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SGS India Pvt. Ltd.
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Our Services

  1. Certification Services 10 Services available
  2. Auditing Services 4 Services available
  3. Quality Checking Service 3 Services available
  4. Computer Network Maintenance & Hardware Services

    2 Services available
  5. Packaging Solutions

    2 Services available
  6. Business Consultant

    1 Services available
  7. Process Control Systems & Equipment

    1 Services available
  8. Food Certification Services

    1 Services available
  9. Logistic Services

    1 Services available
  10. Business Management Consultants

    1 Services available
  11. Others Services 23 Services available

Our Services

Our product range contains a wide range of European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI) GMP, ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, GLOBAL G.A.P., Good Distribution Practices (GDP) Certification and FSSC 22000

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management

Most organisations will at some point be faced with having to respond to an incident that may disrupt or threaten the day-to-day operations of their business. ISO 22301 certification will help improve the way any business manages this eventuality. It ensures a planned effective business continuity management (BCM) system is in place, enabling you to respond effectively to any disruption. SGSs certification expertise makes us an ideal partner for all your BCM certification requirements. The overall BCM programme must be managed through your business continuity plan and activities such as training, exercises and regular reviews. Even if your organisation has never experienced a serious incident, establishing a BCM system, built on ISO 22301, helps to define key business processes and the impact that could result from any threats. Your BCM should include a Business Impact Analysis (BIA), an inherent part of ISO 22301. A BIA helps you identify the critical activities, dependencies and resources supporting your key products and services, as well as the impact their failure would have on the organisation. Implementing the results of a ISO 22301 certification audit from SGS will increase your organisations resilience and recovery and improve your risk profile with clients, insurers and stakeholders. To help guide you to successful certification we offer a variety of training courses to meet the requirements of any organisation. Set your organisation ahead of the competition with a ISO 22301 certification audit from SGS.
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ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management Systems

Iso 28000 supply chain security management systems protect your goods from point of manufacturing to point of sale. As global trade expands, so do the opportunities for criminal elements to infiltrate your supply chain. Reduce the risks with iso 28000 certification. Supply chain security management systems based on the iso 28000 certification standard identify the risk levels across your supply chain operations. This information then enables your organisation to carry out risk assessments and apply the necessary controls with supporting management tools (i.e. Document controls, key performance indicators, internal audit and training). An iso 28000 audit from sgs enables your supply chain security management system to be managed as a business process and its effectiveness to be measured and improved. This means resources can be focused on areas with high-risk concerns. It is also possible to benchmark against international standards. It will also help your organisation link security management to many other aspects of your business activities. Our iso 28000 audit will look at all activities controlled or influenced by organisations that impact your supply chain security, including transportation of goods along the supply chain. We can audit your organisations systems against the iso 28000 standard performing a gap analysis and if desired taking you through the full certification process. As the worlds leading verification and certification body, we perform audits against all global and regional security requirements, including: tapa fsr (also certifiable)tapa tsr andc-tpatdemonstrate your commitment to supply chain security management systems and protect your goods and brand across the world with iso 28000 certification from sgs.
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Optimise data protection and achieve GDPR compliance with the SGS EuroPrivacy Data Protection Certification Scheme. Customer retention is a vital part of any business strategy. Companies in all industrial sectors use personal data to enhance communication and improve relationships with their customers. The need to protect personal data has led to the European Union introducing its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR applies to all businesses processing personal data linked to European citizens, regardless of where the companies are based. It asserts the right of the individual to control their personal data and requires businesses to comply with a wide range of obligations. Failure to comply with the requirements of GDPR can result in fines of up to 4% of global annual turnover or 20 million whichever is greater. This constitutes a major legal and financial risk for any company active on the European market. SGS works with EuroPrivacy, a comprehensive GDPR certification scheme managed by the European Centre for Certification and Privacy, to provide Data Protection Certification assisting businesses in assessing and demonstrating compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. EuroPrivacy provides a comprehensive certification scheme that enables: Certification of products, services and information management systemsConsideration of complementary national data protection regulationsCombination of EuroPrivacy certification with ISO 27001 certificationAssessment of emerging technologies (smart cities, IoT, big data, etc.)Compliance with ISO 17021-1 and ISO 17065 Application of this scheme provides a variety of benefits to organisations, including: A systematic check and demonstration of their GDPR complianceEasier and fair access to the EU marketMitigation against legal, financial and reputational risks caused by non-complianceIncreased stakeholder confidence in your company
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Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) describes a broad range of security testing services designed to identify and help address cyber security exposures. The evolving tools, tactics and procedures used by cybercriminals to breach networks means that its important to regularly test your organisations cyber security. VAPT helps to protect your organisation by providing visibility of security weaknesses and guidance to address them. VAPT is increasingly important for organisations wanting to achieve compliance with standards including theGDPR, ISO 27001 andPCI DSS. In order to ensure that you choose the right type of assessment for your organisations needs, its important to understand VAPT services and the differences between them. The diverse nature of VAPT assessments means that they can vary significantly in depth, breadth, scope and price.
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European Federation For Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI) GMP

