE Marking Certification is likewise found on items sold outside the EEA that are made in, or intended to be sold in, the EEA.Benefits of CE Marking: There are two fundamental advantages of CE Marking bring to organizations and consumers inside the EEA : Businesses: realize that items bearing the CE Marking can be exchanged the EEA without limitations.Consumers: appreciate a similar dimension of health, security, and ecological assurance all through the whole EEA.Others:Fulfills the necessities of important European item orders.Meets every one of the necessities of the important perceived European fit execution and security standards.Is fit for its motivation and wont endanger lives or property.
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OHSAS 18001 Certification

OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification is a universal standard which gives a system to distinguish, control and diminishing the dangers related with Health and Safety inside the working environment. Executing the standard will send an unmistakable sign to your partners that you see workers Health and Safety as a need inside your association. An expanding number of associations are finishing OHSAS 18001 Certification as managers are feeling the squeeze to guarantee that a thorough Health and Safety strategy is set up which ensures representatives against conceivable Occupational dangers and reduces the probability of mishaps in the work environment. By preparing an association can likewise distinguish Health and Safety dangers and fit in with well being and security enactment.
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ISO 8124 Certification

ISO 8124:2018 apply to all toys, for example any item or material structured or unmistakably expected for use in play by kids less than 14 years old. They are relevant to a toy as it is at first gotten by the customer and, furthermore, they apply after a toy is exposed to sensibly predictable states of typical utilize and misuse except if explicitly noted something else. Universally, the ISO 8124 Certification arrangement of worldwide models created by the ISO specialized panel for the security of toys (ISO/TC 181) is looked to for confirmation.
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ISO 13485 Certification

ISO 13485- QMS Medical Devices is an international standard that defines the requirements for the Quality Management system for the manufacturers, contract services, suppliers, distributors of the medical devices. The basis for ISO 13485 is ISO 9001 standard and the same is structure is referred for ISO 13485 completion. The ISO 13485 standard for the medical devices- Quality management system- Requirements for regulatory purpose, is one of the major basis for the regulatory compliance in the local and most of the international markets. ISO 13485 Certification is mandatory for the companies who are into the export of medical devices to other countries. The main objective of the standard is to bring harmony between the legal requirements and the management system being followed to manufacture or trade the medical devices.
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ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 Certification is the universal standard for Environmental Management System (EMS) and the most generally utilized EMS on the planet, with more than 14, 000 associations confirmed in the world and more than 250, 000 declarations gave internationally. ISO 14001 is the central administration framework standard which determines the prerequisites for the detailing and support of an EMS. This controls your natural aspects, decrease impacts and guarantee legitimate consistence. ISO 14001 is joined by ISO 14004 Environmental Management Systems General Guidelines on standards, frameworks and support procedures. The standard spreads issues, for example, the foundation, execution, support and improvement of an EMS.
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FCC Certification

FCC represents Federal Communications Commission. It is an accreditation imprint utilized on the electronic items fabricated or sold in the United States. It affirms and guarantees that the electromagnetic obstruction from the gadget is underneath the point of confinement recommended by government correspondence commission. It is affirmed by FCC. All gadgets that are purposeful radiators in the FCC recurrence range must apply for FCC Certification. This Certification is given to lessen the degree of radio recurrence obstruction between electronic gadgets.Their work is to guarantee that any electronic gadget or bit of gear ought not to meddle with other electronic items. It is gainful for the well-being of American open. FCC is made to make power over all types of media transmission inside US for example Radio, TV, Bluetooth, computerized cameras, remote gadgets and wide extent of RF hardware. For whatever length of time that the electronic gadget is tried to fulfill the guidelines set by FCC and FCC outflow standards and guidelines, the endorsement is conceded to them by FCC.
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Iso 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 certified experts are considered as a solid advantage for any association. Meeting the future needs and desires is a major test for associations that work in any industry, particularly in the present progressively dynamic environment. In this manner, so as to achieve authoritative targets, it is essential to comprehend the need of contracting specialists on Quality Management Systems. By actualizing ISO 9001, the certified experts will assist associations with adopting ceaseless improvement rehearses and give them the fundamental procedures to enhance their working procedures.ISO 9001 Certification QMS Because of expanded productivity, every one of the procedures inside the association will be as needs be adjusted and comprehended. In addition, the profitability will increase and the costs will diminish. ISO 9001 Certification specialists empower associations to recognize and address authoritative dangers, and accomplish consumer loyalty. They additionally empower associations to build their worldwide presence the same number of customers require ISO 9001 certified specialists before leading business.
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ISO 37001 Certification

The ISO 37001 standard, distributed in 2016, is a certification standard for Anti-Bribery Management Systems. In the time of straightforwardness, no association can stand to mess with the danger of remuneration. Financial specialists, business partners, work force and investors all should be guaranteed that the administration has endeavored to forestall gift at all dimensions of the association. Actualizing the ISO 37001 Certification and confirmation through a free outsider empowers you to do precisely that. ISO 37001 Certification standard offers necessities to setting up, executing, keeping up, studying and improving a foe of Ant bribery management system.ISO 37001 Certification ABMS This standard is planned for a wide scope of relationship from any portion and for Anti-Bribery they may go up against. Beside this, it can similarly be completed as an autonomous standard or be consolidated with other administration framework. This standard is expected to for a wide scope of affiliations, any sort of part and any danger of bribery hazard it faces, and isolated from that it might be executed as an autonomous or can similarly be joined into a general administration framework.
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ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001 is an international management standard which specified the requirement for occupational health and safety (OH&S). ISO 45001 Certification helps the association of proactively improve its security the executives standard, bringing about the expanded presentation in avoiding the damage and sick health. The applicability of ISO 45001 is regardless to the type, nature and size of the organization. Implementation of ISO 45001 enables an organization to other aspects of health and safety of the workers and their well being. It ought to be noticed that an association can be required by appropriate legitimate prerequisites to likewise address such issues.
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