Welcome to seastar aquarium
Global climate change is real and now it’s happening. Plants and animals are disappearing from many places due to climate changes. The oceans are a leading indicator of climate change. As ocean stewards, the Aquarium is a supporter of important research on climate change and the oceans and a source of information.Aquariums used to create awareness and increase understanding of aquatic life and environments, enable people to act, and provide leadership for protecting the blue planet. SEA STAR AQUARIUM Our Aquarium established in the year of 2004. We have the sales and services for various aquatic products, dogs, love birds and aquatic equipments such as airpumps, heaters, tanks, filters, aquarium plants, lights, aquarium medicines etc.,OTTO Fish food is yet another new arrival. For purchasing and know more details about our aquarium contact us through our contact address. Vision and Mission To create awareness among the people towards conservation of aquatic life and oceans. We are Towards ... We are working to inspire activities for conservation of the oceans. Our actions doing at the state and federal levels to protect the oceans.