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  1. Sewerage And Drainage Products 4 Products available
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Sewerage And Drainage Products

We offer a complete product range of Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes, RCC Pipe, Psc Pipe and RCC Concrete Pipes

Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes

Reinforced cement Pipes, also known as Hume Pipes, are used in the fields of agriculture, dr Us for ainage, bridges and telecommunication. RCC pipes are mostly used to carry water from one place to the other whether for agricultural or drainage purpose or road crossing. They also serve the purpose of protecting telecommunication or telephone cables from pressure exerted by passing vehicles.
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RCC Pipe

The quality of RCC pipes is determined by the Hydraulic pressure test and the Three edge bearing test, This test is conducted by applying water pressure from a pump to the pipe covered on all sides to find how much pressure the pipe withstands before it leaks. The pipe quality is approved if the tested pressure is compatible with the ISI specifications.
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Psc Pipe

PSC PCC poles are cement concrete poles which are pre-stressed using steel wires to provide more structural strength. They are usually manufactured as per standard specifications of various customer organizations implementing Rural Electrification programs launched by various state government controlled electricity boards.
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RCC Concrete Pipes

  • For effluent discharge in sewerage For agricultural purposes
The RCC pipes are cast by compacting concrete together with the embedded steel reinforcement in moulds with centrifugal force by revolving the molds using a motor or an engine. The specification for the concrete and steel are adopted according to the Indian Standard specification IS 458: 1958. We manufacture NP2 , NP3 , NP4 class pipes. The sizes of pipes available are from 100 mm diameter to 2400 mm diameter. The quality of the products is assured and the selling price rates are maintained competitive.
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