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Our Products

We offer a complete product range of Fume Less Pickling, Duct Work, Odour Control Systems and Process Equipment Systems

Pipe Pickling

Pickling for Pipe/Tube (MS/SS)
Pickling plants & pickling tanks for pipes/tubes (ms/ss). "shivas" pickling tanks (plastic tank) are made from chemical resistant thermoplastic and are welded with butt fusion and hot gas extrusion technology (imported from europe) and they are welded as per recommendation and standard dvs 2207 laid down by german welding society. "shivas" polypropylene tanks are designed on "rita" tank building software module.
Process of Pickling Pipe/Tube (MS/SS)
Once the continuously produced pipe/tube (ms/ss) has been shown to meet the metallurgical and dimensional requirements of the ordering specification, it is ready for pickling. The pipe is immersed in a hydrochloric acid/sulphuric acid/nitric hydrofluoric acid solution, which cleans the steel, and removes the oxide formed during annealing. Once the pipe has been thoroughly rinsed it quickly restores its protective, passive film.
Steel Pickling Plants
We successfully meet the requirements of pickling tanks for steel plants and metal treatment plants. Products that are manufactured from "shivas" in various design and dimensions to meet the requirements of diverse industries. Being a quality oriented organization, we fabricate these steel pickling plants from premium grade materials, which provides required chemical & weather resistance to the end products and imparts them optimum durability standards. We also welcome customized orders to meet the specific demands of our global clients.
More About Steel Pickling Plants
"Shivas" offers pickling tanks for steel industries for pickling process of m.s. And stainless steel coils / bars / pipes. These tanks are manufactured from "shivas". Thermoplastic pickling tanks are offered with specially designed lip type hood for fume collection from the sides of the tank. This kind of hood is suitable for the batch pickling operation. Hood can be offered in any suitable shape like semi arch type or canopy type for continuous pickling operation too. We also offer pickling tanks with suitable hood and fume scrubber with centrifugal exhaust fan, ducting network, stack or chimney and with thermoplastic re-circulation pump for scrubber with piping.

Low rejection Corrosion resistant Short pickling time Clean working area
Reliable welding seam Less pickling tanks Better pickling quality Integral Fume ducting
Increased productivity High employees' acceptance Maintenance free & cost saving Low production cost
Easy draining of sludge Average Tank life upto 15 years    



Good Chemical and Weather Resistance Light Weight Good Insulating Qualities
Easy Maintenance, Provides Less Down Time Easy to Handle Offers Easy Installation


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Fume Extraction System

All components are made from corrosion-resistant thermoplastic material. Scrubbing the exhaust air prevents the release of aggressive and harmful vapors into the environment. Vapors and gases are absorbed in the scrubbing liquid and returned to the circuit. The most important basis for calculations are the determination of the exhaust air volume and the dependence of the pre-treatment plant. All the calculations are performed by program modules developed by shivas.

Effective scrubbing and guaranteed compliance with emission limits can only be achieved through an individually designed fume extraction plant optimized on the particular application. Shivas fume extraction plants can be used not only in encapsulated pre-treatment plants but also for lateral suction channels on pickling tanks. Performance of shivas fume extraction plants is as per emission regulations. Known as acid proof fume extraction plant, plastic tanks acid plant, plastic plant for galvanising, etc.Shivas supplies maximum achievable control technology (mact) in compliance to emission regulatory agency requirements.

  • It is increasingly recognized that for increased productivity and environment protecyion is important and vital role is played in manufacturing process.
  • Turn-key execution of system for extraction of corrosive fumes and gases.
  • Ensure hygienic working atmosphere.
  • Committed to a cleaner environment.
  • High separation efficiencies of 1 micron particulate and gaseous emissions are achievable.
  • Customized process equipment for metal finishing industries.
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GRP Tube

