Our Products
2 Products availableIndustrial Drilling Machine
1 Products availableTrucks
1 Products availableConcrete Mixers
1 Products availableConveyors
1 Products availableNuts Bolts And Fasteners
1 Products availableRulers
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Nimo Truck Mixers, Mobile Mixing Plants, Stetter Horizontal Concrete Mixing Plants, SCHWING Rock Valve and Cubic Truck Mixers.
5 Ton
SCHWING Stetter India with its expertise inconcreting the world for last 80 years has joined itshand with World renowned constructionequipment manufacturer XCMG for introducingadvanced construction equipment in India.
SCHWING - XCMG introduces range of TowerCranes which withstand the extreme conditions inconstruction sites. These highly adaptable fasterrectingTower Cranes are designed with severalfeatures to handle high-rise projects.
The towercranes made by SCHWING - XCMG comes invarious capacities and types ranging from 5 tonand 6 tons. With free standing height of 35 metersthe tower crane can withstand up to 1.3 ton tip loadand 5 ton at minimum radius of 2.4 meters.
Wherever construction sites have to be supplied for any length of time with larger quantities of high-quality concrete, mobile mixing plants from Stetter are ideal. It does not matter whether they are used for the construction of traffic routes, dams, landfills or airports, the M series plants have been designed to handle the task. They can be quickly moved, transported on high-bed trailers and quickly set up again, thanks to the fully installed, pre-assembled compact units. The current development status of the Mobile plant benefits from our vast experience worldwide. The M21-Z and M30-Z plants are equipped with Pan mixer and achieves a productive capacity of approx. 21 and 30 cum compacted concrete per hour respectively.
Pan mixers allow you to produce quality concrete of all consistencies within a short mixing time and with low energy input, as they mix intensively with short mixing paths both horizontally and vertically. The spring mounted mixing arms are protected against wear by means of polyurethane sleeves. The mixing trough is lined with a replaceable inner wall, outer wall and floor wearing plates.The cover of the mixer can be opened up to 50% during cleaning and maintenance work. The mixer can be emptied simply via the slide or trapdoor.
No matter which plant you opt for: these are the advantages you receive, thanks to the modular system of the Stetter mobile mixing plant.Fast assembly and disassembly.Easily accessible.Compact and easy to maintain.Economical, reliable, perfect.Optional mounting of an ice weigher in M30-Z only.Optional mounting of a powder weigher in M30-Z onlyEasy Assembly for Better Efficiency
The plant is delivered to the construction site on a high bed trailer. Only a mobile crane is required for the erection. The plant components with hinged joints are set up with a crane, positioned and mounted without requiring any welding. The pivoted upper part is then brought into the final position. The support of the upper part is firmly attached to the foundation with locking bolts.
Control System:
M21-Z batching plant comes with an option of MCI 55 control unit and M30-Z batching plant comes with an option of MCI 70 version 3.1 control unit.
Additive Weigher:
On request, we will equip our mixers with single chamber additive weigher in M21-Z and two chamber additive weigher in M30-Z mixing plant.
Water Weigher:
The dosing of the mixing water is achieved automatically by means of a weighing system. The water system is designed so that you can use fresh water, recycled water or hot water without difficulty.
Ice Weigher:
The ice weigher is used for the weighing of flake ice. At the bottom the side walls are sloped outwards which ensures the complete discharge of the container. This option is available in M30-mixing plant only.
Rear ripper, Frontdozer blade and Mid - mounted ripper comes as optional attachments with every grader. These are hydraulically operated. The rippers can accommodate up to 11 teeth.
Overload Protection Worm-Gear Case:The torque for operating the mold board is transmitted through a unique gear box, which not only transmits the torque but also acts as an overload protection by a patented slip mechanism for the board.
Slew Bearing:Slew bearing of turn table is compact in structure and fully enclosed type. This gives an advantage of operating it in a dusty environment. The steel material provides lesser wear, longer service life and this is maintenance free structure.
Adjustable Spout with Double Slide-Way Mechanism:Two adjustable slide ways are provided at the top and bottom of the blade to improve precision during maximum shoulder reach of the blade.
The motor (Diesel or Electric) drives the axial piston pump via a flexible coupling. Due to automatic output adjustment optimum utilization of the motor power, resulting in low energy consumption at differing pumping condition. Additionally the concrete flow can be manually adjusted. The pump operates in a proven open circuit.
