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Mint Leaves

  • Shelf Life 5-6 Days
  • Grade A
  • Place of Origin India
  • Packaging Size Available(In Kg/In Ton) 5 Kg
  • Scientific Name Mentha
  • Family Lamiaceae
  • Packed In Jute Bag & Plastic Bag
  • Speciality No Preservatives, Pesticide Free

Fieldmint (Pudina) BenefitsFieldmint or pudina benefits in curing a number of ailments like indigestion, nausea, colic, fever, sore throat, halitosis, headache, rhinitis, and so on. Mints usually soothe the muscles and relax the peripheral blood vessels .Fieldmint is one of the Three Great Mints; the other two being peppermint and spearmint Apart from medicinal purposes, this aromatic herb is also used in various culinary preparations, especially soups and salads.Scientific Name: Menthe arvensis Other Names: Corn mint Wild mint, Japanese mint, Pudina, Podina, Pudiyanu, Muthina

Native Region This perennial herb is native to the temperate regions of western and central Asia and Europe. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

Healing Properties

  • Fieldmint or pudina has stimulant, carminative, expectorant, refrigerant, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, antiphlogistk, anti-fertility, emmenagogue, and diuretic properties. It clears the mind, and relieves mental and emotional tension.
  • Fieldmint (pudina) benefits the nervous system. It provides relief from headache, insomnia, and dimness. Moreover, this herb stimulates menstruation and induces sweating. It relieves chest pan and purifies blood, too.
  • Plus, tt helps relieve aLtiIr.tis and joint pains. Pudina also heals toothache and pug, inflammation. Furthermore, one of the most popular fieldmint (pudina) home jenie, lies involves chewing it in order to get rid of bad breath.
  • In addition, it soothes the digestive system and hence, cures indigestion, stomach pain, diamhea, gas , nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and other similar digestive disorders.
  • Fieldmint is good for skin as well as it helps in the natural treatment of acne, boils and allergic skin reactions.
  • The herb provides relief from common cold, cough. congestion. Sole thoat, fever, and so on. Being a powerlid Antioxidant, it protects agains certain types of cancers. The oil extracted from mint plant is used in aromatherapy.
  • Tea prepared from this therapeutic herb boosts immunitv and helps eliminate toxins from the body. Coming to the nutritional benefits of fieldmint (pudinat), it is rich in vitamin B complex, vibunin C, calcium, phosphous, iron, magnesium, sulfur, carotene.

Medicinal Uses of Fieldmint (Pudina)