The European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI) is a European Trade Association that represents the manufacturers of chemical and natural ingredients for the cosmetics industry. Established in 2000, EFfCI advocates the collective interests of more than 100 cosmetic ingredients companies in Europe. EFfCI membership is open to companies and national associations that represent cosmetic ingredients manufacturers. The importance of protecting and enhancing the safety and quality of cosmetics products cannot be overstated. As such, the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI), the European Trade Association for the cosmetics industry, has developed a set of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines for use in the industry. These GMP guidelines will help both EFfCI members, and others within the industry, ensure the highest standards of quality and safety for ingredients used in cosmetics products as well as in the industrys manufacturing processes. SGS the worlds leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company has entered into a long-term partnership agreement with EFfCI to audit and certify member compliance with these GMP guidelines. This new quality guidance, based upon the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices, will benefit the Cosmetic Ingredients Manufacturing industry by enhancing the quality of cosmetic products for consumers, said Dr. Peter Ungeheuer, Secretary General of EFfCI. Under the long-term agreement between SGS and EFfCI, which was signed at the end of June, SGS will offer the possibility of Cosmetics GMP certification, based on EFfCIs GMP guidelines, to the members of EFfCI as well as to non-members who want to manage and improve the quality and safety of their cosmetics products.
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ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System

Stand out from the competition with iso 9001:2015 certification with an audit against this internationally-recognised quality management system (qms) standard from sgs. Adopting and developing a qms is a strategic decision that enables organisations to continuously improve their overall performance and focus on providing customers with products and services of consistent quality.What is an iso 9001:2015 quality management system? supporting an organisations aims and objectives, an iso 9001 qms documents the processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. Based on eight quality management principles, the iso 9001:2015 standard defines the way an organisation operates to meet the requirements of its customers and stakeholders: customer focusleadershipinvolvement of peopleprocess approachorganisational contextcontinual improvementfact-based decision makingrisk-based thinking what are the benefits of iso 9001:2015 certification? iso 9001 certification helps organisations to develop and improve performance, as well as demonstrate high levels of service quality when bidding for contracts. Certification follows successful completion of an audit against the iso 9001 standard and enables organisations to:operate more efficientlymeet statutory and regulatory requirementsreach new marketsidentify and address risks
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When you implement the globalg.a.p. Standard with assessment and audit from sgs, you will have access to wider markets. For your customers, and end consumers, globalg.a.p. Signifies the safety and sustainability of your produce.Whether you are an independent farmer or part of a group with a management structure, sgs can assess and certify your business systems and processes against the globalg.a.p. Standard.For agriculture, livestock or aquaculture farms, achieving globalg.a.p. Certification will deliver many advantages. For example, you could benefit from:enhanced food safety management systems on your farm demonstrable commitment to producing and trading safe food acceptance into the globalg.a.p. Community increased consumer and customer confidence in your product safety and qualitythe globalg.a.p. Standard is a partnership between agricultural producers and retailers to establish a set of widely accepted certification standards and procedures for good agricultural practices (gap). Its scope currently covers fresh fruit and vegetables, propagation material, integrated farm assurance (livestock, dairy, pigs, poultry, combinable crops and grains), flowers and ornamentals, tea, coffee and aquaculture.To access new markets and demonstrate your commitment to food safety and sustainability contract our food safety experts to assess your organization for globalg.a.p. Certification.
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Good Distribution Practices (GDP) Certification

Maintaining product safety and quality during distribution is of utmost importance in the pharmaceutical industry. Good distribution practices (gdp) certification for pharmaceuticals demonstrates your dedication to good distributive practices and quality in every aspect of your service. Good distribution practices (gdp) is a quality system for warehouse and distribution centers dedicated for medicines. Internationally accepted pharmaceutical gdp regulations stipulate that distributors of pharmaceutical products must align their operations with the standards. The scheme ensures that consistent quality management systems are in place throughout your entire supply chain, from the early delivery of raw materials to the manufacturing plants, to the final shipment of finished drugs to the end user. An independent assessment of compliance against international gdp requirements is the most effective way to establish that your quality management system aligns with gdp guidance. Sgs is a globally recognized leader in certifications in the pharmaceutical sector. During the pharmaceutical gdp certification process, our highly-qualified auditors analyze your processes and policies, along with those of your supply chain partners to ensure that you consistently deliver good quality products as intended pharmaceutical manufacturers. A valid gdp certificate by sgs demonstrates that your organization is committed to quality in every aspect of your service, and to being a vital partner of the healthcare supply chain. Contact us to learn more about the good distribution practices certification for pharmaceutical industry process.
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FSSC 22000

