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Legal Consultant

We offer the best product range of Civil Law Service, civil law services, Intellectual Property Law Advisory and Consumer Protection Law Services.

Civil Law Service

Advising clients regarding procedure, formalities and technicalities of civil law drafting of legal notices drafting of the suits, plaints, applications, replies, rejoinder, replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts filing of suits, plaints, applications, replies, rejoinder, replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts issuance of summons notices from the courts.Conducting trial drafting of petitions suits, plaints, applications, replies, rejoinder, replications, written statementsfiling of the petitions suits, plaints, applications, replies, rejoinder, replications, written statementsproviding assistance to the court in framing the issues examination and cross examination of witnesses. Final argument drafting filing arguing contesting the references and revisions before honble high courts drafting filing arguing contesting before of appeal, revision, criminal miscellaneous petition before session court, honble high court & honble supreme court of india.Special leave petition under article 136 of constitution of india before honble supreme court of india.
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Civil Law Services

Based in Delhi (India), Sidharth Joshi & Associates is an eminent Civil Law Services Provider.

  • Advising clients regarding procedure, formalities and technicalities of Civil law
  • Drafting of legal notices
  • Drafting of the Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts
  • Filing of Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts
  • Issuance of summons notices from the courts.


Conducting trial

  • Drafting of petitions Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements
  • Filing of the petitions Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements
  • Providing assistance to the court in framing the issues
  • Examination and cross examination of witnesses.
  • Final argument
  • Drafting / filing / Arguing / contesting the references and revisions before Hon’ble High Courts
  • Drafting / filing / Arguing / contesting before of appeal, revision, Criminal Miscellaneous Petition before Session Court, Hon’ble High Court & Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • Special Leave Petition under Article 136 of Constitution of India before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.

The most important field of Indian civil law services in India is injunction in civil laws. The scope of injunction is very wide and injunction suits are filed before the courts seeking the restraint against a party from doing any apprehended act which may cause loss or damage to the person approaching the court who is called Plaintiff. Injunction can also be filed against any party for performing any kind of act which he is under obligation to do but has failed to perform. The main types of Injunctions filed in the Indian civil courts are Mandatory Injunction, Permanent Injunction. We provide all kinds of services related to filing, defending and contesting civil injunctions before all courts at all levels with full confidence.

Our legal services related to filing and contesting of injunctions is precise, accurate and simple.
We provide all kinds of legal services related to civil recoveries which are mainly services related to filing and contesting civil suits for recovery of money from creditors. Civil recovery suits have very wide ambit and legal implications and all kind of money recoveries can be covered under civil recoveries. We also provide all kinds of services related to defending the civil recoveries. Civil recoveries are filed not only for recovery of money from the creditors but also for recovering damages against the act of a party which has led to damage in any form which can be calculated in terms of money.
We provide all the services related to civil notices. The nature and scope of civil notices is very wide. Notice is issued for correcting the wrong being done by the party concerned. The wrong doer is provided an opportunity to restrain himself from doing the wrong or to rectify the wrong done by him. Civil notice have very important role in the entire Indian civil law system as the process of filing of any kind of civil suit, civil injunction commences with the issuance of notice on behalf of the party concerned. The civil notice in fact becomes the foundation of the case hence civil notice should not be issued casually. Civil notice should be issued only through a highly qualified Indian civil lawyer or Indian civil attorney.
Our law firm provides all kinds of Indian civil law advices with precise and accurate opinion on the complex civil disputes. The civil lawyers at our firm study the intricate legal aspects of the problem and provide the best civil legal advice with accurate legal solutions which solve most of the civil disputes. We arrange for the best advice for the particular problem through our in house Indian attorneys as well as through eminent lawyers and legal luminaries. We also arrange to provide all kinds of civil law advices through eminent senior and designated advocates of the field.
We have an in house desk to provide all kinds of online Indian civil advices and all kinds of online Indian civil law services which not only saves your valuable time but provides the best Indian civil law advice in most effective manner.

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Intellectual Property Law Advisory

Based in Delhi (India), Sidharth Joshi & Associates is an eminent Intellectual Property Law Advisory Services Provider. The firm represents developers, contractors, builders, consultants, flat purchasers. Advice is also given on all aspects of strategic planning, disputes in the real estate, flat purchasers.
Advising and giving preliminary report on property acquisition, taking searches, investigating property title, issuing Public notice, issuing title certificate and steps required to comply with for purchase of property, preparing the required documents. Advice on building and real estate property ownership, building and development contracts, leasing, license etc. and drafting of the required documents viz: agreement for sale, conveyancing, lease, license, mortgage, development agreement and all documents, concerning property and real estate.

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Consumer Protection Law Services

Based in Delhi (India), Sidharth Joshi & Associates is an eminent Consumer Protection Law Services Provider. Our Law firm provides Consumer Law services in relation to grievances of the consumers relating to banking, insurance, medical, housing, automobile and other services and products.According to Section 2(d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Consumer means any person who

  • buys any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment and includes any user of such goods other than the person who buys such goods for consideration paid or promised or partly paid or partly promised or under any system of deferred payment when such use is made with the approval of such person, but does not include a person who obtains such goods for resale or commercial purpose or
  • (hires or avails of) any services for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment and includes any beneficiary of such service other than the person who (hires or avails of) the services for consideration paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment when such services are availed of with the approval of the first mentioned person.


Explanation – for the purpose of Sub Clause (1) 'Commercial Purpose' does not include use by a consumer of goods bought and used by him exclusively for the purpose of earning his livelihood by means of self-employment.

Further Section 2(f) defines “deficiency” as follows “deficiency” means any fault imperfection, short coming or inadequacy in the quality, nature and manner of performance which is required to be maintained by or under any law for the time being in force or has been undertaken to be performed??? by a person in pursuance of a contract or otherwise in relation to any service, consumer protection scope and applicability of the Act, 1986

Scope and applicability of Consumer Protection Act, 1988 Consumer Protection Act, 1988 is social welfare legislation enacted to provide for better protection of the interest of the consumers and different re-dressal forum have been established under the said Act for settlement of consumer disputes. The legislature having enacted, such legislation for speedy solution of the disputes of the consumer for the benefit of the people at large.

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