The maximum placing output and the pressure are determined by the construction sites. Between these two values automatic adjustment by the governor occurs maintaining a constant output depending on the power available from the installed drive motor.
The portable concrete pumps are assembled in the unit construction system. The main assembly groups are: Frame, Power unit, Concrete pump kit, Control block, Hydraulic tank and Hopper with agitator.
Presenting the Nimo, the anytime, anywhere mixer. This revolutionary product is the only mixer which ispermitted to transport concrete during daytime.
Zoom to the site!
This mixer is mountable on any truck with a wheelbase of 3200mm. This small mixer can move far quicker through the heavy traffic prevalent in cities.
Constant concreting!
Concrete on the go is a key factor today that has helped the RMC industry evolve. Transit mixers are the most visible among the range of 3 concreting equipment. But the common 6 m class Transit Mixers are not being allowed to ply inside city roads during the peak hours. It is because the Transit Mixers are offered on 16 tonner &higher capacity trucks which is classified as HCVs. 3 Schwing Stetter's Nimo, a 3 m .
TransitMixers mounted on a 10 tonner truck (with 8.25 X 20 tyres) comes under the LCV category. Thus enables a continous concreting. Nimo is also ideal for delivering small loads of concrete to sites where it is not economically viable to send a larger mixer. The small size also means that it can enter narrower roads to deliver concrete. So if you want a quick moving mixer that can deliver concrete anywhere, anytime, the Nimo is the product for you. Contact us in the numbers/email Ids given below or contact your Schwing Stetter representative for further details.
Mobile Mixing Plants M0.75 / M1 / M1.25 / m2 / m2.25
Wherever construction sites have to the supplied for any length of time with larger quantities of high-quality concrete, mobile mixing plants from Stetter provides special efficiency. It does not matter whether they are used for the construction of traffic routes, dams, landfills or airports, the M series plants have been designed to handle the task. They can be quickly moved, transported on low-bed semi-trailers and quickly set up again, thanks to the fully installed, pre-assembled compact units. The current development status of the M1 plant has benefitted from our experience with more than 500 mobile plants worldwide. The proven basic concept of mobility has not changed.
The M1 is equipped with Pan mixer and 1.25/2/2.25 is with Twin shaft mixer. The output ranges from 56 cu.m to 100 cu.m per hour thus making it comparable with medium sized stationary plants.
Horizontal Concrete Mixing Plants HN 1 to HN 4
Stetter Horizontalconcrete mixing plants HN 1.25 to HN 6 incorporate the experience of over 45 years in mixing plant technology.
Depending on the requirements, the HN-type series is equipped with a pan mixer or a twin-shaft mixer. While designing the plant, high impor tance was attached to the access thereby facilitating maintenance. In addition, the generously dimensioned space allows this plant to be offered in a wide variety which can be taken from a modular system. H 5 H 6 are plants are for mass requirements, which can be suited to the individual demands by adapting the design.
SCHWING Rock Valve
Manufactured by SCHWING Stetter India in jointly with SCHWING engineers from Germany. The patented RL Rock Valve is the result of years of research and experience in concrete and is universally acknowledged to be the best concreting valve.
The Schwing Rock valve has proven itself over many years and in countless applications to be the epitome of economy in the world of concrete valves. The rock valve is patented by Schwing and it powers majority of pumps manufactured by Schwing.
The valve system has several advantages which has made it as a favorite of contractors worldwide. The Rock is robust and easy to service. It is subject to natural wear when pumping concrete and can then be rebuilt with hard-face welding which makes it multi-economical.
6 cubic meterseries concrete Truck Mixers
Quality for all requirements
Stetter truck mixers are the result of experience gained over decades accompanied by permanent advancement and optimization. They incorporate the know-how from a production of more than 60, 000 truck mixers which have proved to be reliable concrete mixer all over the world. Stetter truck mixers are characterized by low-maintenance technology in a modern design, simple handling, cost minimizing in maintenance and service, efficiency and excellent cost effectiveness.