Fssc 22000 food safety systems certification and auditing from sgs enables you to sell your organisations food products with confidence. Fssc 22000 is a global food safety initiative (gfsi) benchmarked food safety standard. Fssc 22000 is based on the widely recognised food management system standard iso 22000, the industry relevant pre-requisite program (prp) and fssc defined additional requirements. We offer a range of fssc 22000 services including auditing and certification to help you meet the initiatives requirements and related food safety certification standards.Why choose fssc 22000 food safety systems certification and auditing from sgs? we can help you: reduce the number of audits: as fssc 22000 is iso-based, it also allows the scheme to be integrated with other iso standards. As a result, we are able to offer integrated audits that will help to reduce the number of audits that you are required to undergogain fssc 22000 food safety certification: we can certify you against the requirements of the fssc 22000 initiativeincrease your market: fssc 22000 is gfsi benchmarked, recognised and accepted by the largest brands and retailersconsider fssc-q: this combines the requirements of fssc with the requirements of iso 9001:2015 into one overall management system audit
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EXCiPACT Certification

Pharmaceutical excipient certification, through Excipact accreditation, is a voluntary international scheme to provide independent third party certification of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of pharmaceutical excipients worldwide. Excipact certification enables you to demonstrate that your operations meet the minimum Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and/or Good Distribution Practice (GDP) requirements for excipients. It also enables you to verify the compliance of other actors in the supply chain, reducing the need for duplicate audits saving you both time and money. Accepted by all major stakeholders including relevant authorities globally - European Union (EU), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) - it is not however a substitute for regulatory inspection, where required. With a global network of experienced auditors we can assess your operation against the standard and on successful completion approve your Excipact certification, giving access to: A safer, more reliable and transparent pharmaceutical supply chainCost savings by reducing the audit burden for both customer and supplier without sacrificing qualityThe Falsified Medicines Directive in Europe places express requirements on Marketing Authorization Holders (MAH) to assess the GMP used in the manufacture and GDP used in the distribution of excipients by third parties. Organizations achieving Excipact certification can give their clients access to their audit report, as well as any ongoing surveillance activity, fulfilling this requirement. There are similar requirements from the FDA in the USA.
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BRC Global Standard For Packaging And Packaging Materials Certification

Brc global standard for packaging and packaging materials certification from sgs demonstrate compliance in hazard and risk management, hygiene, product safety and quality systems.Every organization involved in the manufacture of all types of packaging and packaging materials can show their commitment to producing a safe, functional and legal product by obtaining certification to this standard. Certification is regularly required by customers as part of their supplier approval procedures.We are approved by the brcgs to offer certification against the brcgs for packaging and packaging materials and our global network allows us to offer this service wherever you (or your suppliers) are and at whatever stage of the international supply chain. Importantly, we use auditors who speak the local language and understand the local culture, helping you ensure that good safety management practices are followed.The benefits of certificationobtaining certification will help satisfy your customers expectations by demonstrating the plans, programs and systems that the standard demands:a hazard and risk management system to manage risks by following a step-by-step approach a series of pre-requisite programs dealing with the basic environmental and operational conditions needed for the production of safe and hygienic packaging and controlling the generic hazards covered by good manufacturing and good hygiene practices why choose brc global standard for packaging and packaging materials certification?the brcgs is recognized by the global food safety initiative (gfsi), a program that aims to harmonize international food safety related standards with the support of the worlds top retailers, food and packaging manufacturers. Gfsi recognition means you can use the brcgs global standard for food packaging materials to meet the requirements of these major players under a single, internationally recognized food safety management system.
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IATF 16949:2016 Automotive Quality Management System

Work with sgs to develop an enhanced automotive quality management system and become certified against the requirements of iatf 16949:2016. The international automotive task force (iatf), which helps the global automotive industry to develop quality products, released the first edition of iatf 16949 in october 2016. Setting the standard for an enhanced quality management system (qms) in the automotive sector, iatf 16949:2016 replaces the outdated iso/ts 16949. Iatf 16949:2016 focuses on qms requirements for organisations involved with automotive production, services or accessories. The updated international standard provides comprehensive and applicable customer-specific requirements and tools for the automotive industry. It is congruent with iso 9001:2015 in terms of framework, structure and requirements. Corporate audit schemeorganisations adapting to iatf 16949 could benefit from corporate audit scheme certification, which is allowed under the new standard and can be applied where multiple manufacturing sites can be audited collectively. A corporate audit scheme enables a qms to be centrally structured and managed via regular internal audits at all sites. Moving to a corporate audit system will simplify the documentation and audit process, enable auditing to be conducted more efficiently and reduce the cost and amount of time spent auditing each site during the three-year audit cycle. Benefits of iatf 16949 certificationiatf 16949 certification will help your organisation to ensure: consistency in the quality of products and servicesreduction of variation and waste in the supply chainprevention of defectsby implementing iatf 16949:2016, you will demonstrate that your organisation meets the highest standards for quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness in automotive production and service. Certification will allow you to enable continual improvement while maintaining a competitive edge.
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ISO 15378 Primary Packaging Materials Certification

