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  1. Essential Oil 70 Products available
  2. Aromatic & Essential Oils 26 Products available
  3. Carrier Oil 13 Products available
  4. Cooking Oil 11 Products available
  5. Edible Oils 6 Products available
  6. Herbal Products 6 Products available
  7. Nut Oils 6 Products available
  8. Henna Products 5 Products available
  9. Edible Oil 4 Products available
  10. Others Products 26 Products available

Carrier Oil

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Herbins Hemp Seed Oil 100 Ml, Herbins Neem Oil 100 Ml, Kalonji Oil (Nigella Sativa Black Seeds Oil) 100 Ml, Herbins Cucumber Seed Oil 50ml and Herbins Hemp Seed Oil 50ml

Herbins Hemp Seed Oil 100 Ml

  • Color & Aroma Refined hemp seed is almost coloreless to greenish in color with a distinct aroma
  • Absorption Absorbs into skin at average speed, slight oil feeling left on skin.
  • use It can be assist with the medical conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Dry skin, etc.
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Herbins Neem Oil 100 Ml

  • Color Brown
  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Aroma Rich, Earthy and Green musty smell.
  • Extraction It is obtained by solvent extraction of seed, fruit or kernel
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Kalonji Oil (Nigella Sativa Black Seeds Oil) 100 Ml

  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Extraction It is extracted by cold expression of seeds
  • Use It can offer a natural treatment for hypertension
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Herbins Cucumber Seed Oil 50ml

  • Botanical Name Cucumis Sativus
  • Plant Parts Used Seed
  • Extraction Method Cold pressed
  • Color & Odor Straw color liquid with very little scent characteristic of most carrier oils

We are the main supplier of this product.

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Herbins Hemp Seed Oil 50ml

  • Category Carrier Oils - 50ml
  • Absorption Absorbs into skin at average speed, slight oil feeling left on skin.
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Herbins Kalonji Oil 50 Ml

  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Extraction It is extracted by cold expression of seeds
  • use Black Seeds Oil can cure diarrhoea
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Herbins Neem Oil 50ml

  • Color Brown
  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Aroma Rich, Earthy and Green musty smell. carrier oil
  • Extraction It is obtained by solvent extraction of seed, fruit or kernel
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Herbins Cummin Seed Oil 10ml

  • Application Prepare to be astonished by some of these wonderful properties of cummin essential oil.
  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Extraction It is extracted by cold expression of seeds
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Herbins Hemp Seed Oil Combo 3


Hemp seed oil combo is high in antioxidants as well as carotene, phytosterols, & chlorophyll.It is also a source of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.

Color & Aroma : Refined hemp seed is almost coloreless to greenish in color with a distinct aroma, which is relatively mild & it is stronger than most other carrier oils.

Absorption : slight oil feeling left on skin, Absorbs into skin at average speed.


1.Hemp seed oil can be taken on its own as a nutritional supplement, but it is also delicious with food and has numerous applications for the cosmetics industries as well.

2. Hemp Seed Oil can be assist with the medical conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Dry skin.

3. The daily recommended serving of hemp seed oil is one to two tablespoons.

4. This amount provides 8 to 16 grams of omega-6 fatty acids & 3 to 6 grams of omega-3.

Hemp seed oil 50 ml

Hemp seed oil 100 ml

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Herbins Pomegranate Seed Carrier Oil Combo 3

  • Botanical Name Punica granatum
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Kalonji Oil