Acid Regeneration Suppliers in Faridabad, Air Pollution Control Systems Suppliers in Faridabad, Chemical Mixing Tanks Suppliers in Faridabad, Chemical Process Equipment Suppliers in Faridabad, Chemical Process Plant Suppliers in Faridabad, Ducting System Suppliers in Faridabad, Electro Pickling For Steel Wire in Faridabad, Electro Pickling Line Suppliers in Faridabad, Extraction System Suppliers in Faridabad, Frp Acid Storage Tank Suppliers in Faridabad, Frp Blower Suppliers in Faridabad, Frp Pipe Suppliers in Faridabad, Frp Storage Tank Suppliers in Faridabad, Fume Extraction Plants Suppliers in Faridabad, Fume Scrubbers Suppliers in Faridabad, Fumeless Pickling Line Suppliers in Faridabad, Gas Scrubbers Suppliers in Faridabad, Graphite Heat Exchanger Suppliers in Faridabad, Grp Pipe Suppliers in Faridabad, Industrial Chemical Tanks Suppliers in Faridabad, Industrial Pickling Line Suppliers in Faridabad, Industrial Pp Tanks Suppliers in Faridabad, Industrial Processing Equipment Suppliers in Faridabad, Industrial Scrubbers Suppliers in Faridabad, Odour Control Systems Suppliers in Faridabad, Pickling Tanks Suppliers in Faridabad, Pipe Pickling Suppliers in Faridabad, Pph Tanks Suppliers in Faridabad, Product Recovery Plants Suppliers in Faridabad, Storage Tank Suppliers in Faridabad, Strip Pickling Suppliers in Faridabad, Structure Pickling Suppliers in Faridabad, Tube Pickling Suppliers in Faridabad, Wire Pickling Plants Suppliers in Faridabad, Wire Pickling Plants Suppliers in Faridabad
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Suction Hood

Suction hood are fabricated from superior quality raw materials using cutting edge technology. The noxious and carcinogenic fumes generated in the wet analysis laboratory should be eliminated to give the hazard-free working atmosphere to the scientists, chemists and other staff members. Fume extraction hood is available in customized specifications as per the requirements of customers. We are believed as one of the topmost fume hood manufacturers and suppliers from india. Suitable modular of various sizes shall be arranged at the bottom of the Hoods for enabling storage of chemicals, re-agents and other useful materials. If cylinders are to be kept at the bottom, provision for the same also can be given. The material of construction for the Hoods shall be Electro Galvanized Iron sheets (duly Epoxy powder coated) or Stainless Steel or PPFRP depending upon the requirement and the budget.

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Polypropylene Tanks

We offer a spectrum of polypropylene tanks (pp tanks) and fabrication. That are manufactured from qualitative raw material and are used as a material of construction. They are resistant to broad range of chemicals and have excellent mechanical properties. Also, our range is available in pp, pph(homo) and pp-frp. These are well known and easy to operate. We also manufacture these tanks in frve(vinyl ester) material inside fitted with granite for better and longer life of tanks. Our specialty of frve tanks are single piece casted thereby no welding joints all over the tank. These tanks are better in performance as compared to any other plastic tanks.
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Pickling Tank

Our range of pickling plants / tanks are made from chemical resistant thermoplastic and are welded with butt fusion and hot gas extrusion technology. These pickling tanks are available in various shapes and sizes to suit the batch and continuous pickling, needs for industries such as wire, cr mills, sheet metal components and pipe mills.
Some of the features of our Pickling Plants / Tanks are
  • 100% Leak Proof.
  • Tank designed on CAD-CAM Auto Desk.
  • Practically Weldless 90 deg "FUSION WELDING" at the bottom corner of the tank.
  • Tanks fabricated with "FUSION WELDING PROCESS" Design.
  • Tanks Joints are practically jointless & erosion Proof.
  • Incorporate Environment-friendly high efficiency Fume extraction System.
  • Inspected and tested with Imported High Voltage tester.
  • Shivas Polypropylene tanks are designed on RITA Tank Building Software module. Standard DVS 2207 laid down by German Welding Society.
  • Superior FUSION welding at joints makes it 100% leak proof.
  • Quality assurance at joints makes it 100% Leak Proof.
  • M.S Structures for tank undergoes sandblasting process which strengthen the bonding life between M.S Structure and FRP.
  • Available in all dimensions as per customers demand with connections like drain and overflow.
  • Tanks are cost effective with minimal rejection and are maintenance free.
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Electro Pickling For Wire Rod

"Shivas" has developed & supplied electrolytic pickling for continious line and wire rod cleaning operation. "shivas" "make" wire rod cleaning & pickling (electolytic) system eliminate uses of large size open acid pickling tanks which not only require large size working shed area but also create lot of air pollution problem and workman fatigue. Our designed wire rod cleaning & pickling line can be used on line with wire drawing machines. It has a double head descaler which remove major part of scale using specially designed wire brushes & pullies. First of all, wire rod is passes through multi stage pullies and next wire brushes rotates around the rod to clean the scale, after passing through descaler it goes to water rinsing and electro pickling devices / system which has unique design and removes the sacle at the very good speed. After picking and washing, wire rod moves to borexing bath and then air wiping & drying unit and then it fed to the drawing blocks / machine. Our designed continious wire pickling (electrolytic) and cleaning (electrolytic) line are well appriciated by our client. It also helps in improving pickling quality than conventional dip bath (hcl acid) pickling which never remove the sacle from wire uniformly and creates void on wire surface and it results further detoriation of the coating quality on steel wire (galvanizing / tinning / cappering).