Mature Technology in Functional design
With Stetter truck mixers of the C and N version, the time spent on filling, discharging and cleaning is reduced to a minimum, thus you save time and money. Stetter truck mixers are available with mechanical orelectronic control unit. Reliable drive components guarantee smooth operation. The truck mixers are available with a nominal volume of 6 to 10 m3 with slave engine or PTO driven.High Loading volume thanks to high water lineOptimum drive characteristics thanks to a low center of gravity of the mixerWear-resistant plates in feed hopper, discharge shell and swivel chute5 mm mixing spirals in the main wear zonesStetter T-protect wear protection (30 x 8 mm) on the mixing spirals
Trailer Line
Truck mixer body and semi-trailer have been optimally coordinated to form compact units guaranteeing a high loading volume, high payloads and optimum driving characteristics thanks to a low center of gravity. Stetter truck mixers of the Trailer Line are built in modular construction and can therefore be optimally adapted to the individual tractor unit. The semi-trailers are available as 2 or 3 axle versions with 9 or 10 tons technically permissible axle loads. They are state of the ar t and have features such as axles retarded by disc-brakes and ABS, EBS system, air suspension. Road stability system (RSS) upon request.
The truck mixers are available with a nominal volume of 10 m3.
Wherever concrete is produced and moved, SCHWING Stetter products are employed. Stetter Self Loading mixer is the result of experience gained over decades accompanied by permanent advancement and optimisation. Stetter Self Loading mixer is off highway rough terrain machine which can be operated by one person. The machine comes with electronic weigh batching and has a typical concrete output of 12 to 14 m3 / hr.
Special Feature
Enginecylinder, water cooled, turbo-charged after cooler diesel engine - 80.9kw @ 2500 rpm.
ShovelHydraulic Cylinders activate 600L capacity loading Shovel. Single joystick control for easy loading and quick unloading shovel Gate operations.
Transmission4 Wheel Drive, 4 Speed automotive type Hydrostatic transmission. Electro- hydraulic control for slow& fast speeds and Inching operation.
DrumHydrostatic Drum Drive with high rotation for homogenous mix, drum lift and slew for discharge concrete all around the machine on any terrain.
E-Weigh BatchingThe different aggregate, sand, cement can be weighed accurately by the electronic weigh batching system
Ergonomic ControlsEase of operation by conveniently located Electronic/ Hydraulic Switches, each for Travel, Gear Shift and Drum rotation. Hand lever provided for Drum Lift and Drum Slewing, Joy Stick provided for Shovel Arm Lift, Shovel tilt and Shovel Gate operation.
GradeabilityHigh level of gradeability to make tough environment look easy
Wherever concrete is produced and moved, SCHWING Stetter products are employed. Stetter Self Loading mixer is the result of experience gained over decades accompanied by permanent advancement and optimization. Stetter Self Loading mixer is off highway rough terrain machine which can be operated by one person. The machine comes with electronic weigh batching and has a typical concrete output of 12 to 14 m3 / hr.
Special Feature
cylinder, water cooled, turbo-charged after cooler diesel engine - 80.9kw @ 2500 rpm.
Hydraulic Cylinders activate 600L capacity loading Shovel. Single joystick control for easy loading and quick unloading shovel Gate operations.
4 Wheel Drive, 4 Speed automotive type Hydrostatic transmission. Electro- hydraulic control for slow& fast speeds and Inching operation.
Hydrostatic Drum Drive with high rotation for homogenous mix, drum lift and slew for discharge concrete all around the machine on any terrain.
E-Weigh Batching
The different aggregate, sand, cement can be weighed accurately by the electronic weigh batching system
Ergonomic Controls
Ease of operation by conveniently located Electronic/ Hydraulic Switches, each for Travel, Gear Shift and Drum rotation. Hand lever provided for Drum Lift and Drum Slewing, Joy Stick provided for Shovel Arm Lift, Shovel tilt and Shovel Gate operation.
High level of gradeability to make tough environment look easy
Horizontal Concrete Mixing Plants HN 1.25 to HN 6
Stetter Horizontalconcrete mixing plantsHN 1.25 to HN 6 incorporate the experience of over 45 years in mixing plant technology.
Depending on the requirements, the HN-type series is equipped with a pan mixer or a twin-shaft mixer. While designing the plant, high importance was attached to the access thereby facilitating maintenance. In addition, the generously dimensioned space allows this plant to be offered in a wide variety which can be taken from a modular system. H 5 H 6 are plants are for mass requirements, which can be suited to the individual demands by adapting the design.
