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Our Products

We offer a complete product range of Pasteurizers Vat Machine

Dahi Cup Filling Machine

Automatic Cup Filling Machine / Dahi Cup Filling Machine / Curd Cup Filing Machine

The machine offered is suitable for filling any flow able liquid specially the products like lassi, milk, juice, water & non-carbonated beverage.


  • No cup no lid
  • No cup no fills
  • PLC based controls with MMI for controls & production details
  • No lid no seal
  • 2000 Cups / Hr.
  • Cup conveyor for cup unloading
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Bulk Milk Cooler

Dairy plant manufacturers in ahmedabad, taj ice cream machineries, sigma taj ice cream plant, sigma dairy ahmedabad, milk chillers manufacturer ahmedabad, ice cream plant manufacturers in delhi, sigma ice cream machineries.
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Continuous Freezer

We are offering continuous freezer, sigma taj ice cream plant, sigma ice cream machineries, taj ice cream plant, dairy plant manufacturers in delhi, continuous freezer, ice cream freezer manufacturer ahmedabad, homogenizers manufacturer, sigma sales service, curd plant manufacturers, sigma ice cream plant.
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Plate Chiller

We are offering plate chiller, homogenizers manufacturer, ice cream churner manufacturer ahmedabad, dairy plant manufacturers in ahmedabad, taj ice cream plant, curd plant manufacturers, sigma sales service, sigma dairy ahmedabad, milk chillers manufacturer ahmedabad, dairy plant manufacturers in delhi.
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Ice Cream Filling Machine

Taj Ice-Cream Cup & Cone Filling Machine:

Item Code: VCFM-200-PLC

Our filling machine can fill varieties of Ice Creamsuch as plain or with Ingredients or with Ripple using required attachmentsoffered with the machine.


Minimum 1500 Cups / Cones per Hour of 100 mlsuitable for150 liter / hour freezerMaximum 3000 Cups / Cones per Hour of 100 mlsuitable for 200 liter / hour freezerAll contact parts are of SS-304 or food gradeMaterial

Model VCFM-200-PLC is fully automatic machine having following operations:

  • Dispensing of cups automatic. (Dispensing of cones manually)
  • Cone expansion
  • Chocolate spray in biscuit cones
  • Filling of ice-cream into cups / cones
  • Top filling with chocolate or fruit syrup
  • Dry nut sprinkling
  • Card board lid dispenser
  • Closing of cones
  • Ejecting of the finished cones or cups

Advantage of PLC:

Important feature of plc is that automatic shiftregister function i.e. no cone no lid, hence we can save raw material &compressed air too

Technical Data:

  • Filling quantity: 50 ml minimum and up to 200 ml
  • Speed variation: ac frequency drive
  • PLC make: Siemens make plc
  • Machine output: up to 2000 cups/cones per hour
  • Round cup: max. dia = 80 mm, height = 75 mm
  • Round cone: max. dia = 60 mm, height = 150 mm
  • Power requirement: 0.5 hp motor, cycle: 50 htz, 440 volt, 3 phase
  • Air supply: 1000 liter/minute at 6 kg


  • All the pneumatic components are pneumax / SMC make only.
  • Air compressor will not to be supply with machine.
  • Dry and moisture free air required for machine.
  • The design & specifications of the machine.
  • Illustrated herein are subject to change without notice.
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Pasteurizers VAT Machine

Taj Pasteurizing Vat:

An awesome piece of machinery, The Taj Pasteurizer is designed from state of - art equipment and offers solutions for all yours needs. Its commitment is true and efficiency is cent per cent. Created to last, this piece of engineering brilliance has options to suit all needs.

  • Comes in configurations of 200, 350, 600 and till 10000 Litres. Other configurations available on demand.
  • Tank triple walled and rounded.
  • Whole tank is fabricated from 304, 8% Nickel food grade quality Jindal make stainless steel.
  • Reduction Italian, Imported gear box and electric motor fitted on top.
  • Equipped with three systems electric heater system, LPG gas system and steam operated system
  • Easy to operate and can be cleaned manually
  • In case of power failure, tank temperature remains stable for long time, Because of glycol layer jacket.
  • Has stainless steel adjustable legs
  • Tanks are insulated with puff.
  • Folding lid of pasteurizing vat is easy to open.
  • Tank is insulated with glass wool.
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Taj Homogenizer (Double Stage):