The following treatment stages exist :

Payoff Scale Breaking Unit Brushing Unit Rinsing
Electro Pickling Hot and Cold Washing Phosphating Washing
Borexing Drying
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Electro Pickling For Wire

Shivas offers electrolytic process line for inline wire pickling , galvanizing, zincking, rinsing degreasing . Separate electro pickling lines are offered for tyre bead copper coating line or all processes are inline for wire zincing line . Shivas offers complete line made using german make pp h sheets and pvc sheets . All fabrications are carried out under strict supervision by engineers adopting best engineering practices as followed all over the world. All weldings are carried out using high efficient welding extruder machine. Electro pickling offers numerous advantages over conventional pickling line, low acid consumption, low effluent generation and higher dv values are obtained. On other hand electro zincking offers better control on zinc coating over wire with higher DV values. Company supplies these line along with high efficient fume extraction systems meeting pollution control board specified allowable parameters. We offer wide range of electro pickling, which is widely used in wire industries for high quality and uniform zinc coating on different type of wires. These trays have special feature that electrodes are fitted with main tray and current will flow in electrolytic solution using rectifier to achieve desired coating on wire.

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Fume Less Pickling

First time in India, for in process continuous wire pickling operations, this totally indigenous fumeless acid pickling line offers hassle-free pickling with no air pollution related problems. This compact, totally covered unit has built-in wire rinsing sections on each end of the line. There is no need to install any air pollution control devices as fumes are not allowed to escape. Made out of FRP and other engineering plastics it offers a long life coupled with many other advantages for the first time to Indian Wire Industries using acid for wire cleaning. Features
  • World wide approved technology for wire pickling.
  • Better pickling quality due to continuous heavy agitation of acid.
  • Line speed can be further increased with acid heating provisions.
  • Negligible acid loss.
  • Uses no Scrubber, no Blower, no Hoods and no Chimney.
  • Neat & clean surroundings of the pickling area.
  • Compact unit with no high-rise hoods & no obstruction for overhead material movement.
  • Acid fumes are condensed with in the system.
  • Low power requirements.
  • Overall a very cost effective answer to all continuous pickling problems.
More About FumeLess PicklingThe Shivas Fumeless Acid Turbulent Pickling System eliminates the need for a Scrubber. In any pickling system with a scrubber, there is the possibility of escaping acid fumes due to such factors as:
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Hot Air Dryer For Strip

Shivas offer different type of air dryers for drying of pickled strips, Wire, Pipe and Structures normally in strip drying process we use available steam boiler / Hot water generator heat with specially design radiator type heat exchanger to exchange the heat from steam/hot water to air. In our air drying units we circulate the same air after blasting and strip surface to minimize heat losses. In this process heated air again passes through heat exchanger with the help of typical duct network connecting blasting chamber to blower suction and then blower outlet to heat exchanger and heat exchanger to blasting chamber. We can replace these type of air drying unit to direct firing chamber unit. In these type of unit we don't require steam/hot water for heating purpose rather air in heated bring it to direct contact of firing chamber.

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Hot Air Dryer For Wire Rod

Shivas offers specially designed hot air dryer for wire rod drying. In these unit insulated main chamber is constructed and electric heaters are hand from top with touchable arrangements and air is blown from one side with the help of high pressure centrifugal blower. Which passes through main chamber (Heater Chamber) and resulted in temperature gaining of air which later passed through main blasting pipe. Wire rod passes through main blasting pipe and resulted in evaporation of moisture from wire rod surface. Our supplied units having special feature of re-circulating to the same air after blasting which result in saving huge amount of heat energy.

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Polypropylene Tanks

We offer a spectrum of polypropylene tanks (pp tanks) and fabrication. That are manufactured from qualitative raw material and are used as a material of construction. They are resistant to broad range of chemicals and have excellent mechanical properties. Also, our range is available in pp, pph(homo) and pp-frp. These are well known and easy to operate. We also manufacture these tanks in frve(vinyl ester) material inside fitted with granite for better and longer life of tanks. Our specialty of frve tanks are single piece casted thereby no welding joints all over the tank. These tanks are better in performance as compared to any other plastic tanks.

