Our Products
Tissue Forcep
2 Products availableLaboratory Apparatus
2 Products availableENT Supplies & Instruments
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Bookwalter Retractor System, Multi Tract Retractor System (Thompson Type), Lung Retractor, Finochietto Retractor and Mastoid Retractor.
We provide finochietto retractor which is strong enough to prize apart the walls of abdomen or chest. Made using fine quality stainless steel this finochietto retractor is safe and sound. Our finochietto retractor is widely used in hospitals during surgeries.
We manufacture mastoid retractor which is used specially in otolaryngology for diagnose and treatment of ear, nose, throat, head and neck disorders. This mastoid retractor is made using stainless steel and is completely safe and easy to use.