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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Water Clarification, OXIDATION AND DISINFECTION, CERAMIC FILTRATION, Membrane Separation and FLASH DISTILLATION.

Effluent Treatment Plant

SHREE VINAYAK JAL PVT. LTD. offers you with a wide range of Effluent Treatment Plants that are highly efficient and customized. They are designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant.

Industrial waste water contains a diversity of impurities and therefore its treatment constitutes a special task. We hold expertise in technical and economic optimization of every facility. The treatment process may contain mechanical, biological and chemical physical process steps.

  • Reliable, Sustainable and Economical solution
  • Increased availability through system design
  • Remote and automatic system control
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Biological Treatment Plant

SHREE VINAYAK JAL PVT. LTD. is engaged in designing, fabricating, supplying and installing a broad spectrum of Biological Treatment Plants.

Special Features
  • Quality tested products
  • Environment friendly systems
  • Easy to Install
  • Minimum use of chemicals

SVJPL compact BIOSTYR, MBBR, and BIOTHANE technologies address the needs of a cross section of industries for biological treatment solutions.

BIOSTYR treatment plants

The BIOSTYR process combines biological treatment, clarification, and filtration into one compact system. Following primary clarification, BIOSTYR can provide secondary treatment. Removal of carbon, suspended solids and ammonia nitrification and denitrification are accomplished in a single step, providing a compact solution.

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)technology is based on the biofilm principle and uses the advantages of activated sludge and other biofilm systems with none of the disadvantages.

Bio film elements are manufactured from polyethylene and are used for organics removal, nitrification, denitrification and detoxification.

We have developed a treatment plant technology giving excellent performance, reliability and a low footprint.

BIOSEP Membrane Bio reactors

SVJPL Water Technologies uses the innovative, patented BIOSEP process, developed by its own research.

BIOSEP is a high performance solution that combines aerobic biological treatment using activated sludge and membrane filtration for the treatment of municipal and industrial effluent. The filtration step can use immersed membranes or external, pressurized membrane filtration. The process ensures a high reduction of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, as well as exceptional bacterial removal.

The process is especially suited to applications such as municipal water treatment, food and beverage production, pharmaceutical manufacturing, paper and pulp, and chemical plants, where effluent with organic pollutants needs to be treated.


BIOSEP combines an aeration tank and a membrane system where the membranes are grouped into modules.

After treatment, such as screening, raw water enters the aeration tank where carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are removed.

Membrane filtration then separates the purified water from the activated sludge. Submerged membranes typically deployed in capillary configuration and positioned vertically, with filtrate being drawn through the membranes under slight vacuum. Pressurized membranes, on the other hand, operate on a cross-flow principle. The treated water is pumped out and excess sludge is directly removed from the tank for dewatering.

Benefits over Conventional Activated Sludge

  • Exceptional treated water quality
  • Highly compact system
  • No final clarification
  • High COD removal
  • Reduced reagent levels in phosphorus elimination
  • Thickener may also be removed
  • Reduced sludge production
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Water Clarification

Water clarification is used in the treatment ofindustrial effluent, municipal waste waterandmunicipal drinkingwater as per-treatment to further purification processes.

SVJPL patented water clarification plants includes SVJPL-Activeflo, Active Turbo, SVJPL-Multiflo.

Water clarification with SVJPL-ActivefloThe patented high ratewater clarification system, developed by SVJPL. Referred to as the ultimate clarifier.

  • Unique settling characteristics
  • High overflow rates
  • Short retention times

These characteristics make it ideal formunicipal applicationsacross the country. The process covers numerous applications and can be integrated into many treatment chains to produce high qualitypotable water. The System provides even shorter retention times than the system, and boasts an even smaller footprint.


Multiflow Technology is an advanced clarification technology which incorporates chemical precipitation with sludge thickening this produces a thickened sludge which can easily be dewatered. The technology is extremely efficient at removing high amounts of precipitated solids from water. SVJPL offers numerous operational benefits, including:

  • A small footprint
  • Low sensitivity to operational upsets and stop/start conditions
  • A low concentration of suspended solids in treated water
  • A high concentration of suspended solids (calcium carbonate) in the generated sludge
  • Lower capital and operational costs when compared to conventional clarifiers

Themethod also offers solutions for the removal of high levels of arsenic and heavy metals from water. This method is called theSVJPL-Mutiflow-Proconfiguration and combines the coagulation, flocculation and settling stages in a streamlined process.

  1. Coagulation/Flocculation stage:

    After oxidation raw water flows successively through two tanks equipped with propeller type mixers. developed by SVJPL, optimizes chemical dosing, mixing and floc formation.

  2. Lamella settling:

    The flocculated arsenic and colloidal matters enter the bottom of the settling tank fitted with lamella plates. The water flows upwards, in the opposite direction to the settling flocs. The flocs are deposited along the plates and slide downwards under the effect of gravity.

  3. Sludge re-circulation:

    This feature optimizes chemical dosing and further improves sludge settling and thickening.

  4. Well adapted to high concentrations of arsenic
  5. Co-precipitation of other heavy metals
  6. Removal of suspended solids and color
  7. Softening
  8. High thickened sludge concentration
  9. Easy to build and operate
  10. Robust and proven technology
SVJPL Lamella Tube Settler

Tube settlers and parallel plates increase the settling capacity of circular/rectangular clarifiers by reducing the vertical distance a floc particle must settle before agglomerating to form larger particles.

