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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Human Torso with Interchangeable Sex Organs Model, Human Torso With Head anatomy model, tongue human larynx anatomy model, Human Torso Without Head anatomy model and Human Digestive System anatomy model.
Similar to B12010 but with interchangeable male/female sex organs, dissectable in 14 parts, on base, with key card.
Full size, 10 parts, without sterno abdominal wall but with ribs, sternum and clavicle with their attachments. Thoracic and abdominal organs, individually detachable lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, heart, which is further sectioned in two parts. Half of skull cap is removed, and brain can be taken out, exposing the interior of the skull. Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region, sexless, on base, with key card.
Natural size, three parts. Larynx showing cartilages, ligaments, muscles, relief of mucous membrane and thyroid gland. Tongue showing front part of the lower jaw which is detachable and separates into two parts, median section, sublingual gland and sub mandibular gland are shown, on base, with key card.
Full size, 8 parts, shows all the major anatomical details. Visceral organs are individually detachable to expose the body cavity. Lungs, heart, liver, stomach and intestine are removable. Heart, lung, and kidney are sectioned to show internal details, sexless, on base, with key card.
Showing all important digestive organs in detail, viz. representation of nose, mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus gastro intestinal tract, liver with gall bladder, pancreas and spleen. Duodenum, cecum and rectum are opened. Removable traverse colon, mounted on board, with keycard.
A 5 times enlarged model of the eye, sectioned horizontally, dissects into 7parts, the upper half of the sclerotic membrane, two choroid membranes, retina with vitreous humour, lens and lower half of the sclerotic membrane. On base, with key card.
The brain is dissectable in 2 parts, can be taken out, showing the cranial nerves and important parts of the skull, on base, with key card.
Enlarged 4 to 5 times, Shows outer, middle and inner ear. Removable auditory ossicles and labyrinth with cochlea and vestibulocochlear nerve. On base with key card.
An highly improved and enlarged model showing fine details in three dimensional relief. Cut in horizontal plane and separable in seven parts. After removing the upper half of the sclera (outer shell), the choroid with its verticose veins is exposed; with the removal of second shell, details of the retina come into view and the position of the yellow and blind spots is quite visible. All important anatomical features such as muscle insertions, optic nerve, blood vessels, ciliary body, cornea, crystalline lens, and iris etc are clearly numbered and are identifiable. Mounted on base, with key card.
A life size detailed 4 part sectioned model , The right hemisphere has the cerebellum and the stem with occipital lobe. On base, with key card.
Similar to cat. no B12054 but with lid.
Two times enlarged, dissects into 3 parts, showing external, middle and internal portions.Ossicles and labyrinth can be taken out.On base, with key card.
Extra large size and highly detailed model carefully coloured and finished. The heart is cut into 2 parts by a vertical line towards the level of the ventricular septum and separates into 2 parts after the arch of aorta and superior venacava have been removed. Both auricles and ventricles with the bicuspid and tricuspid semilunar valves as well as the sigmoid valves can be seen. Separates in 4 parts. On base with diaphragm and outline of the pericardium, with key card.
Four times enlarged, dissectable into 6 parts. Shows outer, middle and inner ear. Removable tymponic membrane with malleus and incus as well as labyrinth with stapes, cochlea and vestibulocochlear nerve (2 part), with two removable bone sections to close the middle and inner ear. On board, with key card.
A 3 times enlarged model of the eye, with 9 parts, in bony orbit. The upper half of eye ball is removable and dissects into 7 parts, showing all anatomical details. Out of six muscles controlling the eye ball two are removable. On base, with key card.
2 part model, basic version for demonstration in schools
Similar to cat no B12022 but without head. Dissectable into 6 parts, on base, with key card.
3 times enlarged, to show the tooth roots, spongiosa, vessels and nerves, on stand, with key card.
Three times enlarged, dissectable into 3 parts, sectioned through the ventricles and auricles. The bicuspid and tricuspid semilunar and sigmoid valves are shown, on stand with key card.
7-part model. The upper half of the sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, both halves of choroid with iris and retina, lens and vitreous humour are removable, mounted on stand, with key card.
Youth model, approx.600 mm. in height, dissectable into 6 parts. The brain is fixed in skull and can be seen after removing the skull cap. Lungs, liver, stomach and intestine are removable to show the internal structure. On base, with key card.
A life size 2 part sectioned model of human brain, clearly showing all important parts, on removable base, with key card.
An enlarged model, showing detailed structure, mounted on base, with key card.
This model demonstrates the general arrangement of tissues. Stem is cut transversely, longitudinally, radially and tangentially at different planes to make the structural details very clear and the formation of various tissues easily understandable, mounted on stand, with key card.
Dissectable into 2 parts, shows kidney with adrenal gland, renal and adrenal vessels and upper portion of ureter. Front half of the kidney is removable to show cortex medulla and vessels as well as renal pelvis, on stand, with key card.
3-dimensional model of leaf showing detailed structure of transverse section and longitudinal section. A large size model on stand, with key card.
Enlarged 2 times, demonstrating clearly crossing of the windpipe and esophagus, on board, with key card.
A miniature model for schools to give a general idea of the bones, mounted on stand, height 325 mm. approx
Molar tooth dissects into 2 parts, showing internal structure, on stand , with key card.
Enlarged model, dissectable in 2 parts, with detachable teeth of lower jaw, on base, with key card.
3 times enlarged, shows renal corpuscles, tubules, medulla. calyx system and pelvis as well as blood vessels and upper portion of ureter. On board, with key card.
Enlarged many times, showing the microscopic structure, with key card.
A set of two models, one dissectable into two parts, showing the anatomy of cockroach, alimentary canal regions, salivary glands, reproductive organs, nervous system etc. The other model shows the ventral structure with detachable mouth parts, wings and appendages, with key card.
Natural size, shows sectional view of head, brain, nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx and vertebral column of the neck, on base, with key card.
Dissectable into 2 parts showing all the important details, on base, with key card.
Full size, 7 parts, shows 2 part removable larynx, wind pipe with bronchial tree; 2 part removable heart, subclavial artery and vein, venacava, aorta, pulmonary artery, esophagus, 2 lungs with removable front halves and diaphragm, on base with key card.