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Dry Ice Machine

Listing ID #3636237

  • Supply Type Exporter, Supplier
  • Preferred Buyer Location All over the world

Coldry blasting is an advanced cleaning process using solid Co2 (dry ice) pellets. It is primarily used for industrial use in many applications. Coldry blasting machines or Coldry blasters use....
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Coldry blasting is an advanced cleaning process using solid Co2 (dry ice) pellets. It is primarily used for industrial use in many applications. Coldry blasting machines or Coldry blasters use compressed air to accelerate Coldry pellets to a high velocity and blast them on the surface for treatment.
When the pellets impact on a substrate having a thick and tightly bonded layer of surface contamination, or unwanted contaminants, the Coldry creates a layer between the substrate and the surface layer. When the solid Coldry sublimes into vapour it expands rapidly and removes the contaminants, ensuring an abrasion free cleaning. At the same time, it does not leave any residue, hazardous waste or toxic fumes.

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SICGIL INDIA LIMITED is the largest manufacturer and distributor of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Coldry (dry ice) in India. It was incorporated in 1947 and is the largest Indian Company exclusively in the CO2 business. The company has Seven factories strategically located across the country at Bhatinda, Chennai, Cochin, Goa, Srikakulam, Tuticorin and Vadodara with an aggregate liquid production capacity of over 380 tons per day. SICGIL produces Food Grade Coldry(dry ice) and has a Coldry production capacity of 80 tons per day. The facilities are backed up by Ten debulking centres and satellite refilling stations located at Bangalore, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Indore, Kolkata, Madurai, Mumbai, Pune, Visakhapatnam & Surat. At any point of time, SICGIL stores about 3800 tons of Liquid CO2 (LCO2).
All factories of SICGIL are equipped to produce LCO2 with purity 99.98% by vol., nil oil content and moisture less than 10 PPM (ingredient grade CO2), conforming to ISBT standards..
Apart from manufacturing and delivering CO2, SICGIL designs and erects CO2 plants, manufactures storage and mobile tanks, as well as related equipments. SICGIL also provides cost effective business solutions to its customers.
For a detailed SICGIL Profile, please visit
  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Service Provider / Supplier
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