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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Study Of Second Order Networks, D.C. Motor Study, Study Of Synchro Devices, Gouys Method and Handheld Gauss Meter

Linear Variable Differential Transformer

We offer Linear Variable Differential Transformer useful for control labs. The present experimental unit comprises of a LVDT in a transparent box with lead screw based slow motion displacement, a mm scale for displacement measurement, and main unit consisting of excitation signal source, balanced demodulator, a 3.5 digit DVM and necessary power supplies. The signals are provided to the LVDT box through a cable from the main unit. Highlights>>Large size LVDT for classroom experiment>>Transparent casing for proper viewing>>AC and DC output>>Slow motion displacement Experiments>>Variation of modulated output with displacement>>Input-Output characteristics>>Determination of linear range and transducer gain Features and Specifications>>LVDTRange: +-50mm or total 100mmSensitivity: 25mV/cmOperating frequency: 5KHz +-5%>>Displacement measurement on a mm scale with fine motion control>>Carrier source (internal): 5KHz +-5%; 1.5V (nominal)>>Built-in 3.5 digit DVM for output reading>>IC based balanced demodulator circuit>>IC controlled internal power supplies>>Essential accessory - a CRO The experiment is complete in all respect, except a CRO.
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Study Of Second Order Networks

We offer Study of Second Order Networks useful for control labs. Second order networks are important because of the fact that these are the simplest networks that produce the complete range of transient response from over damping to near oscillations. Although theoretical discussions are normally confined to passive RLC networks, such networks are limited in their performance due to the rather large resistance of any reasonable value inductance that might be constructed to operate at frequencies of few kHz. In the present unit active RC-network has been designed which span the complete behavior of an equivalent passive RLC network. The user thus has the experience of studying a near ideal passive second order network complete with all theoretical computations and their experimental verifications. Highlights>>Active second order network>>Damping controlover-, critical-, and under-damping>>Built-in sine wave signal>>Needs an external CRO for response study>>Operates with 220V/50 Hz>>Detailed technical literature and experiment results supplied Experiments>>Observe and trace from the CRO screen the step response for different values of zeta.>>Compute approximate values of equivalent network parameters.>>Plot the frequency response for various of zeta and observe resonance Features and Specifications>>Active RLC network using 3-Op Amps>>Damping 1.1-0.1 (approx)>>Square Wave 35-700 Hz., 0-1V (typical)>>Sine Wave 35-700 Hz., 0-1V (typical)>>Essential accessory: a CRO The experiment is complete in all respect, except a CRO.
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D.C. Motor Study

We offer D.C. Motor Study usefull in control laboratory experiment. A d.c. motor is commonly used as an actuator in many industrial control applications because of its features large torque and ease of speed variation. The dynamic characteristics of such a system therefore depends on the motor parameters, viz., moment of inertia, coefficient of friction, time constant and also the resistance and inductance of the control winding. It is therefore important to experimentally determine the mechanical and electrical parameters of the d.c. motor and also to evaluate its transfer function. The present unit is designed to study a small permanent magnet d.c. motor. A still smaller generator directly coupled to the motor is used for the dual purposes of speed signal pick up and providing electrical loading. The shaft speed in rpm is displayed automatically on a 4-digit panel meter. When the motor is suddenly switched ON, a novel circuit computes and displays the time constant in milliseconds on a 3-digit panel meter. This avoids the need for an expensive storage CRO. The motor unit is housed in a cabinet with transparent panels, providing a good view of the mechanical system. Highlights >>Torque-speed characteristics>>Determination of motor parameters - inertia and friction>>Digital display of time constant>>Transfer function evaluation Experiments>>Determination of torque-speed characteristics>>Evaluation of inertia and friction parameters >>Determination of back e.m.f. constant>>Determination of time constant>>Determination of transfer functions of the Motor and the Generator Features and Specifications>>Study of a 12V, 8W d.c. motor>>Small generator (2W) for speed pick up and loading>>4-digit speed display>>3-digit time constant display>>3.5 digit voltmeter and current meter for d.c. measurement>>IC regulated power supply>>Supporting literature with experiment details
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Study Of Digital-to-Analog Converter

We offer Study of Digital-to-Analog Converter, DTA-01 useful for control labs. Measurement of the speed of a rotating shaft is a common requirement in many industrial and laboratory applications. Stroboscope, is a convenient-to-use, direct reading speed measuring instrument. A highly stable function generator IC based circuit provides the basic variable frequency timing pulses.These are read on an IC based LCDLED counters with direct speed display in rpm. The flasher unit generates the high intensity flashes at a suitably scaled rate directed towards the rotating shaft. Precision potentiometer's makes the task of speed setting very precise. The portable model, fitted into a light weight and strong plastic body is more suited for industrial class room environment. Highlights>>Basic 4-bit weighted resistance>>4-bit R-2R network module>>10-bit IC Type AD7533 with mechanical switches>>Microprocessor interfaced 10-bit converter Experiments>>Study of the circuit diagram and performance of a 4-bit weighted resistance type DA converter. The digital inputs are to be given by operating four mechanical switches.>>The above experiment is conducted on a 4-bit discrete component R-2R network based unit. >>Manual operation of a 10-bit IC DA converter type AD7533 through 10 mechanical switches.>>Operation of the IC based circuit through the microprocessor kit provided. Some typical waveform generation exercises are suggested and solutions are provided. More problems can be attempted by the student with help from his supervisor. Features and Specifications>>Advanced Experiments-arbitrary waveform generation>>Panel Meter for all measurements>>A measuring CRO is needed for viewing the waves forms The experiment is complete in all respect, except a CRO.
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Digital Microscope

The digital microscope is a powerful device which can be used is almost any application where magnification is required. It can be used as a travelling microscope, biological microscope, student microscope, industrial microscope etc. >>Laboratory Examination>>Industrial Inspection>>Scientific Research>>Medical analysis Features >>Adjustable Focus (10-60X, 230X)>>High-precisions lens>>LED illumination switchable and adjustable>>Instant snapshots and time-lapse video recording>>Support Multi languages Specifications >>Effective Pixel 320x240, 640x480 1280x1024, 1600x1200>>Resolution 1.3 Megapixel>>Image 1.4" CMOS sensor>>Signal Interface USB 2.0>>White Balance Automatic>>USB line 1.5 Meters System Requirement >>Pentium III and 256MB Ram above>>Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7>>Available USB 2.0 port>>17" PC display (Preferable)>>CD ROM Drive Package Content >>USB digital microscope - 1>>Metal tripod stand - 1>>Brick Stand - 6>>Calibration pattern - 1>>CD driver with measurement S/W - 1>>Travel bag - 1 Measurement Function >>Measure images by length, angle, area etc.>>Compare images using crosswire, ruler, circles>>Option for time stamping>>Save, email, print images
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Study Of Synchro Devices