Tube settlers use multiple tubular channels sloped at an angle of 60 and adjacent to each other, which combine to form an increased effective settling area. This provides for a particle settling depth that is significantly less than the settling depth of a conventional clarifier, reducing settling times. Tube settlers capture the settle able fine floc that escapes the clarification zone beneath the tube settlers and allows the larger floc to travel to the tank bottom in a more settle able form. The tube settlers channel collects solids into a compact mass which promotes the solids to slide down the tube channel.

  • High settling Settling rate
  • Settling of smaller flocs also
  • Tube Settler media increases the settling area hence area required compared to Conventional Clarifier is less than half.
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Water disinfection means the removal, deactivation or killing of pathogenic microorganisms.

Disinfection of water by physio-chemical means entails the destruction of disease-causing organisms in order to prevent their spread. Oxidation of water removes inorganic chemicals from water.

Use of chemicals like chlorine and chloramine followed by processes such as Ozonization and Ultraviolet irradiation also aid in the destruction of biological contaminants that remain in the water after treatment. These processes are used in potable water treatment, industrial effluent reclamation, municipal waste water treatment, as well as ultra pure water applications.

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SVJPL is passionately engaged in the manufacturing and supplying of ceramic filtration plants.

CERAMIC water treatment systems, primarily designed for removing dangerous bacteria from UN-treated fresh water supplies. Some units also remove potentially dangerous organic chemicals such as pesticides and industrial compounds. The ceramic membrane is a very viable technology for produced water treatment.

  • Proven reduction of bacteria and protozoa in water
  • Simplicity of use and acceptability
  • Proven reduction of diarrhea disease incidence for users
  • Long life if the filter remains unbroken
  • A low one-time cost
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Ultra filtration (UF), technology uses a membrane barrier to exclude particles as small as 0.01 microns, including bacteria, viruses and colloids, meeting increasingly stringent water quality standards around the world providing a stable, reliable and consistent water quality.

UF can be used for removal of particulates and macro molecules from raw water, to produce potable water. When treating water with high suspended solids, UF is often integrated into the process, using primary (screening, flotation and filtration) and some secondary treatments as per-treatment stages.

Ultra Filtration Offers
  1. High and consistent product quality measured by turbidity (NTU), silt density index (SDI) or log removal value (LRV).
  2. Tolerance to feed water quality upsets.
  3. No use of pretreatment chemicals (polymer, coagulant, pH adjustment) and associated costs for sludge disposal.
  4. Small footprint and less weight than media filters.
  5. UF also helps reduce fouling of RO membranes.
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Membrane Separation

Filtration with membranes is an attractive alternative to sedimentation, adsorption, extraction, distillation, and flocculation. In the membrane filter technique, water is drawn through a thin filter. Filters with a variety of pore sizes are available. Membrane technology does not require any additives or chemicals, and only minimal amounts of energy. These significant advantages are increasing the use of membrane filtration in water treatment worldwide.

Water with specific quality requirements is used for human consumption as well as in pharmacological, medical, chemical and industrial applications.

The family of membrane processes is generally classified as microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Membrane configurations include spiralwrap, tubular, flat sheets and capillary.

Membrane separation processes are used for:

  • Desalination of seawater
  • Production of process and potable water
  • Polishing and demineralisation of boiler feed water and pharmaceutical water
  • Rehabilitation and recycling of process and municipal effluent
  • As part of an integrated zero liquid discharge process

Widely recognized as the technology of choice for superior water and wastewater treatment, membranes provide a physical barrier that effectively removes solids, viruses, bacteria and other unwanted molecules tubular membranes are ideal for difficult to treat wastewater contaminated with oil, grease, heavy metals, and suspended solids.

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Reverse Osmosis (RO): is a type of membrane desalination. Here salt water is forced under high pressures through a semipermeable membrane that produces relatively pure water on the downstream side and leaves saline-rich water on the source side. Because membrane cleanliness is crucial to the efficiency of this mechanism, salt water is treated with some initial filters to remove particulate matter. Additionally, after the water passes through the designated membrane, a post treatment generally occurs to to kill any microbes in the water as well as adjustment of the waters pH back to normal.

Designed to convert seawater to drinking water, these seawater desalination systems use high quality reverse osmosis membranes. These products are acclaimed for their engineering efficiency and compact designing.

  • High Quality, Robust Seawater Desalination Systems
  • Purifies water to levels suitable for drinking
  • Highly efficient
  • Consumes less energy
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Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (MSF) is a type of thermal desalination. Salt water is heated under extreme pressures and lead through a series of chambers. The sum of the vaporized water is collected and re-condensed into distilled water. The water that did not vaporize leaves the system with a higher saline concentration than when it entered; this is discarded properly as waste while the distilled water is put into the municipal water supply as drinkable water.

SVJPL is known for delivering advanced and reliable flash plants both full-scale plants and customized, pre-engineered containerized seawater desalination solutions.

The Flash Distillation plants have following features:

  • Fast installation time
  • Continuous operation
  • Minimized desalination costs
  • Customized for economic, efficient performance over the long term
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Thermal Desalination

Multiple Effect Distillation (MED) is a type of thermal desalination. Salt water is heated under pressure and and forced through a chamber. However, in this system the water vapor from the first chamber is used to heat the water in the next chamber (that is under a lower pressure than the previous chamber). Though this pattern repeats throughout several chambers to increase the efficiency of the overall system, the underlying process is trying to use the heat of condensation to heat the next batch of salt water; this produces distilled water.

SVJPL manufactures MED units that are reliable, robust and with high capacity fro industrial use.

The MED units produce a reliable, low-cost stream of high purity water for power plants and industries that can provide low-grade steam as an energy source. The units can be customized as per client requirement and water quality.

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