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Cissus Quadrangularis extract capsules useful in treatment of Fracture Healing. Also useful in treatment of Hypocalcaemia with benefits of Ashwagandha & Shilajit. more...
Panch tulsi � extracts of 5 types of tulsi it is written in epics that tulsi is known for its medicinal value. Compared to all other fruits or leaf juice, half leaf of tulsi is equal to all other medicated fruits and leaves more...
It is an health product which is used in skin all suffering is also useful in other diseases like stomachache and other allergy problems. more...
पञ्च तुलसी के उपयोग से 200 से अधिक रोगों में लाभ प्राप्त होता है। सर्दी, जुखाम, नज़ला , एलर्जी , जैसे रोगों में तुलसी जल्दी आ more...
It has anti viral, anti allergic, anti bacterial and also anti aging properties. Very effective in cough, cold, fever , malaria and dengue. It increases the immunity of the body and removes the impuriies of the blood. more...
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यह प्रोडक्ट पांच तरा की तुलसीओ से मिल कर बना है, जैसे :-राम, स्याम, वन, निम्बू, विष्णु. फायदे:-यह हमारे शरीर की 200 तरा की बिमार more...
It is not any side effects. it is good for human health. It is good product. It is used for good effects provide it is buy....... more...
Sr. no. common name english name botanical name 1. harda myrobalans terminalia chebula 2. bal harad black himej terminalia chebula black 3. behara belaric myrobalan terminalia bellarica 4. amla indian goose berry emblica officinales 5. bhilma bhilawa semecarpus anacardium 6. kalajeera vernonia; iron vernonia more...