We offer Study of Synchro Devices useful for control labs. Highlights>>Synchro transmitter-receiver pair with calibrated dials>>Locking system for receiver rotor>>Receiver use as control transformer>>Built-in balanced demodulator circuit>>Panel meter for ac/dc voltages>>All internal power from the 220 V/50 Hz mains >>Only an external CRO required Introduction>>Basic characteristics study - stator voltages as a function of the rotor angle using the built-in ac voltmeter. This shows the space variation of the three voltages, VS1S2, VS2S3, and VS3S1, causing rotation of the resultant magnetization in the stator which is fundamental to the error detection process. >>Operation and error study of the transmitter-receiver pair as a simple open loop position control at a very low torque. This is a rarely used application but is used to demonstrate the direction of the resultant magnetic field in the receiver. >>Plotting the error voltage output as a function of the transmitter rotor angle with the receiver rotor locked. Observing the 180 phase reversal around the zero error is significant as this the basic method through which the direction of the error is detected in an ac system >>Use of balanced demodulator to develop dc error signal with appropriate polarity and compare it with the ac error. This block would be needed if a mixed system were to be designed using both dc and ac components. The experiment is complete in all respect except a CRO.
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Four Probe Set-up (mapping)

We Offer Four Probe Method It is One of the Standard and Most Widely Used Method for the Measurement of Resistivity. in Its Useful Form, the Four Probes are Collinear. the Error Due to Contact Resistance, Which is Significant in the Electrical Measurement On Semiconductors, is Avoided By the Use of Two Extra Contacts (probes) Between the Current Contacts. in this Arrangement the Contact Resistance May all Be High Compare to the Sample Resistance, But as Long as the Resistance of the Sample and Contact Resistance's are Small Compared with the Effective Resistance of the Voltage Measuring Device (potentiometer, Electrometer or Electronic Voltmeter), the Measured Value Will Remain Unaffected. Because of Pressure Contacts, and 2 Way Motion, the Arrangement is Specially Useful for Quick Measurement On Large Samples At Room Temperature. features Easy Resistivity Mapping of Large Sample2-way Movement with Vernier Scales (0.01mm)Spring Loaded Contacts for Firm Connections experiment Consists of the Following: 1. Probes Arrangement, Fpa-01it Has Four Individually Spring Loaded Probes. the Probes are Collinear and Equally Spaced. the Probes are Mounted in a Teflon Bush, Which Ensure a Good Electrical Insulation Between the Probes. a Teflon Spacer Near the Tips is also Provided to Keep the Probes At Equal Distance. the Probe Arrangement is Mounted in a Tube, Which also Provide Leads for Connections to Constant Current Power Supply and D.c. Microvoltmeter. the Tube Containing Four Probes is Mounted On a Travelling Microscope Type System, Scales and Verniers are Made of Stanless Steels with Following Specification: horizontial: 20 Cm Least Count 0.001 Cmlaterial: 6 Cm Least Count 0.001 Cmvertical: 15 Cm Least Count 0.001 Cm the Bed is of Heavy Casting, Thoroughly Aged and Machined, is Fitted with Leveling Screws. a Large Platform is Provided for Fixing the Sample. 2. Constant Current Source a) Constant Current Source, Model : Ccs-01(for Low Resistivity Samples)the Current Source is Suitable for the Resistivity Measurement of Low to Medium Resistivity Samples such as Thin Films of Metals Alloys and Semiconductors like Germanium. specificationsopen Circuit Voltage: 12vcurrent Range: 0-20ma, 0-200maresolution: 10micro Ampereaccuracy: +-0.25% of the Readingdisplay: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Ledload Regulation: +-0.1% for 0 to Full Loadline Regulation: +-0.1% for 10% Changes b) Low Current Source, Model : Lcs-02(for High Resistivity Sample)this Current Source is Especially Suitable for the Resistivity Measurement of Polymer Ceramics and Si Cryustals. specificationsopen Circuit Voltage: 15vcurrent Range: 0-2micro Ampere, 0-20micro Ampere, 0-200micro Ampere & 0-2micro Ampereresolution: Ina At 0-2a Rangeaccuracy: +-0.25% of the Reading 1 Digitdisplay: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Lcd with Autopolarityload Regulation: +-0.1% for 0 to Full Loadpower: 3 X 9v Batteries 3. D.c. Microvoltmeter, Dmv-001 the Experiment Complete in all Respects.
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Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer

We offer Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer, in recent years Magnetic Resonance has developed into a very useful and powerful tool in solid state research. In this method, use is made of the Zeeman interaction of the magnetic dipoles associated with the nucleus or electron, when placed in an external magnetic field. Accordingly, they are identified as NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) or ESR (Electron Spin Resonance). This form of spectroscopy finds many applications in the investigation of crystal structures, environmental effects, dynamic effects, defects in solids and in many diverse branches of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Features >>FET based marginal R.F. Oscillator>>Digital display of frequency>>Excellent peaks display>>Digital display of Helmoltz Coil Current>>Compatible with general purpose CRO in X-Y mode Description of the ESR Spectrometer A block diagram of the ESR Spectrometer is given below in Fig. 1, and a brief description follows. Basic CircuitThe first stage of the ESR circuit consists of a critically adjusted (marginal) radio frequency oscillator with 4-digit frequency display. This type of oscillator is required here, so that the slightest increase in its load decreases the amplitude of oscillation to an appreciable extent. The sample is kept inside the tank coil of the oscillator, which in turn, is placed in the 50Hz magnetic field, generated by the Helmholtz coils. At resonance, i.e. when the frequency of oscillation equal to the Larmours frequency of the sample, the oscillator amplitude registeres a dip due to the absorption of power by the sample. This obviously, occurs periodically four times in each complete cycle of the supply voltage. The result is an amplitude modulated carrier which is then detected using a FET demodulator and amplified by an op-amp circuit.Highly stabilised and almost ripple free power supply for the above circuit is obtained using an integrated circuit regulator. Phase ShifterThis can compensate the undermined phase difference which may be introduced in the amplification stages of the spectrometer and oscilloscope. 50Hz Sweep UnitA 50Hz current flows through Helmholtz coils which provides a low frequency magnetic field to the sample. As the resonance is observed at few gauss only, no static magnetic field is applied. Oscilloscope (not supplied with the Spectrometer)Any inexpensive oscilloscope normally available in the laboratory would be quite suitable. Advantages and Limitations of our Spectrometer >>The instrument is basically designed for postgraduate laboratories keeping in view their requirements and limitations.>>The observation of ESR at low magnetic fields and consequently in radio-frequency region makes its instrumentation and working a lot simple and within the reach of a postgraduate students. Good resonance peaks can be obtained as a class room exercise.>>The spectrometer is complete in all respects including a sample DPPH (except a CRO). The experiment is complete in all respect.
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Gouys Method