  • Drinking fresh pudina juice after meals works as a natural medicine for treating hvperacidity and heartburn.
  • Boil a glass of water mixed with one teaspoon of mint leaves and half a teaspoon of cardamom seeds. Consume this mixture to relieve nausea.
  • Combination of mint juice, ginger juice and honey cure morning sickness. You can also add lime juice.
  • Taking a mixture of one teaspoon each of lime juice, honey and juice extracted from pudina leaves serves as an effective fieldmint home remedy for indigestion, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, and piles. follow this therapy three times in a day. it also improves appetite.
  • Chewing a quarter teaspoon of pudina seed and drinking a glass of lukewarm water reduces indigestion. besides, you can drink water mixed with a few drops of mint oil.
  • Prepare a decoction by boiling mint leaves in water. Add a little black salt in it and drink it to expel intestinal worms.
  • Benefits of fieldmint (pudina) to provide relief from colic can be derived by having a decoction prepared by boiling a teaspoon of mint leaves in a cuo of water for three to five minutes. Follow this natueal treatment two times in a day.
  • Having mint tea two to three times in a day relieves stomach ache and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Consuming a paste prepared by crushing pudina leaves is useful when dealing with food poisoning. Plus, it provides relief from menstrual cramps and helps in healing skin disorders.
  • Soak a tablespoon of mint leaves in a cup of warm water for about 30 minutes. Strain and drink this solution to get rid of nausea, nervousness, and insomnia.
  • To reduce fever, add a handful of crushed pudina leaves, a teaspoon of dry ginger powder, and half teaspoon each of black pepper and long pepper in two cups of water. Boil the solution until it reduces to half Finally, strain the liquid, divide it into three equal parts and drink it three times in a day.
  • Inhaling the steam of boiling water infused with mint leaves clears nasal congestion.
  • Drinking mint tea mixed with lime juice, and honey reduces cough, cold and sore throat. You can also add ginger in it.
  • Being a good relaxant, pudina or pudina or fieldmint benefits in deling with astma. For this. you can  regularly take a teaspoon of fresh mint juice along with water.
  • Applying a paste prepared from crushed fieldmint or pudina leaves on the forehead relieves headache. smelling freshly crushed pudina leaves cures dizziness.
  • Heat mint leaves over a low flame, pound them and apply the warm leaves on aching joints to reduce arthritis pain and inflammation.
  • Prepare a decoction by boiling mint and basil leaves in water. Drink this solution two times in a day when suffering form malaria.
  • Rising your hair with a solution of fieldmint (pudina) leaves boiled in water reduces
  • hair fall.
  • Pudina homc remedies for skin care can be used as face packs. For instance, you can add 10 crushed pudina leaves in three to four tablespoons of fuller's earth.
  • Mix the ingredients to form a paste. You can also add a little water in it. Keep it in the refrigerator overnight. Finally, apply on your face and neck, let it dry, and then wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
  • Drinking as well as applying mint juice on skin is valuable in healing itchin sensation. Fresh pudina juice can also be applied on rashes, boils, acne, eczema, and insect bites.
  • Pimples. blemishes and Igt_sza can be treated by applying mint juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder. Fungal infections like rineworm can be healed by applying a combination of mint and lime juice.   Regularly applying fresh mint juice under eyes helps in removing dark circles.
  • Another health benefit of field mint (pudina) is that it can be used as a mouthwash as it inhibits bacterial growth. Thus, you can steep two tablespoons of chopped pudina leaves in a cup of hot water for about half an hour. Finally, rinse your mouth with this solution to get rid of bad breath.
  • Dried mint leaves can be used as a tooth powder to treat mouth infection.
  • Simply chewing fieldmmt leaves daily refreshes your breath, strengthens theg, m, , prevents tooth decay and improves the sensitivity in taste buds It also stops Iiissmn • Taking a teaspoon of dried pudina leaves mixed with one teaspoon of honey is useful in the treatment of delayed menstruation Follow this therapy three times in a day. In case of amenorrh., drink a decoction prepared by boiling fieldrnint leaves, taggery, and a pinch of asafoetida in water.
  • Using a few drops of mint juice as ear drops or nose drops can help cure infections.
  • For storing this herb, you can keep field mint or pudina leaves in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator for two to three days
  • The plant is also works as an insect repellent Furthermore, the oil extracted from this herb is included in cosmetic products such as soaps, perfumes, etc.

Precautions Pregnant and nursing women should avoid drinking large amounts of tea prepared from this herb In addition, individuals suffering from liver problems and gallstones should avoid using field mint oil Moreover, the oil is not considered safe for children below eight years of age. Applying undiluted mint oil on skin can give rise to skin irritation. Excessive use of this herb can cause headache and heartburn Thus, fieldmint (pudina) benefits health when it is used in moderation.