Schwing Circular Distributors RVH 18 :
RVH18 is a concrete distributor with DN 125 pipeline and bends with SCHWING interchangeable pipe couplings. This distributor is with 3-section hydraulic boom, has four self-supporting legs, foldable to make it within transport dimensions. The lightweight design of pedestal and split boom design enables easy lifting, keeping control of assembly weight in minimum.
RVH18 boom can reach 18 meters, with 3m concrete Hose fixed at the end. The leg can be placed on floor or barge or can be fixed in slip-form base.
The RVH18 is provided with a sophisticated remote control system with electric motor power pack. The movements of the boom can be controlled precisely. The counter weight for all operation with power pack isresting on a slewing base column.Suitable safety devices are provided to ensure accident-free and safe operation of the stationary boom.
RVH18 will enhance the mechanized concrete pouring and can avoid the cumbersome process of laying the pipelines. This can speed up the RVH18 will enhance the mechanized concrete pouring and can avoid the cumbersome process of laying the pipelines. This can speed up the concrete pours with reduced manpower.
Pumping Solutions for Waste Water Treatment Plants
Greater reliability and efficiency with SCHWING sludge pump systems
Cities, regions and many businesses worldwide employ Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) for the purification of their waste water, thereby making an active contribution to the protection of the environment. But the reliability of the Treatment Plant greatly affects the operational safety and efficiency of up- and downstream systems.
Generally, pumping the accruing sludge is a fundamental process in the operation of the plant and it is mainly focused to be a safe and reliable operation. Thereby, high demands on the machines engaged.
Thus, for decades plant operators have put their trust in SCHWING sludge pump systems (KSP) for pumping sludge. By full-filling their trust we have manufactured sludge pump systems with operational safety of the WWTP, and with low-wear design to keep maintenance costs as low as possible.
A machine in our case a sludgepump-turns into a system in ourcase a sludge conveying system.The problems facing our customershave changed gradually over the lastdecades and according to the abovementioned pattern.A small example of the requirements is shown in the illustration below.Your task begins, for example, withthe transportation by truck and ends. With the (almost) complete disposalof the sludge.At Schwing, you will find competentdialogue partners who understandyour problem in a personal meetingand who will prepare solutions together with you.The pipe transport of sludgesshowing very different consistenciesand compositions is such a complexfield that it makes system designbased on experience a prime necessity.
SCHWING has gained extensiveexperience through decades of involvementin this area. In addition, wehave developed important basic dataand principles through selectedresearch-based investigations, forexample regarding pressure loss, filling degree, rheologic behavior ofsludges as a function of pumpingpressure, pumping distance andpumping speed. The know-how gained at SCHWINGand by its staff ensures a customized, economic and environment friendlysolution to the pumpingproblem.
SCHWING is one of the leading manufacturers of sludge pumps and provides turnkey solutions for the transport and storage of sludges as well as materials with a high solids content. A detailed customer-oriented project planning and an effective design go hand in hand with a thorough consultation that rounds off the full scope of the competent SCHWING Team.
For the optimum results, SCHWING relies on the in-house production of all major components such as piston pumps, electric& control systems, silos, continuous dosing and mixing devices, double screw conveyors, pipelines, and accessories. You can rely on SCHWING to support its customer long after & delivery and start-up. Our after sales care includes Training and Service for all your project needs.
6 Ton
SCHWING Stetter India with its expertise inconcreting the world for last 80 years has joined itshand with World renowned constructionequipment manufacturer XCMG for introducingadvanced construction equipment in India.
SCHWING - XCMG introduces range of TowerCranes which withstand the extreme conditions inconstruction sites. These highly adaptable fasterrectingTower Cranes are designed with severalfeatures to handle high-rise projects.
The towercranes made by SCHWING - XCMG comes invarious capacities and types ranging from 5 tonand 6 tons. With free standing height of 35 metersthe tower crane can withstand up to 1.3 ton tip loadand 5 ton at minimum radius of 2.4 meters.