  • Homogenizer is essential for emulsifying one liquid into another or uniformly dispersing solid particles throughout a liquid to improve consistency, stability, shelf life, flavour and a host of other important product qualities such as:
  • Homogenizer Milk, Ice Cream mix, fruit juice, Ketchup, Mango Pulp Etc.
  • Available in capacities of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and till 10000 Liters.
  • Comes with three pistons for efficient functioning.
  • All parts of head fabricated in Stainless Steel (Food Grade).
  • Valves of head are stellite material / tungsten carbide material.
  • Comes with a pressure gauge of 6000 psi (Diaphragm Type).
  • Liquid whirling homogenizing head so designed as to provide maximum homogenizing effect.
  • Counter shaft driven by electric motor or Gear type.
  • Easy to clean just by circulation of chemical cleaning liquid / water as dismantling of head not required.
  • Extremely easy to operate, user friendly and has wide variety of applications.
  • Milk filter and transfer pumps supplied as optional accessories.
  • Ultimate in efficient performance and versallity.

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Bulk Milk Coolers

Taj Bulk Milk Cooler:

We are one of the trusted manufacturers and suppliers of Bulk Milk Cooler (DX). Constructed using stainless steel, these commercial coolers are used to cool the milk temperature from ambient to 4 C. Designed in line with the industrial standards, these coolers increase the product life and eliminates the bacterial growth. These milk chillers are perfect to control temperature in accordance with exact requirement. Coolers are available in various capacities ranging from 500 liters to 5000 liters.


  • Inner and outer full stainless steel
  • Direct expansion (DX), CFC free
  • Imported plate type evaporator for high heat transfer
  • Designed for handling two milking with optimum energy efficiency
  • Encompassed with an agitator which leads to uniform heat transfer
  • Microprocessor based temperature controller
  • Wide range from 500 liters to 5000 liters capacity

"We are looking inquiries only from All India".

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Curd Processing Plants, Yogurt Processing Plants

Taj Dahi / Curd / Yogurt Processing Plants:

We manufacture complete dahi plant to pasteurize milk to produce dahi in cups, jars and pouch.

Dahi: Fermented milk products are very popular in India and are consumed by large population. Indian Curd (Dahi) is of these products. For making this the Filtered, standardized, homogenized and pasteurized milk is cooled to 22-25C and then culture is inoculated to milk. The inoculated milk is then packed in cups and kept for incubation 16-18 hours to incubation chamber/room. Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the most popular fermented dairy products for its wide variety of flavors and fruits that are added to it. Different forms of yogurt are available in the market like stirred, set, frozen and liquid yogurt. The flavor of yogurt irrespective of the type is the same since the main flavor compound is acetaldehyde. The fat content in yogurt may vary from 0.5 to 5% and the total solids from 9 to 20%. According to FAO / WHO code and principles the minimum SNF of milk should be 8.2 percent.

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Paneer Plant

Taj Paneer Production Plant:

We are offering Paneer Making Machine, which is widely demanded in agro industry. These machines are available in various production capacities, sizes, weights and models as per clients requirements

We manufacture turnkey projects to produce paneer from pasteurized paneer.

  • Paneer Coagulation vat
  • Hoop filling vat
  • Paneer cooling vat
  • Paneer Hoops
  • Paneer pressing system
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Milk Storage Tank

  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Milk Storage Tank
  • Material Aluminum, Stainless Steel
  • Shape Horizontal
  • Application Transportation
  • Color Grey
  • Condition New
  • Capacity 1000-5000L
  • Surface Finishing Coated

Taj Milk Storage Tank :

We are a prime Milk Storage Tank Manufacturer and Supplier based in India. The Milk Storage Tank offered by us is a high capacity tank widely used for storing milk. We use highest grade material for manufacturing Milk Storage Tank. These Milk Storage Tanks can store raw milk as well as processed milk for long time. Capacities: 200 litres to 10000 litres. Models Available InHorizontal Storage Tank & Verticle Storage Tank

Salient Features:

  • Corrosion resistant
  • Safe storage
  • Easy to install
  • Durable
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Plate Heat Exchangers

Taj Heat Exchanger:

Plate Heat Exchangers have become effective modern method of cooling or heating flowing liquids through the method of conduction. The application of the Plate Heat Exchangers is basically cooling the hotter liquid or heating the cooler liquid.

