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1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Forced Draft Fans, Industrial Blower, Induced Draft Fan, Forced Draft Fan and Induced Draft Blowers.
Shanti Air Handling Division [AHD] has vast experience in designing and manufacturing of induced Draft Fans ID Fans AND Forced Draft Fans F.D Fans Blowers, Id blowers Manufacturers. Our fans have been designed to run efficiently and is robust in construction to give a long life. Having over 1000 installation running for over a decade itself is a testimony to our performance. Our manufactury process and stringent quality control ensure performance par excellence. All our Impeller are statically & dynamically balanced.
Features Applications
shanti air handling division [ahd] has vast experience in designing and manufacturing of induced draft fans (id fans) , forced draft fans ( f.d fans) / pa fans .
induced draft fans // forced draft fans // pa fans
our fans have been designed to run efficiently and is robust in construction to give a long life. Having over 1000 installation running for over a decade itself is a testimony to our performance. All the impellers are dynamically balanced .our manufacturing process and stringent quality control ensure performance par excellence.all our impeller are statically & dynamically balanced.
1 h.p to 100 h.p
optimum efficiencydesigned on low rpm for durabilitylow noisedimensioal accuracyless power consumption
industrial boilersindustrial burnersfurnacesdust extaction systemsventilation & exhaust systems.
Shanti Air Handling Division [AHD] has vast experience in designing and manufacturing of Induced Draft Fans (ID Fans) , Forced Draft Fans ( F.D Fans) / PA Fans .
Induced Draft Fans // Forced Draft Fans // PA Fans
Our fans have been designed to run efficiently and is robust in construction to give a long life. Having over 1000 installation running for over a decade itself is a testimony to our performance. All the impellers are dynamically balanced .Our manufacturing process and stringent quality control ensure performance par excellence.
All our Impeller are statically & dynamically balanced.