Hydraulic System | |
Controls | Polit operated |
Main Pump Type | Gear Pump |
Main Relief Valve pressure | 175 Bar |
Raise Time | ≤6 sec |
Dump Time | ≤1 sec |
Float down time | ≤4 sec |
Total Cycle time | ≤11 sec |
Dimensions | |
Length with Bucket Down | 8165 mm |
Width over Tires | 3000 mm |
Wheel base | 3300 mm |
Wheel Tread | 2250 mm |
Ground clearance | 450 mm |
Turn Angle, Either side | 35 |
Maximum Grade ability | 30 |
Turning radius, outside of tire | 6720 mm |
Turning radius, Centre of tire | 6400 mm |
Turning radius, Bucket carry | 7200 mm |
Dimensions | |
Length with bucket down | 7050 mm |
Width over tires | 2300 mm |
Wheel base | 2600 mm |
Wheel tread | 1850 mm |
Ground clearance | 400 mm |
Turn angle, either side | 35 |
Maximum gradeability | 28 |
Turning radius, outside of tire | 5420 mm |
Turning radius, centre of tire | 5162 mm |
Turning radius, bucket carry | 6060 mm |
Hydraulic System | |
Main pump type | Gear Pump |
Main relief valve pressure | 160 bar |
Raise time | 5.8 sec |
Dump time | 4 sec |
Float down time | 0.9 sec |
Total cycle time | 10.7 sec |
Schwing Stetter is prominent in manufacturing cold milling machines with full hydraulic driving design attributes. The product is especially suitable for the maintenance and construction of city road and grade one or two highway. XM1003 series of the milling machine is our company first ideal model upgraded with four-wheel drive, small size, and large milling depth.
These cold milling machines are used for the fast, efficient removal of asphalt and for constructing roads and concrete pavements. In doing so, they create an extraordinary construction of new surface courses of uniform layer. With that, milling these individual pavement layers allows the material to be reclaimed in a particular process and is separated into the different mix types.
Schwing Stetter offers a comprehensive range of products to cater various multitudes of products and solutions to meet the different market-specific requirements of the construction. Schwing Stetters high level of customer-driven engineering expertise guarantees innovations in every product which meets all market demands.
Schwing Stetter supply products that are economically suitable and stands as the best solution not only to road widths, maximum transport weights but also for seasonal climates and infrastructure.
This new asphalt milling machine has special and notable features that are given as follows,
The four round of the whole automatic is a significant increase in the braking effect of the whole machine, to ensure the safety of the construction.
Large steering ensures small turning radius and flexible steering making the milling machine (asphalt) to perform efficiently.
The right leg rotation way, meet the narrow welt milling construction requirements.
The scientific layout of the operating table shows that the operation is simple, easy to use and easy to have a good visual field of work.
Schwing Stetter exhibits its most prominent techniques in the constructional area and has already set the record in manufacturing most of the constructional equipments with the trailblazing features which are compact and applicable to every concrete and constructional works.As arotary drilling rig manufacturerwe fabricate equipments that are not only designed based on the state-of-art culture but also in the most innovative manner. It is of no wonder; you can find Schwing Stetter in all constructional fields or roads since they yield the best in the civil world at most competitive prices.
We have launched a new X series of ROTARY DRILLING RIG used for pilling of highway, railway, bridges, buildings and other construction to drill the concrete cast-in-situ piles. They can be easily handled and mobilized without any heavy work load and they fit to any constructional environment without requiring much time to setup in the field.
Schwing Stetter as arotary drilling rig manufacturerhave fabricated the machine with advanced technology that helps reducing more manual input in the constructional area. Some of the features are given and explained as follows,
Single layer rope windingThe XR220D/XR220DII possesses single layer rope winding in main winch.We as a rotary drilling manufacturer have particularly inhibited this feature in a well-manner since it can gradually increase the rope life thereby increasing the service life of the rig. They are rigid and are efficient with increased operating speed.
Infrared cameraThe infrared camera is attached inside the cab to observe the main winch operation at day and night. The manipulator can manipulate the winch winding and the steep of rope while drilling.
Support cylinderThis support cylinder can be easily coupled and are especially used while drilling tanks, pipes etc. with the aid of super punches.
Box -type steel structureThe highly strengthened box-type steel structure design makes the mast highly rigid; therefore the drill accuracy is improved.As well as, the patented parallelogram articulation structure actualizes a wider work range.
Centralized lubrication systemStandard centralized lubrication system allows easier maintenance without any breakdown since all the critical parts are lubricated at the correct intervals and ensures the safe operation of the machine. Also it accounts for the low energy consumption with high-level safety. In addition, the rotary drilling rig machine has passed CE certification of TV Rheinland group.