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Rose Water

  • Application Cooking, Facial Cleanser, Fregnence, Health Care, Skin Care
  • Color Transparent
  • Feature Bacteria Free, No Side Effects
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Ingredient Rose
  • Packaging Size 10ml, 50ml, 100ml, 200ml

Natural Rose Water is steam distilled from fresh Rosa Centifolia dunng the month of March to December of each year; it is completely natural product for skin and hair application The Rose water transparent liquid has colorless specific aroma. The Rose Floral Water is gentle cleansing and tonic Product for all skin types as it maintain the pH balance and stimulates regenerating process It has a calming effect in acne and sunbums as a result the skin texture becomes even and elastic. We have set up latest distillation plant to prepare superior quality rose water. Only natural petals of rose are used by us to prepare our hundred per cent natural rose water. Our rose water has several applications in terms of beauty enhancement as well as edibles. Our rose floral water has all the essence of rose in them due to that we keep on getting high number of demands for them from different markets. We offer our rose water to the customers at reasonable prices and transport to different parts in very short period of time. Consequently, we are reckoned as one of the reliable Organic Rose Water Manufacturers in Ajmer, Rajasthan. Rose water can be used for nutrients additives and Cosmetics raw materials for skin and body care for compressing acne and skin irritation, for nourishing and hydrating facial and hair masks for moisturizing. It is also used after bath for damp bath on thy skin so as to improve the damage hair. The Rose water is used in Cosmetics Beverages, Cold Drinks, Foodstuffs, Tobacco Flavoring like Snuff and Chewing Tobacco, Fruit Flavor, Soft Drinks, Alcoholic Liquors and Medicines. It is also used in Sweet, Ice Cream and Delicious Dishes.

We have three Categories as Concentration of Rosa Centifolia which is lab tested:

  • -Grade A 80kg Rose=> 20 Lt. Rose water
  • -Grade B 80kg Rose=> 40 Lt. Rose water
  • -Grade C 80kg Rose=> 80 Lt. Rose water

Grade A Rose Water: The most quality product from our firm among Gulab Jal (Rose Water) category, we select pink rose from our farms which are grown up in a natural environment. Selected Rose is processed through the use of ancient methods with a proper care of weather, temperature & cooling without the use of any chemicals. Approximately output is about 20 Lt Rose water from 80 Kg. Rose.

Grade B Rose Water: This is the mid range product from our firm in Rose water products. Almost care is taken to produce 40 Lt Rose water from about 80 Kg Gulab (Rose Water)

Grade C Rose Water: This is the most economical product from our firm among in the Rose water Category We Produce about 80 Lt (Gulab Jal from 80 Kg Roce (Gulab)

Here are a few ways how rosewater works wonders for you:

  • Since rose oil has anti-inflammatory properties, using rose water can help in reducing the redness from irritated or over- heated skin.
  • It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores Thus presenting acne and pimples.
  • It has astringent like properties, which is why it is used after facials and clean ups to close open pores. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries, reduces redness and blotch mess.
  • The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It rids you of feelings of anxiety and promotes emotional wellbeing, thereby making you look relaxed. Since it is de-stressing, it helps you sleep better which means you will wake up feeling fresh.
  • The best and easiest way to use it is to apply it at night. It helps clear all impurities that your face has collected through the day.


  • Rosewater is a natural toner. Pour two to three drops of rosewater on a cotton ball and wipe it thoroughly on the face and neck to remove dirt and grit. Follow this routine every morning and night fora natural glow, and refreshing and soothing effect.
  • Due to its refreshing fragrance, you can put a few drops of rosewater into the bathing water for glowing skin. This can relax and sooth your body and mind.
  • For skin irritation caused by acne, pimples, redness and breakouts, wash your face with rosewater.


  • Rosewater comes with natural conditioning and moisturising properties, making it a part of your hair care routine. Add a few drops of rosewater with your shampoo. It will also give a long-lasting fragrance to your hair
  • It also aids hair growth After shampooing, pour half a cup of rosewater on the wet hair and gently massage your scalp for a few minutes
  • Mix rosewater with glycenn or fenugreek powder and apply it on the scalp to prevent dandruff .
  • Its therapeutic properties can help comat inflammations on the scalp.
  • Being a by-product of rose oil, it is as an alternative to normal hair oil.


