Our Products
Industrial Pump
2 Products availableDosing System
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Automated Flow Control Pumps, Large Flow Rates Pumps and Hydrotest Pumps.
Mechanical Diaphragm Pumps Simple Design Economical Easy To maintain No Leakage Low NPSHR Heavy return spring for near Positive return of diaphragm Wide range of plastic & Metallic MOCs
Automated Flow Control Pumps The flow can be controlled remotely automatically either by stroke or speed. The flow can be controlled in proportion to electric signal (4-20 mA) or Pneumatic signal (0.2 to 1 Kg/cm sq)
Flows of 10 cM can be achieved in Hydraulic Diaphragm type pumps per head. Flows of 20 cM can be achieved in Double Acting Piston type pumps per head. Higher Flows can be achieved by using multi cylinder pumps. Wide range of plastic & Metallic MOCs
Skid Mounted Pumps with all accessories Entire Dosing Systems with Tanks and all accessories Wide range of plastic & Metallic MOCs Compact design & minimal footprint
No Leakages/ Robust Design Hydraulically Balanced Sandwich (Double) Diaphragm with Rupture Detection Built in Safety Relief Valve High Pumping Pressures & API 675 Accuracies Low NPSHR Continuous Hydraulic oil venting Wide range of plastic & Metallic MOCs Positive return stroke mechanism Permits pumping of slurries and viscous liquids
The diaphragm is hydraulically actuated. Its function is basically that of a partition. Hence, very high pumping pressures can be attained. The diaphragm material is usually Teflon but also supplied in Stainless steel in some cases for extreme duty conditions & temperatures.There is no leakage of the process fluid as it is hermetically sealed.The diaphragm has a long life as it is always in hydraulic balance, with the liquid being pumped on one side, and process fluid on the opposite side.The system is safe guarded by a built in relief valve on the hydraulic side, a diaphragm actuated compensating valve & Continuous Hydraulic oil venting system.A rupture detection system is provided to detect diaphragm failure, in order to prevent the contamination of the metered fluid. The two diaphragms are marginally separated by a spacer, and are linked together by a light vacuum. In case of diaphragm failure the vacuum turns to pressure which is indicated by a compound gauge or switch. There is no intermediate fluid which virtually eliminates the possibilities of contamination of the pumped liquid.The pumps are of glandless design eliminating all kinds of leakages.
Plunger & Diaphragm Type High Capacities and Pressures Robust Design Flow can be adjusted by changing motor speed. Wide range of liquids can be pumped Wide range of plastic & Metallic MOCs