Black Seeds Oil/Black Cummin Seed Oil/Nigella Sativa

Appearance :Viscous liquid

Extraction: It is extracted by cold expression of seeds


  1. An extract from black seeds oil can cause significant decrease in LDL Cholestrol and blood pressure. When the blend of Kalonji oil and goat milk is taken, helps for healthy heart and prevention of heart attack. The mix should be in proportion: goat milk (1 cup) and Kalonji oil ( tsp). The blend should be taken for seven days.
  2. It can offer a natural treatment for hypertension
  3. Nagilla Sativa has anti-asthmetic effects. For the treatment of asthma and respiratory issues, it is proposed to take the blend of warm water (1 glass), honey (1 tsp) and Kalonji oil ( tsp). Take this blend in the morning and also at night to cure from the above said issues. The above said blend is also beneficial in treatment of cough and allergy.
  4. Nagilla Sativa can relieve viral sore throats.
  5. Black Seeds Oil can stop hairfall, and increase hair volumemiraculously. Massage your head with lime juice and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with shampoo, now use Kalonji oil when the hair gets dry. Continue it for 15 days to get positive results in prevention of hair fall.
  6. Black Seeds Oil can boost memory
  7. It can control type 2 diabetes
  8. It can decrease the risk of cancer
  9. It can cure diarrhoea
  10. It can control acne and pimples
  11. Headache can be cured by taking Kalonji oil. To ease cerebral (headache) pain, rub Kalonji oil on the forehead and also recommended to rub it close to the ears. tsp of Kalonji oil can likewise be drink twice daily mitigate cerebral pain. Taking Kalonji oil on regular basis is additionally useful in curing of migraine.
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Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is high in antioxidants as well ascarotene, phytosterols, & chlorophyll. It is also a source of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.Color & Aroma : Refined hemp seed is almost coloreless to greenish in color with a distinct aroma, which is relatively mild & it is stronger than most othercarrier oils.

Absorption : Absorbs into skin at average speed, slight oil feeling left on skin.


  1. It can be taken on its own as a nutritional supplement, but it is also delicious with food and has numerous application for the cosmetics industries as well.
  2. It can be assist with the medical conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Dry skin, etc.
  3. The daily recommended serving of hemp seed oil is one to two tablespoons. This amount provides 8 to 16 grams of omega-6 fatty acids & 3 to 6 grams of omega-3.
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Herbins Neem Oil 100 Ml

  • Color Brown
  • Appearance Viscous liquid
  • Aroma Rich, Earthy and Green musty smell.
  • Extraction It is obtained by solvent extraction of seed, fruit or kernel

Herbins Neem Oil (Azadirachta indica)is 100% pure oil derived from seed, fruit or kernel of neem tree. Herbins Neem Oil is ideal for whole body. An effective oil massage for hairs and skin. Herbins Neem Oil is blessing from nature. It can treat baldness and growing of the hair, pimples and acne, etc.

Chemical constituents: Neem oil has various chemical compounds that include Margosic Acid,
Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbinin, Kaempeerol, Azadirone, Quercursertin, B
Sitosterol, Praisine, Vanilic Acid, Nimbicetin and Meliacins.

Uses:-1. Neem appears to be an appropriate herbal remedy for numerous skin disorders.

2. Neem products (neem oil and leaves) are used by Cosmetic Companies for production ofcosmetics like facial creams, nail polishes, nail oils, shampoos, conditioners etc.

3 It may inhibit the development of viruses and prevent them from entering and infecting cells.

4. It is very lubricating and penetrating oil and is considered supremely healing oil, useful forpainful joints and muscles.

5. It has a very beneficial effect on clearing up scalp conditions and dandruff and is also used topromote healing of wounds.

6. Neem oil can also suffocate mites, whiteflies, aphids and other types of soft bodied insects oncontact.

7. Neem is used for effective control against pests and insects.

8. It has been used to treat malaria, tuberculosis, arthritis, intestinal worms as well as to treat skindisease.

9. Some cases of dry psoriasis as well as fungal infections have shown a good response whentreated with neem oil.

10. It is one of the most widely used ayurvedic herbs and is used to detoxify the body.

11. It is also helpful in treating haemorrhoids.

12. Neem fights against the bacteria and reduces the excessive perspiration and bad odour.

13. It could be applied during immature pest stages. It kills the pest immediately.

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