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Our Complete range of products are Boxer Shorts, Cargo Shorts, Cotton Made Cheap Boxer Shorts and Boxer Short.
boxer shorts(also known asloose boxersor as simplyboxers) are a type ofundergarmenttypically worn by bothmen and women.boxer shorts are available in white and solid colors including pastels, and come in a variety of patterns and prints as well; traditional patterns include "geometrics" (small repeating geometric designs), plaids and vertical stripes. Additionally, there are innumerable "novelty" boxer short patterns. Boxer shorts are produced using various fabrics including allcotton, cotton/polyesterblends andjersey knits.
some studies have suggested that tight underwear and high temperature are not optimally conductive forspermproduction. Thetesticlesare outside the body for cooling because they operate for sperm production at a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body, and boxer shorts allow the testicles to operate within the required temperature range. The compression of the genitals in briefs may cause the temperature to rise and sperm production to fall. There is a similar theory regarding testicular cancer risk.other sources dispute this theory. A study in the october 1998journal of urology, for example, concluded that underwear type is unlikely to have a significant effect on male fertility.
shortsare agarmentworn by both men and women over theirpelvicarea, circling the waist and splitting to cover the upper part of the legs, sometimes extending down to knee but not covering the entire length of the leg. They are called "shorts" because they are a shortened version ofpants, which cover the entireleg. Shorts are typically worn in warm weather or in an environment where comfort and airflow are more important than the protection of the legs.
there are a variety of shorts, ranging from knee-length short pants that can be worn as formal clothes to beachwear and athletic shorts. Some types of shorts are typically worn by women