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FRP Tank

Our range of quality frp tank are fabricated using best grades of materials. They are designed to perfection and are corrosion resistant. Being high in performance, these frp products have flawless functional ability and are available in market leading prices. Further they can be customized as per the requirements and technical specifications mentioned by our clients. Our complete array of frp products encompasses the following:
Widely known for high strength, stiffness, rigidity, resistance to corrosion and low weight, our range of frp tanks are used for water storage, chemical storage and storage of other liquid materials. They are anti corrosive and can store various corrosive chemicals. Our exclusive gamut of frp tanks includes :
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FRP Blower

Manufactured using special fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), our frp blowers are known for their performance and the strength they carry. Especially designed to handle harsh fumes, vapors and gases, our frp air blowers are ideal for diversified applications. We also make use of fiberglass and polyester to manufacture our frp blowers. We provide these blowers with special rustless coating that protects the exterior steel components of the blowers. Further, we also customize these as per the specifications detailed by our clients.

Constructed to perform a multitude of tasks including reaction, filtration, cake washing and thermal drying on a single unit. These are very sophisticated machines with tight process control on parameters such as pressure, temperature and ph. These filters are well suited for handling flammable, toxic, corrosive and odor-noxious materials since they are autoclaved and designed for use in hazardous and ex-proof environments when extremely safe operation is required. We offer frp / pp / pvc / hdpe nutsche type filters for corrosive chemicals.

High performance Long lasting High tensile strength Sturdy Low noise level
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Fiberglass Pipes

It custom manufactures vessels and piping systems for various applications, from full vacuum service to 150 psig design pressure and from ambient to 350F design temperatures. Its products are mainly used in Acids, Alkali, Water, Oxidizer, Halogen, Hydrocarbons and Solvent environments.Shivas has developed a unique embedding technology specifically adapted to small diameter (1 to 12 ) Dual Laminate piping systems.Its technology assures consistent bonding properties that meet or exceeds the industry standards throughout the clients piping system.Liner materials are available in PVC, CPVC, PP, PE, PVDF, ECTFE and ETFE.
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Sheet Pickling Tanks

Continuous pickling lines

Shivas is supplying and building continuous pickling plants in cooperation with leading Terminal Equipment Suppliers. According to modern requirements of process, the pickling tanks are extensively made out of polypropylene (PP) and FRVE (Vinyl Ester). The advantage of this material are simple fabrication, low weight and excellent acid proof characteristic. All tanks are built in a design specially created by SHIVAS. This special system results in a long economic life-time and moderate maintenance costs.


Our engineers' high know-how and long experience time are allocated to our customers to guarantee lowest investment costs and short delivery times. Close collaboration with the customer in the engineering stage allows an optimum solution, specific to the customer's requirements. At this stage the existing plant is analyzed by Shivas Engineers and the reusability of existing machines and equipment is checked. Beside the machines and the apparatus, the complete system control including process control system and software are checked with regard to optimization.

Push pull pickling lines (PPPL)

At the highest technical level push pull pickling lines are engineered, built and commissioned by Shivas.Special attention is paid to careful strip control and at the same time to high threading speed. The simple handling of the material and the well thought-out operation facilitate high throughput performances with small maintenance rates. Beside the mechanical characteristics of the push pull pickling plants, all advantages of an ultramodern and efficient pickling technology are united in the chemical part Individual solutions are developed depending on customer requirements for strip qualities and for the throughput range. For further special applications Shivas offers semi continuous pickling lines. These pickling lines combine the compactness of a push pull picking line with the throughput efficiency of a continuous pickling line. A wide variety of production speeds can be compensated for by individual adjustment of the pickling parameters.
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Fume Scrubbers

Shivas commitment to workplace safety extends to the environment also.Having removed hazardous fumes from industrial or laboratory processes, the safe capture of these can be achieved either by Carbon Filtration or Scrubbing. Scrubbing presents a large surface area of liquid to the gasses which are in turn absorbed into it. This provides a convenient method of disposal such as Effluent Plant for treatment, Containerisation or Neutralisation within the scrubber. Scrubbers are available in a number of different types such as the Packed bed tower or the modern option of steve tray scrubbing as developed by SHIVAS. The advantage of the steve tray (Plate Type) scrubber is its low maintenance requirement with few consumable components.