We Offer An Apparatus for Measurement of Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Solids By Gouys Method in This, the Solid Sample in the Form of a Long Cylinder (area of Cross Section A) is Hung from the Pan of a Balance and is Placed such that One End of the Sample is Between the Pole-pieces of the Magnet (field H ) and the other One is Outside the Field. the Force Exerted On the Sample By the Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field is Obtained By Measuring the Apparent Change (m ) in the Mass of the Sample. the Susceptibility is Given By= 2mg/ah2if the Sample is in the Form of Powder, It is Filled in a Long Nonmagnetic Tube Which is Then Suspended from the Pan of the Balance. the Set Up Consists of the Following: (a) Scientific Balance, Ksb-07Capacity: 200 Gms Sensitivity: 1/10 Mg. By Vernier Beam: Hard Bronze/ BrassArrestment: Circular, Falling Away Type Air Damping: Very Quick and Positive, Beam Coming to Rest in 2-3 SecChainomatic Device: a Gold Plated Chain is Suspended from the Beam with Its other End Screwed On the Rotating Drum On Which a Scale Graduated from 0 to 10 Div Each Division Representing 1mg is Installed. By the Movement of this Scale Before a Vernier, Reading upto 1/10th Mg is Taken (b) Sample in the Form of a Long Rod:Set of 4 Samples, 2 Each of Ebonite and Wood (c) Electromagnet, Model Emu-75tPole Pieces: 75mm Tappered to 25mmMag. Field: 20kg At 6mm AirgapEnergising Coils: Two of Approx. 13 EachPower: 0-90vdc, 3a, for Coils in Series0-45vdc, 6a, for Coils in Parallel (d) Constant Current Power Supply, Model Dps-175 current: 0-3a per Coil Smoothly Adjustableline Regulation: +-0.1% for 10% Mains Variationload Regulation: +-0.1% for Load Variation from 0 to Max.display: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Led Displayprotection: Protected Against Overload, Short Circuit and Transients Caused By the Load Inductance.power: 220v 10%, 50hz or 110v 10%, 60hz as Requiredweight: 13kg. (e) Gaussmeter, Model Dgm-202 or Dgm-102 the Experiment is Complete in all Respect.
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Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus

We offer Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus, the experiment consists of two coils, Constant Current Power Supply and Gaussmeter. The Gaussmeter probe is mounted on a rail with a scale. It can move smoothly and precisely for measurement of magnetic field along the centre of the coils.The following studies can be carried out with the set-up:1. Study of magnetic field due to one coil and calculation of its diameter.2. Study of principal of super-imposition of magnetic field due to 2 coils by keeping the distance between the coils at a, greater than a and less than a, where a is the radius of the coil.Legend:Line 1- Magnetic Profile when the distance between the coils is > aLine 2- Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is = aLine 3- Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is < a- Superimposition overlaps completelyApparatus consists of the following:1. Digital GaussmeterRange: 0-200Resolution: 0.1GAccuracy:+-0.5%Display: 3.5 digit 7 segment LED with autopolarity.2. Two CoilDiameter: 200mmNumber of turn: 10003. Constant Current Power SupplyCurrent: 0-0.5A Smoothly adjustableLine Regulation: +-0.2%for 10% mains variation.Load Regulation: +-0.2% for 0 to full load.Display: 3.5 digit 7 Segment LED Display.Protection: Against overload/ short circuit.The 2 coils are mounted on platform one coil is fixed and other coil move smoothly on a rail along with the axis of the coils.The experiment is complete in all respect.
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Digital Picoammeter

  • Current Range 1nA to 100mA full scale in 6 decade ranges with 100% over-ranging (1pA minimum)
  • Brand Name SES
  • Model DPM-111
  • Condition New
  • Material Electronics
  • Color Grey
  • Automation Type Semi- Automatic
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Handheld Gauss Meter

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Color Grey
  • Usage/Application Laboratory Experiment
  • Measurement Range 0-2KGauss to 0-20KGauss
  • Resolution 1G at 2KG range & 10G at 20KG/ 40KG range
  • Condition New
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Function Generator

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Color Grey
  • Frequency 10Hz - 2MHz in five ranges
  • Model Number FG-01
  • Usage/Application Laboratory Experiment
  • Features Versatile, User-friendly interface, Easy operation
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Travelling Microscope

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Color Grey
  • Condition New
  • Model TVM-03
  • Features Non-interrupted performance, Excellent performance.
  • Usage/Application Laboratory Experiment
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Relay Control Systems

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • Color Grey
  • Display Type Digital
  • Condition New
  • Brand Name Techno
  • Usage/Application Control Lab Trainer

Temperature Control System

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Set
  • Application Control Lab Trainer
  • Model Number TCS-02
  • Display Type Digital
  • Color Grey
  • Brand Name Techno
  • Automation Type Semi-Automatic
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Digital Gaussmeter

  • Brand Name SES
  • Application Laboratory
  • Color Grey
  • Usage/Application Laboratory Experiment
  • Model DGM-103
  • Material Electronics
  • Condition New
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Tesla Meter

  • Color Grey
  • Country of Origin Made in India
  • Model Name/Number TM-400
  • Unit Of Measurement Piece
  • Function DC, AC (Freq. limited by hall probe)

Study Of Magnetic Levitation System

We offer Study of Magnetic Levitation System useful for control labs. Magnetic Levitation, lifting of objects under the influence of a magnetic field, has numerous application including some advance locomotives designed on the repulsive force of a magnet. The present unit, based on the attractive force of an electromagnet, is inherently unstable. There is no way to keep an iron object suspended in air by manually adjusting the current in the electromagnet. Even a feedback control with forward path gain control alone is ineffective. These facts are brought out by studying and experimenting with the dynamics of the system. The next task consists of the design of suitable controller and implementing the same to achieve the desired objective. A sound knowledge of MATLAB and its availability should be highly desirable, though not essential, for the conduct of this experiment. The basic theory, analysis and sample calculation are described in the accompanying literature. Highlights >>Object suspended in air by magnetic force excellent visual impact>>Controller design to maintain stability >>Up-down position setting by reference control Experiments >>To develop the transfer function of the system through laboratory>>To design/implement PD and lead compensation with different parameter>>To simulate the system in MATLAB and study in detail various control option and their response Features and Specifications >>Object suspended in air by magnetic force>>Controller design to maintain stability>>Position changing by reference>>Built-in power supplies, meters etc>>220V/50Hz operation >>Detailed technical literature included The experiment is complete in all respect.
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Study Of Dielectric Constant

We offer Study of Dielectric Constant and Curie Temperature of Ferro electric Ceramics. Dielectric or electrical insulating material are understood as the material in which electrostatic field can persist for long times. Layers of such substance are commonly inserted into capacitors to improve their performance, and the term dielectric refers specifically to this application. The present setup demonstrates is useful for students to get first hand experience of this parameter in laboratory environment.Description of the experimental set-up1. Probes Arrangement, DEA-01: It has two individually spring loaded probes. The probes arrangement is mounted in a suitable stand, which also holds the sample plate.2. Sample Barium Titanate (BaTiO3)3. Oven, DEO-01: This is a high quality temperature controlled oven. The oven has been designed for fast heating and cooling rates, which enhances the effectiveness of the controller.4. Main Units: The Set-up consists of two units housed in the same cabinet.a) Oven Controller Platinum RTD (A class) has been used for sensing the temperature. A Wheatstone bridge and an instrumentation amplifier are used for signal conditioning.Specifications of the Oven:Temp. Range: Ambient to 200CResolution: 1CStability: 0.2CAccuracy: 0.5 (typical)Sensor: RTD (A class)Display: 3 digit, 7 segment LED with autopolarity and decimal indication Power: 150Wb) Digital Capacitance Meter: This a compact direct reading instrument for the measurement of capacitance of the sample.SpecificationsRange: 50-6000pfResolution: 1pfDisplay: 3 digit, 7 segment LED with autopolarity and decimal indication.
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A.C. Servomotor Study