  • Mildly soak cotton swabs in rosewater and place it over your eyes for a soothing, cooling and relaxing effect.
  • Get instant relief from burning, red or inflammatory eyes by pouring two to three drops of rosewater in each eye and closing it for a few minutes. You can also cleanse your eyes every night to wade off any eye infection. Rosewater is also one of the ingredients used in Ayurvedic medicine.
  • Banish those dark circles by smearing rosewater under the eyes.
  • To treat those tired and droopy eyes, mix sandalwood with rosewater, apply on the eye lids and wash it off with cold water after 15 minutes .

Light Fragrance Rosewater smells exactly like fresh petals, and what it lacks in longevity-10 minutes is all you get, it makes up for with its sunlit charm. On days when you're traveling or don't want to have a perfumed presence, it's ideal. It feels refreshing and uplifting.

Face TonerAn important ingredient in many skin care preparations, rosewater is likely to be already featured in your toners, lotions and creams. It's soothing, anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for dry skin. In Morocco, it's frequently mixed with argan oil for a homemade makeup remover. I add a tablespoon of rosewater to distilled H2O for a softening toner. As with any new skin care treatment, be sure to do a patch test before you start using it on regular basis.

Hair Rinse Another way I incorporate rosewater into my beauty regimen is to use it as a hair rinse (2 Tablespoons per 1 cup of water) After I shampoo and condition my hair, I thoroughly rinse and then follow up with the rosewater mix It's excellent for skin and leaves a very delicate scent in my locks.

Body TreatmentsRose's many benefits for skin care make it an interesting addition to homemade body treatments. 1 use it in my Rose and Vanilla Almond Oil, or if I'm pressed for time, I mix rosewater and my regular body cream. You can also add it to scrubs and directly into bath water. A rose scented bath at the end of a long day is the best antidote to stress.

Scented Bedsheets A recipe for sweet dreams and more! I add 3 Tablespoons of rosewater for every 1/2 cup of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Before getting into bed, I lightly mist the sheets with scented water.

Yogurt and Custards Almost anything milk based works perfectly with rose: cream, yogurt, fresh cheese. Delicate and light, rice pudding is one of my favorite desserts falling into the comfort food category. Just substitute rose water for orange blossom water in my recipe. Or stir a dash of rosewater into pannacotta. Be careful not to add too much, because the rose flavor can be very strong. Another interesting recipe to try is Indian Yogurt Mousse with Rose and Saffron.

Lemonade and TeaI love starting my day with a cup of rose scented tea, thanks to the fantastic recipe developed by Andy, our resident tea expert. The marriage of lush rose and bitter tea is irresistible. Since rose and lemon share some flavor components, it's only natural to try blending them. Start by adding a teaspoon of rosewater to your favorite lemonade recipe and notice how the floral nuance of lemon grows stronger.

Cakes and Cookies Old Russian pastry recipes often include rosewater as one of the optional aromas, along with vanilla, cardamom, lemon peel and cognac. Added to the cake batter or the dough for huller cookies, rosewater will not make them taste perfumey, but it will give more depth and complexity A tablespoon per each cup of flour is my favorite ratio (be sure to adjust the amount of liquid used in the recipe).

Other Benefits of Rose Water-Can be used for eve infections Oust soak a soft cotton round and place over the eye) Heals sunburn, bug bites, and rashes Soothes inflamed sore throats (use it as a gargle) Relieves PMS symptoms, menopausal symptoms, and gently balances hormones Relieves menstrual cramps and improves mood swings Improves depression and anxiety (breathe in the fragrance while spraying it on your skin) Soothes capillaries Improves circulation Curbs skin and bladder infections Natural remedy for diarrhea and ulcers Adds shine to hair (just spritz it on) Enriches the body with nutrients Soothes digestive problems Relieves tooth ache

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Natural Gulkand

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Brand Name Shuddhaj Extracts
  • Color Brown
  • Application Flavouring Agent
  • Taste Sweet
  • Packaging Type Tin
  • Type Paste
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Flavor Rose
  • Country of Origin India

