Our Product / Services
Electrical & Electronic Testing Devices
2 Products availableIndustrial Pump
2 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Boiler PH Booster, RO Water PH Booster, Cooling Water Chemical, Chilled Water Chemicals and RO Antiscalant
Primary function of a boiler is to transfer heat into water until it becomes hot or turns to steam. Boiler feed water often contains impurities, which impair boiler operation and efficiency. Therefore, to improve feed water quality and steam purity pretreatment and chemical treatment of the water are very important. To ensure boiler systems are correctly maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential to carefully select the formulations. Our comprehensive range of high-performance formulations have been scientifically formulated to deliver significant operational benefits and performance improvements. Our extensive range of formulated boiler water treatment chemicals help to minimize scale formation, metallic corrosion and sludge deposition. This helps to increase efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, decrease operating and maintenance costs and extend equipment life.
Action & Benefits