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2 Products availableIndustrial Drilling Machine
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1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Diesel or Electric Concrete Trailer Pumps, High Powered Schwing Sludge Pumps and Muck Pumps.
The motor (Diesel or Electric) drives the axial piston pump via a flexible coupling. Due to automatic output adjustment optimum utilization of the motor power, resulting in low energy consumption at differing pumping condition. Additionally the concrete flow can be manually adjusted. The pump operates in a proven open circuit.
The maximum placing output and the pressure are determined by the construction sites. Between these two values automatic adjustment by the governor occurs maintaining a constant output depending on the power available from the installed drive motor.
The portable concrete pumps are assembled in the unit construction system. The main assembly groups are: Frame, Power unit, Concrete pump kit, Control block, Hydraulic tank and Hopper with agitator.
A machine in our case a sludgepump-turns into a system in ourcase a sludge conveying system.The problems facing our customershave changed gradually over the lastdecades and according to the abovementioned pattern.A small example of the requirements is shown in the illustration below.Your task begins, for example, withthe transportation by truck and ends. With the (almost) complete disposalof the sludge.At Schwing, you will find competentdialogue partners who understandyour problem in a personal meetingand who will prepare solutions together with you.The pipe transport of sludgesshowing very different consistenciesand compositions is such a complexfield that it makes system designbased on experience a prime necessity.
SCHWING has gained extensiveexperience through decades of involvementin this area. In addition, wehave developed important basic dataand principles through selectedresearch-based investigations, forexample regarding pressure loss, filling degree, rheologic behavior ofsludges as a function of pumpingpressure, pumping distance andpumping speed. The know-how gained at SCHWINGand by its staff ensures a customized, economic and environment friendlysolution to the pumpingproblem.
SCHWING is one of the leading manufacturers of sludge pumps and provides turnkey solutions for the transport and storage of sludges as well as materials with a high solids content. A detailed customer-oriented project planning and an effective design go hand in hand with a thorough consultation that rounds off the full scope of the competent SCHWING Team.
For the optimum results, SCHWING relies on the in-house production of all major components such as piston pumps, electric& control systems, silos, continuous dosing and mixing devices, double screw conveyors, pipelines, and accessories. You can rely on SCHWING to support its customer long after & delivery and start-up. Our after sales care includes Training and Service for all your project needs.