We offer A.C. Servomotor Study usefull for control laboratory experiments. Two phase a.c. servomotor is one of the very important electromechanical actuators having applications in the area of control systems. The study of its operating principle and features form a part of the first course on automatic control systems in electrical engineering curriculum. It's small size, low inertia and almost noise and frictionless operation makes the a.c. servomotor particularly attractive in aircraft and spacecraft applications.The characteristics of an a.c. motor is usually non-linear. To simplify the analysis a linearized model is developed. The experimental work revolves around determination of the parameters of the motor and thus its transfer function.Important subsystems of the unit includes, (a) an integrated speed sensor with 4-digit display in r.p.m.(b) an electrical loading system to compute torque(c) a time-constant measurement circuit with 3-digit display in milli seconds(d) a three step a.c. source with built-in r.m.s. voltmeter, and(e) a digital voltmeter on the panel for load measurementThe unit has been designed such that expensive equipment like storage CRO is not needed. Also the hassle of direct torque measurement using spring balance etc. is avoided by linearization of the motor characteristics analytically. Highlights of Equipment>>Torque computation through electrical loading>>Determination of motor para-meters - inertia and friction>>Digital display of time constant>>Transfer function evaluation Experiments>>Inertia and friction parameters>>Time constant>>Transfer function Features and Specifications>>2-phase a.c. servomotor - 12V 50Hz per phase>>Small generator for loading>>4-digit speed display>>3-digit time constant display>>3.5 digit r.m.s. voltmeter >>3.5 digit d.c. panel meter>>Voltage regulated internal supplies>>Detailed literature with sample results The experiment is complete in all respect.
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IC Regulated Power Supply

  • Current 300mA max for each
We offer IC Regulated Power Supply, it is general purpose power supply consists of four independent fixed voltage regulated sources viz. +12 V, -12 V, +5 V and -5 V referred to a common ground. The current rating for each is specified at 300 mA, although it is possible to exceed this limit safely when all four sources are not operating simultaneously.The compact power supply unit is well suited for any general laboratory which uses linear and digital circuits and IC's. At the same time the excellent performance of the 3-terminal regulators enables the supplies to be used equally satisfactorily for sophisticated instrumentation applications. The built-in protection of the regulator in the form of over current and safe area shutdown ensure continued fault free operation of the unit without any maintenance. SPECIFICATIONS : Output voltage: +12V, -12V, +5V, -5V fixedCurrent: 300 mA (each supply)Line Regulation: +-0.05% for 10% variation of mains voltage.Load Regulation: +-0.1% for a full load of 300 mAProtection: Thermal and overcurrent.Dimensions: 210 m.m. X 180 m.m. X 100 m.m.Weight: 2.25 Kg
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DC Speed Control System

We offer D.C. Speed Control system usefull in control laboratory experiment. The present unit, built around a small permanent magnet d.c. motor, is designed to bring out the salient features of such a system. Facilities are available to directly measure the principal performance features of the speed control system, viz., steady state error and load disturbance rejection, as a function of the forward path gain. In addition, the experimental work involves the determination of the motor transfer function and the characteristics of the tachogenerator. An important feature of the unit is the built-in absolute speed measurement through optical pick-up from a slotted disk followed by a frequency counter. Variable loading of the motor is achieved by a built-in eddy current brake. Highlights>>Closed loop motor speed control with eddy current brake>>Compact system-no mechanical hassles>>Opto electronic speed sensor>>Digital display of speed on the panel Experiments>>Effect of loading on the speed of the motor in the open loop>>Steady state error variation with forward gain>>System time constant variation with forward gain>>Effect of forward gain on disturbance rejection>>Determination of the motor transfer function and tachometer characteristics Features and Specifications>>Speed control of a 12V, 4W permanent magnet d.c. motor>>Speed range: 0 to 3000 rpm (typical)>>Opto-interrupter based speed sensing>>4-digit speed display in rpm>>Electronic tachogenerator for feedback>>Separate unit for motor in a see-through cabinet>>Smooth, non-contact eddy current brake for loading>>Built-in 3.5 digit DVM for signal measurements>>Built-in IC regulated internal power supply>>110V +-10%, 60Hz mains operation>>Supporting literature and patch cords included>>Essential accessory a CRO The experiment is complete in all respect, except a CRO.
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Plancks Constant By LED

We Offer Study of Planck's Constant Very Useful for Physics and Material Science Labs. Several Proposals to Measure the Planck's Constant for Didactic Purposes, Using the Current - Voltage (i-v) Characteristics of a Light Emitting Diode (led) have Been Made Quite Regularly in the Last Few Years. the Physical Interpretation However is Not Completely Clear and this Has Raised Many Discussions, Which have Been Published Almost with Same Regularity as the Proposals Themselves. the Present Experiment is Based On Diode Current. the Correct Method to Determine the Real Height of the Potential Energy Barrier V0 is to Directly Measure the Dependence of the Current On Temperature Keeping the Applied Voltage V Slightly Below Potential Energy Barrier. compare with Previous Methods, this Determination of Potential Energy Barrier is More Precise and More Accurate and At the Same Time the Physical Interpretation is More Transparent. the Set-up is a Self Contained Unit. all the Necessary Facilities and Measuring Devices are Built in a Single Unit, as a Result Only Minimum of External Connections Need to Be Made. [i] Dependence of Current (i) On Temperature (t) At Constant Applied Voltage (v)the Following Facilities are Built in for This current Meter>>a Highly Stable Current Source with 3.5 Digit Display.>>range: 0-2ma with Resolution of 1ma oven, Pco-01 >>it is a Small Temperature Controlled Oven with Built-in Rtd Sensor.>>temperature Adjustable from Ambient to 338k>>digital Display of Temperature>>high Stability 1k variable Voltage Source (0-2v)>>a High Stability Voltage Source with 3.5 Digit Display. [ii] Material Constantto Draw I-v Characteristics of Led for Determination of Material Constant, a Variable Voltage Source and a Current Meter are Provided with 3.5 Digit Display. [iii] the Wavelength of Light Emitted By LedThese are Taken from Led Datasheet or Measured By a Transmission Grating, and are Provided with the Set of Led's. the Experiment is Complete in all Respect.
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AC Position Control

We offer A.C. Position Control System usefull in control laboratory experiment. 2-phase ac servomotors have been traditionally used for position/ speed control applications especially in light weight, precision instrumentation area in airborne systems. The present unit is designed around a 12V ac servomotor and exposes the basic characteristics and dynamics of a position control system. A block diagram of the system is shown in figure below.Besides introducing the basic features like balanced modulation of the error signal, phase reversal around the set point and phase difference between the reference and control phases of the motor, the experiment involves study of the step response of the closed loop system. Being a mechanical system the response is too slow for a comfortable viewing on a CRO, except on an expensive storage oscilloscope. A microprocessor based waveform capture/ display card in the unit stores the step response in real time and displays the same once steady state is reached. Highlights >>2-phase A.C. Servomotor>>Servo Potentiometer for position sensing>>Transient response capture/display>>In-built rms voltmeter on panel Experiments>>Error detector characteristics, phase reversal>>Amplifier gain measurement>>Phase difference between control and reference windings>>Step response study Features and Specifications>>2-phase servomotor - 12 volt/phase, 50Hz, 10 watt>>Power amplifier for driving>>Servo potentiometer type error detector>>In-built 10.00 volt (rms) panel meter>>Step response capture/display card >>Detailed literature with typical results included>>Complete unit except a measuring CRO>>220 volts, 50 Hz mains operation The experiment is complete in all respect
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Two Probe Setup