The ISO 15378 Primary Packaging Materials for Medicinal standard was developed by stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector to provide a quality management system (QMS) for suppliers of materials intended to be used as packaging for medicinal products. When you certify your operation against the ISO 15378 standard, you mitigate your risks especially related to contamination, mix-ups and errors. Further, you ensure your customers of the compliance of your QMS. SGS provides reliable, independent ISO 15378 certification for your pharmaceutical packaging materials manufacturing operation. During your audit prior to certification we analyse your operation, identifying strengths and outlining the areas where improvement is necessary. SGS is a globally recognised leader in certification for the pharmaceutical sector. The SGS global network of auditors understand your manufacturing processes and the precise meaning of all aspects of the standard. The ISO 15378:2006 standard includes a number of important QMS guidelines for primary manufacturers of glass, plastic, rubber, aluminum and other materials used for medicinal packaging, including: Compliance to legal requirements Identification, reduction and control of risks including contamination and manufacturing errors Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness in your operation Partner with SGS when you need to demonstrate your ability to quality provide packaging materials for the pharmaceutical industry and help improve patient safety.

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ISO 27701:2019 Privacy Information Management System (PIMS)

Iso/iec 27701 is a privacy extension to iso/iec 27001 information security management and iso/iec 27002 security controls. it provides guidance on the protection of privacy, including how organizations should manage personal information, and assists in demonstrating compliance with privacy regulations around the world. Benefits: builds trust in managing personal informationprovides transparency between stakeholdersfacilitates effective business agreementsclarifies roles and responsibilitiessupports compliance with privacy regulationsreduces complexity by integrating with the leading information security standard iso/iec 27001
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ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System

With ISO 27001:2013 you can demonstrate to existing and potential customers, suppliers and shareholders the integrity of your data and systems and your commitment to information security. It can also lead to new business opportunities with security-conscious customers; it can improve employee ethics and strengthen the notion of confidentiality throughout the workplace. It also allows you to enforce information security and reduce the possible risk of fraud, information loss and disclosure. Partnering with SGS for your information security certification means better-performing processes, increasingly skilful talent and more sustainable customer relationships. We have a history of undertaking and successfully executing large-scale, complex international projects. With a presence in every region around the globe, our people speak the language and understand the culture of your local market. We can help you comply with ISO 27001:2013 efficiently and cost effectively. Contact us now to find out more.
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FSC Forest Management Certification

Gain a competitive advantage in global timber markets with fsc forest management certification services from sgs. A forest stewardship council (fsc) accredited forest management certification from sgs assures buyers that timber has come from a forest which has been evaluated and certified as being managed according to the correct social, economic and environmental standards. Forest management certification is an independent assessment that ensures your forest management practices are in compliance with the internationally recognised standards of the fsc. Our forest management certification services are carried out by sgs, an fsc-accredited certification body that inspects, audits and certifies organisations against the fsc principles and criteria for forest management. Your forest management will be assessed against the requirements of the fsc forest management standard. The fsc also evaluates, accredits and monitors forest certification organisations, which are authorised to certify against its principles and criteria. The sgs programme holds fsc accreditation. From logs to lumber, to furniture or wood pulp to paper and printed products, it is becoming more important to know exactly where your materials have come from. Forestry product chain of custody (coc) certification from sgs means anyone, anywhere in the world, can quickly determine the origins of your wood products and the processes through which they have been. It is the guarantee increasingly sought by both end consumers and your customers alike. Partnering with sgs for your forest management and forestry product certification leads to better-performing processes, increasingly skilful talent, consistent and compliant supply chains and more sustainable customer relationships delivering profitable competitive advantage. Add value to your forest and timber with fsc forest management certification, an independent assessment of forestry practices from sgs.
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COVID 19 Post Lockdown Operational Assessment By SGS

The businesses are slowly restarting their operations. The priority for all businesses in such circumstances is to get back to normalization as swiftly as possible, without jeopardizing their employees, clients, customers & partners health & safety. Neo post pandemic rules will set the heartbeat of each business that are open to customers and will need to attain their confidence by demonstrating compliance to the referral guidelines laid out by international & local governing bodies such as WHO , CDC, ECDPC or MHA from Government of India, FSSAI. The crux of these guidelines is - high level of personal hygiene, stringent social distancing and validated cleaning and sanitation protocols With SGSs COVID 19 Post Lockdown Operational Assessment, assure your stakeholders & customers of your secure infrastructure for your business continuity.
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FSMA FSVP Certification

Demonstrate compliance with Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA) requirements to your importers with the SGS FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) Certification scheme. FSMA FSVP certification allows foreign (non-US) suppliers to obtain certification following an audit. We are accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to certify foreign food suppliers as an alternative to supplier audits requested by US importers under the FSMA FSVP rule.Why choose FSMA FSVP certification? Certification from the SGS FSMA FSVP scheme helps you to: Demonstrate your organisations compliance with FSMAReduce audit fatigue by undergoing one certification audit rather than multiple supplier audits required by US importers Foreign supplier verification program certifications are renewed annually.A world-leading certification provider As a world-leading provider of certification, verification, training and testing services, we offer you in-depth expertise on FSVP requirements. To find out more about how we can help you prepare for FSMA FSVP certification, contact us today.
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IFS Logistics Certification

