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PVC, PP & Plastic Products
2 Products availableFilters
2 Products availableIndustrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans
2 Products availablePollution Control Machines & Devices
1 Products availableFibers
1 Products availableFerrous & Non Ferrous Metal Scrap
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Electrostatic Air Cleaner, Cyclone Dust Collectors, Pulse Air Jet Bag Filter, Dust Collector Bags and Blanket Wash Recovery Services.
IONVENT -An Ultimate Electrostatic-filter for the extraction and control of oil mist, fumes and dust in the work environment. Shimi Research Center Pvt. Ltd. with its expertise in the field of pollution control equipment introduces the highly efficient, compact, indoor filtering system, IONVENT, to suit various customer needs.
The typical applications are:
IONVENT Principle
IONVENT works on the basis of electrostatic precipitation technology where impurities are initially charged and then collected on the oppositely charged surface giving absolutely clean air discharge. It can arrest a wide range of particle sizes as low as 0.01 micron to 100 microns
The system can be combined with any extraction mode such as a flexible arm, hood, etc.
Main features:
(A) Extraction HoodsSmoke aspiration from large machines such as die casting machines or forging presses, fumes are generated in large area, thus tailor made fume extraction hoods are available in stationary or retractable design to cater to various needs of customer. The hood collect the mixture of oil, mist, dust and smoke from various sections of the machine and IONVENT extract them for cleaning and purification
Shimi Research Center Pvt Ltdis a leadingBag House Dust Collector Manufacturer in India. We manufactureBag House Dust Collectorswith fine quality raw materials. Bag House Dust Collectors are very effective for removing dusts of various kinds. Because of our eminent product quality we are increasingly exporting Bag House Dust Collectors in various parts of the world. At present we are one of the leadingexportersofBag House Dust Collectors in Middle East and South Africa.
We at shimi research centre specialize in providing you cost effective, simple to operate baghouse dust collectors with a large variety of filters available to suit your needs. Our experts work with you at each step to create and deliver solutions that reap you benefits for a lifetime!
When dust-laden air passes through a fabric, the dust is retained while clean air passes through. The filters are available in envelope, pleated and tubular shapes. The filters are normally suspended from the top and the dust laden air either directed from inside or outside of the filter bags. The cleaning process can be achieved using air pulse jet, reverse flow of air and mechanical shaking mechanism. In all the processes, the dust is collected at the bottom of the system by gravity.
Baghouse provide several benefits:
In addition to the material type, whether the fabric or material is wovenwill affect whatsystems the bagis suitablefor
Nonwovenmaterials consist of randomly placed fibers supported and attached to a woven backing. This strong construction isrequired for high energy cleaning techniques like pulse jets and aggressiveshakers.
Wovenmaterials have fibers wound inuniform, repeating patterns. This construction is used for low energy cleaning methods such as reverse air and lower-intensity shakers. The weave space affects the strength of the fabric and the permeability/capture efficiency of the filter.