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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Objective Agribusiness Management, Pathological Investigation with Analysis book, Abhinav Shalakya Vigyan, 2nd Edition (Hindi) book, Objective Agribusiness Management, 3rd Ed and General Microbiology
Book Description:
The book ‘OBJECTIVE AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT’ 3rd Editionconsists more than four thousand five hundred objective questions and the unique characteristics of all these objectives are that they have covered all most all the subjects of ICAR syllabus for agribusiness management. This is a handbook to refresh the memory at instant before the examination and the basic reliability and accuracy of questions and their answers are very pertinent from the examination point of view. We always come across different objective books like Objective Agriculture, Objective Agricultural Economics etc in the market and this book was the first one that was introduced in this segment four years before.This year it comes in its new version and look for its stakeholders. This book consists of thirteen core chapters like Principle of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management & Strategic Management, Accounting Control and Financial Management, Agricultural Finance, Marketing Management, Agricultural and Rural Marketing, Agricultural supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, Operations Research, Managerial Economics and Farm Business Management, Agribusiness Policy, Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Research Methodology and General study in Agribusiness Management. Besides that five practice tests are also attached in this book for its readers. This book will also be helpful to the Management students who appear for UGC NET examination as the pattern of this examination is now objective based unlike before. This book will be one window solutions for the readers who are going to appear ICAR NET, ICAR ARS, and UGC NET Examination particularly in India.
Authers Details:
Dr. S.R. Panigrahy
Dr. Shakti Ranjan Panigrahy has been working as Assistant Professor in Department of Agribusiness Economics and Policy since December 2013. He holds a master degree in Agribusiness Management from Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. He has cleared UGC (NET) in Management (2012), ICAR (NET) in Agribusiness Management (2013) and SRF with Fellowship in Agribusiness Management (2014). Dr Panigrahy had served in Fishery & Animal Resource Department, Government of Odisha for almost six years as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon. He has five research paper, eight popular articles in his subject area of Agribusiness. His maiden book, “Objective Agribusiness Management” is also circulating in the market. This book will be his second venture in this segment for the academician, researchers and upcoming entrepreneurs.
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar is working as Scientist in ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. He started his career in 2008 as Assistant Manager (Agribusiness division) in IDBI Bank and after a year moved to academics and joined International Agribusiness Management Institute, Anand Agricultural University as Assistant Professor and served there for six years. In 2015 he joined ICAR-NAARM as scientist. He has done MBA (Agribusiness) from Faculty of Management Studies-Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi after completing B.V.Sc and A.H. from Ranchi Veterinary College, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He has qualified ICAR-NET in Economics and Agricultural Business Management. He has been awarded ICAR-SRF (PGS) with fellowship in the discipline of Agricultural Business Management. His teaching and research areas include Operations Research, Operations Management, Agri Supply Chain Management. He has more than 10 research papers in national and international journals of repute. He has also acted as a resource person in various Training Programmes, besides handling a Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, (Government of India sponsored project.)
Dr. Ritambhara Singh
Dr. Ritambhara Singh is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Agribusiness Economics and Policy, since December 2013. She holds a masters and doctorate degree in Agricultural Economics from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. Post Ph. D., she has nine years of professional experience in various capacities, with organizations of repute. She was Agricultural Specialist at the Foreign Agricultural Service-U. S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi (her profile covered work on WTO SPS/TBT issues, India food safety laws, and livestock, dairy and poultry sectors). Prior to her arrival in New Delhi, she worked as a Research Associate for Advanced Biofuels USA in Frederick, Maryland-USA, working on second and third stage biofuels. She has also worked for more than three years as a senior analyst (Division of Economic Analysis and Publications) at the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited in Mumbai and also as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute - New Delhi. She has also served as consultant industry groups. Dr. Singh is also a member of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (USA) and life member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (India). She has several academic and industrial publications to her credit.
Table Content:
Principle of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management & Strategic Management
Accounting Control and Financial Management
Agricultural Finance
Marketing Management
Agricultural and Rural Marketing
Agricultural supply Chain Management
Production and Operations Management
Operations Research
Managerial Economics and Farm Business Management
Agribusiness Policy
Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development
Research Methodology
General study in Agribusiness Management
Practice Set 1
Practice Set 2
Practice Set 3
Practice Set 4
Practice Set 5
Book Description:
The text book of Microbiology as taught in different courses in various universities. It has been divided in five sections. The students of microbiology at present are required to consult a large number of books to grapple with the subject and, therefore, the form and details of this book have been given in order to give them basic understanding of the subject.Sections I deals with the history of microbiology, taxonomy, morphology and reproduction of micro-organisms, wherein, a brief account of eukaryotic microorganism is also discussed. Section II covers physiology wherein, a basic account of biochemistry and details of enzyme and metabolic processes in microorganisms is included. Further, certain techniques namely, ELISA and SDGC are also described. Section III deals with microbial genetics. Chapter 14 of this section starts with the basic terms used in genetics & description of nucleic acid. Besides microbial genetics transposable elements and transposition have been given. It also covers molecular biolo. Section IV deals with Applied Microbiology. Human and Plant Diseases have been covered. Detailed account of Immunology, Soil Microbiology, and Indus-trial Microbiology has been included. Geomicrobiology has been treated specially in a chapter separately devoted to it. Section V covers techniques wherein, various types of microscopy, instrumentation and cultural techniques are given. The students of microbiology at present are required to consult a large number of books to grapple with the subject and, therefore, the form and details of this book have been given in order to give them basic understanding of the subject.