SGS helps ensure that your food service logistics comply with international food safety standards and, specifically, the IFS Logistics standard (the International Featured Standard). Compliance shows your commitment to food quality and safety throughout the storage and distribution process.As an independent provider of logistics services, or as a food broker and/or importer with your own warehousing and other facilities, you must abide by these regulations. IFS Logistics covers the transportation, distribution, and loading and unloading of both food and non-food products. The standard can be applied to heavy goods vehicles, trains, ships, aeroplanes and other types of transport, as well as storage facilities.We can deliver our accredited auditing and certification services to every logistics hub along your supply chain, wherever it is based, thanks to our global network and expertise. Ensuring your compliance can also help you to improve operational efficiency and product quality saving you money and reducing your liability risks.
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Good Manufacturing Practices Certification

Good manufacturing practices (gmp) certification from sgs ensures the integrity of your food manufacturing process as well as your compliance with food safety regulations. Assurance of the safety and quality of food is an important consideration for consumers today. A gmp is an important enhancement to your food safety management system, which increases your customers confidence in your commitment to trading and producing safe, high quality food.Compliance with gmp requirements entails minimum common sense sanitary and processing requirements applicable to all food processing establishments. Many food industry companies have implemented the gmp certification scheme for food processing as the foundation upon which they have developed and implemented other quality and food safety management systems, including haccp, iso 22000, sqf and iso 9001.A good manufacturing practices (gmp) certification scheme provides independent verification and certification that the basic manufacturing practices and prerequisites necessary for the implementation of an effective hazard analysis critical control point (haccp) food safety program are being followed.Sgs is a world leader in third party certification and verification. Certifying your food safety management system against good manufacturing practices requirements with sgs is an excellent way to prepare for inspections by regulatory authorities and other stakeholders. The process will help you to ensure regulatory compliance while demonstrating your knowledge of the importance of producing and trading safe, quality food.
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ISO 50001 Energy Management System

Comply with the iso 50001 energy management system standard to easily improve energy performance, cut costs and both meet and exceed customer expectations. Effective energy management systems (enms) help your organisation to establish processes to improve energy performance. Implementation should reduce your energy costs, greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions and other environmental impacts. The iso 50001 standard establishes an international framework for the supply, use and consumption of energy in industrial, commercial and institutional organisations. Implement an iso 50001 compliant sustainable energy management system and demonstrate that your organisation commits to continuously improving energy performance. Sgs and its global network of qualified energy management professionals can help you through the process of becoming iso 50001 certified with training, gap assessments and certification audits. Achieve iso 50001 certification with independent assessments and audits from sgs to stand out from the competition and commit to energy efficiency.
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Workplace Assessment For Safety And Hygiene

The post-virus business landscape will clearly include a larger focus on health, safety and hygiene conditions of employees, customers and public at large. Indias decision to start opening up the economy in a staggered manner, while laudable, requires a plan to make sure that exceptions are minimised, and recurrences of spread are strategically isolated. The positives of the lockdown cannot be afforded to be negated and therefore, there is a need to bring specific standards/protocols for the business organizations, institutions etc. To ensure that they are able to operate safely with little or no instances of recurrence. This requires a few imperative priorities for the organizations/institutions as mentioned below: 1. Ensuring safe operations and workplace for safeguarding health and safety of employees, customers and public2. Complying with all new covid-19 related requirements from health authorities and/or other government bodies.3. Ensuring business continuity in operations to serve customers and protect businesses. For the benefit of citizens and industry, qci, along with industry stakeholders, has developed a harmonized workplace assessment for safety and hygiene (wash). This standard is applicable for assessment at any workplace which has been allowed to operate. The assessment can be done as an on-site assessment by trained assessors or remotely through a virtual system of assessment. The assessment report will provide the applicant with an objective assessment of the safety and hygiene measures undertaken by them to mitigate the risk of covid-19 infection. Sgs is an approved assessment body for the quality council of india (qci) wash scheme
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Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Farm Certification