We Offer Two Probe Method, It is One of the Standard and Most Commonly Used Method for the Measurement of Resistivity of Very High Resistivity Samples like Sheets/films of Polymers. the Resistivity Measurement of such Samples is Beyond the Range of Four Probe Method. the Experimental Set-up Consists of the Following: 1. Two Probes Arrangement, Tpa-01it Has Two Spring Load Contact Probes. These Probes Move in a Pipe and are Insulated By Teflon Washers. this Probes Arrangement is Mounted in Suitable Stand, Which also Hold the Sample Plate and Rtd Sensor. the Stand also Serves as the Lid of Pid Controlled Oven. Teflon Coated Leads are Provide for Connecting with High Voltage Power Supply Eht-11 and Digital Picoammeter Dpm-111. with the Set-up Assuming Max. Voltage = 1500v; Current 100x10(-12) a (max) and Thickness of Sample 1mm. the Resistivity of the Sample Could Be Measured upto 1014 2. Pid Controlled Oven, Pid-200this is a High Quality Temperature Controlled Oven Suitable for Four Probe Set-up. the Oven Has Been Designed for Fast Heating and Cooling Rates, Which Enhances the Effectiveness of the Controller. While the Basic Design of the Controller is Around the Pid Configuration for Its Obvious Advantages, Wastage of Power is Avoided By Using a Pulse Width Modulated (pmw) Switch. this Combination Has the Advantages of Both On-off Controller and Linear Pid Controller. the Result is a Good Stable and Accurate Temperature Control. platinum Rtd Has Been Used for Sensing the Temperature. a Wheatstone Bridge and An Instrumentation Amplifier are Used for Signal Conditioning. Feedback Circuit Ensures Offset and Linearity Trimming to a Great Degree of Accuracy. the Set and Measured Temperature are Displayed On 3 Digit Dpm Through Selector Switch. specifications of the Oven temperature Range: Ambient to 200cresolution: 0.1cshort Range Stability: +-0.2clong Range Stability: +-0.5cmeasurement Accuracy: +-0.5c (typical)oven: Specially Designed for Two Probe Set-upsensor: Rtd (a Class)display: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Ledpower: 150w 3. High Voltage Power Supply, Eht-11 output: 0-1500v Continuously Adjustablecurrent: 1ma (max.)polarity: +ve or -ve, as Requiredregulation: +-0.05% for 0 to 1ma Loadstabilization: +-0.02% for +-10% Mains Variationdisplay: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Led Dpmconnection: Output Through a Amphenol Connector On the Front Panelprotection: Fully Protected Against Overload and Short Circuit By Current Limiting Techniquepower Requirements: 220v +-10%, 50hzweight: 5kgdimensions: 240mm X 390mm X 130mm. 4. Digital Picoammeter, Dpm-111 multiplier: X1, X10, X10(2), X10(3), X10(4), X10(5)accuracy: 0.2% for all Rangesresolution: 1pa, 10pa, 100pa, 1na, 10na, 100nainput Resistance: 2.5k Ohm, 0.25k Ohm, 25 Ohm, 2.5 Ohm, 0.25 Ohm, 0.025 Ohmdisplay: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Led (12.5mm Height) with Auto Polarity and Decimal Indication.input: Through Amphenol Connector.power Supply: 220v +-10%, 50hz.weight: 2.5kg.dimensions: 240mm X 275mm X 120mm. the Experimental Set-up is Complete in all Respect.
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Study Of An Integrated Circuit Regulator

We offer Study of Integrated Circuit Regulator, the following studies can be carried out:(i) Study of a voltage regulator.(ii) Study of a current regulator.The experimental set-up consists of an IC 723 with facilities for convenient connections, an unregulated power supply, voltmeter, an ammeter and all the other components required to perform the experiments.The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Function Generator

  • Frequency Square/ Sine/ Triangular (switch selectable)
We offer Function Generator very usefull in general laboratory and R&D labs.This is an economically priced signal source for a wide variety of applications in electronics, communication and control systems laboratory. The IC used is a high frequency function generator that produces low distortion sine, triangular, sawtooth and square waveforms from frequencies less than a Hz. To 20MHz. A minimal of external components are needed which make the unit very reliable and robust. The desired output waveform is selected by logic control and may therefore be done electronically as well.Basic principal of function generation used is the relaxation oscillation with periodic charging and discharging of a capacitor through constant current source. The charging/discharging currents are accurately controllable and the associated circuits support high frequencies very well. A sine shaping circuit coverts the triangular waveform to sine wave of constant amplitude. The sine wave is useful for frequency response studies of amplifiers, filters and other electrical systems, while the square wave finds applications in transient response studies. Triangular wave is a standard input signal for the study of steady state error in feedback control systems. All power supplies are IC regulated. Highlights >>4-digit counter based frequency display-Maximum error ONE LSB>>Square, sine and triangular output upto 2 MHz.>>IC based circuit - high stability, low distortion>>Regulated power supply Specifications >>Waveforms: Square/ Sine/ Triangular (switch selectable)>>Frequency: 10 Hz - 2 MHz in five ranges>>Amplitude: Square 0-3V (p-p)Triangular 0-3V (p-p)Sine 0-3V (p-p)Output Impedance: 50OhmFrequency Readout: 4-digit, counter based, automatic decimal pointPower Supply: 220V +-10%, 50 Hz
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Semiconductor Diodes Characteristics

We offer Semiconductors Diodes Characteristics with this following characteristics can be studied:Forward and reverse characteristics of Ge, Si diodes and LEDsStudy of Zener diode characteristicsCRO display of forward and reverse characteristics. The set-up is provided with a booklet which contains its theory of operation, description, suggestions and discussion of the experiments that my be performed with it. The circuit is all electronic using transformer and electronic components Viz. ICs, transistors, capacitors and resistance etc. The whole circuit operates on 200V +-10% 50 Hz AC and mounted in a metallic cabinet which is grounded through the grounding lead of power connector and hence safe towards electrical hazard, if any.

Magnetoresistance Set-up

We offer Magnetoresistance set-up, it is noticed that the resistance of the sample changes when the magnetic field is turned on. The phenomenon, called magnetoresistance, is due to the fact that the drift velocity of all carriers is not same. With the magnetic field on; the Hall voltage V = Eyt = v X H compensates exactly the Lorentz force for carriers with the average velocity; slower carriers will be over compensated and faster one undercompensated, resulting in trajectories that are not along the applied field. This results in an effective decrease of the mean free path and hence an increase in resistivity.Here the above referred symbols are defines as: v = drift velocity; E = applied electric field; t = thickness of the crystal; H = Magnetic field. The set-up consists of the following: (1) Four Probe arrangement, MRA-01It consists of 4 collinear, equally spaced (2mm) and individually spring loaded probes mounted on a PCB strip. Two outer probes for supplying the constant current to the sample and two inner probes for measuring the voltage developed across these probes. This eliminates the error due to contact resistance which is particularly serious in semiconductors. A platform is also provided for placing the sample and mounting the Four Probes on It. (2) SampleGe Crystal (n-type) dimensions: 10x10x0.5mm. (3) Magnetoresistance Set-up, Model DMR-01This unit consists of a digital millivoltmeter and constant current power supply. The voltage and probe current can be read on the same digital panel meter through a selector switch. (a) Digital MillivoltmeterIntersil 3.5 digit single chip ICL 7107 have been used. Since the use of internal reference causes the degradation in performance due to internal heating an external reference have been used. Digital voltmeter is much more convenient to use, because the input voltage of either polarity can be measured. SpecificationsRange : 0-200mV (100V minimum)Accuracy : +-0.1% of reading +-1 digit (b) Constant Current Power SupplyThis power supply, specially designed for Hall Probe, provides 100% protection against crystal burn-out due to excessive current. The supply is a highly regulated and practically ripple free dc source. SpecificationsCurrent : 0-20mA Resolution : 10micro ampereAccuracy : +-0.2% of the reading +-1 digitLoad regulated : 0.03% for 0 to full loadLine regulation : 0.05% for 10% variation (4) Electromagnet, EMU-50V (5) Constant Current Power Supply, DPS-50 (6) Digital Gaussmeter, DGM-102/DGM-202 The Set-up complete in all respect.
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Characteristics Of Semiconductor Diodes

