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stevia  is not as easy to grow  as most culinary herbs, but it has been successfully grown  in climates ranging from southern canada to the american south. stevia  is hardy in plant hardiness zones 11 and up, and does best  in semi-humid locations with acidic, well-draining soil. sow stevia s more...
Stevia is a green leaf with natural sweet taste. It’s 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, calorie and carbohydrate free. This sweet plant is nutrient rich, containing substantial amounts of Protein, Calcium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Magnesium, Zinc, Rutin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and other nutrients, yet has more...
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Stevia seeds are supplied to all the growers all over India so that they can raise their own plants in less costing. Every Quantity of Stevia Seeds is supplied. Packing Size – 20 gram, 30 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 200 gram, 500 gram, 1 kg & upto 300 kgs. Rates are as per the quality & quantity. more...
Stevia is an easy-to-grow herb that is hardy zones 8-11 and will be happy in a container, making it easy to bring it indoors for the winter in cold climates. Provide full sun, well-drained soil and even moisture until the plant is fully established. Once it is, stevia is a low maintenance plant. more...