Demonstrate the environmental and social sustainability of your farmed seafood through the asc standards with sgs. Environmental and social responsibility in farmed seafood are becoming increasingly important requirements in the marketplace. Certification to the asc suite of farm standards, with sgs, allows you to demonstrate your commitment to retailers and consumers alike and gain access to key seafood markets for your products. Why use asc certification from sgs?asc certification is currently available for the following 12 species: abalone, bivalves (clams, mussels, oysters, scallops) freshwater trout, pangasius, salmon, shrimp, tilapia, seriola and cobia. Becoming an asc certified farm can help you: assure everyone involved in the aquaculture industry that your organization strictly adheres to practices that minimise environmental impacts, and complies with the highest level of social responsible practices when producing sustainable seafood productsmeet the requirements of the major global retailers whose seafood sourcing policies require asc certification on an ever-increasing scale and providing you access to key seafood marketswe provide independent inspection, testing, certification and technical support solutions for the entire aquaculture industry supply chain. Depending on the farm standard, asc certification includes: environmentalbiodiversityfeedpollutiondiseaseschemical and medicine usewild seed collectionsocialchild labourcommunity interactionsindigenous people interactionsequitable working environments why choose sgs?if you require asc certification for your farm, we are positioned to audit against the highest levels of environmental and social responsibility. Our global presence and harmonised approach give you access to the largest independent network of auditors in the world.
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Feed Certification

Animal feeds are the building blocks of our food supply chains. Feeding those animals used for food production high quality, nutritious product will help farmers to breed high-quality, high yield animals that contribute to the economic and nutritional wellbeing of people. The challenge for the feed industry is to not only increase capacity, yields and production, but to also safeguard product safety and quality. Why choose feed certification services from sgs?supporting the drive towards better quality, and increasing access to feed markets, we are accredited against iso/iec 17021-1 and iso/ts 22003 to deliver certification against the fami-qs and efisc schemes, and a certification body for gmp+ feed certification. Fami-qs the quality and safety system for specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures. Addressing the safety, quality and regulatory compliance of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures, fami-qs was the first code aimed at this sector and remains as its only certifiable code. efisc the european code of good practice for the industrial manufacturing of safe feed materials. This code aims to provide a harmonised, voluntary feed safety assurance scheme for the feed materials industry within the eu internal market. It guides manufacturers on how to establish and implement their own feed safety management system in accordance with eu and national legislation, including requirements for a management system, risk control, documentation, withdrawal and traceability. Gmp+ integrates iso quality management requirements, haccp and other elements. It defines conditions relating to feed production facilities, storage, transport, trading, etc. Gmp+ also defines clear conditions, so that feed safety and sustainability are guaranteed and certification bodies can conduct independent audits. A gmp+ certificate provides additional guarantee for all stakeholders in the international feed industry.
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PS 9000:2016 Certification

Patient safety is paramount, and CV Labels is certified to PS 9000:2016 the application standard developed by the Pharmaceutical Quality Group (PQG) for the manufacture of packaging materials for medicinal products to ensure they are fit for purpose and safe to use.The standard is relevant to all parts of the pharmaceutical industry supply chain, and our accreditation is your assurance that the label solutions we deliver will minimise any risk to you and your patients. The key elements of our certificated PS 9000:2016 system are: Quality controlEnsuring a clear implementation of practices across our production process, including electronic interfaces to assure high-quality, fit-for-purpose products.Roles & responsibilitiesEach staff member has a clear understanding of their individual role and responsibilities, in terms of producing quality products.We also make sure that team roles and responsibilities are clearly understood.GMPIncorporating Good Manufacturing Practice to ensure materials are of appropriate quality, and that correct procedures are followed in terms of checking, traceability, contamination and hygiene.Risk managementOur structured approach to the risk management of packaging operations ensures effective controls and mitigation activities are detailed, eliminating or reducing the impact of potential issues.ComplianceProduction and quality documentation is always available and used to support regulatory compliance.HarmonisationOur systems help with the integration of any additional regulatory, quality and GMP requirements, ensuring fast, efficient certification.CommitmentAs a company, we are committed to complying with all relevant statutory and regulatory pharmaceutical packaging safety and GMP requirements. This is addition to our own set of rigorous quality standards.
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Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification

Sgss marine stewardship council (msc) certification services ensure compliance with internationally-recognized standards covering sustainable fishing and seafood traceability (through chain of custody certification) for wild caught fish. Msc chain of custodybefore a seafood product can carry the msc eco-label, the fishery must acquire the msc fisheries certification. In addition, all companies in the supply chain that take ownership of the product must acquire the msc chain of custody certification. This includes distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers, pack houses, traders, retailers, catering organisations and restaurants. Each company audited must demonstrate that it has effective traceability systems in place to ensure that only seafood from a certified fishery carries the msc logo. This helps to prevent illegally-caught fish entering the supply chain, and the mislabelling of products and species substitution. The msc chain of custody certification is valid for three years and subject to annual reviews.
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ISO 20121 Sustainability Management System

At sgs we can help your organisation, venue, or event improve its environmental performance and demonstrate your commitment to promoting a sustainability management system. Our assessment against the iso 20121 standard helps your organisation to improve the sustainability of events by reducing their impact on the environment. Events impact the environment and economy at several levels including water consumption, solid waste production, and energy consumption, effects on biodiversity, employment and supplier selection. An iso 20121 sustainability management system helps your organisation to set and achieve realistic targets as well as implement the policies and procedures to implement best practice. We can provide you with a full range of assessment and audit services related to iso 20121 certification. Educate and inform your team with sgs-led training and workshops on the audit and implementation processes. When youre ready we can then carry out the relevant assessment and certification audits. Your organisation or events supply chain is equally important to your sustainability management system. We can carry out second party audits to monitor your supply chain, anywhere in the world. The standard can be applied to all occasions, from a local craft show to a major event and is applicable to event owners, organisers and suppliers. Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and contact sgs to assess and audit your iso 20121 event management certification.
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IFS Food Certification