We offer Characteristics of Semiconductors Diodes, this experiment set-up consists of the following: Diodes: 1N4007, 1N34, 5.1V Zener and LED.3 digit DPM for voltage measurementPrecision resistances for measurement of forward and reverse current.IC regulated power supply. The following studies can be carried out with this set-up: Forward and reverse characteristics of both Ge, Si diodes & LEDs.Study of Zener diode characteristics. The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Study Of Basic Operational Amplifier, Type- 741

We offer Study of Basic Operational Amplifier, TYPE-741, the following studies can be carried out: Working of the basic circuit.Measurement of bias and offset currents.Study of inverting and non-inverting configurations.Study of Amplier drift. The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Study Of A Solid State Power Supply

We offer Study of a Solid State Power Supply, following studies can be carried out with this set-up(1) Study of rectification.(a) Full wave rectification(b) Half wave rectification. (2) Study of ac component (Ripples):(a) Efficiency of various type of filters - ???, T type etc(b) The effect of load(c) The effect on regulation (3) Regulation characteristics:(a) The effect of load on regulation.(b) The effect of change in mains voltage. Accessories Required : (i) Multimeter, (ii) Oscilloscope The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Study Of Modulation And Demodulaion With Built-in Carrier Frequency Source (Solid State)

We offer Study of a Modulation and Demodulation with Built-in Carrier Frequency Source (Solid State), the following studies can be carried out with this set-up: Carrier signal testing.Variation of modulated wave with the modulation signal.Study of detector circuit. The experimental set-up is provided with a built-in power supply. Accessories Required:(i) Function Generator, FG-01(ii) Oscilloscope The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Study Of Op AMP 741 Applications Amplifier

  • Country of Origin India
  • Size 850x550x1100 Mm
  • Type Physics Instruments

We offer Study of 741 Applications, Features Study of linear and non linear applications as: - Integrator - Differentiator - Summer - Subtractor - Voltage to Current converter - Current to Voltage converter - Astable Mode - Precision rectifier Built-in power supply Built-in square wave and triangular wave Generator Built-in current source. The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

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Study Of Multivibrators

We offer Study of Multivibrators, this experiment consists of the following: >>Free Running vibrator>>Univibrator>>Bistable Multivibrators>>Regulated Power Supply The free running multivibrator also serve as a pulse generator for the study of bistable multivibrator and univibrator. The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

E/m Experiment

We offer em experiment usefull in physics and material science labs. Our arrangement for measuring em, the charge to mass ratio of the electron is a very simple set-up. It is based on Thomsons method. The em-tube is bulb-like and contains a filament, a cathode, a grid, a pair of deflection plates and an anode. The tube is filled with helium at a very low pressure. Some of the electrons emitted by the cathode collide with helium atoms which get excited and radiate visible light. The electron beam thus leaves a visible track in the tube and all manipulations on it can be seen. The tube is placed between a pair of fixed Helmholtz coils which produce a uniform and known magnetic field. The socket of the tube can be rotated so that the electron beam is at right angles to the magnetic field. The beam is deflected in a circular path of radius r depending on the accelerating potential V, the magnetic field B and the charge to mass ratio em. This circular path is visible and the diameter d can be measured and em obtained from the relationem = 8V B(2)d(2)This set-up can also be used to study the electron beam deflection for different directions of the magnetic field by varying the orientation of the em-tube. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP The central part of the set-up is the em-tube. This is energized by Filament current supply, Deflection plates voltage supply, Continuously variable accelerating voltage supply to the anode. The tube is mounted on a rotatable socket and is placed between a pair of Helmholtz coils. The tube can be rotated about a vertical axis, varying the orientation of the electron beam with respect to the Helmholtz coils.This allows magnetic deflection of the beam to be demonstrated. Circular, helical or undeflected paths can be seen. The direction of the current can be changed. The magnetizing current I and the accelerating voltage V are respectively measured by an ammeter and a voltmeter mounted on the front of the panel. The diameter of the electron beam path is measured by a detachable scale mounted in front of the bulb of the tube. This scale has a slider with a hollow tube (fitted with cross wires at its both ends) to fix the line of sight while making the measurements of the beam path diameter. Base of the unit contains the power supply that provides all the required potentials and the current to the Helmholtz coils. The entire apparatus is contained in a wooden case for convenient storage. Specifications Helmholtz coils of radii: 14 cmNumber of turns: 160 on each coilAccelerating Voltage: 0 250VDeflection plates voltage: 50V 250VOperating Voltage: 220V AC 50Hz Typical results obtained with the above set-up for variation of the diameter of the electron beam path with the accelerating voltage for a current of 1A to the Helmholtz coils are shown in the following graph. They lead to em equal to 1.77x10(11)coul Kg.
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Study Of Astable & Monostable Multivibrator Using Timer IC, Type- 555

We offer Study of Astable & Monostable Multivibrator using Timer Ic, TYPE-555, the following studies can be carried out with this setup: Operation as a free running multivibratorOperation as a monostable multivibratorOperations as a preset time delay. The set-up is so designed that no high voltage is exposed and hence safe in handling by the students.

Travelling Microscope

We offer Travelling Microscope in this, the bed is of a heavy casting, thoroughly aged and machined, is fitted with leveling screws. On the dovetail guide ways slides the horizontal carriage which can be clamped at any positioon by means of a thumbscrew. A second sliding carriage slides along a gunmetal vertical pillar fitted on the horizontal carriage. The slow motion guide bars are made of sturdy material and the motion is very smooth. Microscope TubeInclinable in any angle. true vertical and horizontal positions marked focusing. Scales and VerniersMade of lifetme Stainless Steel. Optics(i) True achromatic objective with 7.5 cm, focusing distance from object.(ii) 10X Ramsden Eyepiece with fine cross wire. Sclae and Vernier(i) Horizontal scale: 18 cm divided at 1mm interval(ii) Vertical scale: 16cm divided at 1mm interval(iii) Screw gauge dial: 100 divisions with a least count of 0.01mm

