Welcome to Shaharaji Associates
EARS. SHAHARAJI is a group of “K HANZARIMAL CO” and a well known giant which serves the printing and packaging industries for many years. We have complete team and the ability to provide full-fledged immediate services & solutions that match the requirements of each individual customer. Our hot stamping foils are utilized on a wide assortment of products. These include packaging, greeting cards, electronic devices, household appliances, cosmetics, textiles, furniture, automotive parts, high speed labeling jobs, books & diaries decoration, and numerous other items. This process of Hot Stamping foils, provides effective and attractive brand name protection, as well as increased security features to their products for every kind of businesses. In addition to foils, SHAHARAJI offers a wide range of other products and stamping tools for our customers under one roof. The customer support team is on standby at all times to respond to the needs of customers around the World.