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Shree Labdhi Creation

Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Film Shaggy Polyester Thread, sattin, Mini Rat Tail, Polyester Thread IMG - 0718, Polyester Thread IMG - 1670, Polyester Thread IMG - 1783, Polyester Thread IMG - 1692, Polyester Thread, Polyester Embroidery Thread, Embroidery Thread, Polyester Cord, Malai Dori, rakhi thread, Dope Dyed Chips, Weaving Chips, Crimplon Rat Tail, White Rat Tail, Crimplon Chips shaggy Polyester Thread, Half Black Rat Tail shaggy Polyester Thread, Half Black shaggy Polyester Thread, Crimplon White Rat Tai, silver jari, Crimplon White Rat Tail, Shaggy Polyester Thread, Silver Jari Chips, Black Border Chips, Polyester Thread, Diamond, Polyester Sewing Thread


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
  • Contact Person Vipin Bothra
  • Registered Address 4, Sarita Row House, Behind Shri Ram Petrol Pump, Opp Madhav Row House, Anand Mahal Road, Adajan., Surat, Gujarat - 395009
  • Total Number of Employees Below 20
  • Year of Establishment 2005
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