The heat transfer plates are thin sheets having corrugations and patterns which increase the surface area of the plate hereby increasing the efficiency of heat transfer through conduction. The liquid is prevented from flowing sideways by thick gaskets which seals the PHE and also directs the liquid to flow in the appropriate alternate channel. The plates are supported and aligned by the guide bars and tightened by bolts between stationary and pressure frame. The equipment can adjust the number of plates to meet the heat duty.

Heat Exchanger Mechanism:

Heat Transfer plates L and R are of identical pattern. L when rotated 180 degrees become R and vice versa. The plates are arranged in LRLR or RLRL combination giving the PHE a honey comb pattern when looked from sideways.

The first plate E plate is having all port holes covered with the gaskets as this plate is touching the stationary frame. This double seal gasket prevents the flow between the stationary frame and the first plate

Plate Press Patterns

Herringbone pattern is adopted for the plate press because of its high heat transfer efficiency. Combining this plate together creates more contact points making it possible to obtain strong pressure resistance. In this way, a complex channel is formed creating highly turbulent flows to obtain excellent heat transfer performance.

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Plate Chillers

Taj Plate Chiller:

A distinct presence at its level. This is yet another product which bespeaks of quality, reliability and performance every time, time after time. This machine helps you lower down thetemperature fast and smooth. Taj plate chiller will do the job better.

  • Drop down the temperature of any liquid substance like Ice Cream, Juice, Milk, Ketch Up etc.
  • Hence is economical.
  • It can be used for any Industries.
  • Made from 316 food grade stainless steel plates.
  • Has two divisions, the first one for tap water and second one for chilled water.
  • Easy to operate and CIP (Clean in Place).
  • Becomes operational after attachment of separate chilling water unit

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Filter And Transfer Pumps

Taj filterPump:

We offer a wide assortment of SS centrifugal pumps, which are extensively used in various engineering, fluid based and other industries for transporting of milk, juice, water, chemicals etc. Fabricated using high grade stainless steel, these pumps are acknowledged for high durability and flexibility. Innovatively designed, these pumps ensure trouble free performance and energy efficiency.

These pumps are stainless steel centrifugal mono bloc and bare pumps (coupled).These pumps are made from SS-304 or SS-316 sheet. The pumps are precisely fabricated.

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Ageing Vats

Taj Ageing Vat:

This highly sophisticated equipment in manufactured at our well - Equipped manufacturing set - up under the supervision of our adept technocrats.

Path Breaking Features of the Taj Ageing Vat:

  • Stores milk or ice cream mix at maintained temperatures 4C for specific time
  • Comes in configurations of 200, 350, 600 and till 10000 Litres. Other configurations available on demand.
  • Tank triple walled and rounded.
  • Whole tank is fabricated from 304, 8% Nickel food grade quality Jindal make stainless steel.
  • Reduction Italian, Imported gear box and electric motor fitted on top.
  • Agitator and digital / dial temperature meter extremely effective.
  • Folding lid of tank easy to open.
  • Easy to operate and can be cleaned manually
  • In case of power failure, tank temperature remains stable for long time, Because of glycol layer jacket.
  • Has stainless steel adjustable legs.
  • Tanks are insulated with puff.
  • Tank operated by a separate condensing unit (refrigeration system) or water chiller system
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Continuous Freezers

Taj Continuous Freezer:

Ice Cream Continuous Freezer converts mix into ice cream by simultaneously aerating, freezing and beating it, to generate the ice crystals, the air bubbles and the matrix. Simultaneous aeration, freezing and beating has been the basis of ice cream production since its invention and remains so today.