Counterflow separators

Counter Flow fume scrubbers are designed for contaminants, which are difficult to absorb for all airflow requirements. The Counter Flow design offers advantages in the efficient and effective use of scrubbing solutions, as well as in a higher separator efficiency, especially for deep beds of packing. High removal efficiency is advantageous where the contaminants are highly offensive or have recovery value. In this design mist and separating solutions carry-over at high gas velocity is minimized by the use of dry packed bed mist eliminators. Counter Flow separators are available with a variety of tower internals; each designed to achieve a maximum in efficiency at a minimum of cost. The separators are available with packed beds in height ranging from 1.2 metres to 6.0 metres. The choice between B and C Series separators must be based upon headroom required separating efficiency and future exhaust requirements. Series B separator internals may be modified so as to achieve separating efficiency equal to Series C separator. Standard fume separators are packed with 50mm plastic tower fill, eg tellerettes give a higher target efficiency with mist and light dust problems. Corrosive Resistant Construction from :
  • Polyvinyl chloride sheet (PVC)
  • Polypropylene sheet
  • Polyvinyl dene fluoride sheet (PVDF)
  • Polyethylene (PE)
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Duct Work

Shivas manufacture ducting systems for bulk fume extraction applications. We also supply extraction fans, all supporting steelwork and electrical systems. Ductwork can be supplied in Polypropylene, PVC or GRP coated PVC for extra UV protection in exterior applications. Fume extraction hoods can also be GRP coated for extra impact strength.

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GRP Piping

Shivas solves corrosion problems in the following fields of applications :
  • Chemical : Chlor Alkali
  • Chemical : Chlorine dioxide/Sodium Chlorate
  • Electro-metallurgical : zinc, magnesium, electroplating
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Food & drug
  • Electronic
  • Pulp & Paper
It custom manufactures vessels and piping systems for various applications, from full vacuum service to 150 psig design pressure and from ambient to 350F design temperatures. Its products are mainly used in Acids, Alkali, Water, Oxidizer, Halogen, Hydrocarbons and Solvent environments.
Small Diameter Piping
  • Shivas has developed a unique embedding technology specifically adapted to small diameter (1 to 12 ) Dual Laminate piping systems.
  • Its technology assures consistent bonding properties that meet or exceeds the industry standards throughout the clients piping system.
  • Liner materials are available in PVC, CPVC, PP, PE, PVDF, ECTFE and ETFE.
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Large Diameter Piping

  • The large diameter (above 12 ) piping system product line is available with PVC, CPVC, PP, PE and PVDF liner materials. It offers consult services to find out the limit design conditions applicable.
  • Pipe fabrication processes such as contact molding and filament winding are used during the FRP portion of the fabrication. Thermoset resins used as part of the laminate are of polyester and vinylester grade. Thermoplastic welding is performed as per DVS 2207, section 3 Hot gas rod welding standard and DVS 2207.
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Graphite Heat Exchanger

Heat exchanger series is the most advanced design of polyblock heat exchangers. These are constructed from identically formed impervious graphite blocks with two types of passages viz short radial passages of 100 to 150mm length converging into a central cavity and short length axial passages with remixing of all the axial tube fluids in a mixing cum redistribution channel every 150 to 300 mm travel of the axial fluid. This particular feature of hydraulic design gives abundant turbulence even at low flow rates and enhances the 'u' and reduces the fouling & scaling drastically. The effect of high 'u' and lower fouling coefficient 's' is that for the same heat duty the hta value is lower. Due to their main features of robustness, high mechanical strength and exceptionally long working life, these heat exchangers are widely used in pharmaceutical industries, pesticide and fumigant sectors, dye stuffs, other chemical process industries, petrochemicals, phosphate fertilisers and pickling lines of steel rolling mills etc.
Construction Details
The heat exchanger assembly is made from a stack of cylindrical impervious graphite blocks, depending upon the hta requirement and the desirable fluid flow rates.the stack of blocks is fitted with headers at both the ends.the graphite blocks and headers are housed in an ms shell for service fluid passage and also to impart protection and mechanical strength to the assembly. To separate the blocks and isolate the flows, teflon gaskets are used between each blocks. The stack of blocks is held tightly under compressive load using disc or spring washers on long pin bolts and nuts assembly. Deflector plates are used on entry nozzles to avoid direct impingement.isolating bellows are require on each of the inlet/outlet nozzles.
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