Hall Effect In Metals

We Offer Hall Effect in Metals, It Enables the Charge Carrier Concentration and Mobility to Be Determined By Experiment. Direction of the Hall Voltage in Silver Indicates Negative Charge Carriers, Which is in Agreement with Concepts of the Model of the free Electron Gas. Limitations of this Model are Shown By the So Called abnormal Hall Effect of Tungsten. the Experiment Carried Out Under Identical Conditions for Tungsten Show the Hall Voltage to have About Same Magnitude But Opposite Direction as in Silver.this Can Be Explained By the energy Band Diagram. the Tungsten Atom Has .5s2 5p6 5d4 6s2 Electronic Structure. When the Atoms Come Close Together to Form the Solid, the Close Lying States 5d and 6s Broaden Into Bands, with S Band Broadening Considerably More Than the D Band. this is Because of the Larger Size of the S Orbital. the Figure Schematically Shows the Allowed Energies as a Function of the Interatomic Distance. the Number of Allowed States is Ten per Atom in the D Band and Two in the S Band. in Tungsten There are Six Electrons to Be Shared Between These Two Bands. the Result is that At the Interatomic Distance in Tungsten There are Holes in the D Band and Electrons in the S Band, Making Tungstenpredominantly a Hole Conductor. the Apparatus Consists of the Following: a) Hall Probe-silver (hp-ag)Material: Silver Strip (8 X 6 X 0.05 Mm)Contacts: Press Type for CurrentSpring Type for VoltageHall Voltage: 17 Micro Volt/10a/10kg b) Hall Probe-tungsten (hp-w)Material: Tungsten Strip (8 X 6 X 0.05 Mm)Contacts: Press Type for CurrentSpring Type for VoltageHall Voltage: 15 Micro Volt/10a/10kg c) High Current Power Supply, Model Ps-20aRange: 0-20a Continuously VariableAccuracy: +-0.5%Regulation: +-0.5% for +-10% Variation of MainsDisplay: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Led d) Digital Microvoltmeter, Dmv-001 range: 1mv, 10mv, 100mv, 1v & 10v with 100% Over-ranging.resolution: 1micro Volt.accuracy: +-0.2%.stability: Within +-1 Digit.input Impedance: >1000m Ohm (10mohm On 10v Range).display: 3.5 Digit, 7 Segment Led with Autopolarity and Decimal Indication e) Electromagnet, Model Emu-75tPole Pieces: 75mm Tappered to 25mmMag. Field: 17kg +-5% At 10mm AirgapEnergising Coils: Two of Approx. 13w EachPower: 0-90vdc, 3a, for Coils in Series0-45vdc, 6a, for Coils in Parallelf) Constant Current Power Supply, Model Dps-175g) Gaussmeter, Dgm-202the Experiment is Complete in all Respect.
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Travelling Microscope, TVM-03

We offer Travelling Microscope in this, the bed is of a heavy casting, thoroughly aged and machined, is fitted with leveling screws. On the dovetail guide ways slides the horizontal carriage which can be clamped at any positioon by means of a thumbscrew. A second sliding carriage slides along a gunmetal vertical pillar fitted on the horizontal carriage. The slow motion guide bars are made of sturdy material and the motion is very smooth. Microscope tube inclinable in any angle. true vertical and horizontal positions marked focusing. Scales and Verniers Made of lifetime Stainless Steel. Optics(i) True achromatic objective with 7.5 cm, focusing distance from object.(ii) 10X Ramsden Eyepiece with fine cross wire. Scale and Vernier (i) Horizontal scale: 180 mm with a screw gauge type motion(ii) Vertical scale: 150mm with a vernier scale(iii) Lateral Scale: 60mm with a vernier scale(iv) Least Count: 0.01mm on all scales

Light Intensity Control System

We offer Light Intensity Control System useful for control labs. The light intensity control system is designed to bring out the basic features of closed loop systems in the form of a laboratory experiment. The light panel comprises of a number of filament lamps which get power from amplifier. Average intensity of the panel is sensed by a light sensor and a suitable voltage level is produced. Error detector, reference input and error amplifier are of standard configurations found in any linear control system. In addition to the above, the light panel also contains a few uncontrolled lamps which may be used as disturbance source. Further a square wave signal is available for dynamic response studies. Highlights>>Feedback control of light intensity>>Study of inherent non-linearties-sensor, lamps>>PI control>>Dynamic response displays Experiments >>Characterization of light panel and light sensor blocks >>Study of a practical single loop feedback control system which includes:Disturbance studyError monitoring>>Performance improvement through P-I control>>Evaluation of dynamic behavior Features and Specifications>>Built-in 3.5 digit DVM>>Built-in IC regulated power supplies>>Literature and patch cords included>>Seven lamps 6V/300mA>>5Hz square wave and triangular wave for dynamic response study The experiment is complete in all respect.
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Quincks Tube Method

We Offer Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Solution By Quincks Tube Method the Force Acts On Any Substance When It is Placed in a Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field. this Force Depends On He Susceptibility C, of the Material, I.e., On Ratio of Intensity of Magnetisation to Magnetising Field (i/h). Quantitatively It Refers to the Extent of Induced Magnetisation in Unit Field. the Force Acting On a Substance, Either of Repulsion or Attraction, Can Be Measured with the Help of An Accurate Balance in Case of Solids (gouy's Method) or with the Measurement of Rise in Level in a Narrow Capillary in Case of Liquids. from this Measurement, the Value of Susceptibility Can Be Calculated. the Apparatus Consists of the Following: (a) Quincks Tube, Qtt-01, Quink Tube Stand (qts-01)(b) Sample: Mnso(4).h(2)o(c) Electromagnet, Emu-50t / Emu-75t(d) Constant Current Power Supply, Dps-50 / Dps-175(e) Digital Gaussmeter, Dgm-202(f) Travelling Microscope, Tvm-02 note: for Substances like Mnso(4).h(2)o/ Fecl(3), Emu-50t is Sufficient, But for Substances like Water Emu-75t is Required. the Experiment is Complete in all Respect.
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Study Of Stepper Motor

We offer Study of Stepper Motor useful for control labs. This experimental set-up aims at providing an exposure to the basic operation of a stepper motor, its drive and logic, and limitations as far as the internal dynamics is concerned. Experiments have been designed to demonstrate the effect of external load inertial and frictional, on the motor performance. Provisions are available for free running operation as well as single stepping mode with LED indication for the active phase. The unit may also be operated by a microprocessor kit for which a built-in interfacing and automatic changeover has been provided. It may be seen that this is a complete experiment set and not a microprocessor kit with an ADD-ON card and a motor. Highlights>>Stepper motor operation through pulse circuit>>Stepper motor operation through 8085 mp kit>>Built-in programs in EPROM>>Dynamic response study Experiments>>Manual stepping through push button switch. Measurement of step angle.>>Speed and direction control logic by recording the pulse sequence.>>Study of resonance effect at various speeds>>Display and measurement of the dynamic characteristics of the motor in the wobble mode.>>Calculation of 'single stepping' and 'slew' regions.>>Programming the microprocessor kit to implement features like direction, speed, angle of rotation, number of steps or an arbitrary motion>>Study of the effect of inertial and frictional loading on the dynamic performance Features and Specifications>>Single stepping and free running modes of operation with speed variation and direction reversal - internal TTL circuit.>>360 degree motion Servo-Potentiometer position -pickup for motor dynamics>>Operation through microprocessor kit sample control programs provided>>Stepper motor specificationTorque: 2.8 Kg-cmStep angle: 1.8 degreePower: 12V, 1A/phase>>Essential accessory - a CRO The experiment is complete in all respect except - a CRO.
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Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer

The Present Set-up Can Accept the Samples of Thin Wires of Different Diameters. the Demagnetisation Effects, Different Diameters of Samples and Eddy Currents (due to the Conducting Property of the Material) Has Been Taken Into Account Within the Design or Graphically. applications the Following Magnetic Parameters Can Be Measured By this Set-up:- Coercivity - Retentivity - Saturation Magnetisation - Various Magnetic Phase Identification - Hysteresis Loss the Set-up is Complete in all Respect, Including Long Solenoid, Its Power Supply with a Panel Meter Directly Calibrated in Gauss, Sample Holder with a Pick-up Coil and a Set of Samples: Hard Steel, Soft Iron and Nickel (all in Wire Form.). a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Will However Be Required.