Authors Details:
Dr. Jamaluddin
Dr. Jamaluddin is an Ex Director and Head of Forest Pathology Division, Tropical Forestry Research Institute at Jabalpur. He has a Masters and a D.Phil. Degree and a diploma in French. He has also served as a Member of Several Academic Boards and Societies, providing the necessary support towards planning and accomplishment of academic and research initiatives. He has been felicitated with several awards for his contribution to academic field.
Dr. Naveen Malaviya
Table Content:
1 History of Microbiology
2 Taxonomy of Bacteria
3 Cellular Organisation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
4 Bacteria
5 Other Prokaryotes
6 Virus
7 Eukaryotic Microorganisms
8 Biochemistry
9 Enzyme
10 Photosynthesis
11 Respiration
12 Amino Acid Fat and Lipid Metabolism
13 Nutrition and Growth
14 Fundamentals of Genetics
15 Gene Expression
16 Regulation in Gene Expression
17 Genetic Recombination
18 Mutation
19 Genetic Engineering
20 Human Diseases
21 Immunology
22 Food Microbiology
23 Water Microbiology
24 Microbial Ecology and Interactions
25 Biogeochemical cycle
26 Geo Microbiology
27 Air Microbiology
28 Plant Diseases
29 Industrial Microbiology
30 Apparatus and Techniques
31 Microscopy
32 Cultural Techniques
33 Staining Technique
Featured Titles Afforestation of Arid Lands
Soil and Water Conservation in semi-Arid Areas Soil Salinity Assessment-Methods and Interpretation of Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Book Description:
The nature of forest fires, their development and spread depending on the conditions of forest vegetation and a combination of various meteorological factors has been described on the basis of scientifically collected data. The author describes the designs of various fire observation towers and masts, and proposes unique technical methods ensuring the safe ascent of the observer to the top as well as his descent with the minimum expenditure of manpower and also describes technical equipment and methods of detecting and extingui-shing forest fires. While examining the prospect of using television and infrared technique for detecting fires, the author also discusses in detail aerial suppression of forest fires (using airplanes and helicopters), including the method of controlling extensive fires by means of artificially induced rainfall.
Authers Details:
E.S. Artsybashev
Author Details:
Dr. P. Korringa
Table Content:
1. Mullet Farming in Israel
2. "Vallicultura" : mullet farming on the Adriatic coast of northern Italy
3. Farming the milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Indonesia
4. Farming penaeid shrimps in Japan
5. Eel farming in Japan
6. Farming the yellow-tail (Seriola quinqueradiata) in Japan
7. Farming the red sea bream (Chrysophrys major) in Japan
8. Farming rainbow-trout and salmon in the marine environment in Norway
Book Description:
Since independence, the Government of India has established many institutes and allied organizations for rural and agriculture development. Extension workers of state governments, agriculture scientists of under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and agriculture universities and mass media have been educating farmers about scientific techniques. This book presents an overview of the studies on the farmers’ education programmes under ICAR, New Delhi.The book deals with the genesis, extension methods used, farmers’ knowledge and adoption of improved practices, impact in terms of agriculture productivity, operational problems in implementing and suggestion for accelerating farmers’ education about improved farming practices.
The programmes reviewed are all established on sound theories. These can be replicated in countries with similar agro-economic levels of development. The book will also act as a master piece of information for all the graduates and other stakeholders to meet the academic requirement besides satisfying the plethora of needs.The book should prove valuable for the policy makers, administrators and extension workers in this broad spectrum of professional interests.
Authors Details:
Dr. Raghunath Singh
Dr. Raghunath Singh, Principal Scientist (ret.), Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur has more than 35 years experience in research and training in Agriculture Extension. Dr Singh started his professional career at the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad in 1972 where his research projects involved extensive field work in the villages across India. He popularized agro-forestry practices in the arid area of Rajasthan and, equally important, he organized training programmes for the extension workers to enhance their knowledge and skill in agriculture. Dr. Singh has written two manuals on Watershed and Transfer of Dry Land Technology. These are highly valued by the drought prone areas of the country. He is the author of Different Extension System in India. He has attended international workshops in Italy and Thailand. In 1977, he was invited by the FAO , Rome as an expert consultant on the ‘Role of Forestry in Combating Desertification’.