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : 20kg tin 19kg Gulkand + 1 kg tin

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Rose Jam

We are offering rose jam. the rose jam, prepared by us, is delicious and highly suitable for the health of the customers. We introduce the natural gulkand which is made by hands. It is very different than other gulkand as it is made by wooden okhal and musal through natural processes. We use healthy petals to manufacture rose petal jam with the use of modern techniques. Customers place high demands before us to get our highly recommended jam that are also the doctors choice to be fit & fine. Apart from that, we are expert in the manufacturing of rose hip jam too. We are always in the position to deliver our jam on time as we are in contact with a number of rose cultivators who provide their roses to us in real prices; consequently we are in position to sell our jam at low price. It has made us to enter the group of leading organic rose jam manufacturers in ajmer, india. we make the gulkand by old based process. In this process, we used the wooden okhal and musal for preparing the gulkand. We add less quantity of sugar in order to maintain taste.
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Rose Jam

the rose jam, prepared by us, is delicious and highly suitable for the health of the customers. We introduce the natural gulkand which is made by hands. It is very different than other gulkand as it is made by wooden okhal and musal through natural processes. We use healthy petals to manufacture rose petal jam with the use of modern techniques. Customers place high demands before us to get our highly recommended jam that are also the doctors choice to be fit & fine. Apart from that, we are expert in the manufacturing of rose hip jam too. We are always in the position to deliver our jam on time as we are in contact with a number of rose cultivators who provide their roses to us in real prices; consequently we are in position to sell our jam at low price. It has made us to enter the group of leading organic rose jam manufacturers in ajmer, india. we make the gulkand by old based process. In this process, we used the wooden okhal and musal for preparing the gulkand. We add less quantity of sugar in order to maintain taste.
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Rose Jam

  • Shelf Life 6 Months
  • Color Brown
  • Packaging Type Plastic And Glass Jar
  • Feature Non Artificial, Non Harmful
  • Application Medicine
  • Ingredient Rose Petals
  • Quality Good

The Rose Jam, prepared by us, is delicious and highly suitable for the health of the customers. We introduce the Natural Gulkand which is made by hands. It is very different than other Gulkand as it is made by wooden okhal and musal through natural processes. We use healthy petals to manufacture Rose Petal Jam with the use of modern techniques. Customers place high demands before us to get our highly recommended jam that are also the doctors choice to be fit & fine. Apart from that, we are expert in the manufacturing of Rose Hip Jam too. We are always in the position to deliver our jam on time as we are in contact with a number of rose cultivators who provide their roses to us in real prices; consequently we are in position to sell our jam at low price. It has made us to enter the group of leading Organic Rose Jam Manufacturers in Ajmer, India.


We make the Gulkand by old based process. In this process, we used the wooden okhal and musal for preparing the Gulkand. We add less quantity of sugar in order to maintain taste.

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Rose Sharbat

  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Color Red
  • Packaging Type Can, Plastic Pouch, Plastic Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Features Low-Carb, Low-Fat
  • Packaging Size 100ml, 1L, 2L, 300ml, 500ml

Shuddhaj Extracts manufactures refreshing as well as tasty Rose Sharbat using the natural ingredients. The Rose Sharbat, prepared and exported by us, is made from concentrated rose water, which is in turn made from the best grade rose petals (rosa cetafolia). It has great value as a coolant in Indian treatise.

Advantages :

  • Calms burning sensation in the body
  • Soothes mind
  • Prevents sun stroke
  • Controls body temperature
  • Stimulate the appetite
  • Improves brain, liver, stomach
  • Relaxes acidity, anxiety, thirstiness, burning sensation

HELPFUL : feeling of pleasures, goodness, makes freshness. AVOID : sole and palm, gastrities etc.