Franck-hertz Experiment

We are Offering Franck-hertz Experiment Useful in Physics and Material Science Lab. this Experiment Verifies That:* It is Possible to Excite Atoms By Low Energy Electron Bombardment.* the Energy Transferred from Electrons to the Atoms Always Had Discrete Values.* the Values So Obtained for the Energy Levels Were in Agreement with Spectroscopic Results.thus the Existence of Atomic Energy Levels Put Forward By Bohr Can Be Proved Directly. It is a Very Important Experiment and Can Be Performed in Any College or University Level Laboratory.the Experiment is Consists of the Following:* Argon Filled Tetrode* Filament Power Supply: 3.6-3.4v Continuously Variable* Power Supply for Vg1k: 1.3-5v Continuously Variable* Power Supply for Vg2a: 1.3 - 12v Continuously Variable* Power Supply for Vg2k: 0 - 95v Continuously Variablethe Instrument Can, Not Only Lead to a Plot of the Amplitude Spectrum Curve By Means of Point By Point Measurement, But also Directly Display the Amplitude Spectrum Curve On the Oscilloscope Screen. this Instrument Can Thus Be Used as a Classroom Experiment as Well as for Demonstration to a Group of Students.analysis of Data:data Obtained for the Excitation Potential Point By Point are Shown in Fig. 3. the Readings are Taken for 1v Changes On Grid 2 (vg2k). a Significant Decrease in Electron (collector) Current is Noticed Every Time the Potential On Grid 2 is Increased By Approximately 12v, Thereby Indicating that Energy is Transferred from the Beam in (bundles) "quanta" of 12ev Only. Indeed, a Prominent Line in the Spectrum of Argon Exists At 1048 Corresponding to Ev=11.83.
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Microprocessor Device Controller, Control Equipment, Engineering Training Equipment, Instrumentation Trainer, Scientific Instruments

We Offer Microprocessor Device Controller Use Full for Control Labs. this Unit Has Been Designed to Train the Students to Handle Basic Input - Output Operations of the 8085 Microprocessor Through 8255 Ports. the Power Supply, Drivers and other Hardware are Pre-wired Resulting in a Greater Reliability of Operation. the Students are Expected to Enter a Few Suggested Programs and also to Develop Their Own Programs for a Variety of Input-output Operations. highlights>>sequence Control of 8 Leds Through 8255 Port>>control of 2 Relays>>operating a 7-segment Display>>switch State Input Through 8255 Port>>sidsod Operation experiments>>light the 8 Leds in a Cycle, in Binary Sequence, as a Bar Graph Display Etc.>>operate the 2 Relays with Software Controlled Timing>>operate the 7-segment Display Through Segment Control>>sense the State of the 4-switches as Input and Send Out Suitable Signals to Various Output Devices>>study of Sidsod Commands features and Specifications>>system Comprises of a Main Unit and a Mp Kit>>the Main Unit Houses all the Io Devices, Viz. Leds, Relays, 7-segment Display, Switches and Their Driversinterfacing Circuits>>the Status of the Relays and Switches are Displayed with the Help of Lamps Mounted On the Panel>>supporting Literature with Experiment Details the Experiment is Complete in all Respect.
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We offer Stroboscope usefull for control labs. Measurement of the speed of a rotating shaft is a common requirement in many industrial and laboratory applications. Stroboscope, is a convenient-to-use, direct reading speed measuring instrument. A highly stable function generator IC based circuit provides the basic variable frequency timing pulses. These are read on an IC based LCD/LED counters with direct speed display in rpm. The flasher unit generates the high intensity flashes at a suitably scaled rate directed towards the rotating shaft. Precision potentiometer's makes the task of speed setting very precise. The portable model, fitted into a light weight and strong plastic body is more suited for industrial / class room environment. Operating instructions are included in the Instruction manual accompanying the unit. Highlights Non-contact speed measurement High intensity flashes Direct speed reading in RPM No shaft modification Features and Specifications Speed range: 500-9900 rpm Crystal Controlled accuracy Mains Operation Display: 4 digit LED Freq. control: 10 turn Potentiometer Study Desktop Model Suitable for class room environment The experiment is complete in all respect. Features>>Speed range : 500-9900 rpm>>Crystal Controlled accuracy>>Mains Operation>>Display : 4 digit LED>>Freq. control : 10 turn Potentiometer>>Sturdy Desktop Model>>Suitable for class room environment
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Digital Control System

We offer Digital Control System usefull for control laboratory experiment. In the present unit a second order transfer function, simulated with operational amplifiers and passive components, has been chosen as the process to be controlled. This results in a well behaved and near perfect linear process which gives a highly predictable performance. The digital controller consists of a 8085 based microprocessor kit with analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interface. Software supplied with the system resides in a 8K EPROM. This consists of P, PI and PID algorithms in which the three gains may be selected out of 16 levels each. Further, the user may write his own programs to implement additional algorithms and study their responses. Highlights>>Digital Controller implementation on microprocessor-kit>>Simple Op-amp based analog plant>>CRO display of response>>Design and test new algorithms Experiment>>Identification of the controlled process>>Study of sampling period variation>>Designing P, PI, PD and PID controllers>>Advanced algorithms implementation Features and Specifications>>Second order simulated process (analog process)>>Built-in D/A and A/D circuits (8-bit)>>8085 based mP kit as digital controller with user software in 8K EPROM>>16-bit arithmetic for algorithmic calculations.>>Square wave test input (internal)>>16 built-in levels of P, I and D gains each.>>Complete flexibility for the user to develop own software>>IC regulated internal built-in power supplies>>Detailed literature and patch cords included>>Essential accessory - a CRO The experiment is complete in all respect.
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Control Laboratory Experiment

Study of Automatic Control System forms an integral part of the engineering education in the disciplines of Electrical, Telecommunication, Electronics, Mechanical, Industrial and Chemical Engineering. Actual industrial control systems being complex, bulky and expensive, are not suitable for classroom training purposes. Realising the need for laboratory support in Control Engineering and Instrumentation area, Techno Instruments for the last 18 years, has been developing working laboratory models and simulated systems specially suitable to the laboratory environments in Engineering Institutions. Our range of items does not include virtual instrumentation and virtual experimentation wherein all tasks are performed on a PC through special purpose software. It is our firm belief that engineering expertise can be gained by actual interaction with physical systems, which should be readily available to every student. All our systems are therefore inexpensive, laboratory oriented fully backed by exhaustive theoretical treatment, experimental details, typical results and references. Our website presents a brief description of the systems currently being offered. A detailed literature is supplied with the units. Custom built products are also developed to suit the special requirements. It has been our policy to review and improve the equipment manuals on a continual basis. We therefore welcome user feedback in any form, which goes a long way towards perfection.
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