Our Products
1 Products availableHeat Exchanger Parts
1 Products availableGas Plants
1 Products availableIndustrial Air Conditioner & Devices
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of SIGMASTAR Evaporator Systems, SIGMASTAR Concentration plants, sigma shell laser welded shells, SIGMATEC Dealcoholization plants and SIGMA VACUUM Deaeration plants
For concentration of solution up to 3.000 cp, starch products, fruit purees, suspensions, extracts, vegetable- and fruit juices.
For the pasteurization for the aseptic cold-filling of fruit juices, still or carbonated refreshment drinks, concentrates, syrup and other products with a high acid content. Plants designed ace. to the characteristics of the products with SIGMA plate heat exchangers.Heat recovery up to 96 %A combination with SIGMAVAC-deaer-ation plants is possible.
For the concentration of fruit juices and pulps as the most economical method for their biological processing and storaging. At the same time, the aromas can be recovered.
For the treatment of fluids, vapors and gases | |
Exchange area 1, 5 up to 700 m2 | |
Operating temperatures -200 up to 550 C | |
Viscosities up to 8.000 mPa s |
Designed for application such ascooling of wort and green beerwort heatingdeepcooling of beer before the filtrationcooling of wine for the precipitation of potassium bitartrateheating of wine and liqueurs to be warm-filled with SIGMA plate heat exchangers
For the reduction of the percentage of alcohol or removal of alcohol from beer, wine and champagne.
For the pasteurization during the aseptic processing of dairy products as well as various kinds of cream and pudding, jam, honey, apple-puree, fruit and vegetable purees, tomato-pulp, ketchup, mayonnaise and other egg-products, vinegar and sauces. Plants with SIGMA-plate heat exchangers for viscous, pasty, fibrous and lumpy products. Heat recovery up to 96 %. These plants can be combined with SIGMAVAC - deaeration plants.
In order to obtain the original taste of the product and to improve the quality by removing the air and oxygen from milk and cream, honey, baby food, fruit pulp, vegetable juices, soups and other liquid foodstuffs. These plants can be combined with short-time heating units SIGMA THERM and SIGMASTAR concentration plants.
For the concentration of cane and beet sugar, liquid sugar (saccharose, fructose, dextrose, starch sugar derivates) as a base material for further utilization in the production of drinks and foodstuffs.
For the reduction of S02 -content of sulphured fruit and grape juices (added for stabilization) to the admissible values by means of a special Schmidt process.
For the removal of air and oxygen from juices and drinks in order to improve their quality and durability, as well as to prevent the formation of foam during filling or foe stopples in the bottles in the case of pulpy juices. These can be combined with heating and short-time heating units and with concentration plants.
for the asepticpasteurization of pre-filtered beerpasteurization of wine and champagne A combination with desulphu-rization plants is possible.Heat recovery with SIGMA-plate heat exchangers up to 96 %.