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  1. Physics Lab Equipments 17 Products available
  2. Advance Communication Product 15 Products available
  3. Vocational Training Products 11 Products available
  4. Instrumentation Lab Products 9 Products available
  5. Embedded System Lab Equipment 7 Products available
  6. Test And Measuring Instruments 7 Products available
  7. Generators 6 Products available
  8. Digital Electronic Lab Product 6 Products available
  9. Digital Communication Product 6 Products available
  10. Podium 5 Products available
  11. Others Products / Services 71 Products / Services available

Biomedical Lab Equipments

Our product range contains a wide range of Pacemaker Simulator - Biomedical Lab Equipment, ECG cum Heart Rate Monitor - Biomedical Engineering Equipment, 12 Lead ECG Simulator - Biomedical Trrainer, Working of Medical Ultrasound Machine - Trainer Kit and Heart Rate Measurement Transmission Method - Biomedical Equipment

Pacemaker Simulator - Biomedical Lab Equipment

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Country of Origin Indore, M.P.
  • Model Number Scientech 2361
  • Brand Name Scientech
The rhythmic beating of the heart is due to the triggering pulses that originate in an area of specialized tissue in the right atrium of the heart. This area is known as (SA-Node) Sino-Atrial Node. In abnormal situations, if this natural pacemaker ceases to function, or becomes unreliable, or if the triggering pulses are not reaching the heart muscles because of blocking by the damage tissues, the natural and normal synchronization of the heart action gets disturbed. When monitored, this manifests itself through a decrease in the heart rate and changes in the Electrocardiogram (ECG) waveforms. By giving external electrical stimulations impulses to the heart muscles, it is possible to regulate the heart rate.These impulses are given by an electronic instrument called as Pacemaker. Scientech Techbook 2361 Pacemaker Simulator is capable of producing diseased as well as corrected possible waveforms after the Pacemaker action, depends on connectivity of Pacemaker Lead Electrode to the heart electrical conduction system (SA - node, AV â node).

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Delivery Time : 4 Weeks

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ECG Cum Heart Rate Monitor - Biomedical Engineering Equipment

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Country of Origin Indore, M.P.
  • Model Number Scientech 2351
  • Brand Name Scientech
ECG cum Heart-rate monitor Scientech Techbook 2351 provides the in-depth study of Electrocardiogram, ECG standard leads configuration and the measurement of the heart-rate i.e. number of ECG pulses (heartbeats) per minute. Scientech Techbook 2351 enables the Electrocardiogram observation by affixing Biomedical Electrodes to the human body in standard bipolar leads configuration. The Heart-rate monitor receives each ECG observation (heartbeat) i.e. detects the electrical action executed by the heart of a subject (human body) and displays the heart-rate as the number of heartbeats per minute. Scientech Techbook 2351 also monitors the abnormalities occur in the human cardiovascular system which is Tachycardia (faster heart-rate) and Bradycardia (slower heart rate) using visible controls. It also facilitates the real-time acquisition of raw data (ECG) and their corresponding measurements by its real time Analysis Software.

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Delivery Time : 4 Weeks

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12 Lead ECG Simulator - Biomedical Trrainer

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color black
  • Country of Origin Indore, MP
  • Model Number Scientech 2352A
  • Brand Name Scientech
  • Certificate ISO 9001-2008
  • Name 12 Lead ECG Simulator
  • Generating R ange : 30-300 hear tbeats/minute
  • ECG Amplitude R ange : 200mV - 4V DC.
  • Hear tbeat indication : Both LED and Audible (Buzzer) controls
12 Lead ECG Simulator Scientech Techbook 2352A provides a quick, accurate measurement of all 12 leads including both Unipolar and Bipolar configurations for verifying the performance of real-time ECG monitoring. It illustrates the fundamentals of standard limbs (unipolar and bipolar) and chest leads interpretation and rhythm recognition in an easy-to-use manner. ECG rhythms produced by Scientech Techbook 2352A can be changed in specific boundaries (heart-rate, amplitude). Scientech Techbook 2352A also demonstrates ECG observation comprising P, Q, R, S, T, U (U wave is only for lead II) waves in different leads arrangements. It is compatible with ECG cum Heart Rate Monitor Scientech Techbook 2351 which receives the ECG signals generated by Scientech Techbook 2352A and measures the heart rate as the number of heartbeats per minute. The abnormalities occurring in the human cardiovascular system like Tachycardia (faster heart-rate) and Bradycardia (slower heart rate) can also be studied. Scientech Techbook 2352A is also capable of illustrating all 12 leads of ECG simultaneously at a single point, where all waveforms can be observed which help you in the understanding of ECG graph interpretation.

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Payment Terms : T/T

Packaging Details : Dimensions

Delivery Time : 6 Weeks

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Working Of Medical Ultrasound Machine - Trainer Kit

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Scientech
  • Country of Origin Indore, M.P.
  • Model Number Scientech 2364
Digital portable ultrasound system adopts 3.5 MHz electronic convex array probe and introduces the image processing technologies such as the changeable aperture, dynamic changes of marks, the multistage electronic focus, the dynamic filter, image enhancement, different types of correlations etc. The instrument manly applies in the dynamic image diagnosis of the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys urinary bladder, pancreatic glands and so on, as well as the gynecology and obstetrics examinations. The instrument can not be used in the internal organs examination like stomach, intestine and lungs which contains the gases. Scientech 2364 Working of Medical Ultrasound Machine is designed in such a manner that it provides full technical information of both medical and electronic parts. Students can learn different techniques for the analysis of ultrasound imaging.

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Payment Terms : T/T

Delivery Time : 6 Month

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Heart Rate Measurement Transmission Method - Biomedical Equipment

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Country of Origin Indore, M.P.
  • Model Number Scientech 2357
  • Brand Name Scientech
Every time the heart muscles contract, blood is ejected from the ventricles and a pulse of pressure is transmitted through the circulatory system. When this pulse is travelling through the vessels, it causes vessel`s wall displacement, which is measurable at various points on the peripheral circulatory system. The pulse can be felt by placing finger tip over the radial artery in the wrist or some other location of the body. The pulse pressure and waveform indicates the blood pressure and flow. Instrument used to detect the arterial pulse and pulse pressure waveform in the extremities are called Plethysmograph. The pulse gives a measure of pulse wave velocity and can be recorded and compared with the ECG signal. The pulse wave travels at 5 to 15m/s, depending on the size and rigidity of the arterial wall. Larger and more rigid the artery wall, greater is the velocity.

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Delivery Time : 4 Weeks

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