Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Refrigeration Condenser, Evaporative Condensers and Aepinus Condenser.
General:Evaporative Condenser is a combination of Condenser and Cooling Tower. It substitutes the Shell & Tube Condenser and totally eliminate the Cooling water circuit. Although ancient in concept, evaporative condensers have been drawing attention of all design, development and application engineers and the recent products are the result of combined efforts of those interested in energy saving in refrigeration systems.
Energy Saving:Unlike Shell & Tube and Air-cooled condenser, Evaporative condenser performance depends on ambient Wet Bulb Temperature. It is theoretically possible to lower the condensing temperature to a 35C level from 40C for a wet bulb temperature of 28C, by replacing a S & T condenser. Any lowering of condensing temperature results in decreasing of compressor power input. Besides, since large cooling water circulation pumps are eliminated, power consumption on this account is also reduced.
Aepinus Condenser Science Labs Hoverlabs is Manufacturer, Exporter Supplier ofAepinus Condenser Technical Description It consists of two adjustable plates 100mm. dia. insulated handle and a glass dielectric plate.