SGSs international food safety audits ensure your compliance with IFS Food the International Featured Standard regulations applying to food processors and packers.IFS certification can improve your operational efficiency and product quality saving you money and reducing your liability risks.Our IFS audits and other food safety audits help to keep food products, and therefore consumers, safe. We apply the IFS Food standard when auditing retailer- and wholesalerbranded food product suppliers (i.e. food processing companies or those that pack loose food products). We can deliver our accredited auditing and certification services to you, wherever you are based, thanks to our global network and expertise.
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HACCP Certification

Enhance your food safety management and product quality with an HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) certification from SGS.HACCP certification instantly demonstrates to customers your commitment to producing or trading in safe food. This evidence-based approach can be particularly beneficial when you are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders.Demonstrating a real commitment to food safety through HACCP compliance can also transform your brand and act as an effective entry-to-market tool, opening up new business opportunities around the world.Our global network of food experts carries out HACCP audits and helps you focus on the hazards that affect food safety and hygiene. It is then possible to systematically identify where the hazards are by setting up control limits at critical points during the food production process.HACCP certification is an international standard defining the requirements for effective control of food safety. It is built around seven principles:Conduct Hazard Analysis of biological, chemical or physical food hazards Determine critical control points Establish critical control limits, for example, minimum cooking temperature and time Establish a system to monitor control of Critical Control Points Establish corrective actions Establish procedure for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively Establish documentation and record keepingWork with us to achieve HACCP compliance and meet the expectations of a changing world.
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FSMA VQIP Certification

Fsma voluntary qualified importer program (vqip) certification from sgs helps you comply with the requirement for third-party certification of foreign suppliers.The food safety modernization act (fsma) vqip is a us food and drug administration (fda) accredited third-party certification program. Foreign suppliers may apply for fsma vqip certification, which is a prerequisite for importers applying for expedited entry of food under the vqip program. We have been accredited by the american national standards institute (ansi) to certify foreign food suppliers under the fdas third-party accredited certification program for fsma. Why choose sgs fsma vqip certification? fsma vqip certification helps you to: demonstrate compliance with the third-party accredited certification requirements of foreign suppliers a prerequisite for us importers pursuing the vqip application processapply for fsma certification as a foreign (non-us) supplierfsma vqip certification can be granted following an unannounced regulatory audit. Annual certification is required. A world-leading certification provider as a world-leading provider of verification and certification services, we are an accredited third-party certification body, meeting the applicable requirements of 21 cfr part 1, subpart m. We are accredited to conduct food safety audits and issue facility certifications to eligible entities. Vqip certification is:issued for the purposes of the fsma third-party accredited certification rule, attesting that a facility complies with the applicable food safety requirements of the fd&c act and fda regulationsalso used when mandated by fda for certain food facilities in specific countries or supplier sites based on fdas risk evaluationapplicable to all food categories regulated by fda, including categories that are not covered by the preventive controls rules, such as seafood, juices, etc.
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NON-GMO Certification

Audit the non-GMO supply chain with SGS and verify the quality management systems in place from the seed to the market place.Selling food and/or feed that is non-genetically modified (non-GMO) places the burden of proof on the supply chain. Our Non-GMO Supply Chain Standard helps organizations, irrespective of type or size, to supply verifiably non-GMO product. The scope of certification can extend from a single actor in the supply chain, a few or even the whole production process.What does the certification standard cover?From the seed, through the growing process and harvest, transportation, collection, storing and processing to the market channel, we offer independent certification of the quality management systems. Certification also includes the verification of legal requirements relating to the labeling and traceability of GMOs.Based on EU regulations concerning non-GMO, including Directive 2001/18/EC and regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003, our standard can be applied to all processes in the supply chain:Seed supplyFarmingTradingProcessingAs well as services to the supply chain:StorageTransportSampling and analysisOperators achieving certification will be subject to annual surveillance audits to ensure that compliance is maintained.Non-GMO supply chain certification does not replace compliance with national and international regulations.
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BRC Global Standard For Storage And Distribution Certification

