Our Products
Soil Additives & Fertilizers
1 Products availableFertilizer
1 Products availableAzoto-CAPS are capsules contains a free-living nitrogen fixing bacterium known as Azotobacter. Encapsulation is based on a novel patented technology developed by ICAR-Indian institute of spices research. Azotobacter is used as a biofertilizer for all non-leguminous plants especially rice, cotton, vegetables, etc.
SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Promoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.
It contains Azotobacter which is a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria, lives freely in soil & multiplies by making use of organic matter, as source of carbon (energy) for its growth and existence.
You can Apply Caps once Every Month, just make sure that you dont use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.
Quantity Required Per Acre: - 1 or 2 Capsule
Features: - Easy to use, easy to transport, 16 months rack life, 10 times more powerful compared to regular powder or liquid, cost effective,
How to Use: - 1) Add 1 capsule to 1 ltr of boiled -cooled Water in Bottle, close the cap, shake the bottle well till capsule get totally dissolved in water and leave the solution for 15 minutes.
2.a) Add this solution to required quantity of water and spray or drench it directly on the plants
2.b) ADD this solution to PROM, mix well and mix it to the soil.
2.c) ADD this solution to 200 ltr of water and drip it to plants.
Cropforce is an organic based biozyme which is a combination of Humic acid, Amino acid, & Seaweed Extract. Due to availability of this component it increases immunity help to fight against different disease and also develops roots, shoots & branching system of crops.
SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Pramoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.
Cropforce is store house of many nutrients in available form derived from animal and plant origin. It is completely organic, toxin free, eco-friendly, biodegradable product containing growth hormones, essential elements, mineral and vitamins.
Time of Application: - You can Apply once Every Month, just make sure that you don’t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.
Quantity Required Per Acre: - SOIL APPLICATION - 5 KG or 1000 ml
Quantity Required Per Acre: - Foliar spray - 250 ml
Feature: - Easy to use, 3 Years rack life, more powerful, cost effective,
How to Apply: - Soil Application - 5 kg / 1000 ml mix with required quantity of sand or Fym then spread equally per Acre.
How to Apply: - Foliar spray - 250 ml mix with required quantity of water and then spray.
Sonhabihaan is a organic based multinutrient product which have humic acid, Aminoacid, and naturally available growth promoters derived from plant and animal origin sources. It activates physiological process helping in enhanced flowering & ensuring increased fruit size and also stimulates protein creation.
SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Pramoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.
Sonha bihaan contain mixture of humic substance and some natural growth promoters derived from plant and animal origin source. It activates physiological processes helping in enhance flowering and ensuring increased fruit stimulates protein creation as it contain amino acid - bulding block of protein.
Time of Application :- You can Apply once Every Month, just make sure that you don’t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.
Quntity Required per Acre :- For Soil Application - 500 ml
For Foilar Spray - 250 ml
Features :- Easy to use, 3 Years rack life, more powerful, cost effective,
How to Use :- Soil Application - 500 ml mix with required quantity of sand or Fym then spread equally per Acre.
Foliar spray - 250 ml mix with required quantity of water and then spray.
ALP is organic base fully chelated multi-micronutrient. It contains different microelements which have highly efficient nutrient application under adverse condition and also helps in increasing production.
SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Pramoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.
ALP is a fully chelated multimicronutrient which is highly efficient uptake of chelated nutrients containing all vital trance elements. ALP is a deficiency adapted product for higher yield and best quality.
Time of Application: - You can Apply once Every Month, just make sure that you don’t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using Product.
Quantity Required per Acre: - SOIL APPLICATION - 5 KG or 500 ml
Quantity Required per Acre: - Foliar spray - 250 ml
Features: - Easy to use, 3 Years rack life, more powerful, cost effective,
How to Apply: - Soil Application - 5 kg / 500 ml mix with required quantity of sand or Fym then spread equally per Acre.
How to Apply: - Foliar spray - 250 ml mix with required quantity of water and then spray.
Humigrow is an organic based soil conditioner as well as more suitable for foliar application to enhance the growth of crops, fruits, & flowers. It contains humic acid, fulvic acid which increases chlorophyll synthesis automatically improved nutrient uptake it gives healthier plants and improved yields.
SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Promoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.
HumiGrow is a principal component of humic substances which are the major organic constituents of soil. It is produced by bio degradation of dead organic matter. It contains mixture of many beneficial acids.
You can Apply once Every Month, just make sure that you don’t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.
Quantity Required Per Acre: - For SOIL APPLICATION - 5 KG or 1000 ml
Quantity Required Per Acre: - For Foliar spray - 500 ml
Features: - Easy to use, 3 Years rack life, more powerful, cost effective,
How to Apply: - Soil Application - 5 kg / 1000 ml mix with required quantity of sand or Fym then spread equally per Acre.
How to Apply: - Foliar spray - 500 ml mix with required quantity of water and then spray.