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Dry Amla

We are offering dry amla. we are famous in the market for providing our customers with best quality dry amla. We use competent techniques to dry amla so that they do not get decayed in due course of time. We also supply dry amla fruit that is used as an herbal product. All the amla is obtained from nearby producers, who provide us high quality amla at low prices. Thus, we are able to give our customers bulk dry amla at comparatively less price. This enables us to receive high demands from different markets and with our large set up we are able to supply them to our customers at stipulated time. Hence we are counted among high profile dried amla manufacturers in rajasthan, india. awla (indian goose berry), a medium to large sized deciduous tree with small leaves, is scientifically known as emblica officinalis is one of the precious gifts of nature to mankind. it is probably the richest known source of vitamin c. The fruit pulp contains as much as 600 mg. Of vitamin per 100 gm., nearly twenty times as much as in orange juice. The fruit is nearly spherical or globular, slightly broader than long, and with small, shallow, conical depressions at either end of its longitudinal axis, especially at the place of attachment of the stalk. normally the fruit is 18 to 25 mm wide at the middle and 15 to 20 mm along the longitudinal axis. Awla is indigenous to india. It has been used as a valuable ingredient of various medicines in india and the middle east from time immemorial. The tree is cultivated widely in india; in fact it is being done at very large scale in some states of the country. principle constituents :-awla is highly nutritious and is an important dietary source of vitamin c, minerals and amino acids. The edible fruit tissue contains protein concentration 3-fold and ascorbic acid concentration 160-fold compared to that of the apple. The fruit also contains considerably higher concentration of most minerals and amino acids nutritive value :-
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Dry Amla

We are offering we are famous in the market for providing our customers with best quality dry amla. We use competent techniques to dry amla so that they do not get decayed in due course of time. We also supply dry amla fruit that is used as an herbal product. All the amla is obtained from nearby producers, who provide us high quality amla at low prices. Thus, we are able to give our customers bulk dry amla at comparatively less price. This enables us to receive high demands from different markets and with our large set up we are able to supply them to our customers at stipulated time. Hence we are counted among high profile dried amla manufacturers in rajasthan, india. awla (indian goose berry), a medium to large sized deciduous tree with small leaves, is scientifically known as emblica officinalis is one of the precious gifts of nature to mankind. it is probably the richest known source of vitamin c. The fruit pulp contains as much as 600 mg. Of vitamin per 100 gm., nearly twenty times as much as in orange juice. The fruit is nearly spherical or globular, slightly broader than long, and with small, shallow, conical depressions at either end of its longitudinal axis, especially at the place of attachment of the stalk. normally the fruit is 18 to 25 mm wide at the middle and 15 to 20 mm along the longitudinal axis. Awla is indigenous to india. It has been used as a valuable ingredient of various medicines in india and the middle east from time immemorial. The tree is cultivated widely in india; in fact it is being done at very large scale in some states of the country. principle constituents :-awla is highly nutritious and is an important dietary source of vitamin c, minerals and amino acids. The edible fruit tissue contains protein concentration 3-fold and ascorbic acid concentration 160-fold compared to that of the apple. The fruit also contains considerably higher concentration of most minerals and amino acids nutritive value :-
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Dry Amla

  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Color Brown
  • Application Cooking, Hair Oil, Medicine, Murabba
  • Feature Good For Hairs, Good For Skin
  • Packaging Size 5-20kg
  • Packaging Type Jute Bag, Net Bag
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Rose Floral Water

We, along with our packaging professionals, ensure that the range of products meets current requirements, for that reason we make use only qualitative packaging material, procured from the renowned vendors. Backed by efficient logistics team, we make deliveries of the goods in the set time span.
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Anti Wrinkle Cream

Quality control is a huge part of our company and we make sure, all our products are quality assured and trustworthy. We believe in providing quality-approved products to the clients. For this, we make sure that all the inputs are procured from certified vendors after complete analysis of the quality.
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