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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Centrifugal Air Blower, Industrial Air Blower Fan, Wet Scrubber, kitchen scrubbers and Kitchen Scrubber
Shimi Research Center Pvt Ltdis a leadingWet Scrubber Manufacturer in India. We manufacture state of the artWet Scrubberswith high quality raw materials. Our product effectively removes pollutants, particulate matters and gases from polluted gas streams. For our distinctive product quality we are successfulyexporting wet scrubbersin different parts of the world. At present we are one of the leadingexportersofWet Scrubbers in Middle East and South Africa.
Wet scrubberrefers to a variety of devices that removepollutants, particulate matters and gases, from polluted gas streams. In a wet scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with the scrubbing liquid, by spraying it with the liquid, by forcing it through a pool of liquid, or by some other contact method, so as to remove the pollutants.
Scrubbers can be designed to collect particulate matter and/or gaseous pollutants. The versatility of wet scrubbers allows them to be built in numerous configurations, all designed to provide good contact between the liquid and polluted gas stream. Wet scrubbers remove dust particles bycapturingthem in liquid droplets. The droplets are then collected, the liquiddissolvingorabsorbingthe pollutant gases. Any droplets that are in the scrubber inlet gas must be separated from the outlet gas stream by means of another device referred to as amisteliminator orentrainmentseparator (these terms are interchangeable). Also, the resultant scrubbing liquid must be treated prior to any ultimate discharge or being reused in the plant.
A wet scrubber's ability to collect small particles is often directly proportional to the power input into the scrubber. Low energy devices such asspray towersare used to collect particles larger than 5 micrometers. To obtain high efficiency removal of 1 micrometer (or less) particles generally requires high energy devices such asventuri scrubbers. Additionally, a properly designed and operated entrainment separator or mist eliminator is important to achieve high removal efficiencies. The greater the number of liquid droplets that are not captured by the mist eliminator the higher the potential emission levels.
Wet scrubbers that remove gaseous pollutants are referred to asabsorbers. Goodgas-to-liquid contactis essential to obtain high removal efficiencies in absorbers. A number of wet scrubber designs are used to remove gaseous pollutants, with thepacked towerand theplatetowerbeing the most common.
If the gas stream contains both particle matter and gases, wet scrubbers are generally the only single air pollution control device that can remove both pollutants. Wet scrubbers can achieve high removal efficiencies for either particles or gases and, in some instances, can achieve high removal efficiency for both pollutants in the same system. However, in many cases, the best operating conditions for particles collection are the poorest for gas removal.
In general, obtaining high simultaneous gas and particulate removal efficiencies requires that one of them be easily collected (i.e., that the gases are very soluble in the liquid or that the particles are large and readily captured) or by the use of a scrubbing reagent such aslimeorsodium hydroxide.
Ideally Suited for the Removal of:
A Kitchen scrubber is a smaller and more compact size of the industrial scrubber specifically designed for restaurants and hotels where the volume of pollution is low and limited to particulate matter, oil odor and mist.
Our Kitchen scrubber works on the principle of electrostatic precipitator, ESP, where the particulate matters along with oil and mist are charged and trapped in filter cell delivering smoke free exhaust. Our kitchen scrubbers are available in different capacities in manual and auto cleaning models.