Brc global standard for storage and distribution certification from sgs demonstrates compliance and competence to this gfsi recognized standard.Our global network allows us to offer certification to the brcgs storage and distribution standard wherever you, or your suppliers, are based. The standard is applicable to providers of storage, distribution and wholesale services for food and packaging. It also applies if you store and provide contracted services on pre-packed food and packaging, for example, if you perform product inspections and/or assembly packing of retail ready items.Internationally accepted and recognized by the global food safety initiative (gfsi), the brc global standard for storage and distribution facilitates the complete coverage of the food chain from farm gate to consumer. The standard sets a new benchmark for quality including:management commitmenthazard and risk assessmentproduct safety and quality management systemsupplier and subcontracted services managementpersonnelthe potential risk of food fraud/adulteration throughout the supplier chain traceability back to the last point of manufacturecertification to the brcgs will demonstrate your management and control of sub contractors used throughout the supply chain. This helps you and your supplier network to adopt the highest standards in food safety and comply with customer requirements. In addition, a valid certificate against the brc global standards granted by sgs enhances your access to global markets. Why choose sgs?whatever the location, we use auditors who speak the local language and understand the local culture to conduct the audits. To help ensure that good product safety management practices are being followed at all times, audits are completed annually for food and packaging.
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Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Certificatiom

Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification audits enable your organisation to demonstrate its commitment to providing safe and sustainably sourced seafood. SGS is an approved certification body for the GAA BAP certification. The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) developed BAP standards, a voluntary certification programme for aquaculture facilities, which addresses environmental and social responsibility, animal welfare, food safety and traceability. BAP certification enables aquaculture farms, hatcheries, processing plants and feed mills to reassure everyone involved in the industry, including consumers, that their seafood is raised and processed to the highest industry best practices. At SGS we can audit your business against the BAP standards to demonstrate compliance, identify shortcomings and recommend certification as appropriate. Key elements of BAP certification audits include: EnvironmentSocial responsibilityAnimal welfareFood safetyTraceability WHY CHOOSE BAP CERTIFICATION?Successful participants in the BAP programme are awarded the Best Aquaculture Practices Certification mark for use on packaging of seafood products and promotional materials, demonstrating to consumers your commitment to providing safe and sustainably sourced seafood. The BAP Seafood Processing Plant Standard is also benchmarked against the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). This means on successful completion of the BAP programme you can now receive both BAP certification and GFSI compliance through a single audit process. WHY CHOOSE A BAP CERTIFICATION AUDIT FROM SGS?SGS is positioned to audit against the highest levels of quality and safety. Our network of food testing laboratories allows fast and efficient examination and testing of all the effluent and seafood samples needed to determine compliance with BAP criteria. As an approved BAP Certification Body (CB) we and the BAP Management Group validate your compliance to the BAP standards.
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Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certification

Confirm that your food products meet the highest possible standards with SQF certification from SGS. SQF is recognised by major retailers and foodservice providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management system. Designed as a food safety program, SQF also covers product quality with the SQF quality code, a feature that is unique to a certification program of this type. We offer SQF certification to confirm that your organisation produces, processes, prepares and handles food products to the highest possible standards globally. SQF applies to the entire supply chain, including the following: Farm to forkA separate standard to assess product and service quality attributesA quality shield that can be displayed on the products of quality certified sitesThe Codex HACCP methodology to identify and control food safety and food quality hazardsAn ethical moduleSQF requires a designated on-site practitioner responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the program. WHY CHOOSE SQF CERTIFICATION FROM SGS?SQF certification helps your business to: Improve process management by helping to identify and manage riskPrepare for existing and new food safety and regulatory requirementsProvide proof of due diligence and instill confidence in food safety, quality and legalityMonitor product safety and qualityGain a higher level of compliance for all programsIncrease profitsReduce customer complaintsImprove traceabilityReduce recalls and withdrawals SQF FOOD CERTIFICATION RECOGNISED BY GFSIAs a world leading provider of certification services, we offer you in-depth expertise in SQF requirements. The SQF program is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) as a scheme that can offer a seamless field to fork food safety and quality certification solution. It provides supply chain management for the following processes: Primary productionFood manufacturingStorage and distributionFood packaging manufacturing
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BRC Global Standards For Food Certification

brc global standard for food safety certification from sgs comply with this standard for due diligence and supplier approval.achieving certification against the brc global standard for food safety proves your level of competence in hacpp, hygiene, food safety and quality systems. at the same time it demonstrates your commitment to consumer safety and stakeholder relations.we are approved by the brcgs to offer certification audits and as the worlds leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, we have the global network to offer this service wherever you are based.the benefits of certificationcertification will help to satisfy customer expectations by demonstrating the plans, programs and systems that the standard demands:a hazard analysis and critical control points (haccp) food safety plan to manage risks by following a step-by-step approach following codex alimentarius guidelinessenior management commitment to provide sufficient resources for achieving the standard a quality management system that details the organizational and managerial policies needed to provide a framework for achieving the standard a series of pre-requisite programs dealing with the basic environmental and operational conditions needed for the production of safe food and controlling the generic hazards covered by good manufacturing and good hygiene practiceswhy choose brc global standard for food safety certification?the brcgs is recognized by the global food safety initiative (gfsi), a program that aims to harmonize international food safety standards with the support of the worlds top retailers and food manufacturers. gfsi recognition therefore means that you can use the brcgs to meet the requirements of these major players under a single, internationally recognized food safety management system.
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