Optional configuration according to customers requirement (E.g., automatic positioning of slewing, crowd winch with CFA, hydraulic casing oscillator, DTH hammer) are available and has good compatibility with the standard machine.As a supplier of XR220D / XR220DII, this equipment is powered by supercharged CUMMINS engine with European III emission norms, meets the environmental pollution and energy conservation norms.
Engine Model
Rotary Drive
Drilling Dimensions
Main Winch
Operating Weight
Schwing Stetter conquers the best place in the manufacturing industry for decades and has succeeded in providing many customer-oriented products. The Aerial work platform is our recent work partnered with XCMG which allows the users to work efficiently under various civil constructional areas. This work platform is designed with a small boundary dimension and wide working range, that allows strong obstacle climbing ability with simple safe and reliable operation.
Our manufacturers have designed the machinery with electric low-meter crank arm and electric shear fork in the aspec of safety and suitability at various constructional fields. Since this elevated work platform is used in the inaccessible heights (from 4m-56m) they are widely used in the construction, repair, and maintenance of plant, fire-fighting industry, warehouses, airports, municipal engineering etc.
This work platform uses two types of lifts Articulated and straight boom which aims at meeting customer demand with advanced motion optimization control program. They are easy to use and maintain and possess comprehensive safety protection inbuilt with it. The floating steering axle technology allows the operator to achieve balance adjustment, especially during the weight and man lift. Their positioning is accurate, safe and reliable adopting humanized operating space and lubrication free design.
Schwing Stetter manufactures equipment that are rigid and robust in nature contributing high service life with best steering and axle technology. One of the unique characteristics of the machinery is their adaptability in the constructional area i.e. they are compact, easily mobilized, and can be installed quickly regardless of their sizes. This equipment comes in different sizes and range based on the heights requirements and loading configurations. It is mandatory to have an aerial work platform if the work height exceeds 3m from the ground. This boom lift help in lifting weights, people, and other components easily and are opted for manual safety to maintain the risk-free environment.
Some of the prime features to specify are given below,
type boom design improves the operational efficiency even in narrow space i.e. repositioning doesnt take place since our zero tail swing can guarantee rotation within a limited space.
Their four-wheel drive with perfusion tyres and road adaptability features makes this product stand apart using the latest floating steering axle technology. The off-road chassis can be configured flexibly according to the road type.
Easy to use control panel and the ergonomic operational interface allows the operator to understand and operate efficiently thereby reducing the training period of these technologies.
type double link jib has characteristics of compact structure and flexible extension both vertically and horizontally with strong obstacle climbing ability.The 180_rotatable platform provides bigger operation range. Narrow type rotary table with compact structure can achieve Zero tail wagging.
The digital friendly control panel allows the user to control the full range operation visually making the operation simple.The Electro-Hydraulic proportional system control is accurate and efficient.Protective measures such as chassis incline protection, platform overload alarming, emergency landing, safety speed limit, flexible start-up technology are provided.
Allows strong driving power and increased road adaptability resulting in maximum climbing grade of 45%, which is of the highest level in the industry. To particularly specify, the cherry picker is the best kind among all mobilized lifts.
Since the Aerial work platform differs in size each of them has the specific range and work load to carry out.
Schwing Stetter manufacture four different type of platforms given below with different specifications,
When the pump is in operation, the basic causes of wear resulted due to the following 3 actions on cutting rings and wear inserts.
To increase the service life of the components and to reduce maintenance cost, Schwing has introduced Carbide and HM parts to overcome the above patterns.
The Horizontal Directional Drilling of Schwing Stetter comes with two different models i.e. HDD-XZ320D and HDD-XZ200 each with large and small sizes. These drilling machines are superior in performance and are economic while comparing the other equipment used. They account for the best steerable trenchless method in installing various underground cables, pipes like oil and water lines etc. with minimal impact on the surrounding areas. They are environmentally safe, provide less traffic disruption and consume low completion time for installation.
Schwing Stetter manufacture and supplies this equipment at a very low capital compared to other costlier methods used in drilling. They fabricate the machine with best innovative features that focus on reducing the manual workload with secure operational measures. Whether it is performance preference or operational characteristics Schwing Stetter stands as the best choice always.
The HDD XZ320D / HDD-XZ200 come with two size range and have the performance characteristics based on the configurations and they are listed as follows,
1.Performance Characteristics of Small HDD drillingAutomatic loading and unloading of drill rods saves the manpower and improve drilling efficiency.
