Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Lapis Lazuli Angel Statue, Lapis Lazuli Pyramid Stone and Lapis Lazuli Pencil Stone.
Lapis Lazuli's benefits consist of a powerful intense blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self - awareness, self - confidence, self - knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, morality, making the wearer in a good mood throughout the day. What does lapis lazuli do spiritually? Image result for lapis lazuli angel benefits Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone for thinking and spirituality, and it has a very high vibration. It's believed to increase self-knowledge and awareness of one's own thoughts and can help you to trust your inner wisdom. Why is lapis lazuli so powerful? If Lapis Lazuli was created before mass production of Gems, she would have competed with less Gems nearby during her development, taken in more Gem "nutrients" and essentially pop out far more powerful than her modern mass produced counterparts. What does it mean when someone gifts you lapis lazuli? Image result for lapis lazuli angel benefits This too indicates a status of spiritual power and connection to divinity. Overall, the meaning of lapis lazuli is one of royalty, power, truth, opulence, wisdom, and spiritual connection. By wearing the undeniably beautiful lapis lazuli stone, people can tap into their own divine potential and foresight. What are the benefits of lapis stone? Lapis lazuli has a lot of medical benefits. It boosts immune system, lowers blood pressure, purifies blood and soothes inflammation, if any, in the body. It is also said to alleviate insomnia, depression, throat and thyroid related problems. It benefits the nervous system and respiratory system. How strong is lapis lazuli? Lapis is between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale, depending on its composition. With care, lapis jewelry and carvings can delight their owners for generations. Its toughness is considered Fair. Lapis lazuli's hardness ranks between 5 and 6 on the Mohs hardness scale.