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Generally boilers are used in various Industries to generate steam, which in turn generates power & heat. Boilers usually have two devices – furnace & boiler proper. Boiler proper is where the water is changed into steam due to heat from the furnace. The boiler feed water used in modern boilers more...
Clients can avail from us, exclusive quality Soda Ash . Our Soda Ash is obtained from the leading manufacturers and functions as an ideal substitute for fixation of all types of reactive dyes on cellulosic. We make sure that the Soda Ash is properly tested under various quality attributes before getting added more...
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POLYMAN-2000 is a maleic homo-polymer used for various water treatment and industrial applications. It is highly effective as Dispersant and Scale Inhibitor in Industrial Water Treatment and Cooling Water Treatment as well as in all types of water based formulations. The product POLYMA more...
Benefits due to the anticorrosive property of CoolCare: It increases plant life. Reduces the Maintenance cost of the cooling system. Increases the heat transfer rate. Reduces the plant operating risk. Benefits due to the anti-scaling property of CoolCare: Reduce the maintenance cost. Maintain the same water more...
Benefits : Reduction in sludge production Reduce BOD, COD, TSS, Biological nutrients Improve MLSS, Biomass in the system Reduce odors Reduce aeration; Energy savings Reduce need for chemical additives Improves plant stability Reduce hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and nitrates Enhance nitrogen and phosphorus remova more...