Automatic loading and unloading of drill rods saves the manpower and improve drilling efficiency.
Automatic loading and unloading of drill rods saves the manpower and improve drilling efficiency.
Overall dimensions of horizontal drilling
Engine China III
Fluid capacities
Drilling fluid system
Overall dimensions of directional boring
Fluid capacities
Drilling fluid system
Direct interfacing of weighingload cellswith the PLC - Modules.
Membrane key buttons.
Alarm pop-up facility in both HMI and Laptop.
SMS of critical alarms and production details.
Generic Interfacing with third party software for SAP interface (Optional).
Option to integrate with Schwing 996weigh bridgesystem.
The MCI 70N batching plant is controlled by SIMATIC S7 PLC and HMI interface.Usercan easily access the HMI via function keys. The user can quickly access the required menu by symbols and clearly marked buttons Alarm pop-up facility in both HMI and Laptop. Full online status in HMI unit In the event of power failure, the remaining batches can be viewed through HMI unit after resuming of power. Full featured recipe editing control through HMI i.e, data change, copy & delete operations. Full featured Auto and Manual calibration of all weighers.
Instead of pushbuttonsmembrane key has been introduced in MCI 70N VERSION 3.1. These membrane keys are used to operate the plant in manual mode. The key is built-in with indication LED that gives status of thecurrentoperated function
Water Chilling PlantWherever concrete is produced and moved, where you will find Schwing Stetter Machinery. Within India, Germany, Austria, USA, Brazil, Russia, China as well more than 100 sales and service facilities, the every application is what makes Schwing-Stetter the No.1 system supplied for concrete machinery worldwide.
Why Chilled Concrete is required?In hot weather countries like India, the concrete temperature is an important concern. Quality, Strength, and Durability of High-performance concrete and mass concrete mainly depend on its temperature from the time of delivery up to the time of curing. Hot weather can lead to many problems in mixing, placing and curing of concrete. American concrete institute (ACI) committee 305 defines hot weather concrete as any combination of high ambient temperature, low relative humidity, wind velocity and solar radiation; the effects of any combination of the above can lead to rapid evaporation of moisture, which is the primary cause of plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete.
SCHWING Stetter Mobile Concrete Conveyor F 12
Schwing Stetter F 12 belt conveyor is a product of unmatched value it can place various bulk materials as well as place unpumpable concrete. The main advantage with this machine is, one can save time and labour cost for placing concrete. The conveyor can handle concrete of slump 20mm to 200mm and bulk materials including sand, gravel that can be placed in screed.
Heavy duty steel belt arm with superior swivel angle
Keeping the rising fuel costs in mind, Stetter has built the machine with lightweight fine-grained steel to ensure reduce overall load. The specially engineered belt is made of the finest components and is not affected by cement paste and contact corrosion for a very long service life.
SCHWING 997 Truck Scale
Your Truck Scale is the most important investment at your facility. It acts as your cash register, your measure for materialreconciliation, inventory planning and profit protection from inward of raw material to out bound finished RMC. Your truckscale should be rugged, accurate and reliable while offering you the lowest cost of ownership.
Process Integration
One stop solution for real timematerial reconciliation andInventory Planning at RMC andConstruction sites. Multiple batching plants can beintegrated at project sites. Real time cross checking ofaccuracy of batching plant andtruck scale.Standalone usage for all othernonconcrete material weighmentlike steel etc., at project sites.Customized inventory inward andmaterial outward reports.
Rugged, Accurate & Reliable
Exclusively designed for weighingof high axle load vehicles at RMCInfrastructure, Construction, Portsand Project sites.Highest accuracy, greater reliabilityand less maintenance.Outstanding resistance to wear andcorrosive atmospheres at projectsites.User friendly weighing softwareCompatible to ERP / SAPWeb Camera Integration optionPrecast civil foundation optionApproval from RRSL, Govt of India.
Composite Design
Composite design of steel andconcrete. Concrete to stay incompression and tensional forcesare handled by the high strengthsteel structure below the concretetop deck.Complete Bolted design ensuresquick and easy assembling, dismantling, transporting andre-assembling at project sites.Self-checking & center loadedswing link mounted andhermitically sealed heavy dutyDouble Ended Shear Beam Loadcells. Platform Size.