Modern ice cream Continuous Freezers belong to a class of equipment known to chemical engineers as scraped surface heat exchangers; These are designed to remove heat from (or add heat to) viscous liquids. Ice cream Continuous Freezers consist of a cylindrical barrel typically 670 mm brass made with high finished chrome, However, Continuous Freezers designed for different production rates have barrels with a wide range of sizes, Like : 200, 400, 600, 1000.A refrigerant, normally a liquefied volatile gas, Freon Gas, flows through a jacket and cools the outside of the barrel as it evaporates. Inside the barrel is a rotating stainless steel dasher driven by an electric motor. The dasher is equipped with scrapper blades that fit very closely inside the barrel. The dasher has two functions: to subject the mix to high shear and to scrape off the layer of ice crystals that forms on the very cold barrel wall (hence the term 'scraped surface heat exchanger'). The barrel is often made from nickel, covered on the inside with a thin layer of chromium. Nickel gives good heat transfer, and can withstand high pressures. The chromium coating provides resistance to wear from the scraping, and chemical resistance to the cleaningagents used between batches. Ice Cream mix at approximately 4c is pumped from the dump tank into the barrel, where it is aerated and frozen, before being pumped out from the other end. The operation of the factory freezer is controlled by several parameters. The pressure of the refrigerant sets the temperature at which it evaporates, and hence the wall temperature (typically -30C). The mix and air in flow and ice cream out flow rates determine the time that the mix spends inside the barrel (known as the residence time, typically 30-60s), the overrun, the pressure inside the barrel (typically 5 atm) and the throughput (which can be as much as 3000 1h -1 in a large industrial freezer). All of these, together with the dasher rotation speed (typically 200 rpm), determine the outlet temperature. Modern factory freezers are computer controlled, allowing easy monitoring and control of the process parameters.

Air is injected into the barrel through a system of filters to ensure that it is clean, dry and free from microbiological contamination. Initially the air forms large bubbles. It is essential to create (and maintain) a dispersion of small air bubbles to obtain good quality ice cream. The beating of the dasher shears the large air bubbles and breaks them down into many smaller ones: the larger the applied shear stress, the smaller the air bubbles. Long residence times also lead to small air bubbles. It is easier to whip air into foam that consists of a large volume fraction of liquid and a small volume.fraction of air than vice versa. The high pressure inside the barrel reduces the volume of the air that has been introduced, and therefore makes it easier to aerate further.

In a standard ice cream formulation, sufficient partial coalescence occurs to enable a stable air cell structure to be maintained at overruns up to about 120%. It can be difficult to obtain overruns of more than about 60% in products where fat and protein are not present, or only present in small quantities, such as sorbets. Similarly it is difficult to obtain high overruns if there is insufficient shear (for example because of a very short residence time) to produce partially coalesced fat. Extra shear, and hence increased de-emulsification, can be produced either by increasing the dasher speed or by using a closed dasher.

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Hardening Tunnel

Taj Hardening Tunnel:

We offer Hardener Tunnel:

  • Specially designed arrangement to hard candy & ice-cream in very short time
  • Robust & elegant aesthetically design.
  • Efficient refrigeration system & chambers maintain a temperature even at working time.
  • Automatically control of temperature defrosts system by especially programmable temperature controller.
  • High density puff insulation with outer & inner cover in S. S
  • Hardener Deep Freezer Static Type
  • Hardener Forced Draft Type / Tunnel Type.
  • Blast Freezer.
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Candy Plants

Taj Candy Production Plant:

The Candy Making Plant offered by us is used for the manufacturing of fruit based; milk based and center filling candies. Manufactured in compliance with set industrial standards using tested quality raw material, this machine is capable of delivering high volume of production output at extremely fast speed thus providing cost advantage to our client.

Working Process:

  • The candy mass is cooked using vacuum batch or continuous vacuum cooker
  • The cooked mass is collected for cooling on water circulating cooling table and added with colour, flavour and other ingredients
  • The mass is then passed through rotary kneading machine for uniform distribution of mixed ingredients
  • After cooling the candy mass is transferred to the batch former which rolls the batch
  • This uniform mass is fed to the rope sizer to form a uniform rope of the required size
  • The rope is then fed into the candy forming machines. The machines helps in moulding candies in required shape, size and weight
  • The candies are discharged on the cooling conveyor for further wrapping and packing
  • The cooled candies are packed in pillow packs, single twist packs or double twist packs using different machines.


  • Destroys bacteria from milk products
  • Energy efficient
  • Less maintenance
  • Resistance to corrosion
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Noiseless operation

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Taj CIP (Clean In Place) System:

CIP means cleaning of all sanitary pipelines by circulation, from design and fabrication to installation and start-up, Taj Sigma offers a wide range of Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems, CIP tanks and CIP units to reduce cleaning time and costs. We can apply a CIP system to single and multiple tank systems, with or without a common base. We also design and fabricate custom CIP systems, CIP tanks and CIP units based on your unique specifications.

CIP cleaning may consist of soda ash, caustic soda, sodium met silicate, complex phosphates and a lot foaming surfactant. Sufficient hypo chlorine solution may be added to produce 25-50 ppm of available chlorine.

Taj Sigma provides multiple CIP design options:

  • Automatic CIP
  • Semi-Automatic CIP
  • Manual CIP
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Ice Cream Freezer

Look no further than Taj Ice Cream Freezer and you witness magic. The magic of quick cooling with perfection of course, and mouth-watering testes to speak of the least. Try it once and you will be a fan for life!! Path - Breaking features of The Taj ICE Cream Freezer:

  • Saves time, labour and power on mix control to make perfect and delicious ice cream at temperature -5c with 100% overrun.
  • Available in capacities of 2.5, 5, 8 Gallons in horizontal shape. Front side of freezer is stainless steel covered and remaining part comprises aluminium sheets.
  • Has air compressor and fully automatic
  • Capable of hundred per cent overrun. The unique dasher with Taj super whip reaction beater ensures uniform texture, as air is uniformly folded into the mix as it congeals. The air is filtered before it flows in the freezing barrel, a sanitation innovated by Taj.
  • Operation is very simple. At controlled pressure, with filtered air, the mix is inserted into the freezing barrel, later whipped by the reaction dasher while being frozen.
  • Positive control of overrun achieved by controlling air supply to freezing barrel. Along with input of ice cream mix and output of Ice cream in the desired flavour as long as the freezer is in operation.
  • Speedy production possible with batch type technique, single packages as well as cans which can be directly filled from the machine.
  • Condensing unit compressor inbuilt in the freezer.
  • Freezer made available for operation either in single phase or three phase power supply.

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Jacketed Vessel

Taj Jacketed Tank:

The comprehensive range of jacketed tanks offered by us is manufactured in line with the international quality standards. These are fabricated from high grade stainless steel to ensure optimum quality in the end product and appreciated for uniform thermal flow, controlled batch processing & heating & cooling. Our range of tanks is available in different capacities and other technical specifications provided by our clients

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Steam Jacketed Kettles

Taj Steam Jacketed Kettles:

The steam jacketed kettle is mounted on a mild steel stand with tilting arrangement through worm gear/pinion. Jacket and pan is made of 10/10 s.w.g. stainless steel. The kettles are 2/3 jacketed for maximum steam utilization and efficiency. Our steam jacketed kettles are complete with pressure gauge, safety valve and steam trap.

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Mixing Vessels

Taj Mixing Tanks (Vessel):

SS Mixing tank / Vessel is used in chemical, pharmaceuticals and many more industries. The SS Mixing Vessel we offer is available in various sizes and durable too.

  • Used for material mixing tank, heating tank, disinfection tank, aging tank, fermentation tank, agitation tank, storage tank etc.
  • We produce Suitable for various capacities for applications like Fruit Pulps, Juice beverage, Cosmetics, milk dairy plants, Pharmaceutical & chemical industry etc


  • Mainly consisting of cylindrical body, various types of jacketed and outer Insulated with cladding and Agitators
  • Material is high quality stainless steel. SS 304L/SS 316L according to application

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Hot Water Generations System

Taj Hot Water Generation System:

For supply of hot water at precise temperature used for heating of milk, cream, juice, sugar syrup, beer, wine, chemical solution, swimming pool & hotwater supply to hotel and hospital. By using steam as indirect heating media with manual steam control.

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Centrifugal Pump

  • Type Centrifugal
  • Certification CE Certified
  • Voltage 220V
  • Operating Type Semi Automatic
  • Power 1-3kw
  • Driven Type Electric
  • Warranty 1 Year

We offer a wide assortment of SS centrifugal pumps, which are extensively used in various engineering, fluid based and other industries for transporting of milk, juice, water, chemicals etc. Fabricated using high grade stainless steel, these pumps are acknowledged for high durability and flexibility. Innovatively designed, these pumps ensure trouble free performance and energy efficiency. These pumps are stainless steel centrifugal mono bloc and bare pumps (coupled).These pumps are made from SS-304 or SS-316 sheet. The pumps are precisely fabricated.

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